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Ramblings<br />

Let me tell you. It gets hot in a stock 'Nix. Those who've flown one - you know what<br />

I mean. On a long flight, the extra 500 creds for the climate control addon and a<br />

few minor additions? Well worth it. Coming up in the ranks you get a crap pod, too.<br />

It sucks. Add in the stereo, the custom heads up display, the plush seat, the comm<br />

upgrades, the squadron comp interfaces, the library system, the integrated combat<br />

control system, and personally, I install the Tracker system on my tow. All kinds of<br />

goodies. But, youngster, you have to realize. You *can* just buy one pod. You can.<br />

Just trade it between ships. But what do you get when you do that, if you switch<br />

ships a lot? A lot of useless crap in each ship. I went artifact hunting for a<br />

while. Made a cool chunk of change. Helped finance the squad Command and Control<br />

Center. Cool hardware there. Ties everything together nicely. But the other thing I<br />

did; I outfitted 12 pods. No joke, kids. When you go out, who knows what you'll be<br />

flying - or where you just came from, right? I log the occasional /home at a faction<br />

station. I have to switch ships sometimes. So if I come in hot and need to swap out<br />

fast, I got the custom pod waiting, right? Right. Costs me extra to store em, but<br />

hey, if you got money, may as well use em, eh? 3 versions.<br />

The big ugly monster pod in my Phoenix, well, he's a brute. He pisses me off. Why do<br />

I anthropomorphize my pods? Some people would chalk it up to superstition, or pilot<br />

tradition, or something of that caliber. Me? Umm, yeah. Well, see, there's this<br />

thing. A while back I went on an ill-advised jaunt to unknown space, because I<br />

thought I was hot stuff. Well, for my trouble, I got beat up on and got my head<br />

caved in by some big ugly flux. Killed the pinkos. A lot of them actually. It's<br />

like, my job, y'know? But they got me good. Well, my friend, at least I think she's<br />

a friend; Aelagi. She wrote a lil tale about my outing, called "Ellipse". She has a<br />

pretty turn of phrase, I think. Almost as prosaic as I am, prolly - but anyway. She<br />

tells all about it. I'm rambling again, aren't I? Squaddies still swear I'm touched<br />

in the head. But they're not far from the truth, really. I have a small computer in<br />

my head. A cyborg interface. By Amananth standards, it's not too fancy. Doesn't give<br />

me an "edge" or anything. Well, maybe a little. Sim with me one time and see... but<br />

anyway. I hate rambling. Drives me crazy. But as my mom used to say... It's isn't<br />

that long of a drive, is it? Bah. Regardless. It did weird things to my ship<br />

computers. I have these tiny silicon transfer points in my fingertips that let me<br />

"talk" directly to the ship's computer. I ... umm ... "developed" the ability to do<br />

it without touching, now, too. How? Damned if I know. I don't really want to know.<br />

It's weird. You know how some people talk about voices in their head? Heh. I can<br />

tell you some whoppers, my man. TALL tales. Except, well, they aren't. Kinda sucks.<br />

Anyhoo. Again. I *do* ramble, don't I? Chalk it up to one too many pod rides and<br />

shaddup, k? Aight, thanks. SO. When I "talk" to these computers. It started going<br />

both ways. They picked up on things. Parts of my personality. You ever talked to<br />

yourself? There's some things about yourself that just tick you off occasionally,<br />

right? Heh, well, umm. All 3 piss me off. Badly. Take Galileo, for example. He's my<br />

brutish, slightly snobby, can do no wrong Fighter computer. He's a pain in my ass.<br />

Sounds kinda like me when I get cocky, actually. I HATE cocky people. I don't like<br />

the damn mirror at times, by the way. But yeah, moving on. He's good, though. He<br />

anticipates things - he learns. Ever wish you had a co-pilot? It's cool. Except when<br />

he pisses me off and tells me what to do - as I'm doing it. Snobby bast...<br />

nevermind. You get the picture. Aristotle! Oh my lord what a bookworm. Smart as a<br />

whip, too. Except he's *always* got to right, damn him. I hate the mirror. God I<br />

hate the mirror. He mostly get's used for arty hunting, which is beneath his oh so<br />

high and elevated station and... sorry. It makes him mad. Poor baby. It's one way to<br />

stave off the boredom though. Every so often I take him out for a spin and play with<br />

phocs, though. That's fun. Fast lil bugger, I'll give him that. Heh, Harvey. I swear<br />

to you, I do *not* pick their names. I would never be a "Harvey". Oh Lord. But god<br />

help me, I like the bastard. He's a cursing, loudmouthed curmudgeon who's stingy as<br />

hell. But I love him. He likes arty hunting too. Screw you Aristole! Ha. Sorry. I<br />

F-2<br />

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