a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua a comparative study of a Roman frontier province. - Historia Antigua

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-477- The centre of the site is densely built up around a central east to west roadway. The. hut units are very well preserved with some walls standing to almost full height (c. 2 m) and are mostly lean-to structures against the rampart. The pottery evidence suggests late occupation and early ARS forms are absent. The site was probably constructed entirely during the Romano-Libyan period. Dimensions :c 80 m (E - W); c. 20 m (N -S Max) Area : approx. 0.14 - 0.15 ha Not surveyed, but detailed kite photographs available. IV Gheriat el'Garbia (G. G. 15) (Jones et al 1983; Goodchild 1954a, 56) The air-photograph taken by Goodchild (1952b, 77) in the 1950's showed, as he himself noted, a series of sites on the west side of the oasis opposite the Roman fort. One of these features is a promontory site defended by a rock cut ditch and a substantial rampart formed of irregular orthostats set on edge with a rubble fill. The site is not particularly strong in terms of its natural defences, but the style of the rampart in particular point to a native interpretation (for comparison, see above, Magrusa). As a small native fort it is well positioned to have controlled the oasis. The recognition of a Roman style L-shaped enclosure (G. G. 17) added on to the south side of the promontory site suggests that Rome's earliest concern in the area was to control the native fortification on the west of the oasis prior to building their own fort on the east. Dimensions : 95 m (E - W); 65 m (N - S) Area :. c. 0.6 ha. Original survey for ULVP : G. D. B. Jones R. Suddaby V Zinchecra (Fezzan) Figure 14 Select bibliography. and references to the key published plans. Daniels 1968,113-94 s 1970b, 37-66 (figs. 1-11, pls. X-XIX); 1971a, figures 2-6; pla. I-V. VI Germa (Fezzan) For the ashlar buildings, Ayoub 1962,1967a, 12-26 and plans of the site, buildings A, B and E); Daniels 1971a, 264-65, fig. 7 (Bldg 1= A) 1973,36, Shaiboub 1979,190-200. For medieval Germa, Daniels 1970a (plan; Shaiboub 1979,190-200. For the suburbs, Daniels 1971,6-7 (plans of 2 phases at Saniat Gebril). APP. 2.

-478- APPENDIX 3: MILITARY EPIGRAPHY FROM TRIPOLITANIA Section 1 Garrisoning, policing, campaigning Section 2 Land delimitation and survey Section 3 Civilians and the army A Vici B Tribuni and centenarii Index of main sites Name Bir Rhezene (Bezereos) Ksar Rhilane Ksar Tarcine Ras el Ain Remada Si Aioun Ghadames Ain el Auenia Gasr Duib Ain Wif Bir Tarsin Gheriat el Garbia Gasr Zerzi Bu Njem Lebda Tripoli Inscription 1-4,100 5- 10 11 12 - 14 15-19 20 - 21 22 - 25, 26 - 30, 31 - 33 34 - 36 37 38 - 47, 48 - 49 50 - 77, 78 - 85 86 Nos. 101 - 104 105 - 108 109 - 111 112,113 Centenaria ( ) Turris( ) Turris Maniliorum Arelliorum (Hr el Guecerit) Bir ed Dreder (tribuni) 114 - 116 117 - 118 119 120 - 126 SECTION I. GARRISONING, POLICING, CAMPAIGNING BIR RHEZENE (Bezereos/Vezerei) 1. Impp. Caess L [Septimius Sever]us. Aug. et M _pius/Pertinax A[urelius A]ntoninus Brit Part Max Gel-riltitulum/quod. divo Commod[o fratr]e suo aerasum fuerat restit[ue]runt per vexil. / L Aug p. v. Q. [Anicio Fa]usto Leg Au/gustorum pr pr [cos. c. v. sub cura C. Iu/li saturnini 7© [eiusde]m M Arri[o] Muciano e[t Fabian]o cos. A. D. 201 ILAf26; ILT 56,58 (fragments of two identical texts). Merlin 1921, 238. Found close to fortlet. 2. (front) pro salu[te imperato]rum d[dd. nnn]/Auggg. L. Septimi Severi et M. Au[rel]/Antonini ILeS Brit Par Germ / et Iuliae. Aug. matris castroru[m]/vexillatio u. p. v. qua[e]/Vezerei praeten [dit et T(itus) Gen[n]iu[s or Gen[t]iu[s ... perhaps 7 Leg III etc. ] (left face) Military list of over a hundred names, substantially complete. Headed by [Ia]nuarius optio. (right face) Military list, badly damaged but evidently of similar character and length to the previous one. APP. 3, (rear) few lines only survive. ... ]d/[....... /..... ]ldem A. D. 209-211

-477-<br />

The centre <strong>of</strong> the site is densely built up around a central east to<br />

west roadway. The. hut units are very well preserved with some walls<br />

standing to almost full height (c. 2 m) and are mostly lean-to structures<br />

against the rampart. The pottery evidence suggests late occupation and<br />

early ARS forms are absent. The site was probably constructed entirely<br />

during the <strong>Roman</strong>o-Libyan period.<br />

Dimensions :c 80 m (E - W); c. 20 m (N -S Max)<br />

Area : approx. 0.14<br />

-<br />

0.15 ha Not surveyed, but detailed kite<br />

photographs<br />

available.<br />

IV Gheriat el'Garbia (G. G. 15) (Jones et al 1983; Goodchild 1954a, 56)<br />

The air-photograph taken by Goodchild (1952b, 77) in the 1950's<br />

showed, as he himself noted, a series <strong>of</strong> sites on the west side <strong>of</strong> the<br />

oasis opposite the <strong>Roman</strong> fort. One <strong>of</strong> these features is a promontory site<br />

defended by a rock cut ditch and a substantial rampart formed <strong>of</strong> irregular<br />

orthostats set on edge with a rubble fill. The site is not particularly<br />

strong in terms <strong>of</strong> its natural defences, but the style <strong>of</strong> the rampart in<br />

particular point to a native interpretation (for comparison, see above,<br />

Magrusa). As a small native fort it is well positioned to have controlled<br />

the oasis. The recognition <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Roman</strong> style L-shaped enclosure (G. G. 17)<br />

added on to the south side <strong>of</strong> the promontory site suggests that Rome's<br />

earliest concern in the area was to control the native fortification on<br />

the west <strong>of</strong> the oasis prior to building their own fort on the east.<br />

Dimensions : 95 m (E - W); 65 m (N - S)<br />

Area :. c. 0.6 ha. Original survey for ULVP : G. D. B. Jones<br />

R. Suddaby<br />

V Zinchecra (Fezzan) Figure 14<br />

Select bibliography. and references to the key published plans.<br />

Daniels 1968,113-94 s 1970b, 37-66 (figs. 1-11, pls. X-XIX);<br />

1971a, figures 2-6; pla. I-V.<br />

VI Germa (Fezzan)<br />

For the ashlar buildings, Ayoub 1962,1967a, 12-26 and plans <strong>of</strong> the<br />

site, buildings A, B and E); Daniels 1971a, 264-65, fig. 7 (Bldg 1= A)<br />

1973,36, Shaiboub 1979,190-200.<br />

For medieval Germa, Daniels 1970a (plan; Shaiboub 1979,190-200.<br />

For the suburbs, Daniels 1971,6-7 (plans <strong>of</strong> 2 phases at Saniat Gebril).<br />

APP. 2.

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