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production, the scout craft became an integral part of most combat<br />

encounters and allowed the newer pilots the ability to take part in<br />

some massive battles. Without the scout craft Ikeprof would not be<br />

blind, but he knew he would be lacking the important vector and<br />

velocity information that only the scouts could provide.<br />

Ikeprof quickly scanned the action on the CC scope, rotating it<br />

dynamically while taking stock of friendly and foe forces. Apparently<br />

the typical strengths and weaknesses of the factional craft were<br />

showing through again. The bulk of the Octavian bombers and heavy<br />

fighters were concentrated mid sector in an almost perfect sphere with<br />

guns pointing outwards. 3 Condor class tows were parked in the center<br />

of the sphere loaded out with PWD100’s in order to negate missile<br />

threats. A scattering of light fighters equipped with relic gear<br />

harassed the enemy bombers and heavy fighters with minimal success at<br />

the top of the display. Watching as the vectors of 4 of the enemy<br />

bombers converged at the top, Ikeprof readied himself to counter what<br />

was obviously the preparation for some form of assualt.<br />

Using the Mechanical Organic Unified Sensory Enhancer (Mouse), Ikeprof<br />

simply had to click on a friendly dot, drag the dot onto an enemy dot<br />

to create a target for his pilots to concentrate fire upon. Using a<br />

variety of key presses on his ships data entry keyboard, he could<br />

elevate a target’s level of urgency, create fire teams to work together<br />

on a target, create flight groups that he could communicate to<br />

directly. The huge radar scope was capable of rotating on any axis<br />

using his ships flight control hotas in order to get the best angle to<br />

view the battle.<br />

Dragging a box around the 4 bombers, Ikeprof tagged them as a group.<br />

Dragging a box around the sphere of his main forces, he deftly tapped<br />

the key strokes signifying the primary targets and ordering them to<br />

maintain current position and attitude while awaiting the next move.<br />

Quick acknowledgements from his pilots filled his comms screen as the<br />

enemy bombers began their run. Mentally extending their vector<br />

forwards, he could see they intended to pass tangentially to the sphere<br />

and focus on one or two of his bombers rather than attempting to pass<br />

through the middle of it and exposing themselves to the bulk of his<br />

pilots devastating firepower.<br />

Having seen this type of run before, Ikeprof knew the lightness of the<br />

Solrain bomber made vector extrapolation deceptive. If these pilots<br />

were under the command of a competent CC, it may be a ruse to which any<br />

attempt to counter position his forces could result in more damage than<br />

simply bearing the brunt of the run as it stood. He decided that<br />

patience was the only option.<br />

Watching the progress of the bombers, Ikeprof realized the opposing CC<br />

was not new at this. At roughly 10K distance the first enemy bomber<br />

released a single morning star. Bomber pilot Quick indicated missile<br />

lock but calmly held his position. At 1K intervals each of the other<br />

enemy bombers released a single Morning Star missile also. This type of<br />

run was very textbook in terms of forcing exhaustion of PWD100’s. With<br />

15 PWD’s left in the Condor group, Ikeprof was not worried.<br />

Watching the 4 enemy bombers pass by the defensive sphere Ikeprof grew<br />


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