Foscari - Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica

Foscari - Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica

Foscari - Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica


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c actions that began in the past and continue into the present.<br />

I have worked here for six months.<br />

We've made a lot of progress in this project so far.<br />

d to announce news.<br />

My email address has changed.<br />

We have redesigned our website.<br />

e in emails and on the phone to in<strong>di</strong>cate what actions have been taken.<br />

I have spoken to Invoice Processing and they have forwarded your request to the manager.<br />

2 For and since are often used with the present perfect. When talking about an action's duration<br />

we use for if we talk about the period of time, and since if we say when the action began.<br />

e.g. for six years, for a long time, for more than an hour.<br />

since 2001, since January, since he joined the company.<br />

Other time expressions typically associated with the present perfect are:<br />

ever, never; just, already, yet; in the last few days / months etc., all day, all week, all my life<br />

etc., how long, once, twice, several times, etc.<br />

Many of the above expressions can also be used with the past simple, if they refer to a<br />

completed period of time:<br />

We’ve made a lot of money this first quarter. (Said in March - the first quarter of the year hasn't<br />

finished.)<br />

We made a lot of money this first quarter. (Said in April or later - the first quarter is complete.)<br />

3 The present perfect is used to talk about past events when no specific time is given.<br />

However, if we go on to give more specific information about the subject and start talking about<br />

a specific date, we have to use the past simple.<br />

I've bought a lot of stuff from Amazon. (not very specific information)<br />

What exactly <strong>di</strong>d you buy? How long <strong>di</strong>d it take to receive your orders? (specifying)<br />

A Complete the expressions with for or since, as appropriate.<br />

1 ________ the company was founded<br />

2 ________ more than a year;<br />

3 ________ the introduction of the euro<br />

4 ________ the last six weeks<br />

5 ________ she got her degree<br />

6 ________ I've known you<br />

B Put the verbs in italics in the news report into the present simple, present perfect, or past<br />

simple.<br />

Devco announced / have announced that they are going to buy their competitors QXT. QXT<br />

is / has been in serious financial problems for over a year - last quarter's profits / have been<br />


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