Foscari - Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica

Foscari - Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica

Foscari - Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica


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down again by 60%. In a statement released earlier today Devco's CEO, Alfonso Fuego,<br />

said / has said; 'We had / have had a lot of support from QXT shareholders and I assured / have<br />

assured them at the shareholders' meeting last week that Devco will do everything to turn<br />

the situation around within at most six months. QXT union members are not / have not been<br />

so confident. In a meeting last Friday they revealed / have revealed that they are / have been<br />

worried about their jobs since news of a possible takeover has been / was leaked to the press<br />

earlier this year.<br />

C Match the beginnings with the correct en<strong>di</strong>ngs.<br />

1 She's been in Paris far six weeks ...<br />

a she's learning French there.<br />

b she learnt French there.<br />

2 They've gone to NY far a year ...<br />

a they'll be back next Spring.<br />

b they came back last Spring.<br />

3 She was his project leader for six months and he ...<br />

a learnt a lot from her.<br />

b has learnt a lot.<br />

4 I am here for six months ...<br />

a it will be a great experience.<br />

b I have really enjoyed it.<br />

5 I have been responsible for the Asian market ...<br />

a among other markets.<br />

b and then after the African market.<br />

14 Present perfect continuous<br />

have / has + been + past participle<br />

1 We use the present perfect continuous:<br />

a to describe actions and trends that started in the past and continue in the present. We are<br />

interested in the process as well as the result.<br />

How long have you been working here?<br />

I've been writing the report all morning.<br />

b to talk about the effect of recent events.<br />

Why are you covered in ink? I've been repairing the photocopier.<br />

He's been working for fourteen hours non-stop that's why he looks so tired.<br />

c in emails and on the telephone to outline problems or to introduce a topic.<br />

I gather you have been experiencing problems in ordering our products.<br />

I've been talking to Jim about the fault in your computer but I can't find your emaiI<br />

describing…. ...<br />

2 The present perfect continuous is not used:<br />

a for completed actions - compare:<br />

Interest rates have reached 8%. (a completed action)<br />


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