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easier. There are quite dramatic exceptions to both of these ideas, though. It simply depends on the pilot's skill. Using targeting<br />

computers (either the TRI combo or the duelist, hereafter referred to as duelist) help both types of weapon user, but is essential for<br />

a successful ammo user.<br />

Ammo<br />

With ammo, it is easier to joust a target, using the longer range of ammo to your advantage. You joust best when you make your<br />

attack run as straight as possible and continue on past your target until they turn and follow you for a couple of seconds. This<br />

makes for a straighter return joust when you flip 180° and afterburn back toward your opponent. A pair of tools that all pilots have<br />

but not many utilize are the "Target Location Arrow" (9) and "Current Drift Vector" (10) cones on your HUD.<br />

The TLA (9) cone shaped vectoring display shows the direction your current target is facing relative to your ship. Once you joust<br />

straight past a target, you can either keep flying straight a few seconds to give the target time to straighten itself out compared to<br />

your course, or you can use this tool paired with the CDV (10) cone to help you adjust your course to help straighten out the joust<br />

plane quicker.<br />

When you turn, be sure to line up the target squarely before you accelerate, or you will have drift in your jousting run. This drift<br />

joust technique can be useful against targets that use long ranged ammo weapons. Ammo using conflux are not very accurate and a<br />

good pilot can compensate for drift while conflux cannot. Plasma and multiple ammo using conflux require drift jousting as you<br />

can easily die in a single pass if you fly right into their fire. Once your target is in line, rolling can help you avoid ammo using flux's<br />

shots depending on the shape of your ship, but this also makes scoring hits more difficult for you as well especially if you have drift<br />

in your joust run.<br />

The more a target (or you) drifts, changes speed, and changes direction, the more difficult the shot will become. The most<br />

important aspect of using the duelist is to realize that it is a tool to help you vector your shots and to remember to "shoot the<br />

manta, not the duelist." Keep your eyes on the target and where your shots are landing and shoot at the target, rather than<br />

concentrating on getting the two circles perfectly aligned. Also, make use of the tiny dot inside the duelist; if your duelist is nice<br />

and tight, put that dot right on the flux.<br />

To help keep the target lined up, roll your ship until the attack angle is flat horizontally. This makes it so that when you<br />

compensate for the duelist's error, you only have to do so along one axis (X axis for instance). Afterburning on the approaching<br />

joust will help tighten up your duelist and will help lengthen your joust after passing the target. Some ammo weapons require that<br />

you manually either lead (shoot ahead) of the duelist or trail (shoot behind) it. Knowledge and manuals such as this are a fine<br />

starting place, but experience is the best teacher: practice, practice, and more practice.<br />

Lasers<br />

Laser users do not necessarily need to use a duelist for weaker flux, but it certainly does help. A laser configuration and a duelist is<br />

the most effective choice in sentient and PvP combat.<br />

Laser users can joust, but due to their shorter range, laser jousting can be a slower method of fighting. Against weaker opponents, a<br />

laser user can come to a complete stop and simply use their ship as a gun turret. Against stronger opponents, or multiple<br />

opponents, laser users may need to circle fight, keeping moving at all times as in a dogfight or may need to charge toward the<br />

target to bring it inside laser range quicker.<br />

To set up a circle fight, do not aim right at the opponent. Put your target a few inches above/below or to the right/left of your<br />

reticle (depending if your ship pitches or yaws faster). Pulling the control stick down (toward you) seems most natural to many<br />

pilots. At around 3000m distance, pull the target back into your reticle. Throttle down as needed based on your ship's power<br />

constraints and maneuverability (ships at lower throttle pivot much quicker) but remember to keep your speed up.<br />

F-7<br />

Copyright © by Conflux War Command Center All Right Reserved.<br />


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