a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

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-521- Rousseau, A. 1853. Voyage de Scheik el-Tidjani dans le regence de Tunis pendant les annees 706,707 et 708 de 1'h4jire (1306-1307). Journal "Asiatique, 5th series. 1: 102-69. Rowe, A. (ed). 1956. Cyrenaican expedition of the University of Manchester 1952. Manchester U. P. Rowe, A. (ed). 1959. Cyrenaican expedition of the University of Manchester in 1955,1956,1957. Manchester U. P. Roxan, M. 1973. The auxilia of Mauretania Tingitana. Latomus 52: 838-55. RSAC = Recueil des notices et m&moires de la Societ6 archeologique de Constantine. RSGI 1937 - Real Societä Geographica Italiana. 1937. Ii Sahara Italian. Fezzan e oasi di Gat. Rome. RT = Revue Tunisienne. Saladin, H. 1902. Fouilles ä Henchir Bou-Guerba, Tunisie. BCTH 1902: 405-11. Salama, P. 1951a. Les voies Romaines de 1'Afrique du nord. Algiers. Salama, P. 1951b. Les bornes milliaires de Djemila (Cuicul). RAf 45: 213-72. Salama, P. 1953/1955. Nouveaux temoignages de l'oeuvre des Sdveres dans la Mauretanie Cesarienne. Libyca I: 231-61. Libyca III: 329-67. Salama, P. 1965. DSchiffrement d'un milliaire de Lepcis Magna. LA II: 39-45. Salama, P. 1966. Occupation de la Maurkanie Cesarienne occidentale sous le Bas-Empire romain. Melanges Piganiol : 1291-1311. Salama, P. 1967. La voie romaine de la vallee de la Tafna. BAA 2: 183-217. Salama, P. 1973. Un point d'eau du "limes" Mauretanien. In Despois 1973: 339-49. Salama, P. 1977. Les deplacements successifs du "limes" de Mauretanie Cesarienne (essai de synthese). Limes 11: 577-95. Salem, M. I. and Busrewil, M. T. (eds). 1980. The Geology of Libya. 2nd Symposium on the Geology of Libya, held at Tripoli Sept. 16-21,1978. 3 vols. London. Salmon, E. T. 1969. Roman Colonisation. London. Salway, P. 1965. The Frontier people of Roman Britain. CUP. Salway, P. 1981. Roman Britain. Oxford. Sarel-Sternberg, B. 1963. Semi-Nomades du Nefzaoua. In Unesco 1963: 123-36. Sasel, J. 1963. "Clausurae Alpium Iuliarium". Limes 5: 155-61. Sattin, F. 1967. Le incisioni rupestri di Gasr Mimun. LA III-IV: 161-77. Saxer, R. 1967. Untersuchungen zu den Vexillationem des Römischen Kaiserheeres (Augustus bis Diocletian). Epig Stud 9: 30-31,100-10. Schaff, P. (ed). 1892. A select library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene fathers of the Christian Church I, The confessions and letters of St. Augustine. New York. Schonberger, H. 1969. The Roman frontier in Germany: an archaeological survey. JRS 59: 144-97. Schonberger, H. 1980. Recent research on the "limes" in Germania Superior and Raetia. Limes 12: 541-52. Seddon, D. J. 1973. Local politics and state intervention: northeast Morocco from 1870 to 1970. In Gellner and Micaud 1973: 109-39.

-522- Seeck, 0.1876. See Not. Dig. Seston, W. 1928. Le secteur de Rapidum sur le "limes" de Mauretanie Cesarienne apres les fouilles de 1927. MEFR 45: 150-83. Seston, W. 1966. Les portes et les tours des enceintes urbaines et le probleme des "res sanctae" en droit romain. Melanges Piganiol: 1489-498. Seston, W. 1974. See Melanges W. Seston. Seston, W. and Euzennat, M. 1961. La citoyennete romaine au temps de Marc-Aurele et de Commode d'apres la "Tabula Banasitana". CRAP 1961: 317-23. Seston, W. and Euzennat, M. 1971. Un dossier de la chancellerie romaine: la "Tabula Banasitana". Etude de diplomatique. CRAX 1971: 468-90. Shaiboub, A. 1979. Domestic Architecture in Libya. (unpub Phd thesis, Univer- sity of Manchester). Shaw, B. D. 1976. Climate, environment and prehistory in the Sahara. World Archaeology 8.2: 133-49. Shaw, B. D. 1978. Pastoralists, peasants and politics in Roman North Africa. (unpub. Phd, University of Cambridge). Shaw, B. D. 1981a. Rural markets in North Africa and the political economy of the Roman Empire. Ant Af 17: 37-83. Shaw, B. D. 1981b. Climate, environment and history: the case of Roman North Africa. In T. M. L. Wigley et al (eds), Climate and History. CUP. Shaw, B. D. 1982. Lamasba: an ancient irrigation community. Ant Af 18: 61-103. Sheldrick, P. 1980. Human remains from the Dakhleh oasis. The SSEA Journal X. 4: 423-27. Sherwin-White, A. N. 1939. The Roman Citizenship. Oxford. Sherwin-White, A. N. 1944. Geographical factors in Roman Algeria. JRS 34: 1-10. Sherwin-White, A. N. 1973. The Tabula of Banasa and the "Constitutio Antoniniana". JRS 63: 86-98. Sigman, M. C. 1977. The Romans and the indigenous tribes of Mauretania Tingitana. Historia 26: 415-39. Smith, D. J. 1956. Archaeological Report. In Report of the Durham University Exploration Society's Expedition to French Morocco, 1952: 88-166. Smith, D. J. 1971. The "centenaria" of Tripolitania and their antecedents. L in H: 299-321. Smith, R. E. 1979. "Dux, praepositus". ZPE 36: 263-78. Souville, G. 1970. L'industrie prdhistorique recueillie ä Bu Njem (1967-1968). LA VI-VII: 169-73. Soyer, J. 1973. Les cadastres anciens de la region de Saint-Donat (Algerie). Ant Af 7: 275-92, Soyer, J. 1976. Les centuriations romaines en Algerie orientale. Ant Af 10: 107-80. Speidel, M. P. 1973. The "singulares" of Africa and the establishment of Numidia as a province. Historia 22: 125-27. Speidel, M. P. 1975. The rise of ethnic units in the Roman Imperial army. ANRW II, 3: 202-31. Speidel, M. P. 1977. A thousand Thracian recruits for Mauretania Tingitana. i4nt Af 11: 167-73. Speidel, M. P. 1981. "Princeps" as a title for "ad hoc" commanders. Britannia 12: 7-13. Speidel, M. P. 1982. Legionary cohorts in Mauretania : the role of legionary cohorts in the structure of expeditionary armies. ANRW II, Principat 10.2: 850-60.

-522-<br />

Seeck, 0.1876. See Not. Dig.<br />

Seston, W. 1928. Le secteur de Rapidum sur le "limes" de Mauretanie Cesarienne<br />

apres les fouilles de 1927. MEFR 45: 150-83.<br />

Seston, W. 1966. Les portes et les tours des enceintes urbaines et le<br />

probleme des "res sanctae" en droit romain. Melanges Piganiol: 1489-498.<br />

Seston, W. 1974. See Melanges W. Seston.<br />

Seston, W. and Euzennat, M. 1961. La citoyennete romaine au temps de Marc-Aurele<br />

et de Commode d'apres la "Tabula Banasitana". CRAP 1961: 317-23.<br />

Seston, W. and Euzennat, M. 1971. Un dossier de la chancellerie romaine: la<br />

"Tabula Banasitana". Etude de diplomatique. CRAX 1971: 468-90.<br />

Shaiboub, A. 1979. Domestic Architecture in Libya. (unpub Phd thesis, Univer-<br />

sity<br />

<strong>of</strong> Manchester).<br />

Shaw, B. D. 1976. Climate, environment and prehistory in the Sahara. World<br />

Archaeology 8.2: 133-49.<br />

Shaw, B. D. 1978. Pastoralists, peasants and politics in <strong>Roman</strong> North Africa.<br />

(unpub. Phd, University <strong>of</strong> Cambridge).<br />

Shaw, B. D. 1981a. Rural markets in North Africa and the political economy <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>Roman</strong> Empire. Ant Af 17: 37-83.<br />

Shaw, B. D. 1981b. Climate, environment and history: the case <strong>of</strong> <strong>Roman</strong> North<br />

Africa. In T. M. L. Wigley et al (eds), Climate and History. CUP.<br />

Shaw, B. D. 1982. Lamasba: an ancient irrigation community. Ant Af 18: 61-103.<br />

Sheldrick, P. 1980. Human remains from the Dakhleh oasis. The SSEA Journal<br />

X. 4: 423-27.<br />

Sherwin-White, A. N. 1939. The <strong>Roman</strong> Citizenship. Oxford.<br />

Sherwin-White, A. N. 1944. Geographical factors in <strong>Roman</strong> Algeria. JRS 34: 1-10.<br />

Sherwin-White, A. N. 1973. The Tabula <strong>of</strong> Banasa and the "Constitutio<br />

Antoniniana". JRS 63: 86-98.<br />

Sigman, M. C. 1977. The <strong>Roman</strong>s and the indigenous tribes <strong>of</strong> Mauretania<br />

Tingitana. <strong>Historia</strong> 26: 415-39.<br />

Smith, D. J. 1956. Archaeological Report. In Report <strong>of</strong> the Durham University<br />

Exploration Society's Expedition to French Morocco, 1952: 88-166.<br />

Smith, D. J. 1971. The "centenaria" <strong>of</strong> Tripolitania and their antecedents.<br />

L in H: 299-321.<br />

Smith, R. E. 1979. "Dux,<br />

praepositus". ZPE 36: 263-78.<br />

Souville, G. 1970. L'industrie prdhistorique recueillie ä Bu Njem (1967-1968).<br />

LA VI-VII: 169-73.<br />

Soyer, J. 1973. Les cadastres anciens de la region de Saint-Donat (Algerie).<br />

Ant Af 7: 275-92,<br />

Soyer, J. 1976. Les centuriations romaines en Algerie orientale. Ant Af 10:<br />

107-80.<br />

Speidel, M. P. 1973. The "singulares" <strong>of</strong> Africa and the establishment <strong>of</strong><br />

Numidia as a <strong>province</strong>. <strong>Historia</strong> 22: 125-27.<br />

Speidel, M. P. 1975. The rise <strong>of</strong> ethnic units in the <strong>Roman</strong> Imperial army.<br />

ANRW II, 3: 202-31.<br />

Speidel, M. P. 1977. A thousand Thracian recruits for Mauretania Tingitana.<br />

i4nt Af 11: 167-73.<br />

Speidel, M. P. 1981. "Princeps" as a title for "ad hoc" commanders. Britannia<br />

12: 7-13.<br />

Speidel, M. P. 1982. Legionary cohorts in Mauretania : the role <strong>of</strong> legionary<br />

cohorts in the structure <strong>of</strong> expeditionary armies. ANRW II, Principat<br />

10.2: 850-60.

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