a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

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-392- 4: 1 /4: 2 50. Sarel-Sternberg 1963,126. The payment of sharecroppers is based on a 51. 52. 53. 54. proportion of the harvest which varies between 1/3 and on the type of crop involved (p. 130). Sarel-Sternberg 1963,123. Sarel-Sternberg 1963,128. Trousset 1978a, 157. Cauneille 1963,102. 1/10 depending 55. Louis 1975,52, records the organisation of a small caravan to Ghadames by the inhabitants of Chenini in the Cebel as late as 1889. 56. 57. Euzennat and Trousset 1975,57 and Fig. 15 p. 62. The Beni Ulid olive groves were much remarked on by early explorers. Lvon 1821.35-37.61; Barth 1857,450; Nachtigal 1879/1974,42-42; Denham and Clapperton 1826, XV. 58. Barker and Jones 1982,8; Barker 1982,2-8. 59. Cauneille 1963,101-12. 60. Klitsch and Baird 1969,73-80. 61 Cauneille 1963,108-110. 62. Cerrata 1933,189-237. 63. Cauneille 1963,101,105. 64. Brogan 1964,49-50,53-56; 1971,121-30; Di Vita . 1964a, 67-71; Levi Della Vida 1951,65-68; 1964a, 57-63. 65. 66. 67. 68. IRT906, for example from the wadi Unmi el-Agerem records Nasif, Masauchan, Iylul. Levi Della Vida 1927,91-116, 1965,59-62; Reynolds 1955,141-42. Bulliet 1981,106-109. Haudricourt and Delamarre 1955. Bulliet 1975,194-208; 1981,109. the names Thanuba, 1963,65-94; 69. See further the analyses of Barker 1981,131-45; 1983,1-49; Johnson 1973,29-66, on traditional pastoral economies in Cyrenaica. 4: 2 TRIBAL CENTRES 1. Bertier 1981, passim, but particularly 112-17,144-53. 2. For the normal view of an extensive Numidia see Camps 1960, Fig. 18, facing p. 190. Compare Bertier 1981,159-77 and Plate 1 on the topography of Cirta itself and, more particularly, his analysis of the campaigns, p. 33-93, which illustrates the impossibly vast distances that the armies would have had to cover if Constantine was the Cirta referred to in every case. 3. Camps 1960,254-60. 4. RIL, no. s 1 and 2 (Cf also 3-7); Camps 1960,176-79,255-57,265-71. 5. Sallust, BJ, LVI-LVII, for the position of Zama Regia. 6. Sallust, BJ, XXXVII. 7. Sallust, BJ, XCII, 5- XCV; Florus, I, 36,14, saxeo inditam monti Molucham urbem per Ligurem adita arduo inaccessione penetravit. 8. Berthier 1981,73-79 and Plates 8 and 9, has tried to relate Sallust's detailed account to the topography of the Kalaat Senane hillfort. There is one major problem, however, in that Kalaat Senane is some twentyfive kilometres distant from the wadi Nellegue which Bertier identified with the Mulucha river. 9. Procopius, Wars, IV, 4,26-27; IV, 6, -4714; IV, 13,33-34; IV, 19,21- IV, 20,29. These sites were referred to as pyrgoi. 10. Sallust, BJ, LXXXIX, 4 - XCI, 7; also Bertier 1981,71-73. 11. For the spring at Capsa, BJ, LXXXIX, 6-7, Capsenses una modo atque ea intra oppidum iugi aqua cetera pluvia utebantur. On its natural defences, BJ LXXXIX, 4-5; XCI, 3-7. 12. Camps 1960,276; Trousset 1978,165; CIL 8.22796.

-393- 4: 2 13. Sallust, BJ, XCII, 1-4, alia oppida. 14. Suetonius, Vespasian, 4. 15. For an integrated account of the Iron Age background, the hillforts and the history of the Roman invasion of Britain, see Cunliffe 1973,16-18, 22; 1978,83-136. 16. In North Africa Cirta (Constantine) is a spectacular exception to this general rule. Bertier 1981, plate 1; Horn and Auger 1979, Plate 12, illustrate the tremendous natural defences provided by the Constantine gorge. The origin of the site was almost certainly as an dperon barre hillfort site. 17. The topic is much neglected, but see Csell, HAAN V, 232-45,250-57; Fentress 1979,30-39, has drawn up a disappointingly short list of native sites, based mainly on Gsell 1913; Marion 1957,117-73; 1959, 27-41, provided a useful study of a region peripheral to the Mauretanias; Lawless 1970,, Vol. I, 55-87 and II, 1-20 is a useful summary of this and other work on Mauretania Caesariensis; the work of Daniels in the Fezzan is of most relevance to the current study, see note 37, below. 18. Marion 1957,126-28 and Plates I, II, IV, VI and VII, provides a graphic illustration of the type; also Lawless 1970,71-75. 19. Gsell, HAAN V, 234; Marion 1959,27-41. 20. Fentress 1979,31 (her site 6, Gouiret). 21. Beechey and Beechey 1828,504-12, "I could not but be sorely disappointed on seeing some ill-constructed houses. .. and a few tombs ... mixed style and of very indifferent taste. " 22. Gsell, HAAN V, 233-35. 23. Marion 1957,117-63; Lawless 1970,57-62; Fentress, 1979,33-36; in a Daniels 1968,113-94. Personal observation. 24. Marion 1957,126-27,171-73. Jorf Ouazzern (site 129) is 600 x 340 m in size (Plates VI, 2, VII). Jebel Mahsseur (site 148) is a vast eperon 800 x 400 m (Plate VI, 1). Other eperon barrc sites recorded in the Oudja/Ras Asfour region were p. 165-73, sites 15,28 (100 x 80 m), 57 (Plate II), 111( ), 112,113 (Plate XI, 2), 114 (Plate IV), 125, 127,130 (2 phases, 150 x 75 in. and 185 x 90 m), 146 (275 x 100 m), 147 (240 x 170 m). 25. Lawless 1970,57-62; Fentress 1979,35-36 suggests four alternative models. 26. Contra the explanations offered by Marion, Lawless and Fentress, which all presume that several distinct tribes were involved. 27. Marion 1957,126-27. 28. Lawless 1970,59. 29. Gellner 1969,56. 30. Lawless 1970, I. 71-75, II9 1-20. 31. Gsell 1913, contains references to numerous examples as does Gsell HAAN V, 232-50. 32. Fentress 1979,30-39, lists only ten sites and gives no new information on them. 33. Baradez 1949a, 251,253; Fentress, 1979,39. 34. Berthier 1981,73-79, Figs. 8 and 9. See note 8, above. 35. A Trajanic boundary stone delimiting the north-eastern extent of Musulamian territory was found 5 km east of Kalaat Senane, AS, 1923,26. 36. Berthier 1981,74, gives the area of the plateau as 90-100 ha. The densely built up area covers about one third of this. 37. Daniels 1968,113-194; 1969,31-52; 1970a; 1970b; 27-66; 1971a, 261-85; 1971b, 6-7; 1973,35-40; 1975,249-65; 1977,5-7. See also Pace, Sergi and Caputo 1951,201-431; Ayoub 1962; 1967a and b. 38. Daniels 1968,113-94 - 1970b, 37-66 (an abridged version of the report on Zinchecra). For the work in Old Germa, Ayoub 1962,12-20; 1967a, 12-26; Daniels 1971a, 264-65. 39. Approximate values calculated from fig. 14.

-393-<br />

4: 2<br />

13. Sallust, BJ, XCII, 1-4, alia oppida.<br />

14. Suetonius, Vespasian, 4.<br />

15. For an integrated account <strong>of</strong> the Iron Age background, the hillforts and<br />

the history <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Roman</strong> invasion <strong>of</strong> Britain, see Cunliffe 1973,16-18,<br />

22; 1978,83-136.<br />

16. In North Africa Cirta (Constantine) is a spectacular exception to this<br />

general rule. Bertier 1981, plate 1; Horn and Auger 1979, Plate 12,<br />

illustrate the tremendous natural defences provided by the Constantine<br />

gorge. The origin <strong>of</strong> the site was almost certainly as an dperon barre<br />

hillfort site.<br />

17. The topic is much neglected, but see Csell, HAAN V, 232-45,250-57;<br />

Fentress 1979,30-39, has drawn up a disappointingly short list <strong>of</strong><br />

native sites, based mainly on Gsell 1913; Marion 1957,117-73; 1959,<br />

27-41, provided a useful <strong>study</strong> <strong>of</strong> a region peripheral to the Mauretanias;<br />

Lawless 1970,, Vol. I, 55-87 and II, 1-20 is a useful summary <strong>of</strong> this<br />

and other work on Mauretania Caesariensis; the work <strong>of</strong> Daniels in the<br />

Fezzan is <strong>of</strong> most relevance to the current <strong>study</strong>, see note 37, below.<br />

18. Marion 1957,126-28 and Plates I, II, IV, VI and VII, provides a<br />

graphic illustration <strong>of</strong> the type; also Lawless 1970,71-75.<br />

19. Gsell, HAAN V, 234; Marion 1959,27-41.<br />

20. Fentress 1979,31 (her site 6, Gouiret).<br />

21. Beechey and Beechey 1828,504-12, "I could not but be sorely disappointed<br />

on seeing some ill-constructed houses.<br />

.. and a few tombs ...<br />

mixed style and <strong>of</strong> very indifferent taste. "<br />

22. Gsell, HAAN V, 233-35.<br />

23. Marion 1957,117-63; Lawless 1970,57-62; Fentress, 1979,33-36;<br />

in<br />

a<br />

Daniels 1968,113-94. Personal observation.<br />

24. Marion 1957,126-27,171-73. Jorf Ouazzern (site 129) is 600 x 340 m<br />

in size (Plates VI, 2, VII). Jebel Mahsseur (site 148) is a vast eperon<br />

800 x 400 m (Plate VI, 1). Other eperon barrc sites recorded in the<br />

Oudja/Ras Asfour region were p. 165-73, sites 15,28 (100 x 80 m),<br />

57 (Plate II), 111( ), 112,113 (Plate XI, 2), 114 (Plate IV), 125,<br />

127,130 (2 phases, 150 x 75 in. and 185 x 90 m), 146 (275 x 100 m),<br />

147 (240 x 170 m).<br />

25. Lawless 1970,57-62; Fentress 1979,35-36 suggests four alternative<br />

models.<br />

26. Contra the explanations <strong>of</strong>fered by Marion, Lawless and Fentress, which<br />

all presume that several distinct tribes were involved.<br />

27. Marion 1957,126-27.<br />

28. Lawless 1970,59.<br />

29. Gellner 1969,56.<br />

30. Lawless 1970, I. 71-75, II9 1-20.<br />

31. Gsell 1913, contains references to numerous examples as does Gsell<br />

HAAN V, 232-50.<br />

32. Fentress 1979,30-39, lists only ten sites and gives no new information<br />

on them.<br />

33. Baradez 1949a, 251,253; Fentress, 1979,39.<br />

34. Berthier 1981,73-79, Figs. 8 and 9. See note 8, above.<br />

35. A Trajanic boundary stone delimiting the north-eastern extent <strong>of</strong><br />

Musulamian territory was found 5 km east <strong>of</strong> Kalaat Senane, AS, 1923,26.<br />

36. Berthier 1981,74, gives the area <strong>of</strong> the plateau as 90-100 ha. The<br />

densely built up area covers about one third <strong>of</strong> this.<br />

37. Daniels 1968,113-194; 1969,31-52; 1970a; 1970b; 27-66; 1971a, 261-85;<br />

1971b, 6-7; 1973,35-40; 1975,249-65; 1977,5-7. See also Pace, Sergi<br />

and Caputo 1951,201-431; Ayoub 1962; 1967a and b.<br />

38. Daniels 1968,113-94 - 1970b, 37-66 (an abridged version <strong>of</strong> the report<br />

on Zinchecra). For the work in Old Germa, Ayoub 1962,12-20; 1967a,<br />

12-26; Daniels 1971a, 264-65.<br />

39. Approximate values calculated from fig. 14.

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