September - Amalgamated Transit Union -Local 757

September - Amalgamated Transit Union -Local 757

September - Amalgamated Transit Union -Local 757


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ATU LOCAL <strong>757</strong><br />

ATU <strong>Local</strong> <strong>757</strong> Officer Reports<br />

want to emphasize a couple points again. First,<br />

try to remember that the person in the other big<br />

green bus is your brother or sister and that what<br />

may be perceived as a slight or a deliberate maneuver<br />

to get one over on you, positionally or<br />

timing-wise, may be nothing more than a simple<br />

mistake. If, however, it isn’t, and you consider it<br />

to be a selfish act at your expense, the answer for<br />

correcting this problem is not to go directly to a<br />

supervisor to turn that person in.<br />

Once you have crossed that line, everyone<br />

loses. We (the union) can collectively work on<br />

the systemic problems that clearly exist, and we<br />

can also work on our performance, but turning<br />

someone over to a supervisor for nitpicky issues<br />

is not acceptable and goes against our oath as<br />

union members.<br />

So please stop letting the District’s big green<br />

mistake turn us blue. We have an EmX union<br />

steward in place and in addition you are welcome<br />

to talk to me about these small problems<br />

that don’t need to be made into big ones.<br />

C-TRAN/C-VAN<br />

As reported by<br />


In August we had two more full days of negotiations<br />

on the Operators’ contract. If you<br />

want to know more details concerning what<br />

happened, check out your newsletter “In Solidarity.”<br />

The “In Solidarity” is an e-mail newsletter<br />

that comes out monthly. Just so you know, all<br />

the information in your newsletter deals with<br />

you the members here at C-TRAN. If you currently<br />

are not receiving a copy of this newsletter,<br />

just send an e-mail to atunewsletter@gmail.com.<br />

Now, the only way I can think to describe<br />

how your negotiations’ committee feels about<br />

how the current negotiations are going is by providing<br />

this comparison: If management had<br />

their way, C-TRAN would work us just like the<br />

fire fighters were worked in Tacoma in 1917. In<br />

1917, the fire fighters worked 24 hours a day<br />

with just one hour off for each meal. In addition,<br />

they were only granted a day off every<br />

eighth day. As far as weekends goes, these fire<br />

fighters only received two days off after working<br />

six weeks straight. No way in Hell! So after years<br />

of abuse, these fire fighters turned to the AFL-<br />

CIO to be organized and become a union.<br />

Now I have heard from some members that<br />

in today’s climate we don’t really need a union<br />

here at C-TRAN. Of course that’s what C-<br />

TRAN wants you to think, because without a<br />

union here, who would protect you I know for<br />

a fact that without the ATU here a lot of us (including<br />

me) would not be working here today.<br />

Now those of you who may still be here, would<br />

not only be working for a lot less pay and benefits,<br />

but fear, intimidation, and undue pressure<br />

would be the norm here at C-TRAN. Remember:<br />

you are the “<strong>Union</strong>”, get involved!<br />

Now I want to congratulate Scott Miller because<br />

in August, Scott reached a milestone in his<br />

life. Congratulations, Scott on becoming a<br />

Grandfather!<br />

TriMet Powell<br />

Transportation<br />

As reported by<br />


Hello my brothers and sisters. This month at<br />

Powell it's been busy. We had five grievances<br />

filed. Two were for timeloss, one for a fatality<br />

accident, one for cell phone use and one for<br />

mini's doing fulltime work when extraboard<br />

were available. We also got a new garage manager<br />

and things seem to be going okay for now.<br />

We are in a holding pattern with our contract.<br />

Trimet has added additional changes to<br />

their proposal after we already started negotiations<br />

in November 2009.The <strong>Union</strong> has filed a<br />

complaint against TriMet and now we are waiting<br />

for a response from the Employee Relations<br />

Board.<br />

During the heatwave in August I was out and<br />

about with Jeff Hunt and Sergio Garcia making<br />

sure there was water for drivers.<br />

Final note: TriMet changed the line 15 Thurman<br />

Loop because I did a yellow card that stated<br />

it was unsafe and a transit officer said TriMet<br />

would be 100 percent liable and the driver<br />

wouldn't be. Well TriMet wouldn't want that<br />

because they want to hang us as drivers.<br />

Also, I am looking for volunteers to be ready<br />

to help out when needed so if you want to be on<br />

that list, contact me at my new email at<br />

Trimet6213@msn.com or text me at 503 890<br />

4870.Thanks, be safe and take your breaks.<br />

TriMet Merlo<br />

Transportation<br />

As reported by<br />


Hello fellow operators. Summer has been a<br />

busy season so far. There were more than<br />

15 operators who were identified as not calling<br />

out ADA-required stops. In all meetings, the operators<br />

have requested a definitive list of stops<br />

for each route. The District has decided to leave<br />

this responsibility solely up to the operators. The<br />

quality assurance riders do have these lists however,<br />

and they are not supplying copies of their<br />

observations to the drivers. The District is refusing<br />

to supply the same lists to the drivers that<br />

they are supplying to the quality assurance riders.<br />

This is patently unfair to the operators. How can<br />

we be expected to call out all stops if we do not<br />

have a definitive list<br />

Cell phone suspensions are on the rise. The<br />

District is not showing any leniency in this matter.<br />

The grievance process is our only vehicle to<br />

deal with this issue. I can’t stress enough how important<br />

it is for all of us to refrain from using our<br />

cell phones for any reason during our shifts, unless<br />

we are at our layover.<br />

Recently, we had a visit at Merlo from<br />

TriMet’s communications manager to remind<br />

our resident blogger that he is not to wear any<br />

TriMet-designated clothing while he is being<br />

videotaped. He also informed us that an investigation<br />

was conducted and our resident blogger<br />

has been found not guilty of violating any<br />

TriMet policy. If you have a blog, be aware that<br />

it may be being monitored. Also, be very careful<br />

of any comments you make on anyone else’s<br />

blog or facebook page. They are probably being<br />

read as well.<br />

Lastly, I would like to say goodbye to our station<br />

manager at Merlo, who is on his way to<br />

Powell garage. And congratulations to Larry Hoy<br />

and James Wilson on their recent retirements!<br />

Salem Area Mass <strong>Transit</strong><br />

As reported by<br />


This is an open message to Scott Zinc who<br />

retired July 30. You worked 31 years on a<br />

job that is diabolically incompatible with human<br />

metabolism. You tolerated the most egregious<br />

working conditions on the planet.<br />

You created a plan. You worked your plan.<br />

Now, take a good look. There are no cracks in<br />

your building!<br />

So --- Yeah, YOU DESERVE IT! Now, enjoy<br />

your retirement.<br />

First <strong>Transit</strong><br />

TriMet Lift<br />

As reported by<br />


Well, another summer has come and gone<br />

and it is school bus season again. We all<br />

know what that does to our schedules on a daily<br />

basis. So be it for another nine months with Trapeze<br />

not taking into account the additional traffic.<br />

Now for the important stuff. I have had (as of<br />

August 15th) six “fair and impartial” hearings<br />

with management so far with drivers alleged to<br />

have broken the rules (both TriMet’s and First<br />

<strong>Transit</strong>’s) and it appears there will be more before<br />

August is up. This system puts hardship not only<br />

on the drivers (lost wages) but also on First <strong>Transit</strong><br />

to provide the service on the routes affected.<br />

I can not emphasize enough that a “fair and<br />

impartial” hearing is one step from the driver losing<br />

his job and collecting unemployment. So if<br />

you are put on administrative leave and told that<br />

you must make an appointment for a fair and<br />

impartial hearing, do not take it lightly!<br />

In most cases union representation is a must<br />

as we drivers have been known to hang ourselves<br />

in our own meetings! You are entitled to union<br />

representation in all matters concerning employment<br />

or alleged misconduct and as attorneys say,<br />

“a person who is his own attorney has a fool for<br />

a client.” In our business, dealing with duel employer<br />

that goes double. Our CBA gives us rights<br />

in our employment and I urge all drivers to<br />

make full use of them. A word to the wise is all I<br />

can say.<br />

Now, I would like to thank Region One (the<br />

old MV) for including me in their work towards<br />

a new contract. I am humbled that I can help<br />

our brothers and sisters work toward a contract<br />

that they can live with in these troubled times.<br />

Again, remember our contract (CBA) is there<br />

for our protection, use it or in the future we may<br />

lose it. Until next month…<br />

TriMet Powell<br />

Maintenance<br />

As reported by<br />


What a sad state of affairs. After years of<br />

work to bring TriMet to the absolute top<br />

of its game we are now faced with watching this<br />

organization systematically destroy itself. For<br />

years we have been contacted by tourists from<br />

all over the world about how fine our system is<br />

and how clean and safe it is. TriMet’s response<br />

to this is to cut all but one bus cleaner and move<br />

maintenance back to a breakdown maintenance<br />

mode of operation.<br />

While the need for fiscal adjustments is obvious<br />

to all, the destruction of the system to do so<br />

is foolish. With many different areas to adjust,<br />

(ie, defer green line, several maintenance expenses<br />

could be stopped or adjusted and many<br />

other areas), the District has chosen to cut at the<br />

front line the most visable and potentially hazardous<br />

positions. How long do they think it will<br />

take before the fleas and cockroaches take over<br />

and we are awash in human detritus<br />

Twenty-eight years ago when I was hired you<br />

did not tell anyone where you worked. A few<br />

years later that job became a matter of pride for<br />

all front line people. Now we seem to be headed<br />

back to the dark ages. What a sad state of affairs.<br />

First Student<br />

Portland<br />

As reported by<br />


Hello Brothers and Sisters. I hope everyone<br />

had a great summer and enjoyed their time<br />

off and that like me you are looking forward to<br />

being back to work. I'm looking forward to seeing<br />

everyone again.<br />

I would really like to thank everyone that<br />

helped with the negotiations from the beginning<br />

all the way through to the presentation. We entered<br />

into negotiations on August 5th and we<br />

have scheduled two more meetings for October.<br />

Just as a reminder, our current contract remains<br />

in effect until December 31st, 2010. As these<br />

meetings continue to take place we all need to<br />

unite and back our union through this process.<br />

We encourage everyone to stand strong during<br />

these contract negotiations and any member<br />

who has a question or concern about anything,<br />

please find a shop steward or your union rep and<br />

we will be glad to help in any way we can. We<br />

have a union board and the names of the union<br />

reps and officers with photos are posted above<br />

it. We also have a union box. If you would prefer<br />

to write something in private, you can put it<br />

in the box, which is kept locked at all times. Ray<br />

Gibson and I are the only two that have keys to<br />

it. Thanks again for all your help and input.<br />

(Turn to Page 31)<br />


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