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Date Entry: 104.02.21 12:00 EKT<br />

Subject: Imperial Octavian Navy Octavian Ship Report<br />

Author: André “SpaceDrake” Ricard<br />

Classification Level: General public<br />

Imperial Octavian Navy Octavian Ship Report<br />

Version: 1.1<br />

UPDATER’S NOTE 104.02.21<br />

Fellow pilots,<br />

Although the ship statistics available to new recruits on JOSSH are certainly interesting for new<br />

pilots and a good way to get their attention, they actually do not have much in the way of tangible<br />

data for pilots to see what ships work best in what roles, and what equipment is best for what<br />

craft. The purpose of these reports, then, is to outline the capabilities of the ships that each of the<br />

fleets of the Reconstruction Initiative member states. Our first report focuses on the Imperial Navy<br />

of Octavius.<br />

The Octavian Navy has, for a fairly long time, suffered from poor research and design. Although<br />

the original O2 Phoenix prototypes were fantastic combat craft, they had to be redesigned for<br />

safety concerns, leaving the vessel a shadow of its former self. Combined with such engineering<br />

disasters as the Raptor Bomber, Octavius suffered militarily for years. In recent months, though,<br />

the Imperial Navy has made a comeback with a vengeance, and now fields very capable combat<br />

craft as well as the most types of combat craft of any national fleet (with the introduction of the<br />

Vulture Assault Gunboat.) Although the Imperial Navy lost the last two “faction wars”, in many<br />

engagements they performed admirably and it is the general feeling among the pilot cadre that<br />

had the Brotherhood of the Stone not intervened on the side of Solrain, the Oct/Sol War of the<br />

Raven would have turned out far differently than it did. Although the Octavian Empire is a husk of<br />

its former pre-collapse glory, only fools would still dare to underestimate it.<br />

These reports are arranged in the following manner: when components like engines are listed,<br />

the recommended part is given along with the size, except for guns, where all practical loadouts<br />

are covered. Missiles, MODx and ECM are all given in size alone, due to the variety of parts<br />

available in these areas. Speed is given in meters per second, with normal power, afternburn and<br />

Flashfire top speeds; Yaw/Pitch/Roll rates are given in degrees per second and indicate the turn<br />

rate of a ship not firing its engines. Acceleration is kilo-Newtons of thrust per kilogram. Armor is in<br />

millimeters, shields are rated compared to the equivalent protection in mm of armor they provide.<br />

Cargo is in cubic meters. Also, classification is slightly changed from the TRI standard to be more<br />

accurate (in the author’s opinion.)<br />

I hope this information is useful to new and returning pilots alike. Clear skies to you all!<br />

At your service,<br />

André “SpaceDrake” Ricard<br />


Octavian shuttles are fairly clearly designed for one thing: combat. Octavius is the only nation that<br />

gives its nugget pilots an unquestionably combat-oriented “shuttle” right off the bat. The Imperial<br />

Navy offers a few vessels for hauling at low rank, but the intent of the Octavian shuttle line is<br />

obviously to give their nugget pilots something to learn the fine art of combat in before they are<br />

unleashed upon the universe in a Raven Light Fighter. While still nowhere near a match for an<br />

actual fighter, don’t underestimate an Apteryx. The Albatross and Buzzard, however, are a<br />

different matter entirely. Do note that these loadouts are optimal; barring mentor gifting you’ll<br />

rarely encounter rookies in ships this well outfitted.<br />

S-1<br />


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