a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

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-513- Limes 1= Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, 1949. (ed) E. Birley, Durham, 1952. Limes 2= Carnuntina. Ergebnisse der Forschung über die Grenzprovinzen des römischen Reiches: Vortrage bein internationalen Kongress der Altertumsforscher Carnuntum 1955. (ed) E. Swoboda, Cologne, 1956. Limes 3= Limes Studien: vortrage des III intern. Limes-Kongress in Rheinfelden, Basel 1957.1959. Limes 4= unpublished, Durham congress (1959). Limes 5= Quintus Congressus Internationalis Limitis Romani Studiosorum. Zagreb, 1963. Limes 6= Studien zu den Militärgrenzen Roms: Vortrage des 6. Internationalen Limes Kongress in Sud-deutschland. Cologne 1967. Limes 7= Roman Frontier Studies, 7th Congress. Tel Aviv, 1971. Limes 8= Roman Frontier Studies 1969,8th international Congress of Limes- forschung. (eds) E. Birley, B. Dobson and M. Jarrett, Cardiff, 1974. Limes 9= Actes du IXeme congres international d'etudes sur les frontieres romaines, Mamia 6-13th septembre 1972. (ed) D. M. Pippidi, Bucharest/ Cologne, 1974. Limes 10 = Studien zu den Militärgrenzen Roms II: Vortrage des 10. Internation- alen Limeskongress in der Germania inferior. Cologne, 1977. Limes 11 = Acten des Internationalen Limeskongress, 1976. (ed) Fitz, Budapest, 1977. Limes 12 = Roman Frontier Studies 1979. Papers presented to the 12th Inter- national Congress of Roman frontier studies. 3 vols. (eds) W. S. Hanson and L. J. F. Keppie, BAR Supp S. 71, Oxford, 1980. Lloyd, J. A. (ed). 1977. Excavations at Sidi Khrebish, Benghazi (Berenice) I. (LA Supp V. I), Tripoli. Lloyd, J. A. (ed). 1983. Excavations at Sidi Khrebish, Benghazi (Berenice) II. (LA Supp V. II), Tripoli. Loriot, X. 1971. Une dddicace ä Gordian III provennant de Gheria el-Garbia. -BSAF 1971: 342-46. Loriot, X. 1975. Les premieres anndes de la grand crise du 111e siacle. ANRW 2.2: 745-53. Louis, A. 1973. Kalaa, ksour de montagne et ksour de plaine dans le sud-est Tunisien. In Despois 1973: 257-70. Louis, A. 1975. Tunisie du sud. Ksars et villages de crates. Editions CNRS, Paris. Luni, M. 1979. I1 caravanserraglio di Cirene ed indagine preliminaire sui percorsi interni dells Cirenaica. QAL 10: 49-65. Luni, M. 1980. Apporti nuovi nel quadro della viabilita antica della Cirenaica interna. QAL 11: 119-37. Luquet, A. 1964/1966. Contribution ä l'Atlas archeologique du Maroc: region de Volubilis. BAM 5: 291-300. BAM 6: 365-75. Luttwak, E. N. 1976. The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire. Baltimore/London. Lyon, G. F. 1821. A narrative of travels in North Africa in the years 1818, 1819 and 1820. London.

-514- MacKendrick, P. 1980. The North African stones speak. London. Magie, D. 1950. Roman rule in Asia minor to the end of the third century A. D. 2 vols. Princeton. MAI = Memoires de l'Institut National de France, Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. Paris. Manacorda, D. 1977. Testimoniaze sulla produzione e il consumo dell'olio tripolitano nell III secolo. Dialoghi di Archeologia IX-X, 1-2: 542-601. Mann, J. C. 1974a. The frontiers of the Principate. ANRW II. 1: 508-33. Mann, J. C. 1974b. The Northern frontier after A. D. 369. Glasgow Archaeological Journal 3: 34-42. Mann, J. C. 1979a. Power, force and the frontiers of the Empire. (Review article of Luttwak 1976). JRS 69: 175-83. Mann, J. C. 1979b. Hadrian's Wall: the last phases. In Casey 1979: 144-51. Manning, W. H. 1975. Economic influences on land use in the military areas of the Highland zone during the Roman period. In J. G. Evans, S. Limbrey and H. Cleere(eds), The effect of man on the Landscape: the Highland Zone (CBA Research Report II) , London: 112-116. Marichal, R. 1979. Les ostraca de Bu Njem. CRAI 1979: 436-52. Marion, J. 1957. Les ruines anciennes de la region d'Oujda (dit du Ras- Asfour). BAM 2: 117-73. Marion, J. 1959. L'4peron fortifie de sidi-Medjahed (Oranie). Libyca VII: 27-41. Marion, J. 1967. Note sur la contribution de la numismatique de la Maur4tanie Tingitane. Ant Af 1: 99-118. ä la connaisance Martel, A. 1968. Les confins Saharo-tripolitains de la Tunisie (1881-1911). 2 vols, Paris. Masqueray, E. M. 1878/1879. Ruines anciennes de Khenchela (Mascula) ä Besseriani (Ad Maiores). RAf 22: 444-72. RAf 23: 65-92. Matthews, J. 1976. Mauretania in Ammianus and the Notitia. In P. Bartholemew and R. Goodburn (eds), Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum. BAR Supp S15 , Oxford: 157-86. Mattingly, D. J. 1982. The Roman road-station at Thenadassa (Ain Wif). Lib Studs 13: 73-80. Mattingly, D. J. 1983. The Laguatan: a Libyan tribal confederation in the late Roman Empire. Lib Studs 14: 96-108. Mauny, R. 1956. Monnaies antiques trouvees en Afrique au sud du "limes" romain. Libyca IV: 249-60. Mayerson, P. 1962. The ancient agricultural regime of Nessana and the central Negeb. In Colt 1962: 211-69. MEFR = Melanges de l'ecole franpaise de Rome, Antiqui tes (1971f). Formerly Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire de 1'ecole franFaise de Rome. Melanges Piganiol = Melanges d'arcMologie et d'histoire offerts ä Andre Piganiol (ed. R. Chevalier), Paris, 1966. Melanges W. Seston = Melanges d'histoire ancienne offerts ä W. Seston. Paris, 1974. Mercier, M. 1953. Les idoles de Ghadames. RAf 97: 17-47. Merighi, A. 1940. La Tripolitania antica. 2 vols. Verbania.

-514-<br />

MacKendrick, P. 1980. The North African stones speak. London.<br />

Magie, D. 1950. <strong>Roman</strong> rule in Asia minor to the end <strong>of</strong> the third century A. D.<br />

2 vols. Princeton.<br />

MAI = Memoires de l'Institut National de France, Academie des Inscriptions<br />

et Belles Lettres. Paris.<br />

Manacorda, D. 1977. Testimoniaze sulla produzione e il consumo dell'olio<br />

tripolitano nell III secolo. Dialoghi di Archeologia IX-X, 1-2: 542-601.<br />

Mann, J. C. 1974a. The <strong>frontier</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the Principate. ANRW II. 1: 508-33.<br />

Mann, J. C. 1974b. The Northern <strong>frontier</strong> after A. D. 369. Glasgow Archaeological<br />

Journal 3: 34-42.<br />

Mann, J. C. 1979a. Power, force and the <strong>frontier</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the Empire. (Review<br />

article <strong>of</strong> Luttwak 1976). JRS 69: 175-83.<br />

Mann, J. C. 1979b. Hadrian's Wall: the last phases. In Casey 1979: 144-51.<br />

Manning, W. H. 1975. Economic influences on land use in the military areas<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Highland zone during the <strong>Roman</strong> period. In J. G. Evans, S. Limbrey<br />

and H. Cleere(eds), The effect <strong>of</strong> man on the Landscape: the Highland<br />

Zone (CBA Research Report II)<br />

,<br />

London: 112-116.<br />

Marichal, R. 1979. Les ostraca de Bu Njem. CRAI 1979: 436-52.<br />

Marion, J. 1957. Les ruines anciennes de la region d'Oujda (dit du Ras-<br />

Asfour). BAM 2: 117-73.<br />

Marion, J. 1959. L'4peron fortifie de sidi-Medjahed (Oranie). Libyca VII:<br />

27-41.<br />

Marion, J. 1967. Note sur la contribution de la numismatique<br />

de la Maur4tanie Tingitane. Ant Af 1: 99-118.<br />

ä la<br />

connaisance<br />

Martel, A. 1968. Les confins Saharo-tripolitains de la Tunisie (1881-1911).<br />

2 vols, Paris.<br />

Masqueray, E. M. 1878/1879. Ruines anciennes de Khenchela (Mascula) ä<br />

Besseriani (Ad Maiores). RAf 22: 444-72. RAf 23: 65-92.<br />

Matthews, J. 1976. Mauretania in Ammianus and the Notitia. In P. Bartholemew<br />

and R. Goodburn (eds), Aspects <strong>of</strong> the Notitia Dignitatum. BAR Supp<br />

S15 ,<br />

Oxford: 157-86.<br />

Mattingly, D. J. 1982. The <strong>Roman</strong> road-station at Thenadassa (Ain Wif).<br />

Lib Studs 13: 73-80.<br />

Mattingly, D. J. 1983. The Laguatan: a Libyan tribal confederation in the<br />

late <strong>Roman</strong> Empire. Lib Studs 14: 96-108.<br />

Mauny, R. 1956. Monnaies antiques trouvees en Afrique au sud du "limes"<br />

romain. Libyca IV: 249-60.<br />

Mayerson, P. 1962. The ancient agricultural regime <strong>of</strong> Nessana and the<br />

central Negeb. In Colt 1962: 211-69.<br />

MEFR = Melanges de l'ecole franpaise de Rome, Antiqui tes (1971f). Formerly<br />

Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire de 1'ecole franFaise de Rome.<br />

Melanges Piganiol = Melanges d'arcMologie et d'histoire <strong>of</strong>ferts<br />

ä Andre<br />

Piganiol (ed. R. Chevalier), Paris, 1966.<br />

Melanges W. Seston = Melanges d'histoire ancienne <strong>of</strong>ferts<br />

ä W. Seston.<br />

Paris, 1974.<br />

Mercier, M. 1953. Les idoles de Ghadames. RAf 97: 17-47.<br />

Merighi, A. 1940. La Tripolitania antica. 2 vols. Verbania.

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