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8. Solrain<br />

9. Technical Questions<br />

8.1. What is the Solrain society like?<br />

Solrain society is probally the most like America, but with a greater emphasis on<br />

capitalisim rather than religion. The Solrain, politically, are a republic. Anyone<br />

can vote in Solrain society, but the right to vote must be purchased. Solrains<br />

have rights very similar to those enjoyed by Americans (right to speech, right to<br />

assembly, etc.) but one major difference is that Corporate entities are considered<br />

to be individuals with regards to rights. In other words, a major corp on Solrain<br />

has the right of free speech, protection from searches, the right to vote and even<br />

the right to be elected to a position of power. (imagine if the coca-cola<br />

corporation, for example, could be elected mayor of Antlanta. When a<br />

corporation wins an election, they will appoint a management team to make<br />

decisions. Currently corporations hold about 30-40% of all elected offices.)<br />

9.1. Talk a little bit about the genetic modification pilots undergo.<br />

Gravitons (particles that allow for the formation of jump gates) have a negative<br />

impact on the normal brain. Genetic modification is needed to allow for survival<br />

under heavy gravitonic circumstances. The modifications leave pilots smarter,<br />

stronger and more durable than the rest of their species... sadly it also prevents<br />

them from landing on a planet ever again. Under normal gravity conditions, the<br />

enhanced synapses of the brain will cause an "over load" of sorts, leading to a<br />

physical condition similar to a stroke. Conspiracy theorists have said that this is<br />

to keep pilots from becoming too strong a political force, but few believe this. The<br />

TRI insists they are working on a retro-virus to correct this problem, but for over<br />

two decades there have been no results.<br />

A pilot could land on a smaller body with lesser gravity. The danger of flying to<br />

close to a large mass is minimized since the gravity inside the ship is artifically<br />

maintained by the engines.<br />

9.2. What causes a gravitational anomaly to be formed? (That´s a regular<br />

anomaly, not a jumpgate.)<br />

Unknown. Although theoretical physics are are more advanced in the TRI<br />

universe than our own, there is still no proof as to what causes gravitational<br />

anomalies.<br />

9.3. Why do lasers have such a limited range? (I’d have thought the<br />

damage would drop with distance rather than the beam just stopping.)<br />

It’s a result of the method of focus used. The Tri-focus lenses create a pulse<br />

beam that maintains it’s strength but at a cost of limiting it’s range.<br />


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