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almost like him. Until he acts like a stingy Sol with only 50 credits to rub<br />

together. Jerk. So! Welcome to my lovely digital family. Heh. Yay.<br />

So, basically, I have a top-of the line AI in every ship I fly, with a central<br />

database that updates every version to each other every 30 seconds. Cool stuff. I<br />

never get hacked either. HA! A shot in the arm for security. What are the odds of<br />

getting hacked with 12 advanced AI's and an artifact Amananth contruct riding herd<br />

on my system defense? Not bloody likely, says I. God, I need to stop rambling. You<br />

try writing with people talking to you inside your head. Bloody distracting. I get a<br />

real-time spell-checker for my trouble though. Bloody whoopee. I think I'm rambling<br />

again. I suspect by this point, I'm doing it solely to piss off Aristotle, too. So<br />

humor me? He's funny when he gets upset. He splutters. I'm sure you have never heard<br />

an AI splutter - but trust me - it's hilarious.<br />

So. Here I am, trying to ride herd on a 3 toed monkey of a programmer that's<br />

updating the command center, right? I get that straightened out. I tell him - "you<br />

need to pull the data from *this* database, not the bloody personnel files. Not<br />

everyone wants to read bogomips' duty log, k? We all know she can kill hordes of<br />

flux with two hands tied behind her back, and that the triple phocs are just, oh, so<br />

boring, anymore. That's nice. But you know what, Mr. 3 toed monkey programmer? That<br />

does *not* go on the front page of the feed. Know what I mean?" Programmers. Can't<br />

do a damn thing with them. So, that emergency taken care of, I go back to work on<br />

paperwork. Tons of paperwork. I need a clone, Jeeves. Send him right over, and be a<br />

good chap, what? I wish. Paperwork. I have to fly, too. Cool beans. So, having<br />

shrunk the Cinatai mountain peak of paperwork down to mere hillock size, I go over<br />

my personal nest egg. Investments, supplies, procurement, systems functionality<br />

checks, financial briefs. The works. Ah, the wonders of joining the "high-speed"<br />

world of interstellar commerce. I own a Solrain shipping firm supplying the stations<br />

- not one of the big jobbies - just a small independent outfit that was looking for<br />

an out-faction backer. Seems they ran into some problems with overhead and the<br />

vaunted Solrain beauracracy was about to dump them on their ear. I bailed them out,<br />

and they get to wave the flag of "neutral, un-aligned shipping". I make bloody well<br />

sure they *stay* neutral, too. Factionalism is a headache I have no desire to tangle<br />

with. Patriotic? Sure. Blindly serving your fction's interests at the expense of the<br />

Reconstrruction? Nah. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Factionalism. But<br />

to each his own. There's plenty of em going around. Somebody has to be bloody<br />

neutral, or inter-factional commerce would grind to a halt, eventually. Your eyes<br />

are glazing over, Ensign. Ah, an Oct. Good man. Carry on.<br />

Where was I? Oh yes. Finances taken care of. Now for a little personal time. Tend to<br />

my artifact hoard, sell the pieces I'm not intending on using. Assemble the pieces I<br />

need for a truly badass ship. All I'm missing is an AB-4, now. Eh, it'll come.<br />

That's a side business, if a lucrative one. I'm not flashy. I don't hang out my<br />

shingle. Not a bit. I get everything I want - and sell whatever's left over. Or I<br />

buy cheap, sell high. Whatever. I made enough to get comfortable on. That's about<br />

it. The rest is going towards my next project. A station. An eight-module hummer.<br />

Want to hear about it? Too bad. Cause I don't know a damn thing about the buggers<br />

yet. I know what everyone else knows - except the people that field tested em.<br />

Bastards. Oh well. Bugger em. I'll get mine too. I'm just tired of living on the<br />

fly. GBS is as close to a home as I have. Even that isn't the same though. I'm<br />

stealing my flight crew from there, though. Bwahahaha. I might hire away that junior<br />

dispatcher, too. He's got a good handle on traffic, from what I've seen. He bought<br />

me a drink after the Battle of GBS, too. Good guy. Night bartender might move, also.<br />

We are seriously going to rape GBS of staff. Oh well. Let ISU hire some new ones.<br />

They've about taken over the bloody place by now anyway. Our whole old guard will<br />

ship over to our POS network when it comes online. Hope ISU realizes that, and is<br />

starting to look for new hires. Hell, I might help em. I still want to stop by the<br />

old stomping ground occasionally.<br />

So, now that I've introduced myself, and gave you a little taste of the life. Well,<br />

my life isn't exactly the "standard". I'll tell you that up front. I'm ummm...<br />

flamboyant? But hey, welcome to the life of your eccentric Air Group Commander - in<br />

our parlance? The CAG. That rambling introduction was a bit of briefing, a bit of<br />

F-3<br />

Copyright © by Conflux War Command Center All Right Reserved.<br />


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