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6. Octavius<br />

7. Quantar<br />

5.5. Does Hyperial have royalty?<br />

Yes, according to this article<br />

(http://server2038.virtualave.net/majorfreak/PJG/hyperial01a.htm). Hyperial<br />

royalty is considered closest to the German system of nobility for comparison<br />

purposes, and not the English counterpart many people are more familiar with.<br />

Though the formal power of the Hyperial nobility was demolished with the first<br />

establishment of the Republic, it still remains an extensive social networking<br />

force.<br />

6.1. What is the agenda for Octs - Mercenary/war race or exploration race?<br />

Asking "what is the agenda of the Octs" (or any faction) would be like asking<br />

"what is the agenda of America?". There are many Octavians who believe that<br />

warfare is their life mission. Others believe in exploration. It is up to each<br />

individual. No culture is ever monolithic in it’s goals or beliefs.<br />

6.2. What is the Octavius society like?<br />

The Octavians are people of nature. They love the rocks, the trees, the life and<br />

diversoity of the universe...so much so that thy are willing to kill to preserve it.<br />

Octavian politics are run by a system of guilds, or trade associations. They have<br />

the most controlled economy of any of the factions. Promotion in Octavian<br />

society is not based on individual achievement, but what you offer to society as a<br />

whole. Every Octavian is expected to lay down his or her life for the betterment of<br />

their people. The closest cultural equivalent to the Octavians would be a<br />

combination of 21st century environmental activists, 12th century mongols, and<br />

20th century Russians.<br />

7.1. Is there only one Quantar god? A lot of Quantars now pledge<br />

themselves with a player made god<br />

If your not a Quant, you don´t know. The Quantar keep their religious beliefs very<br />

private. It does appear to be a monotheistic religion, but little is known of it. It<br />

expects strict discipline, and forms a tight bond between the Quantar.<br />

7.2. What is the Quantar society like?<br />

The Quantar are somewhat similar to Islamic culture at it´s peak around the 11th<br />

century. They are a deeply religious people, who place a high level of regard for<br />

scholariship and learning. The Quantar have a highly developed artistic side to<br />

their culture. Even the most common appliance in Quantar space combines form<br />

and function to a high degree. The Quantar find Solrain and Octavian society<br />

highly chaotic and uncivilized. Although individual liberty is not highly valued, the<br />

system of family/tribal councils are decntralized to a degree that tyranny is<br />

impossible.<br />


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