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Realspace Combat - Evasives/Under Fire<br />

NB, when I refer to slow ships I generally mean slow and non-agile.<br />

Fast-ish Ships: If I get hit, the first thing I do is hit last aggressor, and whack on the AB. I then assess<br />

the threat the target presents. If I am 1.6k away from a laser ship and travelling perpendicular to it (use<br />

the vector indicator in the yellow circle below your aiming reticule, as well as the speed at which you<br />

are escaping), I can comfortably presume that I will be out of the way soon enough - I just juke a bit,<br />

and get out of range.<br />

If the enemy is flashfiring on me, or is on the same vector as me and in reasonable range, the best<br />

thing to do is generally to turn and head back towards the enemy ship. The most effective way to<br />

ensure that you will escape from its weapons range is to fly right through the ship. This is inadvisable<br />

from the point of view that you will present them with an easy target, and possibly get divebombed, so<br />

fly towards them at an angle. This should get you out of range - although if they persistently flashfire<br />

after you may be forced to FF yourself. In this case, turn towards them before flashfiring, as you will<br />

gain a lot of ground on them.<br />

While evading, always add a little juking, barrel rolling, or anything a bit unpredictable that you can<br />

think of. It will give your target a much harder time hitting you. It's up to you at what shield point you<br />

will flashfire at. In a fast ship I will try to make sure to waste at the very least one of my enemy's<br />

flashfires before doing so myself. I'll generally not hit the FF before about 20 shield, unless the ship<br />

following me has extremely high damage weapons and I don't think I can evade it.<br />

Slow-ish Ships: Slower ships obviously have fewer evasive options than the fast ones. One of the<br />

biggest factors is that you are usually engaged by other ships, rather than the other way around. This<br />

isn't too bad a problem in most cases, but when you are engaged by a faster ship with significant<br />

firepower (Typhoon, Monsoon, etc.), they have the initiative (the time you spend reacting and turning<br />

to engage), and the ability to hit you hard. For this reason, I am generally freer with my FFs in a slow<br />

ship - if I get hit by a ship with significant firepower I will often FF out, and use the rest of the FF to<br />

come back in and engage. This will often save 50 shields or more, and can be very much worth it.<br />

Last Aggressor/Nearest Target: While going evasive, make extensive use of these features. It will let<br />

you keep track of what the pilot who attacked you is doing, and also possibly if he has any friends with<br />

him.<br />

Evasive Mentality: Don't be afraid to go full evasive if you have lots of enemies on you. If you pull<br />

three enemies away from the biggest action, you're giving your fleet a big numbers advantage - they<br />

only lose one, your enemies lose 3. Equally, don't get too far away - if you get into real trouble you're<br />

going to need help to be close by.<br />

Secondly, if you're going evasive on just one or two people, and they aren't being too aggressive, try to<br />

shoot at people in passing. The distraction is a bonus to your fleet, and you may end up with an even<br />

bigger trail of enemies following you.<br />

Profile: Be very aware of your profile, and how you are presenting it to your enemies. For example,<br />

when in a Typhoon (or to some extent the Chiroptean) you want to show the huge topside as little as<br />

possible, as you become very vulnerable to being hit. Try to keep thin edges pointing toward your<br />

enemies at all times.<br />

To stay ahead of an enemy, even if it's slightly faster than you, fly in arcs. If they start predicting your<br />

arc, switch to a different direction arc and you will make up even more ground.<br />

Z-11<br />


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