Јанковић Слободан - Medicinski fakultet Kragujevac - Univerzitet u ...

Јанковић Слободан - Medicinski fakultet Kragujevac - Univerzitet u ...

Јанковић Слободан - Medicinski fakultet Kragujevac - Univerzitet u ...


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Personal data:<br />

Name:<br />

Born:<br />

Position:<br />

Jankovic M. Slobodan<br />

04. 10. 1961., <strong>Kragujevac</strong><br />

Full Professor of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacy,<br />

Head of Clinical Pharmacology Department, Clinical Center <strong>Kragujevac</strong><br />

Address:<br />

Faculty of Medical Sciences, Svetozara Markovica Street, 69, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>,<br />

34000 or<br />

Clinical Center "<strong>Kragujevac</strong>" Zmaj Jovina Street 30,<br />

34000 <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, Serbia<br />

Phone: +381 34 306800; +381 34 505287<br />

Fax: +381 34 306800 ext 117<br />

e_mail:<br />

slobodan.jankovic@medf.kg.ac.rs<br />

Education Background<br />

(Degree/Year, Institution, Field)<br />

M.D:<br />

M.Sc:<br />

PhD :<br />

Specialty:<br />

Specialty:<br />

Primarius:<br />

Postgraduate training:<br />

Other study course:<br />

1986, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, YU, Medicine<br />

1990, Center for multidisciplinary studies, University of Belgrade, YU,<br />

Neuropharmacology<br />

1993, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, YU, Pharmacology<br />

1992, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, YU, General surgery<br />

1996, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, YU, Clinical Pharmacology<br />

2010, Ministry of Health, Serbia<br />

Independent study course(8 credits earned) - 1996, Dept. of Medicine &<br />

Therapeutics, University of Aberdeen, UK, Drug development to EBM,<br />

Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacovigilance<br />

Uppsala Monitoring Centre,World Health Organization – 2003, Study course<br />

in Belgrade completed, Pharmacovigilance<br />

European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics<br />

(EACPT), Summer school completed – 2003, Clinical Pharmacology<br />

“Consolidating Knowledge on Project Evaluation. EU approach<br />

(Introductory & Advanced Modules), 2004. European Training Foundation.<br />

Hospital Management Training Course – 5 weeks, Japanese International<br />

Cooperation Agency, Hospital “St.Mary”, Kurume, Japan, 2008.<br />

Academic Employment<br />

(Duration/Position, Employer)<br />

Duration<br />

• 1987-1990,<br />

• 1990-1994,<br />

• 1992-1995,<br />

• 1994-1996,<br />

Position, Employer<br />

Assistant-probationary, Medical Faculty, University of <strong>Kragujevac</strong>,<br />

Yugoslavia<br />

Assistant, Medical Faculty, University of <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, Yugoslavia<br />

General surgeon, Clinical Hospital Center, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, Yugoslavia<br />

Docent, Medical Faculty, University of <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, Yugoslavia

• 1995-2006<br />

• 2006-<br />

• 1996-2000,<br />

• 1998-2004<br />

• 2000-<br />

• 2001-2002,<br />

• 2002-2007<br />

Director of Center for Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, Medical<br />

Faculty, Clinical Center, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, Serbia<br />

Head of Clinical Pharmacology Department, Clinical Center <strong>Kragujevac</strong><br />

Associated Professor, Medical Faculty, University of <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, Serbia<br />

Director of Regional Pharmacovigilance Center, Federal Secretary for<br />

Health, FR Yugoslavia<br />

Full Professor, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of <strong>Kragujevac</strong>,<br />

Serbia<br />

The Dean, Medical Faculty, University of <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, Yugoslavia<br />

The Adviser of Minister of Health, Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Health,<br />

Republic of Serbia<br />

Non-Academic Appointments<br />

(Duration/Position, Employer)<br />

Duration<br />

From<br />

To<br />

Name of university , city/country<br />

Post held<br />

2003 2005 Crown Agents Consultant<br />

2004 2008 CRO ACORD, YU Consultant<br />

Associations<br />

Greek Pharmacological Society<br />

Yugoslav Society for Biophysics<br />

Medical Society for Rational Therapy of Republic of Serbia (MEDRAT)<br />

Serbian Medical Association<br />

Awards<br />

The best-graduated student of high school in <strong>Kragujevac</strong> for 1979/80 year.<br />

The best-graduated student of University in <strong>Kragujevac</strong> for 1985/86 year.<br />

Annual award for best specialist work in 1997, ICN Pharmaceuticals (Yugoslav branch)<br />

Annual award of City of <strong>Kragujevac</strong> for Medicine, 2006<br />

Annual award „Prof. Dr Vojislav Stojanovic“ of Serbian association of University Professors for education,<br />

2005<br />

Annual award of City of <strong>Kragujevac</strong> for Education, 2009<br />

Annual award of City of <strong>Kragujevac</strong> for Medicine, 2012<br />

Scholarships<br />


• 1994 Soros scholarship - for research fellowship in Dept. of Pharmacology, Aristotle University of<br />

Thessaloniki, Greece (for 3 months)<br />

• 1999 Chevening scholarship of British Foreign Office - for independent study course in<br />

pharmacology, Dept. of Medicine & Therapeutics, University of Aberdeen, UK<br />

• 2003 Tempus individual mobility grant –- for study of Udine Medical Faculty organization, Italy<br />

•2008 Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) scholarship for Hospital Management<br />

Course, Japan<br />

Teaching experience & working as a mentor<br />

Year<br />

• 1996-2000<br />

• 2000-<br />

• 1996 -<br />

Associated Professor, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, Serbia<br />

Full Professor, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, Serbia<br />

Mentor for 26 PhD thesis and 18 Master Thesis<br />

Year Master’s thesis PhD thesis<br />

07.11.1996.<br />

Фармаколошка анализа холинергичке<br />

мотилитета фундуса желуца пацова<br />

25.12.1996.<br />

Индивидуализација дозирања<br />

антиаритмика<br />

27.11.2000.<br />

Профилактичка примена цефалоспорина<br />

треће генерације у артопластичним<br />

процедурама код прелома врата бутне<br />

кости<br />

22.11.2001.<br />

Анализа индикатора употребе лекова у<br />

примарној здравственој заштити у<br />

Јагодини<br />

05.11.2003.<br />

Ефикасност и нежељена дејства<br />

karvedilola, propranolola, metoprolola и<br />

bisoprolola у лечењу хроничне срчане<br />

слабости узроковане исхемијском<br />

миопатијом<br />

19.11.2003.<br />

Употреба флумазенила код поремећаја<br />

свести изазваних акутним тровањем<br />

бензодиазепинима<br />

19.11.2003.<br />

Карактеристике процеса одлучивања при<br />

прописивању лекова<br />

28.03.2006. Лечење бола код акутног абдомена<br />

28.03.2006.<br />

Фармаколошка анализа контрактилног<br />

дејства бензилпеницилина на фундус<br />

желуца пацова<br />

04.04.2006. Антибиотици и бубрежна функција<br />

13.11.2006.<br />

Модел за одређивање клиренса<br />

карбамазепина и валпроата код пацијената<br />

на моно и политерапији<br />

26.06.2007.<br />

Употреба алтернативних и<br />

традиционалних облика лечења на<br />

територији града Крагујевца<br />

30.06.2009.<br />

Анализа рационалности прописивања<br />

лекова у систему државне здравствене<br />

заштите у рашком округу

30.03.2010.<br />

12.07. 2010.<br />

27.08. 2010.<br />

23.01.2013.<br />

19.11.2013.<br />

15.07.1997.<br />

31.05.2001.<br />

13.03.2003.<br />

07.03.2008.<br />

14.07.2008.<br />

07.05.2009.<br />

09.06.2009.<br />

25.12.2009.<br />

01.04.2010.<br />

01.10. 2010.<br />

31.08.2011.<br />

13.12.2011.<br />

19.12.2011.<br />

26.12.2011.<br />

Самоиницијативна примена лекова код<br />

војника на редовном одслужењу војног<br />

рока<br />

Утицај антидепресива на пражњење жучне<br />

кесе<br />

Студија трошкова збрињавања пацијената<br />

у служби хитне медицинске помоћи<br />

Ставови фармацеута у примарној<br />

здравственој заштити према ревизији<br />

терапије коју прописују лекари опште<br />

праксе<br />

Навике у исхрани и индекси гојазности<br />

код студената Универзитета у Крагујевцу<br />

Фармаколошка анализа ефеката хистамина<br />

на хуману тубу утерину<br />

Дејства ексцитаторних аминокиселина на<br />

глатке мишиће дигестивног тракта<br />

Утицај антиепилептика на хемостазни<br />

систем и крвну слику код деце<br />

Популациона фармакокинетика<br />

антиепилептика код пацијената оболелих<br />

од епилепсије – утицај на контролу напада,<br />

нежељена дејства и квалитет живота<br />

постигнут терапијом<br />

Фармакогенетика ензима CYP1А2 и<br />

CYP2А6 у српској популацији<br />

Однос трошкова и квалитета живота<br />

пацијената на дијализи и после<br />

трансплантације бубрега у условима<br />

социо-економске транзиције<br />

Формулација и испитивање препарата са<br />

уљем Нippophae rhamnoides l.<br />

(elaeagnaceae) за примену на кожу<br />

Поређење ефеката метилдопе, нифедипина<br />

и нитроглицерина на утероплацентарну и<br />

феталну хемодинамику код хипертензија<br />

индукованих трудноћом<br />

Популациона фармакокинетика<br />

антиепилептика у различитим старосним<br />

групама<br />

Анализа утицаја фармаколошког профила<br />

пацијента на ефекте и трошкове лечења<br />

Упоређење односа трошкова и ефеката<br />

тоцилизумаба и стандардне терапије<br />

реуматоидног артритиса у Србији помоћу<br />

Марковљевог модела<br />

Испитивање биолошке активности<br />

препарата пелоида са локалитета улцињске<br />

обале Јадранског мора<br />

Ефекти микроталасног зрачења мобилних<br />

телефона на раст грам-негативних<br />

бактерија in vitro<br />

Утицај комбинације фактора ризика и<br />

повишене срчане фреквенције на<br />

морталитет болесника са акутним

04.04.2012.<br />

06.07.2012.<br />

14.09.2012.<br />

17.10.2012.<br />

17.12.2012.<br />

21.01.2013.<br />

12.03.2013.<br />

17.05.2013.<br />

28.08.2013.<br />

28.08.2013.<br />

31.10.2013.<br />

26.12.2013.<br />

инфарктом миокарда предњег зида<br />

Нежељена дејства инхибитора тирозин<br />

киназе код пацијената са метастатским<br />

карциномом бубрега<br />

Анализа фактора који доприносе настанку<br />

компликација у акутним тровањима<br />

бензодиазепинима<br />

Едукација специјалиста опште хирургије<br />

као мера унапређења прописивања<br />

антибиотика<br />

Анализа фактора ризика за настанак<br />

аритмија током опште анестезије<br />

Анализа хемијског састава и биолошке<br />

активности шарпланинског чаја, Sideritis<br />

scardica griseb., lamiaceae<br />

Утицај врсте дијализатора на квалитет<br />

живота, клиничку слику и лабораторијске<br />

анализе пацијената на хемодијализи<br />

Упоређење односа трошкова и<br />

ефикасности фидаксомицина и<br />

ванкомицина у лечењу колитиса изазваног<br />

са clostridium difficile помоћу Марковљевог<br />

модела<br />

Анализа фактора који утичу на<br />

функционални опоравак пацијената са<br />

повредом кичмене мождине<br />

Ефекти једињења паладијума на<br />

контрактилност, коронарни проток и<br />

вијабилност изолованог срца 24 пацова<br />

Анализа фактора ризика за настанак<br />

метаболичког синдрома код деце и<br />

адолесцената<br />

Ефекти медикаментозне терапије на<br />

трошкове и квалитет живота код<br />

пацијената са псориазом вулгарис<br />

Анализа антимикробне активности<br />

екстракта белог лука (Аllium sativum l.)<br />

Scientific projects/Clinical trials<br />

(title/financed by)<br />

From To Title of program Program director<br />

1997 2011 Experience with multicenter clinical trials: 14 years,<br />

as consultant and site manager<br />

2002 2005 Investigation of effects of neurohypophyseal<br />

hormones and excitatory aminoacids on isolated<br />

smooth muscles of the gut and female Fallopian<br />

tubes, Project No 1214 Financed by Ministry of<br />

science, Republic of Serbia, 2002-2004<br />

2002 2005 Rationalization of drug utilization in Serbian<br />

hospitals Supported by Ministry of Health, Republic<br />

Slobodan Jankovic<br />

Slobodan Jankovic<br />

Slobodan Jankovic

of Serbia, 2002 -2005<br />

2006 2010 Pharmacological analysis of effects of biologically<br />

active substances on isolated smooth muscles of<br />

gastrointestinal and urogenital tract, Project No<br />

145005Б : Financed by Ministry of science,<br />

Republic of Serbia,<br />

2011 Pharmacological analysis of effects of biologically<br />

active substances on isolated smooth muscles of<br />

human gastrointestinal and urogenital tract, Project<br />

No 175007 : Financed by Ministry of science,<br />

Republic of Serbia,<br />

2010 2012 SEERAPLUS-088/01 „Indigenous traditional plants<br />

for preparing added value new products with<br />

different applications“, funded by The German<br />

Aerospace Center (DLR), Bonn, Germany<br />

2012 „Klinički, ekonomski i humanistički efekti pružanja<br />

farmaceutske zdravstvene zaštite hroničnim<br />

pacijentima u specijalnoj bolnici za psihijatrijske<br />

boolesti u Dobroti“, br. ugovora 01-379 od<br />

7.6.2012., finansirano od Ministarstva nauke Crne<br />

Gore<br />

Slobodan Jankovic<br />

Slobodan Jankovic<br />

Slobodan Jnkovic – site<br />

coordinator<br />

Slobodan Janković<br />

Journals<br />

From To Title of Journal Post held<br />

2008 2012<br />

Serbian Journal of Clinical and Experimental<br />

Research<br />

Chief Editor<br />

2009 ongoing Rational Therapy Chief Editor<br />

2000 2008 MEDICUS<br />

Member of Editorial<br />

board<br />

2013 ongoing<br />

Serbian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Member of Editorial<br />

Research<br />

board<br />

1996 1996 Gastroenterohepatol Arch<br />

Member of Editorial<br />

board<br />

Interests, hobbies, family<br />

Marital status: Married, daughter and a son<br />

Languages<br />

(Language/Fluent or Good or Elementary)<br />

English<br />

Deutsch<br />

French<br />

Fluent<br />

Elementary<br />


Serbian<br />


The list of published papers<br />

The published papers in extenso in international journals<br />

1. Interactions between angiotensin II, captopril and enalapril on the guinea-pig isolated<br />

gallbladder. S. Janković and D.B. Beleslin, Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta, 1989,<br />

25, Suppl. 7, 53-54.<br />

2. Interaction of histamine and pyrilamine on human diseased gallbladder in vitro. S.<br />

Janković and D.B. Beleslin, Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta, 1989, 25(3), 275-277.<br />

3. Effects of nicardipine, nifedipine and verapamil on acetylcholine-induced contractions<br />

of diseased human gallbladder: antiacetylcholine action of dihydropyridine calcium<br />

antagonists. S. Janković and D.B. Beleslin. Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta, 1989,<br />

25(3), 279-283.<br />

4. Effects of cholecystokinin octapeptide, oxytocin, 8-l-lysine-vasopressin and<br />

thymopentin on human diseased gallbladder in vitro. S. Janković, G. Savović and D.B.<br />

Beleslin, Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta, 1989, 25(3), 285-288.<br />

5. Inhibitory effects of verapamil, nifedipine and nicardipine on histamine-induced<br />

contractions of diseased gallbladder: antihistamine action of calcium antagonists. S.<br />

Janković and D.B. Beleslin, Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta, 1990, 26(1), 95-99.<br />

6. In vitro effects of angiotensin II on the human diseased and the guinea-pig gallbladder.<br />

S. Janković, R. Samardžić and D.B. Beleslin, Acta Physiologica Hungarica, 1990, 75<br />

Suppl., 153-154.<br />

7. Relaxant effects of oxytocin and 8-L-lysine vasopressin on guinea-pig and human<br />

gallbaladder strips in vitro contracted by histamine. S. Janković and D. Beleslin,<br />

Digestion, , 1991, 48: 18-24.<br />

8. Effects of bile salts, nicotine, morphine and norepinephrine on smooth muscle of<br />

isolated human and guinea-pig gallbladder. S.M. Janković, D.B. Beleslin, S. Janković<br />

and B. Nedeljković, Gastroenterohepatol. Arch., 1991, 10(2), 88-89.<br />

9. Effects of gallamine on contractions of longitudinal and circular smooth muscle from<br />

gastric corpus in men caused by cholinergic agonists. S.M. Janković, D.B. Beleslin, G.<br />

Savović and B. Nedeljković, Gastroenterohepatol. Arch. ,1991, 10(4), 199-200.<br />

10. Effects of the somatostatin analogue sandostatin (sms 201-995) on human diseased<br />

gallbladder. S.M. Janković, D.B. Beleslin and S.V. Janković, Iugoslav. Physiol.<br />

Pharmacol. Acta, 28 Suppl.:9, 1992, 63-66.<br />

11. Gut peptides and motility. S.M. Janković and D.B. Beleslin, Gastroenterohepatol.<br />

Arch., 1992, 11(1-2), 46-54.<br />

12. Quantitative characteristics of acetylcholine-induced contractions of gastric smooth<br />

muscle strips isolated from patients with gastric carcinoma, gastric and duodenal<br />

ulcer. S.M. Janković, R. Samardžić, D.B. Beleslin, S. Nikolić, M. Inić, M. Prekajski,<br />

Z. Matović and D. Đoković, Gastroenterohepatol. Arch., 1992, 11(3), 93-95.<br />

13. Peptide-induced emesis in cats. R. Samardžić, D. Jovanović-Mićić, N. Japundžić, S.<br />

Janković and D.B. Beleslin, In: Mechanisms and Control of Emesis, edited by A.L.

Bianchi, L. GrOlot, A.D. Miller and G.L. King, Colloque INSERM/John Libbey<br />

Eurotext Ltd., 1992, 223, 355-356.<br />

14. Muscarinic m3 receptors in the human gastric smooth muscle. S.M. Janković, R.<br />

Samardžić, D.B. Beleslin, G. Savović, M. Inić and M. Prekajski, Gastroenterohepatol.<br />

Arch., 1993, 12(1-2), 33-35.<br />

15. Prophylactic use of antibiotics in abdominal surgery. Slobodan M. Janković,<br />

Gastroenterohepatol. Arch., 1994, 13(3-4), 106-108.<br />

16. Spontaneous elimination of intraperitoneal foreign body. a case report. Slobodan M.<br />

Janković, Vasilije Antić, Milan Milojević, Ljiljana Bojović and Saša Vukosavljević,<br />

Gastroenterohepatol. Arch., 1994, 13(3-4), 98-99.<br />

17. Emptying of the feline gallbladder after intravenous injection of histamine: an<br />

ultrasonographic study. Slobodan Janković, Ranka Samardžić, Dragan Čeliković,<br />

Dušan B. Beleslin and Dragan Milovanović, Gastroenterohepatol. Arch., 1995, 14(1-<br />

2), 20-22.<br />

18. Muscarinic receptor subtypes in circular muscle layer from the body of feline<br />

stomach. Slobodan M. Janković and Dušan B. Beleslin, Epitheorese Klinikes<br />

Farmakologias Kai Farmakokinetikes, International Edition, 1994, 8, 53-61.<br />

19. Muscarinic receptor subtypes. S.M. Janković, D. Kouvelas, A. Argiriou, V. Mirtsou-<br />

Fidani, T. Pavlidis, Ch. Papanikolau, P. Papaioannidou and A. G. Paradelis,<br />

Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias Kai Farmakokinetikes, International Edition,<br />

1994, 8, 118-126.<br />

20. Different effects of nicotine, dimethylphenylpipe-razinium and tetramethylammonium<br />

on smooth muscle preparations from the body of human and feline stomach. Slobodan<br />

M. Janković, Dušan B. Beleslin, Dragan Milovanović, Miroslav Mitrović, Ljiljana D.<br />

Bojović and Danica Jovanović-Mićić, Gastroenterohepatol. Arch., 1994, 13(1-2), 44-<br />

46.<br />

21. Empiria mas epi 1186 holokistektomon. Pavlidis T, Papanikolau H, Isakidi P,<br />

Teodoridis T, Papaioanis S, Spatopulus I, Kouvelas D,S. Janković, GALINOS, 1994,<br />

36(40), 385-390<br />

22. Eklektiki i sistimatiki efarmogi tis dieghiritikis holagiografias. Pavlidis T, Papanikolau<br />

H, Papaioanis S, Teodoridis T, Mihalidis G, Kouvelas D,S. Janković, GALINOS,<br />

36(50), 478-482<br />

23. Comparative effects of oxytocin and 8-l-lysine-vasopressin on the isolated gastric wall<br />

strips of man, cat, rabbit and rat. Gordana Mirčić, Nada Djokanović, Ranka<br />

Samardžić, Dušan Beleslin and Slobodan M. Janković. Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol.<br />

Acta, 1995, 31(1), 215-220.<br />

24. Direct toxicity of penicillins. S.M. Janković, D. Kouvelas, V. Mirtsou-Fidani, A.<br />

Argyriou and A.G. Paradelis. Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai<br />

Farmakokinetikes, International Edition, 1995, 9, 21-24.<br />

25. Neurohumoralna regulacija motiliteta jajovoda. Janković M. Slobodan i Protić A.<br />

Branko. Med. Pregl., 1995, 48(11-12), 395-398.<br />

26. Surgical management of the hydatid disease of the liver. Theodoros E. Pavlidis, Ippocaratis<br />

Spathopoulos, Slobodan M. Janković and Dimitrios A. Kouvelas. Gastroenterohepatol.<br />

Arch.,1996, 15(1), 13-15.

27. Diagnostic value of tumour markers ca 19-9 and cea in pancreatic, ampullary and<br />

extrahepatic biliary tract carcinomas. Theodoros E. Pavlidis, Christos A. Papanicolau,<br />

Dimitrios A. Kouvelas, Dimitrios A. Alexiades and Slobodan M. Janković.<br />

Gastroenterohepatol. Arch., 1996, 15(1), 5-8.<br />

28. Analysis of response development in time: an isolated organ study. Slobodan M.<br />

Janković, Dušan B. Beleslin, Dimitrios Kouvelas, Athanasios G. Paradelis. Acta<br />

Physiol. Pharmacol. Bulg. 1996; 22(2): 33-37.<br />

29. Muscarinic receptor subtypes in smooth muscle from the body of human stomach.<br />

Slobodan M. Janković, Dušan Beleslin, Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of<br />

Iran (MJIRI), 1996., 10 (2), 137-43.<br />

30. Effects of thymic hormones on isolated smooth muscles of human fallopian tubes and<br />

rat gastric fundus. Slobodan M. Janković, Dragan R. Milovanović, Dušan B. Beleslin,<br />

Snežana V. Janković, Branko A. Protić, Mirjana Varjačić, Slobodan Arsenijević,<br />

Aleksandar Živanović. International Journal of Thymology, 1996., 4 (7), 369-75.<br />

31. Effects of cisapride on human gallbladder: an ultrasonographic study. Slobodan M.<br />

Janković, Vesna Joković, Gordana Mirčić, Dragan Milovanović, Danica Mićić-<br />

Jovanović, Beleslin Dušan, Kouvelas Dimitrios, Paradelis AG. Hellenic Journal of<br />

Gastroenterology, 1996, 9(1), 35-7.<br />

32. Podtipovi dopaminskih receptora. Slobodan M. Janković, Dragan Milovanović,<br />

Miroslav Mitrović, Slavica Đukić-Dejanović. Med Pregl 1996; 49 (7-8): 281-5.<br />

33. Relaxant effects of oxytocin and 8-l-lysine vasopressin on isolated human fallopian<br />

tubes. Slobodan M. Janković, Branko A. Protić, Snežana V. Janković, Dušan B.<br />

Beleslin, Vassiliki Mirtsou-Fidani, Athanasios G. Paradelis. Epitheorese Klinikes<br />

Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes, International Edition 1996; 10: 33-37.<br />

34. Spasmogenic action of beta-lactam antibiotics on the gastrointestinal tract of<br />

experimental animals. Slobodan M. Janković, Dimitrios Kouvelas, Miroslav Mitrović.<br />

Indian J Med Res 1996; 104: 216-22.<br />

35. Multicenter trials in Serbia (letter). Slobodan M. Janković. Applied Clinical Trials<br />

1997; 6(2): 8.<br />

36. Informing subjects of adverse effects (letter). Slobodan M. Janković. Applied Clinical<br />

Trials 1997; 6 (3): 58.<br />

37. Treatment of hypertensive crisis in outpatients with drug combinations: case report.<br />

Slobodan M. Janković, Aleksandar Kličković, Jovica Uštević, Dimitrios Kouvelas,<br />

Vassiliki Mirtsou-Fidani. Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes,<br />

International Edition 1996; 10: 127-30.<br />

38. Effects of fentanyl and its analogs on electric field-stimulated contractions of rat<br />

ileum. Slobodan M. Janković, Dušan B. Beleslin, Milan D. Ivanović, Dimitrios<br />

Kouvelas, Anastasia Argyriou, Srećko Đorđević, Vassiliku Mirtsou-Fidani. Arch<br />

Gastroenterohepatol 1997; 16(2): 29-32.<br />

39. Diverse effects of tetramethylammonium on smooth muscle layers from the body of<br />

human stomach. Slobodan M. Janković, Dušan B. Beleslin, Dragan Milovanović,<br />

Miroslav Mitrović, Danica Jovanović-Mićić. Arch Gastroenterohepatol 1997; 16(3):<br />

80-3.<br />

40. Pharmacologic characterization of muscarinic receptor subtypes in rat gastric fundus<br />

mediating contractile responses. Dragan R. Milovanović, Slobodan M. Janković.

Indian J Med Res 1997; 105: 239-45.<br />

41. Ethics committees (letter). Slobodan M. Janković, Applied Clinical Trials 1997; 6(10):<br />

10.<br />

42. Pharmacokinetics of antipsychotics. Dejana T. Ružić, Vassiliki Mirtsou-Fidani,<br />

Slobodan M. Janković. Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes,<br />

International Edition 1998; 12: 9-14.<br />

43. Different roles of histamine receptor subtypes in ampullar & isthmic segments of<br />

human fallopian tube. Slobodan M. Janković, Mirjana Varjačić, Snežana V. Janković.<br />

Indian J Med Res 1998; 107: 224-230.<br />

44. Monitoring of serum concentrations of antibiotics by microbiological method: a one<br />

year experience. Slobodan M. Janković, Violeta Ninković. Med Pregl 1998; 51: 333-<br />

42.<br />

45. Mathematical analysis of reactive hyperaemia in the isolated rat heart with & without<br />

electrical pacing. Rosić A. Mirko, Lučić P. Aleksandra, Pantović B. Suzana, Janković<br />

Slobodan, Rosić Gvozden, Mitrović Dušan, Anđelković Ivan. Indian J Med Res 1998;<br />

107: 274-80.<br />

46. Increased type IV collagen-degrading activity in metastases originating from primary<br />

tumors of the human colon. George Karakiulakis, Christos Papanikolaou, Slobodan M.<br />

Janković, Alexios Aletras, Eleni Papakonstantinou, Eleni Vretou, Vasiliki Mirtsou-<br />

Fidani. Invasion Metastasis 1997; 17: 158-68.<br />

47. Methotrexat in the therapy of uterus leiomyomas. Aleksandar Živanović, Slobodan<br />

Arsenijević, Slobodan Janković, Milan Jevremović. Archive of Oncology 1998; 6(3):<br />

95-7.<br />

48. Differences in the effects of vasopressin and oxytocin on feline gastric corpus<br />

motility: selective action of vasopressin on longitudinal muscle. Gordana Mirčić,<br />

Slobodan Janković, Dušan Beleslin. Pharmacological Research 1998; 37(5): 383-94.<br />

49. The control of hair growth. Slobodan M. Jankovic, Snezana V. Jankovic. Dermatology<br />

Online Journal 1998; 4(1): Document No 2.<br />

50. Sensitization of rat gastrointestinal tract to acetylcholine and histamine produced by x-<br />

radiation. Janković SM, Matović M, Milovanović D, Igrutinović I. Acta Physiologica<br />

Hungarica 1997/98; 85 (3): 215-30.<br />

51. Time course of isolated rat fundus response to muscarinic agonists: a measure of<br />

intrinsic efficacy. Janković SM, Kouvelas D, Mirtsou-Fidani V. Physiol Res 1998; 47:<br />

463-70.<br />

52. Schild's equation and the best estimate of pa2 value and dissociation constant of an<br />

antagonist. Janković SM, Milovanović DR, Janković SV. Croatian Med J 1999; 40<br />

(1): 67-70.<br />

53. The effects of excitatory amino acids on isolated gut segments of the rat. Janković<br />

SM, Milovanović DR, Matović M, Irić-Ćupić V. Pharmacol Res 1999; 39 (2): 143-8.<br />

54. An analysis of drug use indicators in primary care health facilities operating in the city<br />

of kragujevac. Janković SM, Vasić LjM, Maksimović MR, Ćupurdija VB, Kostic IR,<br />

Kovacevic ZN. General Practice 1999; 1-14.<br />


55. Comparison of two approaches to amitriptyline dose individualisation. Janković SM,<br />

Timotijević I, Mihajlović GS, Đukić Dejanović S. Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet<br />

1999; 24(2): 163-8.<br />

56. Dexfenfluramine and fenfluramine adverse effects on heart valves. Janković SM,<br />

Mirtsou-Fidani V, Kouvelas D. Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai<br />

Farmakokinetikes, International Edition 2000; 14: 28-31.<br />

57. A study of the effect of benzylpenicillin on isolated human gallbladder. Janković SM,<br />

Papaioannidou PP, Kouvelas D, Mirtsou-Fidani V. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol<br />

1999; 21(4): 265-7.<br />

58. Neurohumoral regulation of gallbladder motility. Janković SM, Milovanović DR,<br />

Ružić DR. Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes, International<br />

Edition 2000; 14: 79-89.<br />

59. Effects of nicotine, dimethylphenylpiperazinium and tetramethylammonium on<br />

smooth muscles from feline and human gastric corpus. Janković SM, Beleslin DB.<br />

Pharmacol Res 2000; 41: 577-83.<br />

60. Sub-investigators and patient protection (letter). Janković SM. The EFGCP News<br />

2000; Autumn: 10.<br />

61. Service quality in public and private pharmacies in the city of kragujevac, fr<br />

yugoslavia. Janković SM, Maksimović MR, Vušanović A, Kostić IR, Kovačević ZN,<br />

Mitrić M. Croat Med J 2001; 42: 88-91.<br />

62. Drug utilization trends in clinical hospital center "kragujevac" from 1997 to 1999.<br />

Janković SM, Đukić Dejanović S. Indian J Pharmacol 2001; 33: 29-36.<br />

63. Relaxant effect of oxytocin on isolated human oviduct. Janković SM, Varjačić M,<br />

Protić B. Croat Med J 2001; 42(5): 511-516.<br />

64. 64. Paying tuition and academic performance of students at <strong>Kragujevac</strong> University<br />

School of Medicine. Janković SMa, Tufegdž´ić BI, Vukoviać MV, Foliać M. Croat<br />

Med J 2002; 43(1): 63-66.<br />

65. Service quality in pharmacies of Northern Greece. Jankovic SM, Karakousi H,<br />

Kouvelas D. Internet Journal of Public Health Education 2002; 4: B 17-22.<br />

66. Significant variations of responsiveness of rat gut smooth muscles to glutamate.<br />

Milovanović DR, Matović M, Miličić B, Janković SM. Pol J Pharmacol 2002; 54:<br />

507-11.<br />

67. Drug utilisation in a Serbian long-stay psychogeriartic facility (Case Report/Letter).<br />

Australas J Ageing 2002; 21(3): 158.<br />

68. A concise review of glutamatergic neurotransmission. Milovanović DR, Dejanović<br />

Djukić S, Mihajlović G, Janković SM. Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai<br />

Farmakokinetikes, International Edition, 2002; 15: 125-136.<br />

69. Milovanovic DR, Jankovic SM. A pharmacological analysis of the contractile effect of<br />

glutamate on rat and human isolated gut smooth muscle strips. Methods Find Exp Clin<br />

Pharmacol 2002; 24: 661-668.<br />

70. Jankovic SM. Patient ADR reporting (letter). Uppsala Reports 2003; 22: 13.<br />

71 Jankovic SM. Stimulating spontaneous reporting of adverse drug reactions by a patient<br />

directed initiative (letter). Drug Saf 2003; 26: 741-2.

72. Jankovic SM, Protic B, Jankovic SV. Contractile effect of acetylcholine on isolated<br />

ampullar segment of fallopian tubes. Pharmacol Res 2004; 49: 31-5.<br />

73. Mihajlovic GS, Milovanovic DR, Jankovic SM. Comparison of efficacy and safety<br />

between individualized and empiric dose regimen of amitriptyline in the treatment of<br />

major depressive episode. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2003; 57(6): 580-5.<br />

74. Milovanovic DR, Pavlovic R, Folic M, Jankovic SM.Public drug procurement: the<br />

lessons from a drug tender in a teaching hospital of a transition country. Eur J Clin<br />

Pharmacol. 2004 Apr 1; Epub ahead of print.<br />

75. Jankovic SM, Protic BA, Jankovic SV. Contractile effect of acetylcholine on isolated<br />

isthmic segment of fallopian tubes. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 2004; 26(2):<br />

87-91.<br />

76. Jankovic SM, Milovanovic DR, Nedovic D, Petrovic S. Semi-intensive versus<br />

intensive monitoring of adverse drug reactions in a hospital. Drug Saf. 2004; 27(9):<br />

687-8.<br />

77. Jankovic SM. The clinical pharmacology departments should develop their services<br />

according to the local health care needs. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2004; 60(5): 381-2.<br />

78. 78. Janković SM, Janković SV, Milovanovic DR. Effect of the exogenous glutamate<br />

and the NMDA on electric field-stimulated contractions of isolated rat ileum.<br />

Pharmacological Research 2004; 50: 529–532.<br />

79. Burazeri G, Civljak M, Ilakovac V, Jankovic S, Majica-Kovacevic T, Nedera O, Roshi<br />

E, Sava V, Simunovic V, Marusic A, Marusic M. Survey of attitudes and knowledge<br />

about science in medical students in southeast Europe. BMJ 2005; 331; 195-196.<br />

80. Janković SM, Milivojević N. National-Level Purchasing of Expensive Drugs is<br />

Increasing Pressure on the Hospital Drug Budget. Pharmacoeconomics 2006: 24(8):<br />

831-2.<br />

81. Janković SM, Janković SV, Kostić J, Kostić I, Jakovljević M. Inhibitory effects of<br />

selected antiepileptics on spontaneous motility of isolated human oviduct. Eur J Clin<br />

Pharmacol 2006; 62: 707-712.<br />

82. Matijević MS, Tadić DP, Janković SM. Fuzzy estimation of isolated oviduct response<br />

to histamine. Pharmacologyonline 2006; 2: 83-89.<br />

83. Jankovic SM, Dragojevic-Simic V, Milovanovic D. Impact of clinical pharmacology<br />

on health care: Serbian experience. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2005; 61: 787–788.<br />

84. Janković SM. Increase in bilirubin plasma concentration in patients taking sodium<br />

valproate. Pharmacologyonline 2005; 1: 196-7.<br />

85. Jankovic S. Renal adverse effects of interferon alfa. Drug Saf 2005; 28(7): 647.

86. Janković Sm, Milovanović DR. Cost and utility of a low-molecular-weight heparin<br />

and unfractionated heparin for treatment of deep venous thrombosis in a Balkan<br />

country: A model analysis. Exp Clin Cardiol 2006; 11(2): 111-116.<br />

87. Janković SM, Janković SV. Shift from oral to written exams of pharmacology and<br />

inter-rater differences. Pharmacologyonline Newsletter 2006, 3: 13-17.<br />

88. Janković SM, Radonjić V. Utilization rate of carbapenems at intensive care units is<br />

not major determinant of gram-negative bacteria resistance to these antibiotics.<br />

Journal of Infection 2007; 55(5): 480-1.<br />

89. Janković SM, Janković SV, Stojadinović D, Jakovljević M, Milovanović D. Effect of<br />

exogenous glutamate and N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid on spontaneous activity of<br />

isolated human ureter. International Journal of Urology 2007; 14: 833-7.<br />

90. Tadić DP, Janković SM, Matijević MS. Fuzzy Multicriteria Approach for Evaluation<br />

and Ranking Therapeutic Procedure. Review of Clinical Pharmacology and<br />

Pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2007; 21: 225-30.<br />

91.<br />

Šipčić M, Janković SV, Janković SM. Drug utilization patterns in Zabljak<br />

municipality, Serbia and Montenegro. SA Fam Pract 2007; 49(1): 16(a-e).<br />

92. Janković SM, Milovanović JR. Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Valproate from Clinical<br />

Data in Serbian Epileptic Patients. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 2007; 29(10):<br />

673-9.<br />

93. Jakovljević M, Varjačić M, Janković SM. Cost-Effectiveness of Ritodrine and<br />

Fenoterol for Treatment of Preterm Labor in a Low-Middle-Income Country: A Case<br />

Study. Value in Health 2008; 11(2): 149-53.<br />

94. Djordjević N, Ghotbi R, Bertilsson L, Janković S, Akilillu E. Induction of CYP1A2 by<br />

heavy coffee consumption in Serbs and Swedes. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2008; 64: 381-<br />

5.<br />

95. Bugarcic ZD, Petrovic B, Bugarcic ZM, Jankovic SM, Jankovic SV, Lukic G,<br />

Novakovic M, Kostovic V, Popovic S, Djurdjevic P, Baskic D, Arsenijevic N. Effects<br />

of cisplatin and other Pt(II) complexes on spontaneous motility of isolated human<br />

oviduct. Toxicology in Vitro 2008; 22 (8): 1878–1882.<br />

96. Jakovljević MB, Janković SM, Janković SV, Todorović N. Inverse correlation of<br />

valproic acid serum concentrations and quality of life in adolescents with epilepsy.<br />

Epilepsy Research 2008; 80: 180—183.<br />

97. Janković SM, Radonjić V, Cupara S, Stefanović S. Preventing exposure of hospital<br />

staff to incorrect drug information. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and<br />

Therapeutics 2008; 46(12): 652 – 3.<br />

98. Jankovic SM, Jovanovic D, Milovanovic JR. Pharmacokinetic modeling of<br />

carbamazepine based on clinical data from Serbian epileptic patients. Methods Find<br />

Exp Clin Pharmacol 2008; 30(9): 707-13.

100. Jankovic SM, Jankovic SV, Stojadinovic D, Stojadinovic M, Kostovic V, Novakovic<br />

M, Markovic V. Effects of Exogenous Glutamate and Kainate on Electric Fieldstimulated<br />

Contractions of Isolated Human Ureter. Urology 2009; 73(5):1136-1139<br />

101. Biorac N, Jakovljević M, Stefanović D, Petrović S, Janković S. Assessment of<br />

diabetes mellitus type 2 treatment costs in the Republic of Serbia. Vojnosanit Pregl<br />

2009; 66(4): 271-276<br />

102. Janković SM, Jankovic SV, Lukić G, Radonjić V, Cupara S, Stefanović S. Contractile<br />

effects of endothelins on isolated ampullar segment of human oviduct in luteal phase<br />

of menstrual cycle. Pharmacol Res 2009; 59: 69-73.<br />

103. Janković SM, Kostić M, Radosavljević M, Jovanović S. Costs of rheumatoid arthritis<br />

in a Balkan country (Serbia). East European Politics and Societies 2009; 23: 135-8.<br />

104. Cupara, SM; Jankovic, SM. Significance of herbal drugs legislation for their rational<br />

use. Vojnosanitetski pregled 2009; 66(1): 53-56.<br />

105. Mijailovic MZ, Lukic SM, Jankovic SM, Surlan-Popvic K. Arterial embolization<br />

of uterine fibroids. J BUON 2010;15(4):704-7.<br />

106. Jakovljević MB, Janković SM, Todorović N, Milovanović JR, Janković S.<br />

[Pharmacokinetic modelling of valproate in epileptic patients]. Med Pregl. 2010; 63(5-<br />

6): 349-55.<br />

107. Milovanovic DR, Janjic V, Zornic N, Dejanovic SD, Jankovic SM.<br />

Risperidone-associated hypocalcemia. Am J Psychiatry. 2010 Dec;167(12):1533-4.<br />

108. Jankovic S, Djordjevic Z, Matovic M. Resistance rates of Pseudomonas<br />

aeruginosa and Acinetobacter species causing ventilator-associated pneumonia do<br />

not always correlate with utilisation of antibiotics J Hosp Infect. 2011; 77(1): 77-8.<br />

109. Janković S, Bojović D, Vukadinović D, Daglar E, Janković M, Laudanović D,<br />

Lukić V, Misković V, Potpara Z, Projović I, Cokanović V, Petrović N, Folić M,<br />

Savić V. Risk factors for recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis. Vojnosanit Pregl<br />

2010; 67(10): 819-24.<br />

110. Jankovic SM, Milovanovic JR, Jankovic S. Factors influencing valproate<br />

pharmacokinetics in children and adults. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2010; 48(11): 767-<br />

75.<br />

111. Djordjevic N, Carrillo JA, Ueda N, Gervasini G, Fukasawa T, Suda A, Jankovic<br />

S, Aklillu E. N-acetyltransferase-2 (NAT2) Gene Polymorphisms and Enzyme<br />

Activity in Serbs: Unprecedented High Prevalence of Rapid Acetylators in a White<br />

Population. J Clin Pharmacol. 2010 Aug 27. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:<br />

20801937.<br />

112. Vovk T, Jakovljević MB, Kos MK, Janković SM, Mrhar A, Grabnar I. A nonlinear<br />

mixed effects modelling analysis of topiramate pharmacokinetics in patients with<br />

epilepsy. Biol Pharm Bull 2010; 33(7): 1176-82.

113. Mihajlović G, Djukić-Dejanović S, Jovanović-Mihajlović N, Janković S, Janjić<br />

V, Jovanović M, Petrović D, Borovcanin M, Radmanović B. Comparison of safety<br />

between individualized and empiric dose regimen of amitriptyline in the treatment<br />

of major depressive episode. Psychiatr Danub 2010; 22(2): 354-7.<br />

114. Velickovic-Radovanovic R, Catic-Djordjevic A, Milovanovic JR, Djordjevic V,<br />

Paunovic G, Jankovic SM. Population pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in kidney<br />

transplant patients. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2010; 48(6): 375-82.<br />

115. Jankovic SM, Jankovic SV, Lukic G, Canovic D, Folic M. The contractile<br />

effects of endothelins on isolated isthmic segment of human oviduct at the luteal<br />

phase of the menstrual cycle. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 2010; 32(2): 91-5.<br />

116. Djordjevic N, Ghotbi R, Jankovic S, Aklillu E. Induction of CYP1A2 by heavy<br />

coffee consumption is associated with the CYP1A2 -163C>A polymorphism. Eur J<br />

Clin Pharmacol 2010; 66(7): 697-703.<br />

117. Loncar D, Varjacic M, Novakovic T, Milovanovic D, Jankovic S. Correlation<br />

between serum biochemical markers and early amniocentesis in diagnosis of<br />

congenital fetal anomalies. Bosn J Basic Med Sci 2010; 10(1): 9-14.<br />

118. Djordjevic N, Carrillo JA, Gervasini G, Jankovic S, Aklillu E. In vivo<br />

evaluation of CYP2A6 and xanthine oxidase enzyme activities in the Serbian<br />

population. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2010; 66(6): 571-8.<br />

119. Milovanovic JR, Jankovic SM. Population pharmacokinetics of lamotrigine in<br />

patients with epilepsy. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2009; 47(12): 752-60.<br />

120. Matovic MD, Jankovic SM, Jeremic M, Novakovic M, Milosev M, Vlajkovic M.<br />

Effect of furosemide on radioiodine-131 retention in mice thyroid gland. Hell J<br />

Nucl Med 2009; 12(2): 129-31.<br />

121. Zornic N, Radojevic DJ, Jankovic S, Djuric D, Varjacic M, Simic VD,<br />

Milovanovic DR. Monitoring of drug-associated electrolyte disturbances in a<br />

hospital. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2009; 18(11): 1026-33.<br />

122. Knezevic MZ, Bivolarevic IC, Peric TS, Jankovic SM. Using facebook to increase<br />

spontaneous reporting of adverse drug reactions. Drug Saf 2011; 34(4): 351-2.<br />

123. Lukić S, Mijailović M, Marković Z, Janković SM, Nikolić R. Embolization of<br />

ruptured intracranial aneurysms with detachable coils: case series. Jpn J Radiol<br />

2011; 29(2): 92-7.<br />

124. Folic MM, Jankovic SM, Varjacic MR, Folic MD. Effects of methyldopa and<br />

nifedipine on uteroplacental and fetal hemodynamics in gestational hypertension.<br />

Hypertens Pregnancy. 2012;31(1):31-9.<br />

125. Milovanovic D, Jankovic S, Ruzic-Zecevic D, Folic M. Aliskiren and angioedema.<br />

Austr Prescr 2010; 33(3): 66-7.

126. Manojlovic NT, Vasiljevic P, Juskovic M, Najman S, Jankovic S and Milenkovic-<br />

Andjelkovic A. HPLC analysis and cytotoxic potential of extracts from the lichen,<br />

Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol.<br />

4(9), pp. 817-823, 2010.<br />

127. Novokmet S, Jakovljevic VLj, Jankovic S, Davidovic G, Andjelkovic N, Milanovic Z,<br />

Djuric DM. Human platelets perfusion through isolated guinea-pig heart: the effects<br />

on coronary flow and oxidative stress markers. Gen Physiol Biophys. 2009;28 Spec<br />

No:98-104.<br />

128. Matović MD, Janković SM, Jeremić M, Tasić Z, Vlajković M. Unexpected Effect of<br />

Furosemide on Radioiodine Urinary Excretion in Patients with Differentiated Thyroid<br />

Carcinomas Treated with Iodine 131. Thyroid 2009; 19 (8): 843-8.<br />

129. Jankovic SM, Aleksic J, Rakovic S, Aleksic A, Stevanovic I, Stefanovic-Stoimenov<br />

N, Radosavljevic M, Kostic M, Tesic D, Petrovic B. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory<br />

drugs and risk of gastrointestinal bleeding among patients on hemodialysis. J Nephrol<br />

2009; 22(4): 502-7.<br />

130. Stojadinović MM, Mićić SR, Milovanović DR, Janković SM. Risk factors for<br />

treatment failure in renal suppurative infections. Int Urol Nephrol 2009; 41(2): 319-<br />

25.<br />

131. Ilic KV, Sefik-Bukilica M, Jankovic S, Vujasinovic-Stupar N. Efficacy and safety of<br />

two generic copies of nimesulide in patients with low back pain or knee osteoarthritis.<br />

Reumatismo. 2009; 61(1): 27-33.<br />

132. Milićević S, Bukumirić Z, Nikolić AK, Babović R, Janković S. Demographic<br />

characteristics and functional outcomes in patients with traumatic and<br />

nontraumatic spinal cord injuries. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2012;69(12):1061-6.<br />

133. Djordjevic Z, Jankovic S, Gajovic O, Djonovic N, Folic N, Bukumiric Z.<br />

Hospital infections in a neurological intensive care unit: incidence, causative<br />

agents and risk factors. J Infect Dev Ctries. 2012;6(11):798-805.<br />

134. Kosanić M, Manojlović N, Janković S, Stanojković T, Ranković B. Evernia<br />

prunastri and Pseudoevernia furfuraceae lichens and their major metabolites as<br />

antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer agents. Food Chem Toxicol. 2013; 53: 112-<br />

8.<br />

135. Nikolic VN, Jevtovic-Stoimenov T, Velickovic-Radovanović R, Ilic S,<br />

Deljanin-Ilic M, Marinkovic D, Apostolović S, Stanojevic D, Zivanovic S,<br />

Stefanovic N, Pesic S, Zecevic DR, Milovanovic JR, Jankovic SM. Population<br />

pharmacokinetics of bisoprolol in patients with chronic heart failure. Eur J Clin<br />

Pharmacol. 2013; 69(4): 859-65<br />

136. Dostić MP, Tomović MT, Popović-Milenković MT, Stefanović SM, Janković SM.<br />

Risk factors for intraoperative arrhythmias in general surgery patients operated under<br />

general anesthesia: our one-year experience. Med Glas (Zenica). 2012; 9(2): 204-10.<br />

137. Janković SM, Djeković A, Bugarčić Z, Janković SV, Lukić G, Folić M, Canović D.<br />

Effects of aurothiomalate and gold(III) complexes on spontaneous motility of<br />

isolated human oviduct. Biometals. 2012; 25(5): 919-25.

138. Perić T, Jakovljević VLj, Zivkovic V, Krkeljic J, Petrović ZD, Simijonović D,<br />

Novokmet S, Djuric DM, Janković SM. Toxic effects of palladium compounds on the<br />

isolated rat heart. Med Chem. 2012; 8(1): 9-13.<br />

139. Matovic M, Jankovic S, Lazarevic T, Jeremic M, Vlajkovic M. Furosemide<br />

increases thyroid uptake of radioiodine in an anuric patient: first observation.<br />

Hell J Nucl Med. 2012; 15(1): 66-7.<br />

140. Matovic M, Jankovic S, Jeremic M, Vlajkovic M, Matovic V. Online remote<br />

monitoring of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas and neuroendocrine<br />

tumors treated with high doses of radionuclides. Telemed J E Health. 2012; 18(4):<br />

264-70.<br />

141. Tadić V, Bojović D, Arsić I, Dorđević S, Aksentijevic K, Stamenić M, Janković<br />

S. Chemical and antimicrobial evaluation of supercritical and conventional<br />

Sideritis scardica Griseb., Lamiaceae extracts. Molecules. 2012; 17(3): 2683-703.<br />

142. Jankovic SM, Dostic M. Choice of antiepileptic drugs for the elderly:<br />

possible drug interactions and adverse effects. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 2012;<br />

8(1): 81-91.<br />

143. Ignjatovic-Ristic D, Rancic N, Novokmet S, Jankovic S, Stefanovic S. Risk<br />

factors for lethal outcome in patients with delirium tremens - psychiatrist's<br />

perspective: a nested case-control study. Ann Gen Psychiatry. 2013; 12(1): 39.<br />

144. Pavlovic RR, Jankovic SM. Inverse correlation of Acinetobacter spp. resistance<br />

rate and ciprofloxacin utilization. J Antibiot (Tokyo). 2013 Nov 20. doi:<br />

10.1038/ja.2013.123. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24252812.<br />

145. Radovanovic AM, Cupara SM, Popovic SLj, Tomovic MT, Slavkovska VN, Jankovic<br />

SM. Cytotoxic effect of Potentilla reptans L. rhizome and aerial part extracts.<br />

Acta Pol Pharm. 2013; 70(5): 851-4.<br />

146. Jankovic SM, Jankovic SV, Djuric JM, Folic MM, Stojic I. Captopril may<br />

influence tone of human oviduct ampulla. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2013;<br />

15(10): 760.<br />

147. Jankovic S, Ilickovic I. The preclinical discovery and development of<br />

ezogabine for the treatment of epilepsy. Expert Opin Drug Discov. 2013; 8(11): 1429-<br />

37.<br />

148. Djordjevic Z, Folic M, Ruzic Zecevic D, Ilic G, Jankovic S. Risk factors for<br />

carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in a tertiary care hospital<br />

in Serbia. J Infect Dev Ctries. 2013; 7(9): 686-90.<br />

149. Ignjatovic VD, Matovic MD, Vukomanovic VR, Jankovic SM, Džodić RR. Is there a<br />

link between Hashimoto's thyroiditis and primary hyperparathyroidism A study of<br />

serum parathormone and anti-TPO antibodies in 2267 patients. Hell J Nucl Med.<br />

2013; 16(2): 86-90.<br />

150. Knezevic MZ, Djordjevic VV, Jankovic SM, Djordjevic VM. Influence of dialysis<br />

modality and membrane flux on insomnia severity in hemodialysis patients.<br />

Nephrology (Carlton). 2013 Jul 12. doi: 10.1111/nep.12131. [Epub ahead of print]<br />

PubMed PMID: 23848433.

151. Janjić V, Milovanović DR, Zecević DR, Loncar D, Laban O, Stepanović M,<br />

Varjaric M, Obradović S, Dejanović SD, Janković S. Zuclopenthixol decanoate in<br />

pregnancy: successful outcomes in two consecutive offsprings of the same mother.<br />

Vojnosanit Pregl. 2013; 70(5): 526-9.<br />

152. Nikolic VN, Jankovic SM, Velickovic-Radovanović R, Apostolović S, Stanojevic<br />

D, Zivanovic S, Stefanovic N, Pesic S, Jevtovic-Stoimenov T, Djuric J, Markovic<br />

V, Milovanovic JR. Population pharmacokinetics of carvedilol in patients with<br />

congestive heart failure. J Pharm Sci. 2013; 102(8): 2851-8.<br />

153. Djordjevic Z, Folic MM, Zivic Z, Markovic V, Jankovic SM. Nosocomial urinary<br />

tract infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter species:<br />

sensitivity to antibiotics and risk factors. Am J Infect Control. 2013; 41(12): 1182-7.<br />

154. Boskovic M, Djokovic J, Grubor I, Guzvic V, Jakovljevic B, Jurisevic M,<br />

Ljubisic D, Mijajlovic M, Milicevic I, Milovanovic M, Nikolic L, Nikolic M, Peric<br />

S, Petrovic A, Petrovic J, Radonjic K, Simonovic L, Simovic M, Stojanovic S,<br />

Stojic I, Tomovic J, Vranic S, Vucicevic K, Zdravkovic A, Jankovic S. PhD<br />

students' awareness of research misconduct. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. 2013; 8(2):<br />

163-4.<br />

155. Nikolic VN, Jevtovic-Stoimenov T, Stokanovic D, Milovanovic M,<br />

Velickovic-Radovanovic R, Pesic S, Stoiljkovic M, Pesic G, Ilic S, Deljanin-Ilic<br />

M, Marinkovic D, Stefanovic N, Jankovic SM. An inverse correlation between TNF<br />

alpha serum levels and heart rate variability in patients with heart failure. J<br />

Cardiol. 2013; 62(1): 37-43.<br />

156. Mijailovic M, Lukic S, Laudanovic D, Folic M, Folic N, Jankovic S. Effects of<br />

nimodipine on cerebral vasospasm in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid<br />

hemorrhage treated by endovascular coiling. Adv Clin Exp Med. 2013; 22(1): 101-9.<br />

157. Jevtić T, Bukumirić Z, Janković SM. Effects of treatment adherence on<br />

clinical and economic outcomes in patients with psoriasis. Med Glas (Zenica).<br />

2013; 10(1): 106-12.<br />

158. Janković SM, Aleksić D, Bahtijari Z, Jelić A, Klacar J, Kovacević A,<br />

Mijailović N, Milovanović O, Petrović A, Radovanović A, Sovrlić M, Zecević DR.<br />

Risk factors for severe dental anxiety among medical students. Vojnosanit Pregl.<br />

2014; 71(1): 16-21.<br />


The published abstracts in international journals<br />

1. Surgical management of the hydatid disease of the liver. T. Pavlidis, I. Spathopoulos,<br />

S.M. Janković, D. Kouvelas, European I.H.P.B.A Congress Athens 95. 25-28. May<br />

1995. HPB Surgery, 1995, 9 Suppl. 1, 79.<br />

2. Ultrasound appearance of hepatocellular carcinoma. T. Pavlidis, I. Spathopoulos, D.<br />

Kouvelas, S.M. Janković, European I.H.P.B.A Congress Athens 95. 25-28. May 1995.<br />

HPB Surgery, 1995, 9 Suppl. 1, 143.<br />

3. Ultrasound appearance of hydatid disease of the liver. i. Spathopoulos, T. Pavlidis, D.<br />

Kouvelas, S.M. Janković, European I.H.P.B.A Congress Athens 95. 25-28. May 1995.<br />

HPB Surgery, 1995, 9 Suppl. 1, 89.<br />

4. Muscarinic receptor subtypes in longitudinal muscle layer from the body of feline<br />

stomach. S.M. Janković, D.B. Beleslin and G. Savović, XIIth International Congress<br />

of Pharmacology, 24-29 July 1994. Montreal, Canada Canadian Journal of Physiology<br />

and Pharmacology, 1994, 72 Suppl. 1, 230.<br />

5. A contractile efect of benzylpenicillin on isolated human gallbladder. S.M. Janković,<br />

P.P. Papaioannidou, D. Kouvelas, V. Mirtsou-Fidani, A.G. Paradelis, First European<br />

Congress of Pharmacology, 16-19 June 1995, Milan, Italy, Pharmacological research,<br />

1995, 31 Suppl., 92.<br />

6. Increased collagen type iv-degrading activity in metastases of lymph nodes originating<br />

from malignant breast tumors. v. Mirtsou-Fidani, S.M. Janković, A.G. Paradelis, E.<br />

Papakonstantinou and G. Karakiulakis, First European Congress of Pharmacology 16-<br />

19 June 1995, Milan, Italy, Pharmacological research, 1995, 31 Suppl., 213.<br />

7. Effects of beta-lactam antibiotics on isolated rat fundus. Slobodan M. Janković,<br />

Dimitrios Kouvelas, Anastasia Argyriou, Miroslav Mitrović, Athanasias G. Paradelis,<br />

19th International Congress of Chemotherapy 16-21 July 1995, Montreal, Canada,<br />

The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1995, 6 Supll. C, 361.<br />

8. The antibacterial activity of sparfloxacin. Athanasis G. Paradelis, Kyriaki Delidou,<br />

Dimitrios Kouvelas, Slobodan M. Janković and Andreas Pangalis, 19th International<br />

Congress of Chemotherapy 16-21 July 1995, Montreal, Canada, The Canadian Journal<br />

of Infectious Diseases, 1995, 6 Suppl. C, 385.<br />

9. Radionuclide (rn) and ultrasonographic (us) study of the neuroleptics effect on<br />

myocard contractile ability. Irić V., Matović M., Vučković M., Đukić-Dejanović S.,<br />

Mijatović Lj., Janković Slobodan. Kaku Igaku (The Japanese Journal of Nuclear<br />

Medicine), 1997, 34(8), 735. (The 37th annual meeting of the Japanese society of<br />

Nuclear medicine, Saitama medical centre)<br />

10. Contractile effects of excitatory amino acids on isolated rat fundus. Slobodan<br />

Janković, D. Milovanović, V. Irić-Ćupić, M. Matović, D. Ružić, D. Beleslin. Naunyn-<br />

Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1998, 358: 1 (Suppl. 1) R133. 13th<br />

International Congress of Pharmacology, 26-31 July 1998., München, Germany.<br />

11. Effect of H1 histamine antagonist on emptying of human gallbladder; an<br />

ultrasonographic study. Dejana Ružić, Slobodan Janković, D. Milovanović. Naunyn<br />

Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1998, 358: 1 (Suppl. 1) R350. 13th<br />

International Congress of Pharmacology, 26-31 July 1998., München, Germany.

12. Effects of nicotine, dimethylphenylpiperazinium and tetramethylammonium on<br />

smooth muscles from feline and human gastric corpus. Slobodan M. Janković, Dušan<br />

B. Beleslin. Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology, 1999; 13 (Suppl 1): 303. 2nd<br />

European Congress of Pharmacology, 3-7 July 1999., Budapest, Hungary.<br />

13. Bilateral aortic denervation increases the content of heparan sulfate in the rat<br />

cerebellum. D. Kouvelas, E. Papakonstantinou, C. Pourzitaki, A. Papadopoulos,<br />

Slobodan M. Janković, G. Karakiulakis. Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology, 1999;<br />

13 (Suppl 1): 322. 2nd European Congress of Pharmacology, 3-7 July 1999.,<br />

Budapest, Hungary.<br />

14. Janković S. Clinical Pharmacology in Health Care. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology<br />

and Toxicology 2005; 97(Suppl 1): 30. 7th Congress of the European Association for<br />

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, June 25-29, 2005, Poznan, Poland.<br />

15. Janković S. Clinical Pharmacology in Serbia - State of the Art. Basic and Clinical<br />

Pharmacology and Toxicology 2005; 97(Suppl 1): 129. 7th Congress of the European<br />

Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, June 25-29, 2005, Poznan,<br />

Poland<br />

16. Milovanović DR, Ružić-Zečević D, Đurić D, Janković S. The Clinical Pharmacologist<br />

and Counseling of the Women about Drug Use in Pregnancy. Basic and Clinical<br />

Pharmacology and Toxicology 2005; 97(Suppl 1): 85. 7th Congress of the European<br />

Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, June 25-29, 2005, Poznan,<br />

Poland<br />

17. Janković S. Effects of glutamate on isolated smooth muscles. Monatsschrift<br />

Kinderheilkd 2005; 153: 1021. Glucksburger Auxologie-Tage, Wissenschaftliche<br />

Tagung der Deutschen Gesselschaft fur Auxologie, 17-20. November 2005, Schloss<br />

Glucksburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany<br />

18. Janković SM, Kouvelas D, Stefanović S. Pharmacological profile of a patient: new<br />

health service of clinical pharmacologists. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology &<br />

Toxicology 2007; 101 (Suppl 1): 88-9. 8th Congress of the European Association for<br />

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, August 29 – September 01, 2007,<br />

Amsterdam, Holland.<br />

19. Jakovljević M, Janković S. Cost-effectiveness of ritodrine and fenoterol for treatment<br />

of pre-term labour in a low-middle-income country: a case study. Basic & Clinical<br />

Pharmacology & Toxicology 2007; 101 (Suppl 1): 185. 8th Congress of the European<br />

Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, August 29 – September 01,<br />

2007, Amsterdam, Holland.<br />

20. Kastratovic DA, MM Mikov, VV Stanimirovic, AJ Sabo, Jankovic SM, N Japundzic-<br />

Zigon, DR Milovanovic, R Lilic, MH Vukovic, VM Jugovic. Focused conference<br />

group: pw34 - state-of-the-art of basic and clinical pharmacology in Serbia. The new<br />

association in clinical pharmacology: Section of clinical pharmacology, Serbian<br />

Medical Association. Paper No 3213. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology<br />

2010; 107 (Suppl. 1): 367.<br />

The published papers in extenso in national journals

1. Značaj peroralne preventivne primene antibiotika kod zbrinjavanja rana u<br />

ambulantnim uslovima. S. Janković, <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis, 1994, 61(1), 148-151.<br />

2. Struktura politrauma u kbc kragujevac od 1986-1989. (obdukcioni materijal). S.<br />

Janković, <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis, 1994, 61(2), 157-159.<br />

3. Ultrazvučna slika hepatocelularnog karcinoma. Theodoros E. Pavlidis, Ippocratis K.<br />

Spathopulos, Slobodan M. Janković i Dimitrios A. Kouvelas, <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis,<br />

1995, 62(1), 13-19.<br />

4. Dejstva holinergičkih agonista na izolovani fundus želuca pacova. Dragan R.<br />

Milovanović, Janković S., Mitrović M., <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis, 1995, 62(1), 55-60.<br />

5. Prevencija dehiscencije šavova kod gastrektomija. Zoran Matović, Slobodan Janković,<br />

<strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis, 1995, 62(1), 71-84.<br />

6. Pseudovisoka terminacija holedohusa kao uzrok avulzije papile, Zoran Matović,<br />

Janković S., <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis, 1995, 62(1), 199-206.<br />

7. Dejstva nemuskarinskih antagonista na kontrakcije fundusa želuca pacova izazvane<br />

acetilholinom. Dragan Milovanović, Slobodan Janković, <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis, 1996,<br />

63(1), 15-17.<br />

8. Pancreatic pseudocysts: observation or treatment. Theodoros E. Pavlidis, Slobodan M.<br />

Janković, Christos Papanikolau, Kouvelas Dimitrios, <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis, 1996; 63(1):<br />

27-30.<br />

9. Surgical management of pancreatic tumours. Theodoros Pavlidis, Slobodan M.<br />

Janković, Christos A. Papanikolau, Dimitrios Kouvelas. <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis, 1996;<br />

63(1): 19-21.<br />

10. Ultrasound appearance of hydatid disease of the liver. Ippocratis K. Spathopulos,<br />

Theodoros Pavlidis, Slobodan M. Janković, Dimitrios A. Kouvelas. <strong>Medicinski</strong><br />

časopis 1996; 63(1): 31-34.<br />

11. Psychomotor excitation induced by opioids: implications in affective disorders. Ranka<br />

Samardžić, Danica Jovanović-Mićić, Dušan Beleslin, Slobodan Janković. <strong>Medicinski</strong><br />

časopis 1996; 63(2): 1-6.<br />

12. The graphic method for rapid check of the distribution normality in pharmacology.<br />

Nela Đonović, Slobodan M. Janković, Miša M. Radotić. Iugoslav Physiol Pharmacol<br />

Acta 1996; 32(3): 267-70.<br />

13. Lečenje spazama visceralnih glatkih mišića. Dragan R. Milovanović, Srećko<br />

Đorđević, Slobodan M. Janković. Med Pregl 1997; 50 (5-6): 194-200.<br />

14. Medikamentozno lečenje hirzutizma. Slobodan M. Janković, Snežana V. Janković.<br />

Pharmaca Iugoslavica 1997; 36(1-2): 39-41.<br />

15. Izrada procedura i radnih uputstava sistema kvaliteta u zdravstvenim organizacijama.<br />

Slobodan M. Janković, Nebojša Milivojević. Menadžment totalnim kvalitetom 1998;<br />

26(2): 200-203.<br />

16. Projekat unapređenja kvaliteta u KBC "<strong>Kragujevac</strong>" - Zašto još nije realizovan<br />

Slobodan M. Janković. Menadžment totalnim kvalitetom 1999; 27(1): 65-6.<br />

17. Mogućnosti uvođenja sistema kvaliteta u zdravstvene ustanove. Slavica Đukić-<br />

Dejanović, Slobodan M. Janković. Menadžment totalnim kvalitetom 1999; 27(1):<br />


18. Hormoni zadnjeg režnja žlezde hipofize. Gordana M. Mirčić, Dušan B. Beleslin,<br />

Slobodan M. Janković. Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo 1998; 126(3-4): 111-8.<br />

19. Mogućnost uvođenja sistema kvaliteta u zdravstvene ustanove. Slavica Đukić-<br />

Dejanović, Slobodan M. Janković. Zdravstvena zaštita 1999; 4: 22-25.<br />

20. Nabavka i primena lekova u kragujevcu tokom xix veka. Slobodan M. Janković.<br />

<strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis 1998; 65(1-2): 27-8.<br />

21. Uticaj rata nato-jugoslavija na kvalitet ambulantnog rada u KBC-u "<strong>Kragujevac</strong>".<br />

Slobodan M. Janković, Slavica Đukić-Dejanović, Jevđenijević Z, Savić G, Ćirković S,<br />

Nedović D. Menadžment totalnim kvalitetom 1999; 27(2): 65-6.<br />

22. Međunarodne multicentrične studije -prednosti i mane. Slobodan M. Janković.<br />

Pharmaca Iugoslavica 1999; 37(1-2): 23-4.<br />

23. Virusni hepatitis C. Slobodan M. Janković. Med Pregl 1999; 52(11-12): 459-63.<br />

24. Upotreba lekova za terapiju kardiovaskularnih oboljenja na kardiološkom odeljenju<br />

kliničko-bolničkog centra "<strong>Kragujevac</strong>" tokom 1997. godine. Janković SM,<br />

Milovanović D, Ružić D, Nedović D, Petrović S, Jakovljević V. Pharmaca Iugoslavica<br />

1998; 36(3-4): 62-5.<br />

25. Primena sistema raspodele individualne terapije. Stojanović B, Janković SM.<br />

Apotekarska Praksa 2002; 5: 10-11.<br />

26. ADITIVI. Jankovic SM. Medicus 2002; 3(1): 45-56.<br />

27. Jankovic SM, Stojanovic B. Rezultati primene sistema raspodele jedinicne terapije na<br />

ginekolosko-akuserskoj klinici u Kragujevcu. Pharmaca Iugoslavica 2001; 39: 49-52.<br />

28. Novakovic T, Milosevic-Dordjevic O, Grujicic D, Marinkovic D, Jankovic S,<br />

Arsenijevic S. Effect of intratumoral application of methotrexate in vivo on frequency<br />

of micronuclei in peripheral blood lymphocytes. Archive of Oncology 2003; 11(1):<br />

1-4.<br />

29. Milovanovic DR, Jankovic SM. Osnovi glutamatergicke neurotransmisije. Vojnosanit<br />

Pregl 2004; 61(1): 59-64.<br />

30. Jankovic SM, Jankovic SV, Kovacevic Z, Argyriou A, Kouvelas D. Upotreba lekova u<br />

psihogerijatrijskoj ustanovi starateljskog tipa u Kragujevcu. Medicus 2002; 3(2): 12-<br />

15.<br />

31. Stojanovic BB, Jankovic SM. Analiza indikatora upotrebe lekova u primarnoj<br />

zdravstvenoj zastiti u Jagodini. Medicus 2002; 3(2): 30-36.<br />

32. Jankovic SM, Varjacic M, Protic B, Kovacevic Z, Kostic I. Ispitivanje efekata<br />

antibiotika na izolovani humani jajovod kod pacijentkinja sa miomima uterusa.<br />

Medicus 2003; 4(1): 17-20.<br />

33. Stepanovic Zeljko, Jankovic SM. Profilakticka primena cefalosporina III generacije u<br />

aloartroplasticnim procedurama kod preloma vrata butne kosti. Medicus 2004; 5(1):<br />

15-21.<br />

34. Djordjevic N, Jankovic SM. Mere za unapredjenje lekarske prakse. Vojnosanit Pregl<br />

2004; 61(4): 423-431.

35. Milovanovic DR, Jankovic SM. Farmakologija receptora i celijskih transportera za<br />

glutamat. Vojnosanit Pregl 2004; 61(2): 181-186.<br />

36. Janković SM. Clinical pharmacology in health care service. Vojnosanit Pregl 2005;<br />

62(10): 757-61.<br />

37. Janković SM. The control mechanisms of oviduct motility. Iugoslav Physiol<br />

Pharmacol Acta 2005; 41(1): 21-8<br />

38. Milovanović JR, Janković SM. Populaciona farmakokinetika. Vojnosanit Pregl 2005;<br />

62(11): 847-50<br />

39. Đorđević ND, Janković SM. Characteristics of decision-making process during<br />

prescribing in general practice. Vojnosanit Pregl 2006; 63(3): 279-85<br />

40. Andrejić O, Janković S. Lečenje bola kod akutnog abdomena. Acta Medica Medianae<br />

2005; 44: 43-6<br />

41. Milovanović JR, Janković SM. Naša iskustva u terapijskom monitoringu lekova.<br />

<strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis 2006; 1-2: 19-23<br />

42. Marković-Denić Lj, Šuljagić V, Ćosić G, Tiodorović B, Janković S, Carević B, Žakula<br />

N, Gajić I, Bilanović D, Janković SM, Dreher-Doroški H, Konstatinović D, Budimir<br />

S. Prevention of spreading of avian influenza in medical care facilities. Vojnosanit<br />

Pregl 2006; 63(10): 905-912<br />

43. Jakovljević M, Janković SM. Studije bioekvivalencije. Acta Medica Medianae 2006;<br />

45: 50-5.<br />

44. Dragojević-Simić V, Stojiljković M, Stanulović M, Bošković B, Janković SM,<br />

Milovanović D. Clinical Pharmacology in Serbia: the time for new challenges.<br />

Vojnosanit Pregl 2007; 64(4): 257-63.<br />

45. Jovanović Z, Ilić M, Janković S. Pathogenetic mechamisms in the development of<br />

surgical site infections. Med Pregl 2007; 60(7-8): 343-50.<br />

46. Stefanović S, Janković SM, Milisavljević S. Medikamentno lečenje „Status<br />

asthmaticus“-a. ABC 2007; 7(1): 25-32.<br />

47. Andjelić S, Janković S. Out-of-hospital Use of Flumazenil. Urgentni Medicina 2007;<br />

4: 22-30.<br />

48. Janković S. Adverse effects of substances used for doping in sports. <strong>Medicinski</strong><br />

časopis 2008; 42(1): 44-47<br />

49. Djordjević N, Janković S. Prescribing in general practice. <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis 2008;<br />

42(2): 26-30.<br />

50. Folić Marko M., Janković Slobodan M., Folić Miroslav D., Varjačić Mirjana R.<br />

Troškovi carskog reza i vaginalnog porođaja u zemlji sa srednje-visokim prihodima -<br />

serija slučajeva. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, vol. 10, br. 2,<br />

str. 61-64, 2009.<br />

51. Veličković-Radovanović Radmila M., Janković Slobodan M., Avramović Marina Ž.,<br />

Kostić Svetislav. Upotreba kardiovaskularnih lekova u Niškom regionu. Facta<br />

universitatis - series: Medicine and Biology, vol. 13, br. 2, str. 94-97, 2006.<br />

52. Janković Slobodan M., Stojanović Branka B. Rezultati primene sistema raspodele<br />

individualne terapije na Ginekološko-akušerskoj klinici u Kragujevcu. Arhiv za<br />

farmaciju, vol. 52, br. 4, str. 656-657, 2002.

53. Petrović Bojana, Radulović Siniša, Janković Slobodan. Neželjena dejstva sunitiniba<br />

manifestovana na koži kod bolesnika sa karcinomom bubrega - studija slučaj-kontrola.<br />

Acta medica Medianae, vol. 48, br. 3, str. 5-8, 2009.<br />

54. Jakovljević Mihajlo, Jožef Maj, Vovk Tomaž, Janković Slobodan, Grabnar Iztok.<br />

Savremena klinička iskustva o farmakokinetici topiramata. Srpski arhiv za celokupno<br />

lekarstvo, vol. 137, br. 7-8, str. 444-448, 2009.<br />

55. Folić Marko, Folić Nevena, Varjačić Mirjana, Jakovljević Mihajlo, Janković<br />

Slobodan. Antihipertenzivna terapija kod hipertenzivnih poremećaja u trudnoći. Acta<br />

medica Medianae, vol. 47, br. 3, str. 65-72, 2008.<br />

56. Đorđević Nataša, Janković Slobodan. Farmakogenetika - budućnost medikamentozne<br />

terapije 1. Acta medica Medianae, vol. 46, br. 3, str. 57-62, 2007.<br />

57. Folić Marko, Janković Slobodan, Ružić-Zečević Dejana, Pajević Velimir, Rosić<br />

Nikola, Nikolić Predrag. Sinovitis i periartikularni burzitis koksofemoralnog zgloba<br />

izazvani Kocuria kristinae - prikaz slučaja. Acta facultatis medicae Naissensis, vol. 27,<br />

br. 1, str. 51-54, 2010.<br />

58. Janković SM. Racionalna primena antibiotika u kliničkoj praksi. Racionalna terapija<br />

2009; 1(1): 1 – 6.<br />

59. Janković SM. Racionalna upotreba benzodiazepina. Racionalna terapija 2009; 1(1): 7<br />

– 10.<br />

60. Kostić M, Janković SM. Analiza članaka o zabranjenim supstancama u dnevnim<br />

novinama. Racionalna terapija 2010; 2(1): 37-8.<br />

61. Janković Slobodan M., Rituximab for the treatment of rheumatiod arthritis patients<br />

with failure to the first biologic drug: Impact on Republic fund for health insurance in<br />

Serbia. Racionalna terapija, vol. 5, br. 1, str. 1-7, 2013<br />

62. Janković Slobodan M., Đorđević Zorana, Factors associated with death in intensive<br />

care unit patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia. Serbian Journal of<br />

Experimental and Clinical Research, vol. 13, br. 4, str. 131-137, 2012<br />

63. Stefanović Srđan, Novokmet Slobodan S., Milivojević Nebojša, Janković Slobodan<br />

M., Utilization of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in General and Endocrine<br />

Surgery Ward at Clinical Center '<strong>Kragujevac</strong>' in <strong>Kragujevac</strong>. <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis, vol.<br />

46, br. 1, str. 14-18, 2012<br />

64. Casas Alvarado Teresa, Folić Marko M., Folić Nevena D., Janković Slobodan M.,<br />

Attitudes towards antipsychotic drugs and their side effects: A comparison between<br />

students of medicine in Spain and Serbia. Serbian Journal of Experimental and<br />

Clinical Research, vol. 12, br. 4, str. 153-156, 2011<br />

65. Perić Tanja S., Janković Slobodan M., Electrolyte disorders associated with<br />

risperidone in psychotic patients. Racionalna terapija, vol. 3, br. 1, str. 1-5, 2011<br />

66. Dostić Milivoje, Putić Vesna, Novokmet Slobodan, Janković Slobodan M.,<br />

Risk factors for early postoperative arrhythmias in general surgery patients after<br />

general anesthesia. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, vol. 12, br.<br />

4, str. 141-146, 2011.<br />

67. Jakovljević Mihajlo B., Janković Slobodan M., Todorović Natalija, Milovanović<br />

Jasmina R., Janković Snežana, Pharmacokinetic modelling of valproate in epileptic<br />

patients. <strong>Medicinski</strong> pregled, vol. 63, br. 5-6, str. 349-355, 2010

68. Folić Marko M., Janković Slobodan M., Folić Miroslav D., Varjačić Mirjana R.,<br />

Costs of caesarean section and vaginal delivery in an upper-middle-income country: A<br />

case series. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, vol. 10, br. 2, str.<br />

61-64, 2009.<br />

69. Đorđević Nataša, Janković Slobodan, Stepanović Marija, Milovanović Dragan R.,<br />

A report of a medication error: Drug incompatibility<br />

<strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis, vol. 47, br. 1, str. 39-41, 2013<br />

70 Janković Slobodan, Adequate doctor - patient communication. Racionalna terapija,<br />

vol. 5, br. 2, str. 85-88, 2013<br />

71 Radovanović Ana, Cupara Snežana, Tomović Marina, Tamas Viorica, Ivopol Gabriel,<br />

Simion Demetra, Gaidau Carmen, Janković Slobodan,<br />

Comparative analysis of the chemical composition of Heliantus tuberosus L. growing<br />

in Serbia and Romania<br />

Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, vol. 14, br. 1, str. 9-12, 2013<br />

72 Pavlović Radiša, Janković Slobodan, Đorđević Zorana,<br />

Profile of urinary tract infections pathogens and their antimicrobial resistance patterns<br />

during three-year period (2009-2011) in the Clinical center <strong>Kragujevac</strong><br />

Racionalna terapija, vol. 5, br. 2, str. 27-41, 2013<br />

73 Klačar Jelena, Busarac Nikola, Janković Slobodan, Factors associated with<br />

hospitalization of children with acute odontogenic infections. Racionalna terapija, vol.<br />

4, br. 1, str. 41-46, 2012<br />

74 Milićević Saša, Bukumirić Zoran, Karadžov-Nikolić Aleksandra, Babović Rade,<br />

Sekulić Aleksandra, Stevanović Srbislav, Janković Slobodan, Predictors of pressure<br />

ulcers in patients with spinal cord injuries. Serbian Journal of Experimental and<br />

Clinical Research, vol. 13, br. 2, str. 43-47, 2012<br />

75 Tomić Katarina, Mihajlović Goran, Janković Slobodan, Đonović Nela, Jovanović-<br />

Mihajlović Natalija, Diligenski Vladimir, Risk factors for behavioural and emotional<br />

disorders in children with mild intellectual disability. Serbian Journal of Experimental<br />

and Clinical Research, vol. 13, br. 1, str. 19-24, 2012<br />

The published abstracts in national journals<br />

1. Failure of oxytocin to affect the motor activity of smooth muscle preparations of the<br />

human and feline gastric corpus. S.M. Janković, Gordana Mirčić D.B. Beleslin, 6th<br />

Congress of the Toxicologists of Yugoslavia, Tara, May 30- June 4. 1994, Arch<br />

Toxical Kinet Xenobiot Metab, 1994, 2(2), 561.<br />

2. Effect of 8-lysine-vasopressin on the motor activity of smooth muscle preparations of<br />

the feline isolated gastric corpus. Gordana Mirčić, S.M. Janković D.B. Beleslin, 6th<br />

Congress of the Toxicologists of Yugoslavia, Tara, May 30- June 4. 1994 Arch<br />

Toxical Kinet Xenobiot Metab, 1994, 2(2), 563.<br />

3. Profilaktička primena antibiotika kod apendektomije: slučajevi nekomplikovanog<br />

apendicitisa. S.M. Janković, S.M. Vukosavljević, D. Milovanović, V. Miloradović, V.<br />

Janjić, O. Jovanikić, P. Đurđević, G. Mirčić, 18 Kongres Hirurga Jugoslavije, 8-<br />

11.06.1994., Beograd Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica, 1994, 1, Suppl., P 124.

4. Značajno rešenje u tehnici kontinuirane lavaže peritonealne duplje. Tričković Z.,<br />

Stamenković S., Janković S., 18 Kongres Hirurga Jugoslavije, 8-11.06.1994., Beograd<br />

Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica, 1994, 1, Suppl., P 125.<br />

5. Penetrantne povrede kolona vatrenim oružjem – naš materijal. Branislav N. Azanjac,<br />

Slobodan M. Janković, 18 Kongres Hirurga Jugoslavije, 8-11.06.1994., Beograd Acta<br />

Chirurgica Iugoslavica, 1994, 1, Suppl., P 36.<br />

6. Preincizionalna, subkutana, jedna doza ceftriaksona u profilaksi infekcije hirurške<br />

rane. Azanjac BN, Jorović MB, Nenadović BR, Cerović S, Janković M. Slobodan,<br />

Milovanović D, Arsenijević N. 19 Kongres Hirurga Jugoslavije, 9-13. 06. 1996., Bar,<br />

Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica, 1995, 42 Suppl. 1, P162.<br />

7. Lečenje atrijalne fibrilacije individualizovanim dozama hinidina. M. Radovanović, M.<br />

Miloradović, M. Vučković, S. Janković, D. Milovanović. II Kongres kardiologa<br />

Srbije, 26-28. 06. 1996., Beograd, Kardiologija 1996; 17 (Suppl. 1): 121.<br />

8. Comparative pharmacological analysis of muscarinic receptor subtypes in smooth<br />

muscle of human and feline stomach. Janković SM, Bleslin DB, Milovanović DR.<br />

Arch Gastroenterohepatol 1996; 15(Suppl 7): S49. III Jugoslovenska<br />

gastroenterološka nedelja i XVI Gastroenterološki dani SLD, Igalo-Herceg Novi, 17-<br />

21. IX 1996.<br />

9. Contractile effects of thymic hormones on isolated rat gastric fundus. Milovanović<br />

DR, Janković SM. Arch Gastroenterohepatol 1996; 15(Suppl 7): S49. III<br />

Jugoslovenska gastroenterološka nedelja i XVI Gastroenterološki dani SLD, Igalo-<br />

Herceg Novi, 17-21. IX 1996.<br />

10. Muscarinic receptor subtypes in rat gastric fundus.Milovanović DR, Janković SM,<br />

Melchiorre C. Acta Biologiae et Medicinae Experimentalis 1996; 21(Suppl 1): 47.<br />

11th Yugoslav Congress of Pharmacology with International Participation, Igalo-<br />

Herceg Novi, 22-26. IX 1996.<br />

11. Pharmacologic analysis of 8-l-lysine-vasopressin contractile effect on feline gastric<br />

corpus. Mirčić G, Janković SM, Beleslin DB. Acta Biologiae et Medicinae<br />

Experimentalis 1996; 21(Suppl 1): 47. 11th Yugoslav Congress of Pharmacology with<br />

International Participation, Igalo-Herceg Novi, 22-26. IX 1996.<br />

12. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome as serious adverse effect of antipsychotic<br />

medication-report of three cases. Đukuć-Dejanović S, Ravanić DB, Lončar-<br />

Stojiljković D, Janković S, Stojiljković MP, Paunović VR. Acta Biologiae et<br />

Medicinae Experimentalis 1996; 21(Suppl 1): 31. 11th Yugoslav Congress of<br />

Pharmacology with International Participation, Igalo-Herceg Novi, 22-26. IX 1996.<br />

13. Adverse effects of antipsychotic drugs in positive and negative type of schizophrenia –<br />

typical vs atypical neuroleptics. Ravanić DB, Đukuć-Dejanović S, Stojiljković MP,<br />

Janković S, Paunović VR. Acta Biologiae et Medicinae Experimentalis 1996;<br />

21(Suppl 1): 31. 11th Yugoslav Congress of Pharmacology with International<br />

Participation, Igalo-Herceg Novi, 22-26. IX 1996.<br />

14. The graphic method for the quickly check the normality same distribution in<br />

pharmacology. Đonović N, Janković S, Radotić M. Acta Biologiae et Medicinae<br />

Experimentalis 1996; 21(Suppl 1): 43. 11th Yugoslav Congress of Pharmacology with<br />

International Participation, Igalo-Herceg Novi, 22-26. IX 1996.<br />

15. Effects of beta-lactam antibiotics on the gut of experimental animals. Mitrović M,<br />

Janković SM. Acta Biologiae et Medicinae Experimentalis 1996; 21(Suppl 1): 63.

11th Yugoslav Congress of Pharmacology with International Participation, Igalo-<br />

Herceg Novi, 22-26. IX 1996.<br />

16. Effects of thymic hormones on isolated smooth muscles of human fallopian tubes.<br />

Janković SM, Janković SV, Beleslin DB. Acta Biologiae et Medicinae Experimentalis<br />

1996; 21(Suppl 1): 49. 11th Yugoslav Congress of Pharmacology with International<br />

Participation, Igalo-Herceg Novi, 22-26. IX 1996.<br />

17. Praćenje koncentracije antibiotika u serumu mikrobiološkom metodom. Janković M.<br />

Slobodan, Đorđević Đorđe, Dorđević Vladimir. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 1998;<br />

45(Suppl. 1): 55. XX kongres hirurga Jugoslavije, Zlatibor, 17-21. 05. 1998.<br />

18. Individualizacija doziranja antibiotika kod hirurških bolesnika. Janković M. Slobodan.<br />

Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 1998; 45(Suppl. 1): P39. XX kongres hirurga Jugoslavije,<br />

Zlatibor, 17-21. 05. 1998.<br />

19. Ultrasonografska analiza efekta neuroleptika na kontraktilnost miokarda. V.Irić-Ćupić,<br />

M. Vučković, Slobodan M. Janković, M. Matović, M. Miloradović, S. Đukić-<br />

Dejanović, B. Ćupić. Kardiologija 1998; 19 (Suppl 1): 54. P 219. XII kongres<br />

kardiologa Jugoslavije, 14-18. 06. 1998.<br />

20. Radionuklidna ventrikulografija u analizi negativno-inotropnog efekta butirofenona.<br />

M. Vučković, V.Irić-Ćupić, M. Matović, Slobodan M. Janković, M. Miloradović, S.<br />

Đukić-Dejanović, B. Ćupić. Kardiologija 1998; 19 (Suppl 1): 54. P 220. XII kongres<br />

kardiologa Jugoslavije, 14-18. 06. 1998.<br />

21. Febrile reactions to intravenous solutions. Slobodan M. Janković, Dejana Ružić,<br />

Dragan Milovanović. Arch Toxicol Kinet Xenobiot Metab 1998; 6 (3): 425-6. VII<br />

Congress of the Toxicologists of Yugoslavia, Igalo, 21-24. 09. 1998.<br />

22. Janković SM, Milovanović DR, Ružić-Zečević D, Nedović D, Petrović S, Milivojević<br />

N, Savić G. Povodom desetogodišnjice Centra za kliničku i eksperimentalnu<br />

farmakologiju Kliničkog centra “<strong>Kragujevac</strong>”. <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis 2005; 39(1) Suppl,<br />

19. 30. oktobarski zdravstveni dani, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 27-28. 10. 2005<br />

23. Milovanović D, Janković S, Ružić Zečević D, Nedović D, Petrović S, Milivojević N,<br />

Savić G. Upotreba antineoplastičnih lekova u Kliničkom centru “<strong>Kragujevac</strong>” u<br />

periodu od 1997 godine do 2004. godine. <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis 2005; 39(1) Suppl, 18.<br />

30. oktobarski zdravstveni dani, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 27-28. 10. 2005.<br />

24. Milovanović JR, Janković SM. Terapijski monitoring valproata. <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis<br />

2007; 41(Suplement 1): 27-8. 32. oktobarski zdravstveni dani, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 27-28. 10.<br />

2007.<br />

25. Ružić Zečević D, Milovanović D, Folić M, Janković S. Upotreba imunosupresivnih<br />

lekova u Kliničkom centru “<strong>Kragujevac</strong>” u periodu od 2000. do 2006. godine.<br />

<strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis 2007; 41(Suplement 1): 40. 32. oktobarski zdravstveni dani,<br />

<strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 27-28. 10. 2007.<br />

26. Folić M, Milovanović D, Ružić-Zečević D, Janković S. Analiza prijava neželjenih<br />

alergijskih reakcija na lekove u Kliničkom centru “<strong>Kragujevac</strong>” tokom perioda od 5<br />

godina. <strong>Medicinski</strong> časopis 2007; 41(Suplement 1): 40-1. 32. oktobarski zdravstveni<br />

dani, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 27-28. 10. 20<br />

27. Janković SM. Principi racionalne terapije. Racionalna terapija 2009; 1(2): 37. Uvodno<br />

predavanje, Drugi nacionalni kongres racionalne terapije u medicini, Hotel

„Šumarice“, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 7-8.11.2009.<br />

28. Janković SM. Racionalna politika primene antibiotika u zdravstvenoj ustanovi.<br />

Racionalna terapija 2009; 1(2): 38. Uvodno predavanje, Drugi nacionalni kongres<br />

racionalne terapije u medicini, Hotel „Šumarice“, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 7-8.11.2009.<br />

29. Janković SM. Medicina zasnovana na dokazima – procena validnosti i značajnosti<br />

dijagnostičkih testova.. Racionalna terapija 2009; 1(2): 41. Uvodno predavanje, Drugi<br />

nacionalni kongres racionalne terapije u medicini, Hotel „Šumarice“, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 7-<br />

8.11.2009.<br />

The international congress presentations published in extenso<br />

1. Reconstruction after disconnection of choledocho-duodenal junction during partial<br />

gastrectomy: two cases report. Z. Matović and S. Janković, European I.H.P.B.A.<br />

congress Athens 95, Athens, 25-28 May 1995.<br />

2. Janković S. PhD program at Medical Faculty, University of <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, Serbia and<br />

Montenegro. Proceedings of the European Conference on Harmonisation of PhD<br />

Programmes in Biomedicine and Health Sciences, 2004: page 86.Zagreb, Croatia, 24-<br />

25. April 2004.<br />

3. Janković SM, Kouvelas D, Stefanović S, Janković SV. Pharmacological Profile od a<br />

Patient: New Health Service of Clinical Pharmacologists. Proceedings of the 8th<br />

Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics,<br />

August 29 – September 01, 2007, Amsterdam, Holland. Medimond International<br />

Proceedings: 175-178.<br />

The international congress presentations published as abstracts<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

In vitro effects of angiotensin ii on the human diseased and the guinea-pig gallbladder.<br />

S. Janković, R. Samardžić and D. Beleslin, I internacionalni kongres farmakologa,<br />

Budimpešta, avgust 1990.<br />

Muscarinic receptor subtypes in circular muscle layer of feline gastric corpus. S.<br />

Janković, III internacionalni kongres o aminokiselinama, Beč, 24-27.08.1993.<br />

Efects of fentanyl and its analogs on electric field- stimulated contractions of rat<br />

ileum. S.M. Janković, D.B. Beleslin, M.D. Ivanović, D. Kouvelas, A. Argyriou, G.

Mirčić, D. Ružić, A.G. Paradelis,<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

8.<br />

9.<br />

10.<br />

11.<br />

12.<br />

13.<br />

14.<br />

15.<br />

Meleti tis energias opioidon farmakon stin apomonomeni trahia kunelion. Argiriu A,<br />

Kouvelas D, S. Janković, Pangalis A, Mirtsu-Fidani V, Paradelis AG<br />

Meletis tis energias opioidon farmakon stin neuromisiki sinapsi epimisi. Tomaris O,<br />

Kouvelas D, Argiriu A,S. Janković, Parlapanis A, Gkiala M, Triantafilidis K,<br />

Paradelis AG.<br />

Study of knowledge of nurses with different level of education in ahepa hospital of<br />

Thessaliniki about drug administration. Dimitriadou A., Kouvelas D., Janković M.S.,<br />

Paradelis A.G., Karaivasidou F., Minassidou E., Kafkia Th.,International nursing<br />

congress, Athens, 6-9.06.1995.<br />

Development of tonic response in time: the other view on agonist action analysis.<br />

Janković M. S., Beleslin B. D., Milovanović D., Tsilkos K., Kouvelas D., Paradelis G.<br />

1st Balkan Dental Congress, Thessaloniki, 28-31. 03. 1996. P158, page 96.<br />

Meleti tis epidrasis opioidon stin osfritiki kinoniki mimi epimion. Kouvelas D,<br />

Argiriu A, Tsilkos K, Janković S, Mircu-Fidani V. 16. jatriko sinedrio enoplon<br />

dynameon, Thessaloniki, 9-12. 10. 1996., P336, page 255.<br />

Different roles of histamine receptor subtypes in ampullar and isthmic segments of<br />

human fallopian tube. Slobodan M. Janković, Mirjana Varjačić, Snežana V. Janković.<br />

3rd xenobiotic metabolism and toxicity workshop of Balkan countries, Varnna,<br />

Bulgaria, 4-8. 10. 1997., Book of abstracts, pages 58-59.<br />

The effect of beta-lactam antibiotics on isolated human gallbladder. Papaioannidou<br />

PG, Jankovic SM, Mirtsou-Fidani V. 1st Hellenic-Bulgarian Medical Meeting,<br />

Thessaloniki, Greece, 15.-18. 10. 1998., Book of abstracts, page 40.<br />

Psychotropic drug prescription in long-stay psychiatric care facility. Jankovic SM,<br />

Kovacevic Z, Argyriou A, Kouvelas D, Jankovic SV. 6th Congress of the European<br />

Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Amsterdam, The Nederlands, 21.-23. 03. 2001.,<br />

Book of abstracts, pages 18-19.<br />

Stojanović B, Janković S, Miljković B. Impact of pharmacy counselling on the<br />

adherence to the use of statins in patients with acute coronary syndrom and<br />

hyperlipidemia. 5th Spring Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, Stockholm, Sweden,<br />

May 25 – 28th, 2005, Book of abstracts, page 61<br />

Stojanović B, Janković S, Miljković B, Dodd T. The impact of introducing quality<br />

measures in medicines management on antibiotic utilization. 5th Spring Conference<br />

on Clinical Pharmacy, Stockholm, Sweden, May 25 – 28th, 2005, Book of abstracts,<br />

page 63<br />

Stojanović B, Janković S, Miljković B. Indicators of drug use in primary health care in<br />

Serbia. 5th Spring Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, Stockholm, Sweden, May 25 –<br />

28th, 2005, Book of abstracts, page 77.<br />

Janković S, Arsenijević N. Early testing of methodological issues in PhD thesis<br />

proposals during doctoral studies. ORPHEUS 2007 European PhD Programmes in<br />

Clinical Medicine. Proceedings of the Third Conference on Biomedical and Health<br />

Science Doctoral Training in Europe. Biomedicum Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland,<br />

September 6-8, 2007: pp 35.

16.<br />

17.<br />

18.<br />

19.<br />

20.<br />

Janković S. Osnovi farmakoekonomije-mogućnosti istraživanja kod nas. <strong>Medicinski</strong><br />

zapisi, 2009, (Sappl 1):60. XIII Kongres društva ljekara Crne Gore, maj 6-9, 2009,<br />

Bećiči, Crna Gora<br />

SM Jankovic, SM Stefanovic Clinical Effectiveness of the Pharmacological Profile of<br />

a Patient in Primary Care Practice. 6 th European Congress of Pharmacology, EPHAR<br />

2012, 17-20. July 2012., Granada, Spain, Elektronska neostraničena publikacija sa<br />

softverom “Oxford Abstracts v. 4.01”, Poster broj P 003.<br />

M Kostic, SM Jankovic. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Tocilizumab and Metotrexate<br />

for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Markov Model Based on Data from a<br />

Balkan Country in socio-economic Transition. 6 th European Congress of<br />

Pharmacology, EPHAR 2012, 17-20. July 2012., Granada, Spain, Elektronska<br />

neostraničena publikacija sa softverom “Oxford Abstracts v. 4.01”, Poster broj P163.<br />

J Milovanovic, SM Jankovic. Population Pharmacokinetics Modeling of Lamotrigine<br />

with Data from Routine Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Patients with Epilepsy. 6 th<br />

European Congress of Pharmacology, EPHAR 2012, 17-20. July 2012., Granada,<br />

Spain, Elektronska neostraničena publikacija sa softverom “Oxford Abstracts v.<br />

4.01”, Poster broj P166.<br />

Janković SM. Serbian Developoments on a Patient Drug Profile. The Future of<br />

European Clinical Pharmacology, Erice, Sicily, 18-22. June 2012., International<br />

School of Pharmacology. Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific<br />

Culture. Predavanje po pozivu direktora škole Prof. G. P. Velo-a, pismo poslato<br />

15.2.2012. iz Verone.<br />

The national congress presentations published in exteso<br />

1. Janković SM. Direktna korelacija između kvaliteta rada nastavnika i saradnika<br />

<strong>Univerzitet</strong>a i kvaliteta obrazovanja koje stiču diplomirani studenti. Naučni skup:<br />

"Reforma sistema univerzitetskog obrazovanja u Srbiji na pragu trećeg milenijuma",<br />

<strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 16-17. 05. 2000.<br />

2. Stojanović B, Janković S, Krstić S. Menadžment terapijom bolesnika na klinici -<br />

farmaceut član tima. VII seminar "Menadžment u farmaciji", Zlatibor, februar 2001.<br />

Zbornik radova, stranice 51-59.<br />

The national congress presentations published as abstracts

1. Effects of histamine on the smooth muscle of human gallbladder. Janković S., XIX<br />

jugoslovenski simpozijum iz biofizike i satelitski simpozijum medicinske bioakustike,<br />

Sarajevo-Igman, 13-17.12.1988.<br />

2. Calcium channel blockers and smooth muscle of human gallbladder. S. Janković and<br />

D. Beleslin, Symposium on hyperbaric medicine, Beograd, 4-8.06.1989.<br />

3. Effects of cholecystokinin-octapeptide, oxytocin,8-l-lysine-vasopressin and<br />

thymopentin on human gallbladder in vitro. S. Janković, D. Beleslin and G. Savović,<br />

Simpozijum neurotransmiteri i modulacija ćelijske funkcije, Niška Banja,11-<br />

15.09.1989.<br />

4. Dejstvo angiotenzina ii na glatki mišić žučne kese zamorčeta. S. Janković i D.<br />

Beleslin, V kongres saveza biohemijskih društava Jugoslavije, Novi Sad, 26-<br />

29.09.1989.<br />

5. Uticaj fentanila na ponašanje pacova. Milovan Ivanović, Sonja Vučković, Zorana<br />

Ristović, Ivan Mićović, Slobodan Janković i Dušan Beleslin, Značaj transmitera i<br />

modulatora neurohumoralne transmisije za regulaciju ćelijske aktivnosti, Beograd, 19-<br />

21.10.1994.<br />

6. Dejstvo tetrametilamonijuma na izolovani glatki mišić tela želuca čoveka i mačke.<br />

Slobodan M. Janković, Dušan B. Beleslin, Dragan Milovanović, Miroslav Mitrović,<br />

Danica Jovanović-Mićić i Sonja Vučković, Značaj transmitera i modulatora<br />

neurohumoralne transmisije za regulaciju ćelijske aktivnosti, Beograd, 19-21.10.1994.<br />

7. Dejstvo oksitocina i 8-l-lizin-vazopresina na izolovane glatke mišiće tela želuca<br />

čoveka, mačke i zeca, i fundusa želuca pacova. Gordana Mirčić, Slobodan M.<br />

Janković, Dušan Beleslin i Ranka Samardžić, Značaj transmitera i modulatora<br />

neurohumoralne transmisije za regulaciju ćelijske aktivnosti, Beograd, 19-21.10.1994.<br />

8. Medicinska sestra/tehničar i poznavanje primene lekova.<br />

S.M. Janković, S. Janković, D. Kouvelas, A. Argyriou, Lj. Vesović, M. Radojević, M.<br />

Aksentijević, S. Ćirković, P. Theodoros, A.G. Paradelis, Kongres zdravstvenih<br />

radnika Jugoslavije, Herceg-Novi, 5-10. 06. 1995.<br />

9. Surgical treatment of politrauma. Nedeljković V, Matović Z, Pešović J, Janković S,<br />

Milev B. 1st International Conference of Emergency Surgery, Belgrade, 25-28. IX<br />

1996. Book of abstracts, page 48.<br />

10. Treatment of peritonitis caused by injuries or perforations of large intestine.<br />

Nedeljković V, Matović Z, Radovanović D, Pešović J, Janković S, Milev B. 1st<br />

International Conference of Emergency Surgery, Belgrade, 25-28. IX 1996. Book of<br />

abstracts, page 48.<br />

11. Antibiotic therapy of peritonitis. Đorđević Đ, Janković S, Đorđević V. 1st<br />

International Conference of Emergency Surgery, Belgrade, 25-28. IX 1996. Book of<br />

abstracts, page 49.<br />

12. Liver injuries. Đorđević Đ, Janković S, Đorđević V. 1st International Conference of<br />

Emergency Surgery, Belgrade, 25-28. IX 1996. Book of abstracts, page 50.<br />

13. Medikamentozna terapija spazama visceralnih glatkih mišića. Milovanović D,<br />

Janković S. XXIV oktobarski zdravstveni dani, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 24-25. 10. 1996. Zbornik<br />

sažetaka, str. 71.<br />

14. Hirurško lečenje torakoabdominalnih povreda. Nedeljković V, Matović Z,<br />

Radovanović D, Janković S, Pešović J, Milev B. XXIV oktobarski zdravstveni dani,

<strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 24-25. 10. 1996. Zbornik sažetaka, str. 8.<br />

15. Terapija hipertenzivne krize. Kličković A, Uštević J, Janković S. XXIV oktobarski<br />

zdravstveni dani, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 24-25. 10. 1996. Zbornik sažetaka, str. 17.<br />

16. Lečenje atrijalne fibrilacije individualizovanim dozama hinidina. Radovanović M,<br />

Miloradović M, Vučković M, Janković S, Milovanović D. XXIV oktobarski<br />

zdravstveni dani, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 24-25. 10. 1996. Zbornik sažetaka, str. 29.<br />

17. Klinička studija efekta neuroleptika na kontraktilnu sposobnost miokarda. Irić-Ćupić<br />

V., Vučković M., Matović M., Janković Slobodan, Đukić-Dejanović S. XXV<br />

oktobarski zdravstveni dani, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 30-31. 10. 1997. Zbornik sažetaka, strana 40.<br />

18. Primena amjodarona u lečenju malignih poremećaja srčanog ritma kod bolesnika sa<br />

ishemijskom bolešću srca. Milan Radovanović, Slobodan Janković, M. Miloradović,<br />

D. Milovanović. XXV oktobarski zdravstveni dani, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 30-31. 10. 1997.<br />

Zbornik sažetaka, strana 38.<br />

19. Lečenje srčanih aritmija propafenonom i proaritmogeni rizik. Milan Radovanović,<br />

Slobodan Janković, M. Miloradović, D. Milovanović. XXV oktobarski zdravstveni<br />

dani, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 30-31. 10. 1997. Zbornik sažetaka, strana 39.<br />

20. Složenost dijagnostikovanja i terapijski tretman paničnog poremećaja. Slavica Đukić-<br />

Dejanović, Slobodan Janković, G. Mihajlović. XXVI oktobarski zdravstveni dani,<br />

<strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 29-30. 10. 1998. Zbornik sažetaka, strana 17.<br />

21. Koncentracija cefotaksima i ceftriaksona u serumu i kostnoj srži bolesnika posle<br />

profilaktične primene u ortopedskoj hirurgiji. Slobodan M. Janković, Željko<br />

Stepanović, Dragana Nedović, Slađana Ćirković. XXVI oktobarski zdravstveni dani,<br />

<strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 29-30. 10. 1998. Zbornik sažetaka, strana 43.<br />

22. Sulfasalazin u terapiji reumatskih oboljenja. Dragan Milovanović, Slobodan Janković,<br />

Dejana Ružić, N. Đurašinović, Đ. Đurić. XXVI oktobarski zdravstveni dani,<br />

<strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 29-30. 10. 1998. Zbornik sažetaka, strana 62.<br />

23. Upotreba lekova za terapiju kardiovaskularnih oboljenja na kardiološkom odeljenju<br />

kliničko-bolničkog centra "kragujevac" tokom 1997. godine. Slobodan M. Janković,<br />

Dragan Milovanović, Dejana Ružić, Dragana Nedović, Slađana Petrović. I kongres<br />

jugoslovenske lige za hipertenziju i I jugoslovenski kongres o farmakoterapiji<br />

kardiovaskularnih oboljenja, Beograd, oktobar 1998., Zbornik radova, 116-7.<br />

24. Janković SM, Janković SV, Milovanović DR. Effects of glutamate receptors agonists<br />

on contractile response of rat ileum to field stimulation. I kongres fiziologije Srbije i<br />

Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem “Molekularna, ćelijska i integrativna osnova<br />

zdravlja, bolesti i lečenja”, Beograd, novembar 9-12, 2005., Zbornik radova, 81<br />

25. Petrović B, Radulović S, Janković S. Dermatological adverse effects of sunitinib in<br />

patients with renal cell carcinoma: case-control study. 12th Serbian Cogress of<br />

Pharmacology and 2nd Serbian Congress of Clinical Pharmacology, Palić, May 9-12,<br />

2007. Book of Abstracts, 16.<br />

26. Milovanović DR, Ružić Zečević D, Petrović M, Janković SM. Cost-utility of<br />

latanoprost vs. timolol monotherapy in outpatients with primary open-angle glaucoma.<br />

12th Serbian Cogress of Pharmacology and 2nd Serbian Congress of Clinical<br />

Pharmacology, Palić, May 9-12, 2007. Book of Abstracts, 20.

27. Janković SM, Janković SV. Shift from oral to written exams of pharmacology and<br />

inter-rater differences. 12th Serbian Cogress of Pharmacology and 2nd Serbian<br />

Congress of Clinical Pharmacology, Palić, May 9-12, 2007. Book of Abstracts, 28.<br />

28. Milovanović J, Janković S. Pharmacokinetic modelling of valproate from clinical data<br />

in Serbian epileptic patients. 12th Serbian Cogress of Pharmacology and 2nd Serbian<br />

Congress of Clinical Pharmacology, Palić, May 9-12, 2007. Book of Abstracts, 34.<br />

29. Jakovljević M, Janković SM, Milovanović JR, Janković S, Todorović N. Modelling of<br />

valproate pharmacokinetics in epileptic patients. 12th Serbian Cogress of<br />

Pharmacology and 2nd Serbian Congress of Clinical Pharmacology, Palić, May 9-12,<br />

2007. Book of Abstracts, 35.<br />

The national congress presentations<br />

1. Jankovic SM. Off label use of medicinal products. The Balkan Pharmaceutical<br />

Regulatory Conference, Belgrade, 26-27. May 2003.<br />

2. Cholinoceptive sites in the human gallbladder. S. Janković and B. Terzić, 10-th<br />

Congress of the Yugoslav Pharmacological Society, Neum, 12-15.10.1988.<br />

3. Podtipovi muskarinskog receptora u longitudinalnom mišiću tela želuca čoveka. S.<br />

Janković, I simpozijum Inovacije u medicinskoj nauci, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 7-8.12.1992.<br />

4. Neželjena dejstva lekova u terapiji oboljenja digestivnog trakta. Slobodan Janković.<br />

Savetovanje o neželjenim dejstvima lekova, Beograd, 22. 10. 1997.<br />

5. Jankovic SM. Genericki preparati –- za i protiv. Osmi strucni sastanak Saveza<br />

privatnih apoteka i veledrogerija Srbije, Beograd, 31. maj 2003.<br />

6. Janković S. Clinical Pharmacology in the Primary Health Care. The first scientific<br />

meeting of Macedonian division of Greek Association of General Practitioners. 19.<br />

February 2005.<br />

Books<br />

Textbooks<br />

1. Biološki aktivni peptidi gastrointestinalnog trakta u gastroenterološkoj dijagnostici i<br />

farmakoterapiji. Slobodan M. Janković, Ranka Samardžić i Dušan Beleslin, U:<br />

Farmakoterapija u gastroenterologiji, urednici: V. Varagić, O. Popović I M.<br />

Andrejević, Elit-Medica, Beograd, 1994, 176-178.<br />

2. Modulatori tonusa i pokretljivosti glatkih mišića u gastrointestinalnom traktu. Danica<br />

Jovanović-Mićić, Slobodan M. Janković i Dušan B. Beleslin, U: Farmakoterapija u<br />

gastroenterologiji, urednici: V. Varagić, O. Popović I M. Andrejević, Elit-Medica,<br />

Beograd, 1994, 61-75.<br />

4. Receptura. Slobodan M. Janković, Dušan Beleslin, Dragan Milovanović, Autorsko<br />

izdanje, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 1996, 108 stranica - odlukom Naučno-nastavnog veća

Medicinskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a u Kragujevcu broj 154/I-6 od 02. 04. 1996. je prihvaćena za<br />

zvaničan udžbenik za pripremanje praktičnog ispita na predmetu Farmakologija sa<br />

toksikologijom.<br />

6. Zbirka pitanja sa odgovorima za polaganje testa iz farmakologije sa toksikologijom na<br />

medicinskom <strong>fakultet</strong>u u kragujevcu. Slobodan M. Janković, Dušan B. Beleslin,<br />

Dejana Ružić, Gordana Mirčić, Dragan Milovanović. <strong>Medicinski</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u<br />

Kragujevcu, 1997, 41 stranica. - odlukom Naučno-nastavnog veća Medicinskog<br />

<strong>fakultet</strong>a u Kragujevcu broj 308/I-4 od 04. 06. 1997. je prihvaćena za pomoćni<br />

udžbenik za pripremanje praktičnog ispita na predmetu Farmakologija sa<br />

toksikologijom.<br />

7. Priručnik iz farmakologije. Slobodan M. Janković. <strong>Medicinski</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u Kragujevcu,<br />

1998, 205 stranica. - odlukom Komisije za izdavačku delatnost Nastavno-naučnog<br />

veća Medicinskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a u Kragujevcu broj 182 od 08.04.1998. je prihvaćen za<br />

pomoćni udžbenik na predmetu Farmakologija sa toksikologijom.<br />

8. Medikamentozna terapija u psihijatriji. Slavica M. Đukić Dejanović i Slobodan M.<br />

Janković (urednici), I izd., KBC "<strong>Kragujevac</strong>", <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 1999: 270 stranica.<br />

Odlukom Komisije za izdavačku delatnost Medicinskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a u Kragujevcu br.<br />

1028 od 29. 09. 1999. godine ova knjiga je prihvaćena kao udžbenik za postdiplomsku<br />

nastavu iz Psihijatrije.<br />

9. Slobodan M. Janković. Pitanja iz farmakologije malignih tumora. U: Osnovi<br />

onkologije (zbirka rešenih pitanja), Arsenijević NN, Baskić D (urednici), <strong>Medicinski</strong><br />

<strong>fakultet</strong>, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 2000: 209-249. Odlukom Komisije za izdavačku delatnost<br />

Medicinskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a u Kragujevcu br. 587, ova knjiga je prihvaćena kao udžbenik za<br />

redovnu nastavu iz predmeta Onkologija.<br />

10. Slobodan M. Janković. Neželjena dejstva lekova koji se koriste u terapiji oboljenja<br />

digestivnog trakta. in: neželjena i toksična dejstva lekova. Anđelković D, Antunović<br />

V, Grbović L, Terzić B, Vučković Lj. K.K. "DIS", Bačka Palanka, 2001: 139 - 49.<br />

Veće za poslediplomsku nastavu Medicinskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a <strong>Univerzitet</strong>a u Beogradu na<br />

sednici održanoj 26. 05. 1999. je donelo odluku 04 br. 1220/124 da se ova knjiga<br />

nameni kao udžbenik za poslediplomsko usavršavanje lekara.<br />

11. Janković S, Ćupudija V, Maksimović M, Vušanović A. Potrošnja lekova na odeljenju<br />

vaskularne hirurgije u Kragujevcu od 1997 do 1999. In: Novine u vaskularnoj hirurgiji<br />

i angiologiji. Novaković BM, Pavlović R, Lotina S, Rosić M, Kojić M, (urednici),<br />

Biblioteka "Liceum", Centar za naučna istraživanja Srpske akademije nauka i<br />

umetnosti i <strong>Univerzitet</strong>a u Kragujevcu, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 2001: 248-58.<br />

12. Slobodan M. Janković, Ružić Zečević D, Mirčić G, Milovanović D. Zbirka pitanja sa<br />

odgovorima za polaganje testa iz farmakologije i toksikologije na medicinskom<br />

<strong>fakultet</strong>u u kragujevcu (drugo, izmenjeno i dopunjeno izdanje). TP Jugopromet d.o.o.,<br />

Ćuprija, 2001. Na sednici Komisije za izdavačku delatnost Medicinskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a od<br />

11. 09. 2001. godine doneta je odluka broj 1401 kojom se odobrava štampanje ove<br />

zbirke kao repetitorijuma za studente medicine.<br />

14. Slobodan M. Janković. Nova iskustva sa neželjenim dejstvima lekova. <strong>Medicinski</strong><br />

<strong>fakultet</strong>, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 2002. Na sednici Komisije za izdavačku delatnost Medicinskog<br />

<strong>fakultet</strong>a od 04. 04. 2002. godine doneta je odluka broj 505 kojom se odobrava<br />

štampanje ove knjige kao udžbenika za postdiplomsku nastavu.

15. Slobodan M. Janković. Ekg za svakog. II izdanje, Hemofarm, Vršac, 2002.<br />

16. Ugresic N, Stanimirovic V, Djukic Lj, Terzic B, Jankovic SM, et al.<br />

FARMAKOTERAPIJSKI VODIC. 1. izd., Zavod za Farmaciju Srbije, Beograd, 2003.<br />

17. Slobodan M. Jankovic. FARMAKOLOGIJA I TOKSIKOLOGIJA. 1. izd., <strong>Medicinski</strong><br />

<strong>fakultet</strong> u Kragujevcu, 2003. Odlukom komisije za izdavacku delatnost Naucnonastavnog<br />

veca Medicinskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a u Kragujevcu, broj 1139 od 18.09.2003. ova<br />

knjiga se stampa kao udzbenik za osnovnu nastavu iz farmakologije i toksikologije.<br />

18. Medikamentozna terapija u psihijatriji. Slavica M. Đukić Dejanović i Slobodan M.<br />

Janković (urednici), II izmenjeno i dopunjeno izd., <strong>Medicinski</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> <strong>Kragujevac</strong>,<br />

2005: 380 stranica. Odlukom Komisije za izdavačku delatnost Medicinskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a<br />

u Kragujevcu br. 253 od 10. 02. 2005. godine ova knjiga je prihvaćena kao udžbenik<br />

za postdiplomsku nastavu.<br />

19. Janković S, Milovanović M, Nedović D, Petrović S. Rezultati poluintenzivnog<br />

monitoringa neželjenih dejstava lekova u KBC <strong>Kragujevac</strong>. U: Farmakovigilanca i<br />

bezbedna primena lekova. Terzić B, Anđelković D, Meyboom R, Stanulović M.<br />

(urednici). 1. izdanje, Farmaceutski <strong>fakultet</strong>, Beograd, 2004: pp. 63 – 5. ISBN 86-<br />

80263-34-6. Naučno – nastavno veće Farmaceutskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a <strong>Univerzitet</strong>a u<br />

Beogradu, odlukom 969/2/05 od 01. 07. 2005. odobrilo je ovu publikaciju kao<br />

udžbenik na postdiplomskim studijama iz Farmakologije i Farmakokinetike, na<br />

Farmaceutskom <strong>fakultet</strong>u.<br />

20. Anđelković D, Stanimirović V, Janković S, Mikov M, Vučković Lj, Đukić Lj.<br />

Evidentiranje i analiza neželjenih dejstava lekova na relaciji: farmaceutska industrija –<br />

klinika – centar za neželjena dejstva – agencija za lekove. U: Farmakovigilanca i<br />

bezbedna primena lekova. Terzić B, Anđelković D, Meyboom R, Stanulović M.<br />

(urednici). 1. izdanje, Farmaceutski <strong>fakultet</strong>, Beograd, 2004: pp. 26 – 31. ISBN 86-<br />

80263-34-6. Naučno – nastavno veće Farmaceutskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a <strong>Univerzitet</strong>a u<br />

Beogradu, odlukom 969/2/05 od 01. 07. 2005. odobrilo je ovu publikaciju kao<br />

udžbenik na postdiplomskim studijama iz Farmakologije i Farmakokinetike, na<br />

Farmaceutskom <strong>fakultet</strong>u.<br />

21. Janković S. Psihijatrijske komplikacije izazvane medikamentoznom terapijom. U:<br />

Farmakoekonomija u psihijatriji. Prostran M, Samardžić R, Timotijević I, Đurić D.<br />

(urednici), 1. izdanje, <strong>Medicinski</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u Beogradu, Beograd, 2006: pp 199 – 204.<br />

ISBN 86-7117-156-6. Odlukom Veća za postdiplomsku nastavu Medicinskog<br />

<strong>fakultet</strong>a <strong>Univerzitet</strong>a u Beogradu, broj 11/75 od 24. 01. 2006. godine, ova knjiga se<br />

štampa kao udžbenik za postdiplomsko usavršavanje lekara<br />

22. Janković S. Farmakoekonomija delirijuma. U: Farmakoekonomija u psihijatriji.<br />

Prostran M, Samardžić R, Timotijević I, Đurić D. (urednici), 1. izdanje, <strong>Medicinski</strong><br />

<strong>fakultet</strong> u Beogradu, Beograd, 2006: pp 205 – 10. ISBN 86-7117-156-6. Odlukom<br />

Veća za postdiplomsku nastavu Medicinskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a <strong>Univerzitet</strong>a u Beogradu, broj<br />

11/75 od 24. 01. 2006. godine, ova knjiga se štampa kao udžbenik za postdiplomsko<br />

usavršavanje lekara<br />

24. Janković SM, Beleslin DB, Milovanović DR. Receptura. 4. izmenjeno i dopunjeno<br />

izdanje, <strong>Medicinski</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> <strong>Univerzitet</strong>a u Kragujevcu, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 2005. ISBN86-<br />

7760-006-x. Odlukom Komisije za izdavačku delatnost Naučno-nastavnog veća

Medicinskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a <strong>Univerzitet</strong>a u Kragujevcu, broj 3211 od 10. 11. 2005., knjiga<br />

se štampa kao pomoćni udžbenik za osnovnu nastavu<br />

25. Janković SM, Prostran M. Farmakoterapijske preporuke. 1.izdanje, <strong>Medicinski</strong><br />

<strong>fakultet</strong>, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 2005. Odlukom Komisije za izdavačku delatnost Medicinskog<br />

<strong>fakultet</strong>a u Kragujevcu broj 2476, od 23.12.2004. godine, ova knjiga se izdaje kao<br />

priručnik za lekarsku (kliničku) praksu<br />

26. Јанковић СМ. Управљање лековима у болници. 1. издање, Медицински<br />

факултет, Крагујевац, 2006. Одлуком Комисије за издавачку делатност<br />

Медицинског факултета у Крагујевцу број 579, од 24. 02. 2006. године, ова<br />

књига се издаје као брошура.<br />

27. Јанковић СМ, Простран М. Тодоровић З. Фармакологија и токсикологија.,<br />

Медицински факултет, Крагујевац, 2007, стр. 476. Одлуком Комисије за<br />

издавачку делатност Медицинског факултета у Крагујевцу број 06-1003, од 20.<br />

02. 2007. године, ова књига се штампа као уџбеник за основну наставу из<br />

Фармакологије и токсикологије.<br />

28. С. Јанковић. Нежељена дејства лекова из: Група аутора, Проблеми у педијатрији<br />

2008. 1. Издање, годиште XXIX, волмен 29, година издавања 2009, уредник Д.<br />

Здравковић, Завод за уџбенике Београд, Одлуком Већа за специјалистичку<br />

наставу Медицинског факултета Универзитета у Београду, бр.04 Бр 17/21-40/16<br />

од 27. 01. 2009. Године, прихваћена је позитивна рецензија књиге. Књига је<br />

намењена постдипломском усавршавање лекара.<br />

29. Јанковић СМ. (уредник и један од аутора). Приручник за практичну наставу из<br />

фармакологије и токсикологије. Медицински факултет, Крагујевац, 2009, 233<br />

стране. Одлуком Комисије за издавачку делатност Медицинског факултета у<br />

Крагујевцу број 06-8945, од 11. 12. 2009. године, ова књига се штампа као<br />

помоћни уџбеник за основну наставу из Фармакологије и токсикологије.<br />

30. Јанковић СМ. Приручник из фармакологије и токсикологије. 3. измењено и<br />

допуњено издање. Медицински факултет, Крагујевац, 2009, 347 страна. Одлуком<br />

Комисије за издавачку делатност Научно-наставног већа Медицинског<br />

факултета у Крагујевцу број 06-2345, од 3. 4. 2009. године, ова књига се штампа<br />

као помоћни уџбеник за основну наставу из Фармакологије и токсикологије.<br />

31. Јанковић СМ. Основе клиничке фармације. Медицински факултет, Крагујевац,<br />

2010, 152 стране. Одлуком Комисије за издавачку делатност Научно-наставног<br />

већа Медицинског факултета у Крагујевцу број 06-1796/2, од 10. 3. 2010. године,<br />

ова књига се штампа као уџбеник за основну наставу из клиничке фармације.<br />

Monographs<br />

1. Миловановић ДР, Јанковић СМ. Контрола мотилитета гастроинтестиналног и<br />

генитоуринарног тракта. Медицински факултет, Крагујевац, 2010, 140 страна.<br />

Одлуком Комисије за издавачку делатност Медицинског факултета у Крагујевцу<br />

број 6/8197 од 3.11.2010. године одобрено је штампање ове књиге као у класи<br />


2. Ilić M, Janković S, Jovanović Z. Etiopatogeneza i prevencija infekcija operativnog<br />

mesta u digestivnoj hirurgiji. 1. izdanje, <strong>Medicinski</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong>, <strong>Univerzitet</strong> u<br />

Kragujevcu, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 2005. ISBN 86-7760-003-5. Odlukom Komisije za<br />

izdavačku delatnost Medicinskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a <strong>Univerzitet</strong>a u Kragujevcu, broj 2434 od<br />

11. 10. 2005., knjiga se štampa kao monografija<br />

3. Lečenje peritonitisa antibioticima. Đorđe R. Đorđević, Slobodan M. Janković,<br />

Autorsko izdanje, 1996, 33 strane - monografija. Naučno-nastavno veće Medicinskog<br />

<strong>fakultet</strong>a u Kragujevcu je na sednici od 19. 06. 1996. godine prihvatilo recenzije ove<br />

monografije.<br />

4 Mihajlović G, Slobodan M. Janković, Timotijević I, Đukić Dejanović S. Depresije i<br />

individualizacija doziranja antidepresiva. <strong>Medicinski</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong>, <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, 2002.<br />

Monografija.<br />

5. Neurohumoralna kontrola motiliteta genitalnog trakta žene. Slobodan M. Janković,<br />

Mirjana Varjačić. <strong>Medicinski</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u Kragujevcu, 1998, 90 stranica. - odlukom<br />

Komisije za izdavačku delatnost Nastavno-naučnog veća Medicinskog <strong>fakultet</strong>a u<br />

Kragujevcu broj 500 od 26. 08. 1998. je odobreno štampanje ove monografije.<br />

Master's thesis<br />

1.<br />



multidisciplinarne studije, <strong>Univerzitet</strong> u Beogradu, Beograd,1990<br />



multidisciplinary studies, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 1990.<br />

PhD Thesis:<br />

1.<br />


GLATKOM MIŠIĆU TELA ŽELUCA. <strong>Medicinski</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong>, <strong>Univerzitet</strong> u<br />

Beogradu, Beograd, 1993.<br />


IN SMOOTH MUSCLES OF STOMACH. Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade,<br />

Belgrade, 1993.<br />

Specialist thesis:<br />

1.<br />

Individualizacija doziranja antibiotika kod hirurških bolesnika, <strong>Medicinski</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong>,<br />

<strong>Univerzitet</strong> u Beogradu, Beograd, 1996.<br />

Individualization of antibiotics dosage regimens in surgical patients. Medical Faculty,<br />

University of Belgrade, 1996.

Translations:<br />

1. Sa engleskog na srpski:<br />

- Evaluation of methods for the treatment of mental disorders, report of a who<br />

scientific group, Technical Report Series No. 812, WHO 1991. Procena metoda za<br />

lečenje mentalnih poremećaja, Izveštaj Naučne Grupe Svetske Zdravstvene<br />

Organizacije o lečenju psihijatrijskih poremećaja. Preveli: Slavica Đukić Dejanović,<br />

Slobodan M. Janković, KBC <strong>Kragujevac</strong>, <strong>Kragujevac</strong> 1999: 89 str.<br />

2. Sa engleskog na srpski:<br />

Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network,Guidelines derived from the national<br />

clinical guidelines recommended for use in Scotland by the Scottish Intercollegiate<br />

Guidelines Network (SIGN), 1996-1999. SIGN guidelines are available on the SIGN<br />

website: www.show.scot.nhs.uk/sign/home.htm<br />

Smernice za praktičan rad lekara koje izdaje škotska među<strong>fakultet</strong>ska mreža eksperata<br />

/ preveo Slobodan M. Janković…et al. - <strong>Kragujevac</strong> : <strong>Medicinski</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong>, 2000, I<br />

izdanje, Hemofarm, Vršac, 2002, II izdanje.

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