a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

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-505- Franchi, S. 1912. Richerche e studi agrologici sulfa Libia. I, La zona di Tripoli. Bergamo. French, D. 1983. New research on the Euphrates frontier. Supplementary notes 1 and 2. In Mitchell 1983: 71-101. Frend, W. H. C. 1971. The Denatist Church. (2nd ed. ), Oxford. Frend, W. H. C. 1978. The Christian period in Mediterranean Africa, c A. D. 200-700. In Fage 1978: 410-90. Frere, S. S. 1978. Britannia. A history of Roman Britain. (Revised edition), London. Frere, S. S. and St. Joseph, J. K. 1974. Excavations at Longthorpe. Britannia 5: 1-129. Frezouls, E. 1952. Nouvelles inscriptions de Volubilis. CRAI 1952: 395-402. Frezouls, E. 1953. Nouvelles inscriptions de Volubilis. MEFR 65: 139-72. Frezouls, E. 1956. Nouvelles inscriptions de Volubilis. MEFR 68: 96-125. Frezouls, E. 1957. Les Baquates et la province romaine de Tingitaine. BAM 2: 65-116. Frezouls, E. 1980. Rome et la Maurdtanie Tingitane: un constat d'dchec Ant Af 16: 65-93. Galand, L. 1971. Les Quinquegentanei. BAA 4: 277-79. Garnsey, P. D. A. 1978. Rome's African Empire under the Principate. In Garnsey and Whittaker (eds), imperialism in the Ancient World: 223-54. Gascou, J. 1972a. La politique municipale de .1 'Empire romain en Afrique Proconsulaire de Trajan ä Septime Sdvvre. (Pub. E. F. R. ), Paris. Cascoii, J. 1972b. Lepti Minus, colonie de Trajan Ant Af 6: 137-43. Gascou, J. 1982. La politique municipale de Rome en Afrique du Nord (Parts 1 and 2). ANRW II, Principat 10.2: 136-320. Gateau, A. 1947. Conquete de l'Afrique du Nord et de 1'Espagne. Ibn Abd-el Hakam. (2nd ed), Algiers. Cauckler, P. 1897/1904. Enquete sur les installations hydrauliques romaines en Tunisie fasc I. 1 and 11.3.,. Paris. The full edition was in 2 vols, 1900/1912, and comprised eight fasicules). Gauckler, P. 1900. Notes sur les fouilles exdcutdes dans le Sahara tunisien. RAI 1900: 541-47. Gauckler, P. 1902. Le "centenarium" de Tibubuci (Ksar Tarcine, sud-Tunisien). CRAI 1902: 321-40. Gautier, E. F. 1952. Le passe de l'Afrique du Nord. (2nd ed), Paris. Gellner, E. 1969. Saints of the Atlas. London. Gellner, E. 1973a. Political and religious organisation of the Berbers of the central High Atlas. In Gellner and Micaud 1973: 59-66. Gellner, E. 1973b. Patterns of rural rebellion in Morocco during the early years of independence. In Gellner and Micaud 1973: 361-74. Gellner, E. and Micaud, C. (eds). 1973. Arabs and Berbers. From tribe to nation in North Africa. London. Gendre, F. 1908. De Gabes A Nefta (Le Nefzaoua et le Djerid): RT 15: . 383-411: 499-520. Gentilucci, I. 1933. Resti di antichi edifici lungo l'uadi Sofeggin. Af Ital V: 172-87. Ghisleri, A. 1912. Tripolitania e Cirenaica dal Mediterraneo al Sahara. Milan/Bergamo.

-506- Gichon, M. 1974. Towers on the "limes Palestinae" (forms, purpose, termin- ology and comparisons). Limes 9: 513-30. Ginestous, M. 1913. L'hydrauliche agricole dans la Tunisie mmridionale. RT 20: 557-63. Goetschy, F. 1894. Note sur un passage du Cherb barrel par une muraille romaine. RSAC 29: 593-98. Gombeaud, Lt. 1901 Fouilles du castellum d'el-Hagueuff (Tunisie) BCTH 1901: 81-94. Goodchild, R. G. 1948. The Roman roads and milestones of Tripolitania. (Discoveries and researches 2947). (Reports and Monographs X). Goodchild, R. G. 1949a. Some inscriptions from Roman Tripolitania. Reports and Monographs II : 29-35. Goodchild, R. G. 1949b. Recent explorations and discoveries. Reports and Monographs II : 37-41. Goodchild, R. G. 1949c. Where archaeology and military training go hand in hand: Roman "home guard" outposts in Tripolitania. Illustrated London News 15 October 1949: 594-95. Goodchild, R. G. 1950a. The "limes Tripolitanus"II. JRS 40: 30-38 - 1976a: 35-45. Goodchild, R. G. 1950b. The Latino-Libyan inscriptions of Tripolitania. AJ 30: 135-44. Goodchild, R. G. 1950c. Roman Tripolitania: reconnaisance in the desert frontier zone. Geog. J. CXV: 161-178 = 1976a: 3-16. Goodchild, R. G. 1950d. Two monumental inscriptions of Lepcis Magna. PBSR 18 : 72-82. Goodchild, R. G. 1951a. Libyan forts in south-west Cyrenaica. Antiquity XXV: 131-44 = 1976a : 173-86. Goodchild, R. G. 1951b. Roman sites on the Tarhuna plateau of Tripolitania. PBSR 19: 43-65 = 1976a : 72-306. Goodchild, R. G. 1952a. Mapping Roman Libya. Geog. J. CXVIII: 142-52 - 1976a, 145-54. Goodchild, R. G. 1952b. Farming in Roman Libya. Geog. Mag. XXV: 70-80. Goodchild, R. G. 1952c. The decline of Libyan agriculture. Geog. Mag. XXV: 147-56. Goodchild, R. G. 1952d. Arae Philaenorum and Automalax. PBSR 20: 94-110 = 1976a: 155-72. Goodchild, R. G. 1953. The Roman and Byzantine "limes" in Cyrenaica. JRS 43: 65-76 = 1976a: 195-209. Goodchild, R. G. 1954a. Oasis forts of "Legio III Augusta" on the routes to the Fezzan. PBSR 22: 56-68 = 1976a : 46-58. Goodchild, R. G. 1954b. Tabula Imperii Romani : Lepcis Magna (Sheets H. 33 - 1.33). Oxford. Goodchild, R. G. 1954c. Tabula Imperii Romani : Cyrene (sheets H. 34 - 1.34) Oxford. Goodchild, R. G. 1954d. La necropoli Romano-Libica di Bir ed-Dreder. QAL3 : 91-107 - 1976a, 59-71 (Eng. trans. The Romano-Libyan cemetery at Bir ed Dreder). Goodchild, R. G. 1964. Medina Sultan (Charax-iscina-Sort). LA I: 99-106 = 1976a : 133-42. Goodchild, R. G. 1965. The unfinished imperial baths of Lepcis Magna. LAII : 15-28 = 1976a : 118-32. Goodchild, R. G. 1967a. Byzantines, Berbers and Arabs in seventh century Libya. Antiquity XLI: 114-24 = 1976a: 255-67. Goodchild, R. G. 1967b. A coin hoard from Balagrae (el-Beida) and the earth- quake of A. D. 365. LA III-IV: 203-12 = 1976a: 229-38.

-506-<br />

Gichon, M. 1974. Towers on the "limes Palestinae" (forms, purpose, termin-<br />

ology and comparisons). Limes 9: 513-30.<br />

Ginestous, M. 1913. L'hydrauliche agricole dans la Tunisie mmridionale.<br />

RT 20: 557-63.<br />

Goetschy, F. 1894. Note sur un passage du Cherb barrel par une muraille<br />

romaine. RSAC 29: 593-98.<br />

Gombeaud, Lt. 1901 Fouilles du castellum d'el-Hagueuff (Tunisie) BCTH<br />

1901: 81-94.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1948. The <strong>Roman</strong> roads and milestones <strong>of</strong> Tripolitania.<br />

(Discoveries and researches 2947). (Reports and Monographs X).<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1949a. Some inscriptions from <strong>Roman</strong> Tripolitania.<br />

Reports and Monographs II : 29-35.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1949b. Recent explorations and discoveries. Reports and<br />

Monographs II : 37-41.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1949c. Where archaeology and military training go hand in<br />

hand: <strong>Roman</strong> "home guard" outposts in Tripolitania. Illustrated London<br />

News 15 October 1949: 594-95.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1950a. The "limes Tripolitanus"II. JRS 40: 30-38 - 1976a:<br />

35-45.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1950b. The Latino-Libyan inscriptions <strong>of</strong> Tripolitania.<br />

AJ 30: 135-44.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1950c. <strong>Roman</strong> Tripolitania: reconnaisance in the desert<br />

<strong>frontier</strong> zone. Geog. J. CXV: 161-178 = 1976a: 3-16.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1950d. Two monumental inscriptions <strong>of</strong> Lepcis Magna.<br />

PBSR 18 : 72-82.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1951a. Libyan forts in south-west Cyrenaica. Antiquity<br />

XXV: 131-44 = 1976a : 173-86.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1951b. <strong>Roman</strong> sites on the Tarhuna plateau <strong>of</strong> Tripolitania.<br />

PBSR 19: 43-65 = 1976a : 72-306.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1952a. Mapping <strong>Roman</strong> Libya. Geog. J. CXVIII: 142-52 - 1976a,<br />

145-54.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1952b. Farming in <strong>Roman</strong> Libya. Geog. Mag. XXV: 70-80.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1952c. The decline <strong>of</strong> Libyan agriculture. Geog. Mag. XXV:<br />

147-56.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1952d. Arae Philaenorum and Automalax. PBSR 20: 94-110 =<br />

1976a: 155-72.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1953. The <strong>Roman</strong> and Byzantine "limes" in Cyrenaica. JRS 43:<br />

65-76 = 1976a: 195-209.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1954a. Oasis forts <strong>of</strong> "Legio III Augusta" on the routes to<br />

the Fezzan. PBSR 22: 56-68 = 1976a : 46-58.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1954b. Tabula Imperii <strong>Roman</strong>i : Lepcis Magna (Sheets H. 33 -<br />

1.33). Oxford.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1954c. Tabula Imperii <strong>Roman</strong>i : Cyrene (sheets H. 34 -<br />

1.34) Oxford.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1954d. La necropoli <strong>Roman</strong>o-Libica di Bir ed-Dreder. QAL3 :<br />

91-107 - 1976a, 59-71 (Eng. trans. The <strong>Roman</strong>o-Libyan cemetery at Bir<br />

ed Dreder).<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1964. Medina Sultan (Charax-iscina-Sort). LA I: 99-106 =<br />

1976a : 133-42.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1965. The unfinished imperial baths <strong>of</strong> Lepcis Magna.<br />

LAII : 15-28 = 1976a : 118-32.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1967a. Byzantines, Berbers and Arabs in seventh century<br />

Libya. Antiquity XLI: 114-24 = 1976a: 255-67.<br />

Goodchild, R. G. 1967b. A coin hoard from Balagrae (el-Beida) and the earth-<br />

quake <strong>of</strong> A. D. 365. LA III-IV: 203-12 = 1976a: 229-38.

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