a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

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-519- Rebuffat, R. 1981. L'ouvrage lineaire romain de Rabat (Maroc). Caesarodunum. Bull. de 1'Institut Latines et du centre de recherches A. Piganiol XVI, Actes du colloque: frontieres en Gaule: 210-22. Rebuff at, R. 1982a. Au-delä des camps romains d'Afrique mineure, renseignement, contr8le, penetration. ANIW, II. Principat. 10.2: 474-513. Rebuffat, R. 1982b. "Ara Cerei". MEFR 94-1982-2: 911-19. Rebuffat, R. 1982c. Recherches dans le desert de Libye. CRAI 1982: 188-99. Rebuffat, R. and Hallier, G. 1970. Thamusida II. Paris. Rebuffat, R. and Marichal, R. 1973. Les ostraca de Bu Njem. REL 51: 281-86. Reece, R. 1979. Roman monetary impact. In Burnham and Johnson 1979: 211-17. Reese, D. S. 1980. Industrial exploitation of murex shells: purple dye and lime production at Sidi-Krebish, Benghazi (Berenice). Lib Studs 11: 79-93. Reports and Monographs = Reports and Monographs of the Department of Antiqui- ties in Tripolitania, British Military Administration, Tripoli. Reygasse, M. 1950. Monuments funoraires pr4islamiques de I'Afrique du Nord. Paris. Reynolds, J. M. 1951. Some inscriptions from Lepcis Magna. PBSR 19: 118-121. Reynolds, J. M. 1955. Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania (IRT): a supplement. PBSR 23: 124-47. Reynolds, J. M. 1958. Three inscriptions from Ghadames in Tripolitania. PBSR 26: 135-36. Reynolds, J. M. 1971a. The cities of Cyrenaica in decline. In Thames de recherches sur les villes antiques d'occident. Strasbourg: 53-58. Reynolds, J. M. 1971b. Zawiet Msus. LA VIII: 39-42. Reynolds, J. M. 1971c. New boundary stones from the public land of the Roman people in Cyrenaica. LA VIII: 47-51. Reynolds, J. M. (ed). 1976. See Goodchild 1976a. Reynolds, J. M. 1977. The Austuriani and Tripolitania in the early fifth century. Lib Studs 8: 13. Reynolds, J. M. 1981. Three soldiers of the "Cohors Hispanorum" in Cyrenaica. Lib Studs 12: 49-53. Reynolds, J. M. and Brogan, 0.1960. Seven new inscriptions from Tripolitania. PBSR 28: 51-54. Reynolds, J. M., Brogan, 0. and Smith, D. 1958. Inscriptions in the Libyan alphabet from Chirza in Tripolitania. Antiquity 32: 112-115. Reynolds, J. M. and Coodchild, R. G. 1965. The city lands of Apollonia in Cyrenaica. LA II: 103-07. Reynolds, J. M. and Simpson, W. G. 1967. Some inscriptions from el-Auenia, near Yefren in Tripolitania. LA III-IV: 45-47. Reynolds, J. M. and Ward-Perkins, J. B. (eds). 1952. Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania. See IRT. Richardson, J. 1848. Travels in the Great Desert of the Sahara in the years of 1845 and 1846.2 vols, London. Richmond, I. A. 1940. Excavation on the estate of Meikleour, Perthshire. PSAS 74: 37-48. RIL = Recueil des Inscriptions Libyques, (ed). J. B. Chabot, Paris, 1940. Ritchie, J. C. 1980. Preliminary observations on the botany of the Dakhleh oasis Egypt. The SSEA Journal X. 4: 397-422. Riv delta Trip = Rivista della Tripolitania, Rome. Rivet, A. L. F. 1977. The origins of cities in Roman Britain. In P. M. Duval and E. Frezouls (eds) Colloques Internationaux du C11RS no 542. Themes de recherches sur Ies villes antiques d'occident. Paris: 161-72. Rivet, A. L. F. and Smith, C. 1979. The Place-names of Roman Britain. London.

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-520-<br />

Robertson, A. S. The Antonine Wall (4th ed), Glasgow.<br />

E. S. G. 1927. British Museum Catalogue <strong>of</strong> Greek coins :<br />

Cyrenaica.<br />

London.<br />

R<strong>of</strong>fo, P. 1938. Sepultures anteislamiques en pierres_sýches. RAf 79: 197-243.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1920. Iscrizione Tripolitana the ricorda un'<strong>of</strong>ferta di denti di<br />

avorio. RAL V. 29: 376-83 a 1981: 31-38.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1924a, Del nome delle due Leptis Afrique. RAL V. 33: 253-62<br />

1981: 39-48.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1924b. Vecchie case arabe di Tripoli. Architettura e A±ti<br />

decorative III: 193-211 - 1981: 429-47.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1925. Leptis Magna. Rome.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1926. La politica <strong>Roman</strong>a delle acque in Tripolitania. La Rinascilta<br />

delta Tripolitania. Milan: 568-76 - 1981 : 49-56.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1927. Ricordi di Tripolitani a Roma e in Italia. Bull. Comm.<br />

Arch. Communale di Roma 51: 69-84 - 1981: 57-72.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1930. La vita agricola attraverso le reppresentazioni figurante.<br />

Af Ital III: 53-70.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1933. L'origine del nome "Tripolitania". Rend Pont. Accad. Rom.<br />

Archaeologica 9: 25-31 - 1981: 73-79.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1939. Tre iscrizioni tripolitane di interesse storico.<br />

Epigraphica I: 99-118 - 1981: 87-106.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1940. Gli archi di Tiberio e di Traiano in Leptis Magna.<br />

Af Ital VII: 87-105 - 1981: 449-67.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1950. Note storico-geografiche relative all'Africa al tempo di<br />

Augusto. RAL VIII. 5: 472-92 - 1981: 125-45.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1958. "Fulvi Lepcitani". Archaeologia Classica X. 258-61 -<br />

1981: 15 7-6 0.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1959. Storia delle <strong>province</strong> romane dell'Africa. Rome.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1960. Di alcune testimonianze epigrafiche sui rapporti tra 1'<br />

Africa e Roma. CT 31: 63-72 - 1981: 185-202.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1962. Le iscrizioni volubitane dei Baquati ei rapporti di<br />

Roma con le tribu indigene dell'Africa. Xonvnages I Albert Grenier,<br />

Brussels: 1347-1366 = 1981: 207-226.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1965. Riflessi di vita locale nei mosaici Africani. La rrosaique<br />

Groco-Romaine. Colloq. intern. CNRS Paris 1963, Paris: 275-85 a 1981:<br />

241-57.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1970. Topografia e archeologia dell'Africa <strong>Roman</strong>a. Enciclopedia<br />

Classica III. x. 7. Rome.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1971. Della popolazione di Carthagine. Leptis Minus Colonia.<br />

RAL VIII. 26: 11-17 - 1981: 311-17.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1974. Le condizioni giuridiche del suolo in Africa. Atti Convegno<br />

Intern. I diritti locali neue <strong>province</strong> romane con particolare riguardo<br />

alle condizioni giuridiche del suolo. Rome: 171-215 = 1981: 319-63.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1975. La politicä municipale romana nell'Africa Proconsulaire.<br />

Athenaeum 53: 144-71 - 1981: 365-92.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1977. La campagna di Cornelio Balbo nel sud Africano. Melanges<br />

<strong>of</strong>ferts<br />

ä LAopold Sedar Senghor. Dakar: 429-38 - 1981: 393-402.<br />

<strong>Roman</strong>elli, P. 1981, in Africa ea Roma. Rome.<br />

Rosenthal, F. 1958. Ibn Khaldun - The Muqaddimah, an introduction to history.<br />

3 vols (2nd ed 1980) London.<br />

Rouland-Mareschal, H. 1924. Le "limes" de Tingitane au sud de Sala colonia.<br />

MAI XIII. 2: 441-68.<br />

Rouvillois-Brigol, M., Nesson, C. and Vallet, J. 1973. Oasis du sahara<br />

algerien.<br />


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