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Tight Circle: This is usually accomplished with the aid of flashfires, in the combat of ships with poor<br />

turn rates. My method for doing this involves approaching at a slightly steeper angle than that used for<br />

a normal circle, moving to point towards the enemy at 4k. At 2.5k, I turn to point at 90 degrees to the<br />

target, and flashfire. Then, using diag-turning, I pull into the direction of the enemies travel just before<br />

they go past me. This will usually result in an extremely close range (50-200d) circle when correctly<br />

pulled off. Obviously the numbers are variable dependent upon enemy approach vector and speed -<br />

do it by feel once you get the hang of it. The lighter your ship is (and the better it's turn rate), the better<br />

it will be at holding a tight circle. Be careful with this technique in realspace, as it will deplete your FF<br />

reserves.<br />

Deep Circle: Similar to the standard circle, but held at a longer range (1.5k +). The only real difference<br />

is that your approach angle must be much wider. Don't lose patience if you close range slowly. Pull up<br />

slowly to meet your enemy at the desired range (usually the max range of your guns). Deep circles are<br />

typically used by: Ships with good profiles, ships with poor turn rates, ships with long range weaponry<br />

(such as ions). Heavy ships are generally better at holding deep circles.<br />

Circle Break: The circle break is most easily accomplished by imagining a point along your enemy's<br />

vector where you will both meet. Fly towards that point, and what will generally result is a series of<br />

short mini-jousts. The circle break is useful for a large variety of situations - if you are flying no duelist,<br />

if your aim isn't so hot, if your profile is large relative to your enemy's, if your turn rate is good, if you<br />

have low RoF weapons. Be very careful using this technique in realspace, as it leaves you vulnerable<br />

to divebombs.<br />

Duelling - Maneuvering - Choosing Approaches/Turning<br />

Method<br />

Which approach and turning method should you pick? There are a large variety of items to take into<br />

consideration.<br />

Profile: If your profile is large relative to your enemy's, they will have an easier time hitting than you<br />

will. You thus want to lean more towards approaches that lead to easier vectors, or being close in.<br />

Consider tight circles and circle breaks. Useful, for example, when the Typhoon is fighting a medium<br />

fighter. Your profile is relatively large, so you want to minimise the effect of this. Get in close enough to<br />

the MF that its profile is less relevant, with both combatants hitting well, and your superior<br />

firepower/absorption will probably win out.<br />

Turn Rate: If your turn rate is slow, you face the possibility of being out-turned by your enemy, and not<br />

being able to keep hitting them while they can hit you. Lean towards approaches that don't require fast<br />

turn rates - deep circles in particular. Most notably used to great effect by the Intensity. Conversely, if<br />

your turn rate is good, you may wish to go for a tighter circle - often used by the Typhoon.<br />

Aim: See profile. If your aim is bad, consider getting in close, or using a circle break for an easy<br />

vector. If it's good, you may wish to stay out wide to maximise your advantage.<br />

Rate of Fire: To some degree, low rate of fire weapons lend themselves towards circle breaks,<br />

because your weapons can reset themselves during the turn-around period, maximising the advantage<br />

that you get from the massive damage your low RoF weapons do in the initial volley. Try to time the<br />

mini-jousts such that you fire just before having to turn, to enhance this advantage.<br />

Weaponry: Slow weapons (novas, ammo, and to a degree mortars) are enhanced in ability when<br />

aimed along easy vectors, and at close range. A tight circle will lead to a hard vector, but the range is<br />

so close that you should get a good hit rate. A circle break will generally give an easy vector<br />

Z-5<br />


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