a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

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-378- 2: 6/2: 7 10. Vita-Finzi 1969,26-34; 1978,34-35. 11. Barker and Jones 1982,26; Johnson 1973,37-28,58. 12. Despois 1964,83-86. 13. Franchetti 1914,371- Johnson 1973,24-28. 14. Vita-Finzi 1969,26-34. 15. Barth 1857,63-64. 16. Oates 1953,96,115-117 and pers. obs. of Fergian region in 1981. 17. BMA 1947,39-42; Brehony 1960,63-67; Taylor 1960,88-99; Poncet 1963, 284-90. 18. Barker et al 1983, note that a high saline content in some of the soils analysed may have resulted from the establishment of run-off agriculture. 19. Nachtigal 1974,40-44; the same observation was made by de Mathuisieulx 1912,64-65. 20. Barker and Jones 1982,7. 21. Bronson 1982; Despois 1935,97-136; Louis 1975,145-80. 2: 7 THE ROMAN GEOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLITANIA 1. On municipal development in Africa, see Broughton 1929; Gascou 1972a; 1982,136-320; P. A. Febrier 1982,321-96; Kotula 1974,111-31; Lepelley 1979; 1981a. For Tacapae see, Ant. Itin. 59.6; Tab. Peut. VI, 5; Ravenna V, 5; Procopius de aed VI, 4,14. The date of elevation to colonia rank is uncertain, Gascou 1982,307-308. For the archaeological evidence see Toussaint 1908,401-02; Toutain 1903,274-76. 2. Ant. Itin. 61,3; IRT 6,104,111, Colonia by A. D. 180 at the latest, Gascou 1972a, 82; 1982,171,307-310; Lepelley 1981a, 372-80. Also Haynes 1959,107-34; Ward 1970; Stillwell 1976,779-80. 3. Ant. Itin. 62,2; Tab. Peut. VII, 3; IRT 230,232, no clear evidence of higher status before A. D. 163-164, Gascou 1972a, 82-83; 1982,171; Lepelley 1981a, 371-72. Also Haynes 1959,101-06; Aurigemma 1916. 217-300; 1967,65-78; 1970; Stillwell 1976,639, 4. Ant. Itin. 63,2; Tab. Peut. VII, 4; IRT 282,283,284,353,467,563; AE 1950,206,208. Colony c. A. D. 109-110, Gascou 1972a, 75-80; 1982, 165-171; Lepelley 1981a, 335-67. Lepcis later held the Ius Itali cum status also, Gascou 1972a, 197; Lepelley 1981a, 336. Also Haynes 1959, 71-100; Bianchi-Bandinelli et al 1966; Stillwell 1976,499-500; Di Vita 1982,515-95. 5. CIL 8.83,84; Ant. Itin. 74,3, municipium under Hadrian, Tissot 1888, 701-03; Cagnat 1909,277-81; Carton 1914/1915,207-216,354-68; 35- 47; Gascou 1972a, 134-135; 1982,189; Trousset 1974,43-46. 6. Ant. Itin. 60,1; CIL 8.11031,33707,22737 = ILT 41, municipium under Antoninus Pius, Gascou 1982,192-93; Lepelley 1981a, 368-71. Also Constans 1916,1-116; Stillwell 1976,353-54. 7. Ant. Itin. 60,2; Tab. Peut. VI, 5/VII, ].; Ravenna V, 5; CIL 8.11008,11002, date unknown, Gascou 1982,308. Also Tissot 1888,204-07, excavations in 1884 revealed a "forum analogue ä celui de Gigthi, entourd de portiques dont la construction remonte ä la regne de Claude. " The ruins were extensive and marble statues and three or four large buildings including a basilica and a "castrum" were found, CIL 8.11002-11016. 8. Tab. Peet. VII, 1; cf Ant. Itin. 61,1; Fisidia vices; Gascou 1982,308- 310, date of elevation in status unknown. Tissot 1888,208-09, identified the site with the small harbour of Bourka. 9. Tab. Peut. VII. 4/5; cf. Ant. Itin. 64,3 (Thebunte) and Ravenna III, 5; V, 6 (Thubacis, Thubactis), date uncertain, Gascou 1982,307-10. The exact location of the site is disputed; for long assumed to be in the Misurata oasis, Tissot 1888,224-27, though there are no certain remains, Brogan 1975a, 52-55. Rebuffat 1973c, 139-43 has suggested on

-379- 2: 7 the basis of the mileages that it lay further south, but there are no known sites of sufficient size or importance to have been a uruni cipi um. 10. Tab. Peut. VIII, 1-2 Vigdida or Digdida Municipium Selorum; cf. Ant. Ztin. 65.4 (Digdica). The full title in the Tabula suggests that the town was originally designated as a civitas of the Sell tribe. The date of its promotion is unknown, Cascou 1982,309-10. Also Cerrata 1933, 220-23; Goodchild 1954c. 11. The position of 2bubactis is uncertain but is most likely in the area west of the Sebkha Taourgha, see note 9, above. Zita and Digdida are also a few kilometres from the sea. 12. Toussaint 1908,405-06. 13. Tab. Pout. VIZ, 4; Stillwell 1976,1000-1001. The famous villa of Dar Buk-Amaarah with its mosaics and wall paintings may, however, suggest a false importance for the settlement of Sugolin which was almost certainly still within the territorium of Lepcis. 14. Tab. Peut. VIII, 1 (Marcomades Selorum); Ant. Ztin. 64,8(Macomadibus Sirtis) ; Not. Dig. Oc., XXXI, 23. Also Cerrata 1933,205,212-13; Bartoccini 1929b, 187-200. 15. Tab. Peut. VIII, 1-2 (Scina Ioc. Iudaeor. Augti. ) ; Ant. Ztin. 65,1 (lscina). Also Cerrata 1933,209-12; Coodchild 1964,99-106, with plan and air-photos. The Islamic town of Sort on the same site has been the subject of recent study, Abdulhamid Abdussaid et al, 9-12. 16. Tab. Peut. V, 3-4 (ad aquis Tacapa, sic) ; Ant. Itin. 74,1. Tissot 1888, 698-99; Toussaint 1905,63; Toutain 1903a, 292; Trousset 1974, surprisingly gives no information on this important site. 17. Tab. Peut. VII, 1; Auge=xi is normally associated with the quite extensive ruins at Ksar Koutine, Tissot 1888,694, who reported the discovery by Sainte-Marie of a walled settlement, with a large mausoleum and a theatre (this last detail almost certainly incorrect). Recent maps, Salama 1959, Harteman 1975 suggest that Auge i lay at Hedenine or further southeast. The ruins at Routine with its associated water diversion system (Carton 1897,373-85) still merit consideration. 19. Tab. Peut. VII, 1, Girba, Tipasa, Hartbus, Uchios; Pliny V, 41, Meninx and Thora; Strabo XVII, 3,17. For the bridge Ant. Itin. 60,2. 20. For instance, Putea Pallene, Ad Amonem, Assaria, Ad Algam, Getullu, Quintiliana, Ad Palmam (Tab. Peut. VII, 1-4) between Gigthis and Lepcis. See Tissot 1888,207-16. 21. Rebuffat 1972,329-30; 1975b, 191; 1975c, 502-3. 22. See Appendix 2, below. 23. Euzennat and Trousset 1975,31-33; Trousset 1974,114-118. 24. Ward-Perkins and Goodchild 1949,81-95; Mattingly 1982,73-80. 25. Lecoy de la Marche 1894,299-402; Boizot 1913,260-66. 26. Lecoy de la Marche 1894,407-8; Trousset 1974,109-10. 27. Donau 1909,35-38; Toutain 1903a, 324-25; Poinssot 1940,9,259; Trousset 1974,75-78. 28. As may be the case with Turris Tamalleni, Aquae Tacapitanae and Marcomades. 29. Carter 1965,123-32; Miro and Fiorenti 1977,5; 75; Yorke et al 1966; Yorke 1967,18-24. 30. CIL 8.11002-11003 (Claudian), 11004 (Nervan) from Zian. 31. See below, notes 60 to 62. 32. For the Roman roads of Tripolitania, see especially Goodchild 1948, 1-28; 1971,155-62,164-69. 33. Tab. Peut. VI5 5- VIII, 2; Ant. Itin. 59,6 - 65,6; CIL 8.10016 (Nervan) 10017; ILAf652-653; ILT 1719; ZRT 923-929; Goodchild 1948, 9-10; 1952b, c and d; 1971,158. 34. Di Vita-Evrard 1979,91, unpublished text found in 1977 near Sabratha.

-379-<br />

2: 7<br />

the basis <strong>of</strong> the mileages that it lay further south, but there are<br />

no known sites <strong>of</strong> sufficient size or importance to have been a<br />

uruni cipi um.<br />

10. Tab. Peut. VIII, 1-2 Vigdida or Digdida Municipium Selorum; cf. Ant. Ztin.<br />

65.4 (Digdica). The full title in the Tabula suggests that the town<br />

was originally designated as a civitas <strong>of</strong> the Sell tribe. The date<br />

<strong>of</strong> its promotion is unknown, Cascou 1982,309-10. Also Cerrata 1933,<br />

220-23; Goodchild 1954c.<br />

11. The position <strong>of</strong> 2bubactis is uncertain but is most likely in the area<br />

west <strong>of</strong> the Sebkha Taourgha, see note 9, above. Zita and Digdida are<br />

also a few kilometres from the sea.<br />

12. Toussaint 1908,405-06.<br />

13. Tab. Pout. VIZ, 4; Stillwell 1976,1000-1001. The famous villa <strong>of</strong> Dar<br />

Buk-Amaarah with its mosaics and wall paintings may, however, suggest<br />

a false importance for the settlement <strong>of</strong> Sugolin which was almost<br />

certainly still within the territorium <strong>of</strong> Lepcis.<br />

14. Tab. Peut. VIII, 1 (Marcomades Selorum); Ant. Ztin. 64,8(Macomadibus<br />

Sirtis) ; Not. Dig. Oc., XXXI, 23. Also Cerrata 1933,205,212-13;<br />

Bartoccini 1929b, 187-200.<br />

15. Tab. Peut. VIII, 1-2 (Scina Ioc. Iudaeor. Augti. ) ; Ant. Ztin. 65,1<br />

(lscina). Also Cerrata 1933,209-12; Coodchild 1964,99-106, with<br />

plan and air-photos. The Islamic town <strong>of</strong> Sort on the same site has<br />

been the subject <strong>of</strong> recent <strong>study</strong>, Abdulhamid Abdussaid et al, 9-12.<br />

16. Tab. Peut. V, 3-4 (ad aquis Tacapa, sic) ; Ant. Itin. 74,1. Tissot 1888,<br />

698-99; Toussaint 1905,63; Toutain 1903a, 292; Trousset 1974,<br />

surprisingly gives no information on this important site.<br />

17. Tab. Peut. VII, 1; Auge=xi is normally associated with the quite<br />

extensive ruins at Ksar Koutine, Tissot 1888,694, who reported the<br />

discovery by Sainte-Marie <strong>of</strong> a walled settlement, with a large<br />

mausoleum and a theatre (this last detail almost certainly incorrect).<br />

Recent maps, Salama 1959, Harteman 1975 suggest that Auge i lay at<br />

Hedenine or further southeast. The ruins at Routine with its<br />

associated water diversion system (Carton 1897,373-85) still merit<br />

consideration.<br />

19. Tab. Peut. VII, 1, Girba, Tipasa, Hartbus, Uchios; Pliny V, 41,<br />

Meninx and Thora; Strabo XVII, 3,17. For the bridge Ant. Itin. 60,2.<br />

20. For instance, Putea Pallene, Ad Amonem, Assaria, Ad Algam, Getullu,<br />

Quintiliana, Ad Palmam (Tab. Peut. VII, 1-4) between Gigthis and<br />

Lepcis. See Tissot 1888,207-16.<br />

21. Rebuffat 1972,329-30; 1975b, 191; 1975c, 502-3.<br />

22. See Appendix 2, below.<br />

23. Euzennat and Trousset 1975,31-33; Trousset 1974,114-118.<br />

24. Ward-Perkins and Goodchild 1949,81-95; Mattingly 1982,73-80.<br />

25. Lecoy de la Marche 1894,299-402; Boizot 1913,260-66.<br />

26. Lecoy de la Marche 1894,407-8; Trousset 1974,109-10.<br />

27. Donau 1909,35-38; Toutain 1903a, 324-25; Poinssot 1940,9,259;<br />

Trousset 1974,75-78.<br />

28. As may be the case with Turris Tamalleni, Aquae Tacapitanae and<br />

Marcomades.<br />

29. Carter 1965,123-32; Miro and Fiorenti 1977,5; 75; Yorke et al 1966;<br />

Yorke 1967,18-24.<br />

30. CIL 8.11002-11003 (Claudian), 11004 (Nervan) from Zian.<br />

31. See below, notes 60 to 62.<br />

32. For the <strong>Roman</strong> roads <strong>of</strong> Tripolitania, see especially Goodchild 1948,<br />

1-28; 1971,155-62,164-69.<br />

33. Tab. Peut. VI5 5- VIII, 2; Ant. Itin. 59,6 - 65,6; CIL 8.10016<br />

(Nervan) 10017; ILAf652-653; ILT 1719; ZRT 923-929; Goodchild 1948,<br />

9-10; 1952b, c and d; 1971,158.<br />

34. Di Vita-Evrard 1979,91, unpublished text found in 1977 near Sabratha.

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