330K Pdf - Departament de matemàtiques

330K Pdf - Departament de matemàtiques

330K Pdf - Departament de matemàtiques


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Abstract. Let g, p ∈ [0↑∞ [, the set of non-negative integers. Let A g,p <strong>de</strong>note<br />

the group consisting of all those automorphisms of the free group on<br />

t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] which fix the element Π t j Π [x i, y i ] and permute<br />

j∈[p↓1] i∈[1↑g]<br />

the set of conjugacy classes { [t j ] : j ∈ [1↑p]}.<br />

Labruère and Paris, building on work of Artin, Magnus, Dehn, Nielsen,<br />

Lickorish, Zieschang, Birman, Humphries, and others, showed that A g,p is<br />

generated by what is called the ADLH set. We use methods of Zieschang and<br />

McCool to give a self-contained, algebraic proof of this result.<br />

Labruère and Paris also gave <strong>de</strong>fining relations for the ADLH set in A g,p;<br />

we do not know an algebraic proof of this for g > 2.<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>r an orientable surface S g,p of genus g with p punctures, with<br />

(g, p) ≠ (0, 0), (0, 1). The algebraic mapping-class group of S g,p, <strong>de</strong>noted<br />

M alg<br />

g,p, is <strong>de</strong>fined as the group of all those outer automorphisms of<br />

〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | Π t j Π [x i, y i ] 〉<br />

j∈[p↓1] i∈[1↑g]<br />

which permute the set of conjugacy classes { [t j ], [t j ] : j ∈ [1↑p]}. It now follows<br />

from a result of Nielsen that M alg<br />

g,p is generated by the image of the ADLH set<br />

together with a reflection. This gives a new way of seeing that M alg<br />

g,p equals the<br />

(topological) mapping-class group of S g,p , along lines suggested by Magnus,<br />

Karrass, and Solitar in 1966.<br />

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 20E05; Secondary: 20E36,<br />

20F05, 57M60, 57M05.<br />

Key words. Algebraic mapping-class group. Zieschang groupoid. Generating<br />

set.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Notation will be explained more fully in Section 2.<br />

1.1. Definitions. Let g, p ∈ [0↑∞[ . Let A g,p <strong>de</strong>note the group of automorphisms<br />

of 〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | 〉 that fix Π t j Π [x i, y i ] and permute the set of<br />

j∈[p↓1] i∈[1↑g]<br />

conjugacy classes { [t j ] : j ∈ [1↑p]}.<br />

We shall usually codify an element ϕ ∈ A g,p as a two-row matrix where the first<br />

row gives all the elements of t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] that are moved by ϕ, and the<br />

second row equals the ϕ-image of the first row. We <strong>de</strong>fine the following elements<br />

of A g,p :<br />

for each j ∈ [2↑p], σ j := ( t j t j−1<br />

)<br />

t j−1 t j−1 t j t j−1<br />

;<br />

for each i ∈ [1↑g], α i := ( x i<br />

)<br />

y i x i and βi := ( x yi<br />

i y i<br />

);<br />

for each i ∈ [2↑g], γ i := ( x i−1 y i−1 x i<br />

)<br />

w i x i−1 w i y i−1 w i x i w i with wi := y i−1 x i y i x i ;<br />

if min(1, g, p) = 1, γ 1 := ( t 1 x 1<br />

)<br />

w 1 t 1 w 1 x 1 w 1 with w1 := t 1 x 1 y 1 x 1 .<br />

We say that σ [2↑p] ∪α [1↑g] ∪β [1↑g] ∪γ [max(2−p,1)↑g] is the ADL set, and that removing<br />

α [3↑g] leaves the ADLH set, σ [2↑p] ∪α [1↑ min(2,g)] ∪β [1↑g] ∪γ [max(2−p,1)↑g] , named after<br />

Artin, Dehn, Lickorish and Humphries.<br />

□<br />

Date: July 29, 2011.<br />


2<br />


In [13, Proposition 2.10(ii) with r = 0], Labruère and Paris showed that A g,p is<br />

generated by the ADLH set. As we shall recall in Section 5, the proof is built on<br />

work of Artin, Magnus, Dehn, Nielsen, Lickorish, Zieschang, Birman, Humphries,<br />

and others, and some of this work uses topological arguments.<br />

The main purpose of this article is to give a self-contained, algebraic proof that<br />

A g,p is generated by the ADL set. Such proofs were given in the case (g, p) = (1, 0)<br />

by Nielsen [17], and in the case g = 0 by Artin [1], and in the case p = 0 by<br />

McCool [20]. In the case where (g, p) = (1, 0) or g = 0, our proof follows Nielsen’s<br />

and Artin’s. In the case where p = 0, McCool proceeds by adding in the free<br />

generators two at a time, while, for the general case, we benefit from being able to<br />

add in the free generators one at a time.<br />

For completeness, we give a self-contained, algebraic translation of Humphries’<br />

proof [12] that the ADLH set, a subset of the ADL set, generates A g,p . We also<br />

mention an alternative, recent proof by Labruère and Paris.<br />

1.2. Remark. In [13, Theorem 3.1 with r = 0], Labruère and Paris use topological<br />

and algebraic results of various authors to present the group A g,p as the quotient<br />

of the Artin group on the ADLH graph<br />

α 1<br />

σ p · · · σ 2 γ 1 β 1<br />

α 2<br />

γ 2 β 2 γ 3 β 3 · · · γ g β g<br />

modulo four-or-less relations, each of which is expressed in terms of centres of Artin<br />

groups on subgraphs which agree up to <strong>de</strong>leting α 1 :<br />

‘ZB 4 = Z 2 B 3 ’: if g 1 and p 2, then (α 1 β 1 γ 1 σ 2 ) 4 = (β 1 γ 1 σ 2 ) 6 ;<br />

‘ZA 5 = Z 2 A 4 ’: if g 2, then (α 1 β 1 γ 2 β 2 α 2 ) 6 = (β 1 γ 2 β 2 α 2 ) 10 ;<br />

‘ZD 6 = ZA 5 ’: if g 2 and p 1, then (α 1 γ 1 β 1 γ 2 β 2 α 2 ) 5 = (γ 1 β 1 γ 2 β 2 α 2 ) 6 ;<br />

‘ZE 7 = ZE 6 ’: if g 3, then (α 1 β 1 γ 2 β 2 α 2 γ 3 β 3 ) 9 = (β 1 γ 2 β 2 α 2 γ 3 β 3 ) 12 .<br />

It would be eminently satisfying to have a direct, algebraic proof of this beautiful,<br />

mysterious presentation. Now that we have the ADLH generating set, it would<br />

suffice to consi<strong>de</strong>r the group with the <strong>de</strong>sired presentation and verify that its action<br />

on 〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | 〉 is faithful. This is precisely the approach carried out<br />

by Magnus [15] for both the case g = 0, see [3, Section 5], and the case g = 1,<br />

see [2, Section 6.3]. The algebraic project remains open for g 2.<br />

□<br />

In outline, the article has the following structure.<br />

In Section 2, we fix notation and <strong>de</strong>fine the Zieschang groupoid, essentially<br />

as in [28, Section 5.2] (<strong>de</strong>veloped from [22], [24], [26]), but with modifications<br />

taken from work of McCool [8, Lemma 3.2]. We give a simplified proof of a<br />

strengthened form of (the orientable, torsion-free case of) Zieschang’s result that<br />

the Nielsen-automorphism edges and the Artin-automorphism edges together generate<br />

the groupoid. Zieschang used group-theoretical techniques of Nielsen [18] and<br />

Artin [1], while McCool used group-theoretical techniques of Whitehead [21]. We<br />

use all of these.<br />

In Section 3, which is inspired by the proof by McCool [20] of the case p = 0, we<br />

<strong>de</strong>fine the canonical edges in the Zieschang groupoid and use them to find a special<br />

generating set for A g,p .<br />

In Section 4, we observe that the results of the previous two sections immediately<br />

imply that the ADL set generates A g,p . We then present an algebraic translation<br />

of Humphries’ proof that the ADLH set also generates A g,p . We also mention an<br />

alternative, recent proof by Labruère and Paris.<br />

At this stage, we will have completed our objective. For completeness, we conclu<strong>de</strong><br />

the article with an elementary review of algebraic <strong>de</strong>scriptions of certain<br />

mapping-class groups.


In Section 5, we review <strong>de</strong>finitions of some mapping-class groups and mention<br />

some of the history of the original proof that the ADLH set generates A g,p .<br />

In Section 6, we recall the <strong>de</strong>finitions of Dehn twists and braid twists, and see<br />

that the group A g,p can be viewed as the mapping-class group of the orientable<br />

surface of genus g with p punctures and one boundary component.<br />

In Section 7, we consi<strong>de</strong>r an orientable surface S g,0,p of genus g with p punctures,<br />

with (g, p) ≠ (0, 0), (0, 1). The algebraic mapping-class group of S g,0,p , <strong>de</strong>noted<br />

M alg<br />

g,0,p<br />

, is <strong>de</strong>fined as the group of all those outer automorphisms of<br />

π 1 (S g,0,p ) = 〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | Π t j Π [x i, y i ] 〉<br />

j∈[p↓1] i∈[1↑g]<br />

which permute the set of conjugacy classes { [t j ], [t j ] : j ∈ [1↑p]}. We review Zieschang’s<br />

algebraic proof [28, Theorem 5.6.1] of Nielsen’s result [19] that M alg<br />

g,0,p is<br />

generated by the natural image of A g,p together with an outer automorphism ˘ζ.<br />

Hence, M alg<br />

g,0,p is generated by the natural image of the ADLH set together with ˘ζ.<br />

In 1966, Magnus, Karrass and Solitar [16, p.175] remarked that if one could find a<br />

generating set of M alg<br />

g,0,p and self-homeomorphisms of S g,0,p that induce those generators,<br />

then one would be able to prove that M alg<br />

g,0,p was equal to the (topological)<br />

mapping-class group M top<br />

g,0,p , even in the then-unknown case where g 2 and p 2.<br />

Also in 1966, Zieschang [26, Satz 4] used groupoids to prove equality, and their<br />

remark does not seem to have been followed up. The generating set given above<br />

fulfills their requirement, since the image of each ADL generator is induced by a<br />

braid twist or a Dehn twist of S g,0,p , and ˘ζ is induced by a reflection of S g,0,p . This<br />

gives a new way of seeing that M top<br />

g,0,p = Malg g,0,p .<br />

2. The Zieschang groupoid and the Nielsen subgraph<br />

In this section, which is based on [28, Section 5.2], we <strong>de</strong>fine the Zieschang<br />

groupoid Z g,p and the Nielsen subgraph N g,p , and prove that N g,p generates Z g,p .<br />

2.1. Notation. We will find it useful to have notation for intervals in Z that is<br />

different from the notation for intervals in R. Let i, j ∈ Z. We <strong>de</strong>fine the sequence<br />

{<br />

(i, i + 1, . . . , j − 1, j) ∈ Z j−i+1 if i j,<br />

[[i↑j ] :=<br />

() ∈ Z 0 if i > j.<br />

The subset of Z un<strong>de</strong>rlying [[i↑j]] is <strong>de</strong>noted [i↑j] := {i, i + 1, . . . , j − 1, j}.<br />

Also, [i↑∞[ := {i, i + 1, i + 2, . . .} .<br />

We <strong>de</strong>fine [[j↓i]] to be the reverse of the sequence [[i↑j]], that is, (j, j−1, . . . , i+1, i).<br />

Suppose that we have a set X and a map [i↑j] → X, l ↦→ x l . We <strong>de</strong>fine the<br />

corresponding sequence in X as<br />

{<br />

(x i , x i+1 , · · · , x j−1 , x j ) ∈ X i−j+1 if i j,<br />

x [i↑j ] :=<br />

() if i > j.<br />

By abuse of notation, we shall also express this sequence as (x l | l ∈ [[i↑j]]), although<br />

“l ∈ [[i↑j]]” on its own will not be assigned a meaning. The set of terms of x [i↑j ] is<br />

<strong>de</strong>noted x [i↑j] . We <strong>de</strong>fine x [j↓i ] to be the reverse of the sequence x [i↑j ] . □<br />

2.2. Notation. Let G be a multiplicative group.<br />

For each u ∈ G, we <strong>de</strong>note the inverse of u by both u −1 and u. For u, v ∈ G, we<br />

let u v := vuv and [u, v] := u vuv. For u ∈ G, we let [u] := {u v | v ∈ G}, called the<br />

G-conjugacy class of u. We let G/∼ := {[u] : u ∈ G}, the set of all G-conjugacy<br />


4<br />


Where G is a free group given with a distinguished basis B, we think of each<br />

u ∈ G as a reduced word in B ∪ B −1 , and let |u| <strong>de</strong>note the length of the word.<br />

We think of [u] as a cyclically-reduced cyclic word in B ∪ B −1 .<br />

Suppose that we have i, j ∈ Z and a map [i↑j] → G, l ↦→ u l . We write<br />

Π u l := Πu [i↑j ] :=<br />

l∈ [i↑j ]<br />

Π u l := Πu [j↓i ] :=<br />

l∈ [j↓i ]<br />

{<br />

u i u i+1 · · · u j−1 u j ∈ G if i j,<br />

1 ∈ G<br />

{<br />

if i > j.<br />

u j u j−1 · · · u i+1 u i ∈ G if j i,<br />

1 ∈ G if j < i.<br />

When we have G acting on a set X, then, for each x ∈ X, we let Stab(x; G)<br />

<strong>de</strong>note the set of elements of G which stabilize, or fix, x.<br />

We let Aut G <strong>de</strong>note the group of all automorphisms of G, acting on the right,<br />

as exponents, u ↦→ u ϕ . In a natural way, Aut G acts on G/∼ and on the set of<br />

subsets of G ∪ (G/∼).<br />

We let Out G <strong>de</strong>note the quotient of Aut G modulo the group of inner automorphisms,<br />

we call the elements of Out G outer automorphisms, and we <strong>de</strong>note the<br />

quotient map Aut G → Out G by ϕ ↦→ ˘ϕ. In a natural way, Out G acts on G/∼<br />

and on the set of subsets of G/∼.<br />

□<br />

2.3. Notation. The following will be fixed throughout.<br />

Let g, p ∈ [0↑∞[ . Let F g,p := 〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | 〉, a free group of rank<br />

2g+p with a distinguished basis. We shall find it convenient to use abbreviations<br />

such as<br />

[t] [1↑p] := {[t j ] : j ∈ [1↑p]}, t ±1<br />

[1↑p] := {t j, t j : j ∈ [1↑p]}, Π[x, y] [1↑g ] := Π [x i, y i ].<br />

i∈ [1↑g ]<br />

The elements of t ±1<br />

[1↑p] ∪ x±1 [1↑g] ∪ y±1 [1↑g] will be called letters. The elements of t [1↑p]<br />

will be called t-letters. The elements of t [1↑p] will be called inverse t-letters. The<br />

elements of x ±1<br />

[1↑g] ∪ y±1 [1↑g]<br />

will be called x-letters.<br />

We shall usually codify an element ϕ ∈ Aut F g,p as a two-row matrix where the<br />

first row gives, for some basis consisting of letters, all those elements which are<br />

moved by ϕ, and the second row equals the ϕ-image of the first row.<br />

We shall be working throughout with the group Stab([t] [1↑p] ; Aut F g,p ) (which<br />

permutes the set of cyclic words [t] [1↑p] ) and its subgroup<br />

A g,p := Stab([t] [1↑p] ∪ {Π t [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] }; Aut F g,p ).<br />

2.4. Definitions. Let g, p ∈ [0↑∞[ and let F g,p := 〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | 〉.<br />

Let [1↑(4g+p)] → t [1↑p] ∪ x ±1<br />

[1↑g] ∪ y±1 [1↑g] , k ↦→ v k, be a bijective map, let<br />

V := Π v [1↑(4g+p) ] , and let Γ <strong>de</strong>note the graph with<br />

vertex set t ±1<br />

[1↑p] ∪ x±1 [1↑g] ∪ y±1 [1↑g] , and<br />

edge set {(t j t j ) | j ∈ [1↑p]} ∪ {(v k v k+1 ) | k ∈ [1↑(4g+p−1)]}.<br />

If Γ has no cycles (that is, Γ is a forest), then we say that V is a Zieschang element<br />

of F g,p and that Γ is the exten<strong>de</strong>d Whitehead graph of V ; we note that the condition<br />

that Γ has no cycles implies that Π v [1↑(4g+p) ] is the reduced expression for V , and,<br />

hence, Γ is the usual Whitehead graph of [t] [1↑p] ∪ {V }, as in [21]. If (g, p) ≠ (0, 0)<br />

and V is a Zieschang element of F g,p , then Γ has the form of an oriented line<br />

segment with 4g+2p vertices and 4g+2p−1 edges; here, we <strong>de</strong>fine v 0 := v 4g+p+1 := 1,<br />

and book-end Γ with the ghost edges (v 0 v 1 ) and (v 4g+p v 4g+p+1 ).<br />

For example, V 0 := Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] is a Zieschang element of F g,p , and its<br />

exten<strong>de</strong>d Whitehead graph is<br />

t p t p t p−1 t p−1 · · · t 1 t 1 x 1 y 1 x 1 y 1 x 2 · · · x g y g x g y g .<br />


The Zieschang groupoid for F g,p , <strong>de</strong>noted Z g,p , is <strong>de</strong>fined as follows.<br />

• The set VZ g,p of vertices/objects of Z g,p equals the set of Zieschang elements<br />

of F g,p .<br />

• The edges/elements/morphisms of Z g,p are the triples (V, W, ϕ) such that<br />

V , W ∈ VZ g,p , and ϕ ∈ Stab([t] [1↑p] ; Aut F g,p ), and V ϕ = W . Here, we say<br />

that (V ϕ −→W ), or V ϕ −→W , is an edge of Z g,p from V to W , and <strong>de</strong>note the<br />

set of such edges by Z g,p (V, W ).<br />

• The partial multiplication in Z g,p is <strong>de</strong>fined using the multiplication in<br />

Stab([t] [1↑p] ; Aut F g,p ) in the natural way. (This is an instance of a type of<br />

groupoid that arises whenever a group acts on a set.)<br />

If V ∈ VZ g,p , then, as a group, Z g,p (V, V ) = Stab([t] [1↑p] ∪ {V }; Aut F g,p ). Thus<br />

Z g,p (V 0 , V 0 ) = A g,p . Throughout, we shall view the elements of A g,p as edges of<br />

Z g,p from V 0 to V 0 . We shall be using V 0 as a basepoint of Z g,p in Definitions 3.1,<br />

where we will verify that Z g,p is connected.<br />

□<br />

2.5. Definitions. Let g, p ∈ [0↑∞[ , let F g,p := 〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | 〉, let<br />

V, W ∈ F g,p , and let ϕ ∈ Aut F g,p . Suppose that V ∈ VZ g,p , and that V ϕ = W .<br />

If ϕ permutes the t-letters and permutes the x-letters, then we say that<br />

V ϕ −→W is a Nielsen 1 edge in Z g,p . To see that (V ϕ −→W ) ∈ Z g,p , notice that<br />

ϕ ∈ Stab([t] [1↑p] ; Aut F g,p ) and W ∈ VZ g,p .<br />

If there exists some k ∈ [1↑(4g+p−1)] such that the letter v k is an x-letter and<br />

ϕ = ( v k<br />

v k v k+1<br />

)<br />

, then we say that V<br />

ϕ<br />

−→W is a right Nielsen2 edge in Z g,p . To see that<br />

(V ϕ −→W ) ∈ Z g,p , we note the following. In passing from V to W , we remove the<br />

boxed part in v k v k+1 v k+2 and add the boxed part in v j−1 v k+1 v j , where v j = v k .<br />

In passing from the exten<strong>de</strong>d Whitehead graph of V to the exten<strong>de</strong>d Whitehead<br />

graph of W , we remove the boxed part in v j−1 v j =v k v k+1 and add the boxed<br />

part in v k+1 v j =v k v k+2 , where we have indicated a ghost edge if j = 1 or<br />

k = 4g+p−1. Hence, (V ϕ −→W ) ∈ Z g,p .<br />

If there exists some k ∈ [2↑(4g+p)] such that v k is an x-letter and ϕ = ( v k<br />

v k−1 v k<br />

)<br />

,<br />

then we say that V ϕ −→W is a left Nielsen 2 edge in Z g,p . This is an inverse of an<br />

edge of the previous type.<br />

By a Nielsen 2 edge in Z g,p , we mean a left or right Nielsen 2 edge in Z g,p .<br />

If there exists some k ∈ [1↑(4g+p−1)] such that the letter v k is a t-letter and<br />

ϕ = ( v k<br />

v k+1 v k v k+1<br />

)<br />

, then we say that V<br />

ϕ<br />

−→W is a right Nielsen3 edge in Z g,p . To see<br />

that (V ϕ −→W ) ∈ Z g,p , we note the following. In passing from V to W , we change<br />

v k−1 v k v k+1 v k+2 to v k−1 v k+1 v k v k+2 . In passing from the exten<strong>de</strong>d Whitehead<br />

graph of V to the exten<strong>de</strong>d Whitehead graph of W , we remove the boxed part in<br />

v k−1 v k v k v k+1 and add the boxed part in v k+1 v k v k v k+2 , where we<br />

have indicated a ghost edge if k = 1 or k = 4g+p−1. Hence, (V −→W ϕ ) ∈ Z g,p .<br />

If there exists some k ∈ [2↑(4g+p)] such that the letter v k is a t-letter and<br />

ϕ = ( v k<br />

) ϕ<br />

v k−1 v k v k−1 , we say that V −→W is a left Nielsen3 edge in Z g,p . This is an<br />

inverse of an edge of the previous type.<br />

By a Nielsen 3 edge in Z g,p , we mean a left or right Nielsen 3 edge in Z g,p .<br />

By a Nielsen edge in Z g,p , we mean a Nielsen i edge in Z g,p , for some i ∈ {1, 2, 3}.<br />

We <strong>de</strong>fine the Nielsen subgraph of Z g,p , <strong>de</strong>noted N g,p , to be the graph with<br />

vertex set VZ g,p and edges, or elements, the Nielsen edges in Z g,p .<br />

□<br />

We now give a simplified proof of a result due to Zieschang and McCool.

6<br />


2.6. Theorem. Let g, p ∈ [0↑∞[ , let F g,p := 〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | 〉, let<br />

V, W ∈ F g,p , let H be a free group, let ϕ be an endomorphism of H∗F g,p , and<br />

suppose that the following hold.<br />

(a). V ∈ VZ g,p .<br />

(b). |W | 4g + p.<br />

(c). V ϕ = W .<br />

(d). There exists some permutation π of [1↑p] such that, for each j ∈ [1↑p], t ϕ j is<br />

(H∗F g,p )-conjugate to t j π.<br />

(e). Fg,p ϕ ≃ F g,p .<br />

Then W ∈ VZ g,p and there exists an edge V −→W ϕ′<br />

in the subgroupoid of Z g,p generated<br />

by the Nielsen subgraph N g,p such that ϕ acts as ϕ ′ on the free factor F g,p .<br />

Proof. We may assume that (g, p) ≠ (0, 0). Extend t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] to a basis<br />

B of the free group F g,p ∗H. For each A ∈ F g,p ∗H, |A| <strong>de</strong>notes the length of A as<br />

a reduced product in B∪B −1 . Choose a total or<strong>de</strong>r, <strong>de</strong>noted , on B∪B −1 , and<br />

extend to a length-lexicographic total or<strong>de</strong>r, also <strong>de</strong>noted , on F g,p ∗H.<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>r the reduced expression V = Πv [1↑(4g+p) ] . Let v 0 := v 4g+p+1 := 1.<br />

For each k ∈ [0↑(4g+p)], let A k <strong>de</strong>note the largest common initial subword<br />

of v ϕ k and vϕ k+1 with respect to B∪B−1 . Since v 0 = v 4g+p+1 = 1, we have<br />

A 0 = A 4g+p = 1. For each k ∈ [1↑(4g+p)], let w k := A k−1 v ϕ k A k ∈ F g,p ∗H. Then<br />

v ϕ k = A k−1w k A k , where this expression need not be reduced.<br />

We shall show in Claim 1 that we may assume that A k < A k−1 w k and that<br />

A k < A k+1 w k+1 , and then show in Claim 2 that this ensures that ϕ permutes the<br />

t-letters and permutes the x-letters.<br />

We let ( F g,p<br />

)<br />

∗H<br />

4g+p <strong>de</strong>note the set of (4g+p)-element subsets of Fg,p ∗H, and <strong>de</strong>fine<br />

a pre-or<strong>de</strong>r on ( F g,p<br />

)<br />

∗H<br />

4g+p as follows. For each A ∈ Fg,p ∗H, there is a unique reduced<br />

expression A = A (L) A (R) with the property that |A (L) | − |A (R) | ∈ {0, 1}. For<br />

A, B ∈ F g,p ∗H, we write A B if either |A| < |B| or (|A| = |B| and A (L) B (L) ).<br />

We can arrange each element of ( F g,p∗H<br />

4g+p<br />

)<br />

as a (not necessarily unique) ascending se-<br />

)<br />

the (unique) lexicographic pre-or<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

quence with respect to , and assign ( F g,p∗H<br />

4g+p<br />

again <strong>de</strong>noted . Here, A ≺ B will mean A B and B ̸ A.<br />

Without assigning any meaning to V ϕ −→W , let us write<br />

µ(V ϕ −→W ) := t ϕ [1↑p] ∪ (x±1 [1↑g] )ϕ ∪ (y ±1<br />

[1↑g] )ϕ ∈ ( ( F g,p∗H<br />

4g+p<br />

)<br />

, ).<br />

It follows from (e) that there are 4g+p distinct elements in the set µ(V ϕ −→W ).<br />

Claim 1. Let k ∈ [1↑(4g+p−1)]. If A k A k−1 w k or A k A k+1 w k+1 , then there<br />

exists some (V −→U) α ∈ N g,p such that µ(U−−→W αϕ<br />

) ≺ µ(V −→W ϕ ).<br />

Proof of Claim 1. We have specified reduced expressions v ϕ k = BA and vϕ k+1 = AC<br />

and v ϕ k vϕ k+1 = BC, where A := A k, B := A k−1 w k , C := A k+1 w k+1 . It follows<br />

from (e) that A, B, and C are all different.<br />

By hypothesis, A ≠ min({A, B, C}, ). We shall consi<strong>de</strong>r only the case where<br />

B = min({A, B, C}, ); the argument where C = min({A, B, C}, ) is similar.<br />

Thus we have A > B < C.<br />

The letter v k+1 is either a t-letter or an x-letter.<br />

Case 1. v k+1 is an x-letter.<br />

On taking α := ( v k+1<br />

)<br />

v k v k+1 , we have a Nielsen2 edge (V −→U) α ∈ N g,p . Here<br />

α := ( v k+1<br />

)<br />

v k v k+1 and v<br />

αϕ<br />

k+1 = vϕ k vϕ k+1 = BC. In this case, the change from µ(V −→W ϕ )<br />

to µ(U−−→W αϕ<br />

) consists of replacing {v ϕ k+1 , vϕ k+1<br />

} = {AC, CA} with {vαϕ<br />

k+1 , vαϕ k+1 } =


{BC, CB}. To show that µ(U−−→W αϕ<br />

) ≺ µ(V −→W ϕ ), it now suffices to show that<br />

BC ≺ AC and CB CA.<br />

If |A| > |B|, then |BC| = |CB| = |B| + |C| < |A| + |C| = |AC| = |CA|, and,<br />

hence, BC ≺ AC and CB ≺ CA.<br />

If |A| = |B|, then, since A > B < C, we have |A| = |B| |C| and B < A. Hence<br />

BC ≺ AC and CB CA.<br />

Case 2. v k+1 is a t-letter.<br />

On taking α := ( v k+1<br />

v k v k+1 w k<br />

)<br />

, we have a Nielsen3 edge (V α −→U) ∈ N g,p .<br />

Here<br />

α := ( v k+1<br />

) ϕ αϕ<br />

v k v k+1 v k . In this case, the change from µ(V −→W ) to µ(U −−→W ), consists<br />

of replacing v ϕ k+1<br />

= AC with vαϕ<br />

k+1 = vϕ k vϕ k+1 vϕ k<br />

= (BA)(AC)(AB) = BCAB. To<br />

show that µ(U−−→W αϕ<br />

) ≺ µ(V −→W ϕ ), it suffices to show that BCAB ≺ AC.<br />

Let D := min({A, C}, ). Since v k+1 is a t-letter, there exists some j ∈ [1↑p]<br />

such that v ϕ k+1 is a conjugate of t j, that is, AC is a conjugate of t j . Thus, both<br />

AC and CA begin with D, and we can write AC = DEt j E D with no cancellation.<br />

Now Et j E = DACD = CA. Hence BCAB = BEt j E B where this expression<br />

may have cancellation. Recall that B < D. Thus BEt j E B ≺ DEt j E D, that is,<br />

BCAB ≺ AC.<br />

This completes the proof of Claim 1.<br />

Claim 1 gives a procedure for reducing µ(V ϕ −→W ). Once ϕ is specified, only a<br />

finite subset of B∪B −1 is ever involved, and, moreover, there is an upper bound<br />

for the lengths of the elements of F g,p ∗H which will appear. It follows that we can<br />

repeat the procedure only a finite number of times. Hence, we may now assume<br />

that, for each k ∈ [1↑(4g+p−1)], A k < A k−1 w k and A k < A k+1 w k+1 .<br />

Claim 2. Un<strong>de</strong>r the latter assumption, ϕ permutes the t-letters and permutes the<br />

x-letters, and the <strong>de</strong>sired conclusion holds.<br />

Proof of Claim 2. For each k ∈ [1↑(4g+p)], A k < A k−1 w k and A k−1 < A k w k<br />

(even for k = 1 and k = 4g+p). It follows that w k ≠ 1 and also that the expression<br />

v ϕ k = A k−1w k A k is reduced. It then follows that, for each k ∈ [1↑(4g+p−1)],<br />

A k−1 w k w k+1 A k+1 is a reduced expression for v ϕ k vϕ k+1 . Now<br />

W = V ϕ = (Πv [1↑(4g+p) ] ) ϕ =<br />

Π(A k−1 w k A k ) = Πw [1↑(4g+p) ] ,<br />

k∈ [1↑(4g+p) ]<br />

and we have just seen that the expression Πw [1↑(4g+p) ] is reduced. By (b),<br />

4g+p |W | = | Π w [1↑(4g+p) ] | = 4g+p ∑<br />

k=1<br />

|w k | 4g+p.<br />

Hence, equality holds throughout, and, for each k ∈ [1↑(4g+p)], |w k | = 1 and w k is<br />

a letter.<br />

Let s [1↑(4g+2p) ] be the vertex sequence in the exten<strong>de</strong>d Whitehead graph of V ,<br />

that is, s [1↑(4g+2p)] = t ±1<br />

[1↑p] ∪ x±1 [1↑g] ∪ y±1 [1↑g]<br />

and {(s l s l+1 ) | l ∈ [1↑(4g+2p−1)]}<br />

equals {(t j t j ) | j ∈ [1↑p]} ∪ {(v k v k+1 ) | k ∈ [1↑(4g+p−1)]}.<br />

We assume that there exists some l ∈ [1↑(4g+2p)] such that |s ϕ l<br />

| > 1, and we<br />

shall obtain a contradiction. Let s ϕ l<br />

end in b ∈ B∪B−1 . Assume further that l has<br />

been chosen to minimize b in (B∪B −1 , ). Assume further that l has been chosen<br />

maximal. In particular, if |s ϕ l+1 | > 1, then sϕ l+1<br />

does not end in b.<br />

Recall that (s l s l+1 ) can be expressed either as (t j t j ) or as (v k v k+1 ),<br />

possibly a ghost edge. If (s l s l+1 ) = (t j t j ), then |s ϕ l+1 | = |sϕ l<br />

| > 1, and,<br />

also, s ϕ l+1<br />

ends in b. This is a contradiction. Thus, we may assume that<br />

8<br />


(s l s l+1 ) = (v k v k+1 ), possibly with k = 4g+p. Then s ϕ l = vϕ k = A k−1w k A k<br />

and A k−1 < A k w k .<br />

We claim that A k = 1. Suppose not. Then k < 4g+p and, also, A k ends in b.<br />

Now s ϕ l+1 = vϕ k+1 = A kw k+1 A k+1 . Thus |s ϕ l+1 | > 1 and sϕ l+1<br />

ends in b. This is a<br />

contradiction. Hence A k = 1.<br />

Now, s ϕ l<br />

= A k−1w k A k = A k−1 w k . Here, w k = b and, also, A k−1 ≠ 1. Now,<br />

A k−1 < A k w k = w k = b. Thus, A k−1 ∈ B∪B −1 . Write a := A k−1 ∈ B∪B −1 .<br />

Then s ϕ l = ab and a < b. There exists some l′ ∈ [1↑(4g+2p)] such that s l ′ = s l .<br />

Then s ϕ l<br />

= ba and a < b. This contradicts the minimality of b.<br />

′<br />

We have now shown that ϕ permutes the t-letters and maps the x-letters to<br />

letters. It follows from (e) that ϕ permutes the x-letters. Hence, ϕ gives a Nielsen 1<br />

edge in N g,p .<br />

This completes the proof of Claim 2 and the proof of the theorem. □ □<br />

Theorem 2.6 combines Zieschang’s approach [28, Section 5.2] and McCool’s approach<br />

[8, Lemma 3.2]. Zieschang does not use Whitehead graphs explicitly and<br />

McCool does not use Nielsen 3 edges explicitly. For Claim 1, the ingenious pre-or<strong>de</strong>r<br />

and the proof of Case 1 go back to Nielsen [18], and the proof of Case 2 goes back<br />

to Artin [1]. The proof of Claim 2 goes back to Whitehead [21]. Zieschang refers<br />

to Nielsen [18] for the proof of his version of Claim 1 and gives a long proof of<br />

his version of Claim 2. McCool uses results of Whitehead [21] for the proof of his<br />

version of Theorem 2.6.<br />

We shall be interested in five special cases.<br />

In Theorem 2.6, we can take H = 1 and take (V ϕ −→W ) ∈ Z g,p , and get a<br />

<strong>de</strong>composition of this latter edge as a path in N g,p . Thus we have the following.<br />

2.7. Consequence. Z g,p is generated by N g,p . □<br />

In Theorem 2.6, we can take H = 1 and take ϕ to be an automorphism to obtain<br />

the following weak form of results of Whitehead.<br />

2.8. Consequence. For V ∈ VZ g,p and ϕ ∈ Stab([t] [1↑p] ; Aut F g,p ), if |V ϕ | 4g+p,<br />

then V ϕ ∈ VZ g,p .<br />

□<br />

It is a classic result of Nielsen [18] that every surjective endomorphism of a<br />

finite-rank free group is an automorphism, and his proof is the basis of the above<br />

proof of Claim 1. A special case of this classic result will be used later in reviewing<br />

a proof of another result of Nielsen, Theorem 7.2, and to make our exposition<br />

self-contained, we now note that we have proved the <strong>de</strong>sired special case. We have<br />

also proved one of Zieschang’s results concerning injective endomorphisms being<br />

automorphisms.<br />

In Theorem 2.6, we can take H = 1 to obtain the following.<br />

2.9. Consequence. Suppose that ϕ is an endomorphism of F g,p such that ϕ is<br />

surjective or injective, and such that ϕ fixes Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] and such that there<br />

exists some permutation π of [1↑p] such that, for each j ∈ [1↑p], t ϕ j is F g,p-conjugate<br />

to t j π. Then ϕ is an automorphism.<br />

□<br />

2.10. Consequence. Suppose that p 1.<br />

Let us i<strong>de</strong>ntify F g,p = H∗F g,p−1 where H := 〈 t p | 〉.<br />

Let V := Πt [(p−1)↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] ∈ F g,p−1 and ϕ ∈ Stab(V ; A g,p ) = Stab(t p ; A g,p ).<br />

By Theorem 2.6, ϕ acts as an automorphism ϕ ′ on F g,p−1 and ϕ ′ lies in A g,p−1 .<br />

Thus, we have a natural isomorphism Stab(t p ; A g,p ) −→ ∼ A g,p−1 , ϕ ↦→ ϕ ′ . □


2.11. Consequence. Suppose that p = 0 and g 1.<br />

Let us i<strong>de</strong>ntify F g,0 = H∗K where H := 〈 x 1 | 〉 and K := 〈 y [1↑g] ∪ x [2↑g] | 〉.<br />

We have an isomorphism K −→ ∼ F g−1,1 with y 1 ↦→ t 1 , and, for each i ∈ [2↑g],<br />

x i ↦→ x i−1 , y i ↦→ y i−1 .<br />

Let V := y 1 Π[x, y] [2↑g ] and ϕ ∈ Stab(V ; A g,0 ) = Stab(x 1 y 1 x 1 ; A g,0 ). Then ϕ<br />

stabilizes the F g,0 -conjugacy class [y 1 ]. By Theorem 2.6, ϕ acts as an automorphism<br />

on K such that the induced action on F g−1,1 is an element ϕ ′ of A g−1,1 .<br />

Then we have a homomorphism Stab(x 1 y 1 x 1 ; A g,0 ) → A g−1,1 , ϕ ↦→ ϕ ′ . It is<br />

straightforward to see that this map is surjective and that the kernel is generated by<br />

a central element, α 1 := ( x 1<br />

)<br />

y 1 x 1 . In particular, Stab(x1 y 1 x 1 ; A g,0 )/〈 α 1 〉 ≃ A g−1,1 .<br />

□<br />

3. The canonical edges in the Zieschang groupoid<br />

In this section, we <strong>de</strong>velop methods introduced by McCool in [20]. We <strong>de</strong>fine<br />

the canonical edges in Z g,p and use them to find a special generating set for A g,p .<br />

Throughout this section, all products AB are un<strong>de</strong>rstood to be without cancellation;<br />

any product where cancellation might be possible will be written as A◦B.<br />

Upper-case letters will be used to <strong>de</strong>note elements of F g,p , and lower-case letters<br />

will be used to <strong>de</strong>note t-letters and x-letters.<br />

3.1. Definitions. Let g, p ∈ [0↑∞[ , let F g,p := 〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | 〉, and<br />

let V ∈ VZ g,p . We shall now recursively construct a path in Z g,p from V to<br />

Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] . In particular, Z g,p is connected. At each step, we specify an<br />

automorphism and tacitly apply Consequence 2.8 to see that we have an edge<br />

in Z g,p .<br />

<br />

t j<br />

t P j<br />

<br />

t j t p<br />

<br />

t p t j<br />

(i). If p 1 and V = P t j Q where t j is the first t-letter which occurs in V and<br />

P ≠ 1, then we travel along the edge<br />

P t j Q −−−−→ t j P Q.<br />

(ii). If p 1 and V = t j P and j ≠ p, then we travel along the edge<br />

t j P −−−−−−→ t p P ′ .<br />

(iii). If j ∈ [2↑p] and V begins with Πt [p↓(j+1) ] but not with Πt [p↓j ] , then we<br />

proceed analogously to steps (i) and (ii).<br />

(iv). If g 1 and V = Πt [p↓1 ] aP aQ where a is an x-letter and a ≠ x 1 , then we<br />

travel along the edge<br />

<br />

a x 1<br />

x 1<br />

a<br />

Πt [p↓1 ] aP aQ −−−−−−→ Πt [p↓1 ] x 1 P ′ x 1 Q ′ .<br />

(v). Suppose that g 1 and V = Πt [p↓1 ] x 1 P x 1 Q and |P | 2. If the set of letters<br />

which occur in P were closed un<strong>de</strong>r taking inverses, then the exten<strong>de</strong>d Whitehead<br />

graph of V would have a cycle P first · · · P last x 1 P first , which is a<br />

contradiction. Let b <strong>de</strong>note the first letter that occurs in P such that b occurs<br />

in Q. We write P = P 1 bP 2 and Q = Q 1 bQ 2 , and we travel along the edge<br />

<br />

b<br />

P 1 bP 2<br />

Πt [p↓1 ] x 1 P 1 bP 2 x 1 Q 1 bQ 2 −−−−−−→ Πt [p↓1 ] x 1 bx 1 Q 1 P 2 bP 1 Q 2 .<br />

(vi). If g 1 and V = Πt [p↓1 ] x 1 bx 1 P bQ where b is an x-letter and b ≠ y 1 , then<br />

we travel along the edge<br />

<br />

b y 1<br />

y 1 b<br />

<br />

Πt [p↓1 ] x 1 bx 1 P bQ −−−−−−→ Πt [p↓1 ] x 1 y 1 x 1 P ′ y 1 Q ′ .<br />

(vii). Suppose that g 1 and V = Πt [p↓1 ] x 1 y 1 x 1 P y 1 Q and P ≠ 1. Here the<br />

exten<strong>de</strong>d Whitehead graph of V has the form<br />

t p t p ··t 1 t 1 x 1 P first · · ·P last y 1 x 1 y 1 Q first · · ·Q last .

10<br />


Let ϕ <strong>de</strong>note the (Whitehead) automorphism of F g,p such that, for each<br />

letter u,<br />

u ϕ := y Truth(u appears in P first···P last )<br />

1 ◦ u ◦ y Truth(u appears in P first···P last )<br />

1<br />

where Truth(−) assigns the value 1 to true statements and the value 0 to false<br />

statements. Then ϕ stabilizes each t-letter and x 1 and y 1 . For all but two<br />

edges (v k v k+1 ), the right multiplier for v k equals the right multiplier for<br />

v k+1 , that is, the inverse of the left multiplier for v k+1 . The two exceptional<br />

edges are x 1 P first and P last y 1 . It follows that Q ϕ = Q and P ϕ = y 1 P y 1 .<br />

We travel along the edge<br />

Πt [p↓1 ] x 1 y 1 x 1 P y 1 Q −→ ϕ Πt [p↓1 ] [x 1 , y 1 ]P Q.<br />

(viii). If i ∈ [2↑g] and V begins with Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑(i−1) ] but V does not begin<br />

with Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑i ] , then we proceed analogously to steps (iv)–(vii).<br />

The foregoing procedure specifies a path in Z g,p from V to Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] ,<br />

and, hence, a canonical edge in Z g,p , <strong>de</strong>noted<br />

V<br />

Φ V<br />

−−→ Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] .<br />

We un<strong>de</strong>rstand that Φ Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x,y] [1↑g ]<br />

is the i<strong>de</strong>ntity map. The only information<br />

about Φ V that we shall need is that the following hold; all of these assertions can<br />

be seen from the construction.<br />

(3.1.1) If p = 0 and g 1 and V = aP aQ, then Φ V sends a to x 1 , and P to y 1 .<br />

(3.1.2) If p = 1 and V = P t 1 Q = (t P 1 ) ◦ (P Q), then Φ V sends t P 1 to t 1 .<br />

(3.1.3) If p = 1 and g 1 and V = t 1 aP aQ, then Φ V sends t 1 to t 1 , a to x 1 , and<br />

P to y 1 .<br />

(3.1.4) If p 2 and V = P t j1 Qt j2 R = (t P j 1<br />

)◦(t Q P<br />

j 2<br />

)◦(P QR), and no t-letters occur<br />

in P or Q, then Φ V sends t P j 1<br />

to t p , and t Q P<br />

j 2<br />

to t p−1 . □<br />

3.2. Remark. We shall be given a special subset A ′ of A g,p that we wish to show<br />

generates A g,p . We view A g,p as the set of edges of Z g,p from Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

to itself, and we let Z g,p ′ <strong>de</strong>note the subgroupoid of Z g,p generated by the edges<br />

in A ′ together with all the canonical edges of Z g,p . Using methods introduced by<br />

McCool [20], we shall prove that Z g,p ′ contains the Nielsen subgraph N g,p of Z g,p .<br />

By Consequence 2.7, Z g,p ′ = Z g,p . Now when any edge in A g,p is expressed as a<br />

product of canonical edges and edges in A ′ and their inverses, then the nontrivial<br />

canonical edges and their inverses must pair off and cancel out, and we are left with<br />

an expression that involves no nontrivial canonical edges. Here, A g,p is generated<br />

by A ′ .<br />

□<br />

3.3. Theorem. Let g ∈ [1↑∞[ , p = 0. Then the group A g,0 is generated by<br />

Stab(x 1 y 1 x 1 ; A g,0 ) ∪ {β 1 }, where β 1 := ( y 1<br />

x 1 y 1<br />

)<br />

.<br />

Proof. Let Z g,0 ′ <strong>de</strong>note the subgroupoid of Z g,0 generated by the given set together<br />

with all the canonical edges. By Remark 3.2, it suffices to show that N g,0 ⊆ Z g,0.<br />

′<br />

Recall that α 1 := ( x 1<br />

)<br />

y 1 x 1 ∈ Stab(x1 y 1 x 1 ; A g,0 ) ⊆ Z g,0. ′ In F g,0 , (x 1 y 1 x 1 ) β 1α 1<br />

=<br />

(x 1 y 1 ) α 1<br />

= x 1 . Hence Stab(x 1 ; A g,0 ) ⊆ Z g,0. ′ Thus Z g,0 ′ contains all the edges of<br />

the forms<br />

(I.1): V ∈ VZ g,0<br />

(I.2): Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

Φ V<br />

−−→ Π[x, y] [1↑g ] ,<br />

map in A g,0 that stabilizes x 1 or x 1 y 1 x 1<br />

−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Π[x, y] [1↑g ] .<br />

We next <strong>de</strong>scribe two more families of edges in Z ′ g,0, expressed as products of<br />

edges of types (I.1) and (I.2) and their inverses.


(I.3): a 1 P 1 ∈ VZ g,0<br />

map in Aut F g,0 with a 1 ↦→a 2 , P 1 ↦→P 2<br />

✲ a2 P 2 ∈ VZ g,0<br />

(I.1) (3.1.1) ⇒ (a 1 ↦→x 1 )<br />

❄<br />

(I.1) (3.1.1) ⇒ (a 2 ↦→x 1 )<br />

❄<br />

Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

✲ Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

map making square commute ⇒(x 1↦→x 1)⇒ (I.2)<br />

(I.4): abP aQ ∈ VZ g,0<br />

( a ab )⇒(abP a ↦→ aP ba) ✲ aP baQ ∈ VZ g,0<br />

(I.1) (3.1.1) ⇒ (abP a ↦→ x 1 y 1 x 1 )<br />

❄<br />

Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

✲ Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

We then have the family<br />

make square commute ⇒(x 1 y 1 x 1 ↦→x 1 y 1 x 1 )⇒ (I.2)<br />

<br />

ab<br />

b<br />

(I.5): abP bQ ∈ VZ g,0 −−−→ bP baQ ∈ VZ g,0 ,<br />

since, here, we have the factorization<br />

abP bQ ( a ab<br />

−−−−−−−→ )⇒(I.4)<br />

aP ′ bQ ′ makes triangle commute ⇒(a↦→b)⇒(I.3)<br />

−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ bP baQ.<br />

(I.1) (3.1.1) ⇒ (aP ba ↦→ x 1 y 1 x 1 )<br />

❄<br />

It can be seen that the edges of type (I.3) inclu<strong>de</strong> all the Nielsen 1 edges in Z g,0 ,<br />

and also all the Nielsen 2 edges in Z g,0 that do not involve a 1 . The remaining<br />

Nielsen 2 edges in Z g,0 are of type (I.4) or (I.5) or their inverses. Since p = 0, there<br />

are no Nielsen 3 edges. We have now shown that N g,0 ⊆ Z g,0, ′ as <strong>de</strong>sired. □<br />

3.4. Theorem. Let g ∈ [1↑∞[ , p = 1. Then the group A g,1 is generated by<br />

Stab(t 1 ; A g,1 ) ∪ {γ 1 } where γ 1 := ( t 1 x 1<br />

1 .<br />

t w 1<br />

1 x 1 w 1<br />

)<br />

with w1 := t 1 y x 1<br />

Proof. Let Z ′ g,1 <strong>de</strong>note the subgroupoid of Z g,1 generated by the given set together<br />

with all the canonical edges. By Remark 3.2, it suffices to show that N g,1 ⊆ Z ′ g,1.<br />

Now Z ′ g,1 contains Stab(t 1 ; A g,1 )γ 1 , which consists of the maps in A g,1 with<br />

t 1 ↦→ t γ 1<br />

1 = tw 1<br />

1 = t x1y 1 x1<br />

1 . Thus, Z ′ g,1 contains all the edges of the forms<br />

(II.1): V ∈ VZ g,1<br />

(II.2): t 1 Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

Φ V<br />

−−→ t1 Π[x, y] [1↑g ] ,<br />

map in A g,1 with t 1 ↦→t 1 or t 1 ↦→t x 1 y 1 x 1<br />

1<br />

−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ t 1 Π[x, y] [1↑g ] .<br />

We next <strong>de</strong>scribe another family of edges in Z ′ g,1.<br />

(II.3): P 1 t 1 Q 1 ∈ VZ g,1<br />

map in Aut F g,1 with t P 1<br />

1 ↦→tP 2<br />

1 , P1Q 1 ↦→P 2 Q 2 ✲ P2 t 1 Q 2 ∈ VZ g,1<br />

(II.1) (3.1.2) ⇒ (t P 1<br />

1 ↦→t 1)<br />

❄<br />

(II.1) (3.1.2) ⇒ (t P 2<br />

1 ↦→t 1)<br />

❄<br />

t 1 Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

✲ t 1 Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

<br />

t 1<br />

t<br />

a<br />

1⇒(t a P<br />

1 ↦→t P 1 ,P aQ↦→P aQ)<br />

map makes the square commute ⇒(t 1↦→t 1)⇒ (II.2)<br />

Edges of type (II.3) inclu<strong>de</strong> all the Nielsen 1 edges, and all the Nielsen 2 edges<br />

which do not involve t 1 , and all the Nielsen 3 edges, since these have the form<br />

P at 1 Q −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ P t 1 aQ, or its inverse.<br />

It remains to consi<strong>de</strong>r the Nielsen 2 edges which involve t 1 ; these are of the forms

12<br />

<br />

a<br />

t 1 a<br />


<br />

a<br />

at<br />

P at 1 QaR 1<br />

<br />

t 1<br />

⇒(II.3),(t<br />

t P aQa<br />

P aQaP<br />

1 ↦→tP 1 )<br />

1<br />

P t 1 aQaR −−−−→ P aQat 1 R,<br />

−−−−→ P aQt 1 aR, and their inverses. To<br />

construct a commuting hexagon, we <strong>de</strong>fine the following edges.<br />

(II.4): P aQat 1 R ∈ VZ g,1 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ t 1 P aQaR ∈ VZ g,1 ,<br />

( a<br />

P a<br />

)⇒(II.3),(tP<br />

aQaP<br />

1 ↦→t aQa<br />

1 )<br />

(II.5): t 1 P aQaR ∈ VZ g,1 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ t 1 aQaP R ∈ VZ g,1 ,<br />

(II.1) (3.1.3) ⇒ (t aQa<br />

1 ↦→t x 1 y 1 x 1<br />

1 )<br />

(II.6): t 1 aQaP R ∈ VZ g,1 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ t 1 Π[x, y] [1↑g ] .<br />

Then we have the factorization<br />

(II.7): P t 1 aQaR ∈ VZ g,1<br />

(II.1) (3.1.2) ⇒ (t P 1 ↦→t 1)<br />

❄<br />

<br />

a<br />

t a⇒(t P<br />

1 1 ↦→tP 1 ) ✲ P aQat 1 R ∈ VZ g,1<br />

(II.4)−(II.6)<br />

⇒(t P 1 ↦→tx 1 y 1 x 1<br />

1 )<br />

❄<br />

t 1 Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

✲ t 1 Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

We also have the factorization<br />

<br />

t 1<br />

t<br />

a<br />

1⇒(II.3)<br />

(II.8): P at 1 QaR ∈ VZ g,1<br />

map makes square commute ⇒(t 1 ↦→t x 1 y 1 x 1<br />

1 )⇒(II.2)<br />

<br />

a<br />

at 1<br />

✲<br />

<br />

t 1<br />

t<br />

a<br />

1⇒(II.3)<br />

❄<br />

✲<br />

a<br />

map makes square commute ⇒<br />

t 1 a⇒(II.7)<br />

P aQt 1 aR ∈ VZ g,1<br />

❄<br />

P t 1 aQaR ∈ VZ g,1 P aQat 1 R ∈ VZ g,1<br />

We have now shown that N g,1 ⊆ Z ′ g,1, as <strong>de</strong>sired.<br />

3.5. Theorem. Let g ∈ [0↑∞[ , p ∈ [2↑∞[ . Then the group A g,p is generated by<br />

Stab(t p ; A g,p ) ∪ {σ p } where σ p := ( ) tp tp−1<br />

.<br />

t p−1<br />

t t p−1<br />

p<br />

Proof. Let Z g,p ′ <strong>de</strong>note the subgroupoid of Z g,p generated by the given set together<br />

with all the canonical edges. By Remark 3.2, it suffices to show that N g,p ⊆ Z g,p.<br />

′<br />

Now Z g,p ′ contains Stab(t p ; A g,p )σ p , which consists of the maps in A g,p with<br />

t p ↦→ t σp<br />

p = t p−1 . Thus Z g,p ′ contains all the edges of the forms<br />

(III.1): V ∈ VZ g,p<br />

(III.2): Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

Φ V<br />

−−→ Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] ,<br />

map in A g,p with t p ↦→t p or t p ↦→t p−1<br />

−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] .<br />

We now <strong>de</strong>scribe some more families of edges in Z ′ g,p.<br />

In the following, we assume that no t-letters occur in P 1 or P 2 .<br />

(III.3): P 1 t j1 Q 1 ∈ VZ g,p<br />

(III.1) (3.1.4) ⇒ (t P 1<br />

j ↦→t p )<br />

1<br />

❄<br />

in Stab([t] [1↑p] ; F g,p ), P 1 ↦→P 2 ,t j1 ↦→t j2 , Q 1 ↦→Q<br />

✲<br />

2<br />

P 2 t j2 Q 2 ∈ VZ g,p<br />

□<br />

(III.1) (3.1.4) ⇒ (t P 2<br />

j ↦→t p )<br />

2<br />

❄<br />

Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

✲ Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

makes square commute ⇒(t p ↦→t p )⇒ (III.2)<br />

The edges of type (III.3) inclu<strong>de</strong> all the Nielsen 1 edges.<br />

In the following, we assume that no t-letters occur in P or Q.

(III.4): P Qt j1 t j2 R ∈ VZ g,p<br />

(III.1) (3.1.4) ⇒ (t Q P<br />

j ↦→t 1 p)<br />


t j2<br />

!⇒(t Q P ↦→t Q P<br />

j ) 1<br />

t Qt j 1<br />

j 2<br />

j 1<br />

✲ P t j2 Qt j1 R ∈ VZ g,p<br />

(III.1) (3.1.4) ⇒<br />

(t Q P<br />

j ↦→t 1 p−1)<br />

❄<br />

❄<br />

Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

✲ Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ]<br />

square commutes ⇒(t p↦→t p−1)⇒ (III.2)<br />

In the following, we assume that no t-letters occur in P .<br />

t j2<br />

t P t j Q 1<br />

j 2<br />

(III.5 ′ ): P t j1 Qt j2 R ∈ VZ g,p −−−−−−−→ t j2 P t j1 QR ∈ VZ g,p<br />

has the factorization<br />

P t j1 Qt j2 R<br />

t j2<br />

t Q j 2!⇒(III.3)<br />

−−−−−−−−−−→ P t j1 t j2 QR<br />

<br />

t j<br />

t P j<br />

!<br />

t j2<br />

t P t j 1<br />

j 2<br />

!<br />

⇒(III.4)<br />

−−−−−−−−−−−→ t j2 P t j1 QR.<br />

In the following, we do allow t-letters to occur in P , and rewrite (III.5 ′ ) as<br />

(III.5): P t j Q ∈ VZ g,p −−−−→ t j P Q ∈ VZ g,p .<br />

<br />

In the following, we do allow t-letters to occur in P 1 , P 2 .<br />

<br />

t j<br />

t P 1<br />

j<br />

(III.6): P 1 t j Q 1 ∈ VZ g,p<br />

⇒(III.5)<br />

❄<br />

t j P 1 Q 1 ∈ VZ g,p<br />

in Stab([t] [1↑p] ; F g,p ) with P 1 ↦→P 2 ,t j ↦→t j ,Q 1 ↦→Q<br />

✲ 2<br />

✲<br />

map makes square commute ⇒(t j ↦→t j )⇒ (III.3)<br />

<br />

t j<br />

t P 2<br />

j<br />

P2 t j Q 2 ∈ VZ g,p<br />

⇒(III.5)<br />

❄<br />

t j P 2 Q 2 ∈ VZ g,p<br />

Since p 2, any Nielsen 2 edge of Z g,p will be of type (III.6) for some j, as<br />

will any Nielsen 3 edge except where p = 2 and we have an edge of the form<br />

t j2<br />

t t j 1<br />

j 2<br />

!<br />

P t j1 t j2 Q ∈ VZ g,p −−−−−→ P t j2 t j1 Q ∈ VZ g,p , and or its inverse, and, since p = 2,<br />

these are of type (III.4).<br />

We have now shown that N g,p ⊆ Z g,p, ′ as <strong>de</strong>sired.<br />

□<br />

4. The ADLH generating set<br />

The results of the preceding two sections combine to give an algebraic proof of<br />

the algebraic form of [13, Proposition 2.10(ii) with r = 0]. We start with the ADL<br />

set.<br />

4.1. Theorem. Let g, p ∈ [0↑∞[ . Let A g,p <strong>de</strong>note the group of automorphisms<br />

of 〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | 〉 that fix Π t [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] and permute the set of<br />

conjugacy classes [t] [1↑p] . Then A g,p is generated by<br />

σ [2↑p] ∪ α [1↑g] ∪ β [1↑g] ∪ γ [max(2−p,1)↑g] ,<br />

where, for j ∈ [2↑p], σ j := ( t j t j−1 )<br />

, for i ∈ [1↑g], αi := ( x i<br />

)<br />

y i x i and βi := ( y i<br />

)<br />

x iy i ,<br />

for i ∈ [2↑g], γ i :=<br />

t j−1 t t j−1<br />

j<br />

( xi−1 yi−1 xi<br />

w ix i−1 y w i<br />

i−1<br />

γ 1 := ( t 1 x 1<br />

t w 1<br />

1 x 1 w 1<br />

)<br />

with w1 := t 1 y x1<br />

1 .<br />

xiwi )<br />

with wi := y i−1 y xi<br />

i<br />

, and if min(1, g, p) = 1,<br />

Proof. We use induction on 2g + p. If 2g + p 1, then A g,p is trivial and the<br />

proposed generating set is empty. Thus we may assume that 2g + p 2, and that<br />

the conclusion holds for smaller pairs (g, p).

14<br />


Case 1. p = 0.<br />

Here g 1.<br />

By Consequence 2.11, we have a homomorphism Stab(x 1 y 1 x 1 ; A g,0 ) → A g−1,1<br />

such that the kernel is 〈 α 1 〉, and such that α [2↑g] ∪ β [2↑g] ∪ γ [2↑g] is mapped bijectively<br />

to α [1↑(g−1)] ∪ β [1↑(g−1)] ∪ γ [1↑(g−1)] . The latter is a generating set of A g−1,1<br />

by the induction hypothesis. It follows that Stab(x 1 y 1 x 1 ; A g,0 ) is generated by<br />

α [1↑g] ∪ β [2↑g] ∪ γ [2↑g] .<br />

By Theorem 3.3, A g,0 is generated by Stab(x 1 y 1 x 1 ; A g,0 ) ∪ {β 1 }.<br />

Hence A g,0 is generated by α [1↑g] ∪ β [1↑g] ∪ γ [2↑g] , as <strong>de</strong>sired.<br />

Case 2. p 1.<br />

It follows from Consequence 2.10 that we can i<strong>de</strong>ntify Stab(t p ; A g,p ) with A g,p−1<br />

in a natural way. By the induction hypothesis, Stab(t p ; A g,p ) is generated by<br />

σ [2↑(p−1)] ∪ α [1↑g] ∪ β [1↑g] ∪ γ [max(3−p,1)↑g] . We consi<strong>de</strong>r two cases.<br />

Case 2.1. p = 1.<br />

Here g 1. By Theorem 3.4, A g,1 is generated by Stab(t 1 ; A g,1 ) ∪ {γ 1 }.<br />

Hence, A g,1 is generated by α [1↑g] ∪ β [1↑g] ∪ γ [1↑g] , as <strong>de</strong>sired.<br />

Case 2.2. p 2.<br />

By Theorem 3.5, A g,p is generated by Stab(t p ; A g,p ) ∪ {σ p }.<br />

Hence, A g,p is generated by σ [2↑p] ∪ α [1↑g] ∪ β [1↑g] ∪ γ [1↑g] , as <strong>de</strong>sired.<br />

We next recall Humphries’ result [12] that the α [3↑g] part is not nee<strong>de</strong>d, and,<br />

hence, the ADHL set suffices.<br />

4.2. Corollary. A g,p is generated by σ [2↑p] ∪ α [1↑ min(2,g)] ∪ β [1↑g] ∪ γ [max(2−p,1)↑g] .<br />

Proof. It is not difficult to check that there exists an element of A 3,0 given by<br />

η := ( x 1 y 1 x 2 y 2 x 3 y 3 )<br />

,<br />

y 3 x 3 y 3 y x 3 y 3<br />

3 x [x 3 ,y 3 ]<br />

2 y [x 3 ,y 3 ]<br />

2 x [x 2 ,y 2 ][x 3 ,y 3 ]<br />

1 y [x 2 ,y 2 ][x 3 ,y 3 ]<br />

1<br />

and that (x 1 y 1 x 1 ) η = y 3 , and that both α 1 η and ηα 3 equal<br />

( x 1 y 1 x 2 y 2 x 3 y 3<br />

y 3 x 3 y x 3 y 3<br />

3 x [x 3 ,y 3 ]<br />

2 y [x 3 ,y 3 ]<br />

2 x [x 2 ,y 2 ][x 3 ,y 3 ]<br />

1 y [x 2 ,y 2 ][x 3 ,y 3 ]<br />

1<br />

By Consequence 2.11, each element of Stab(x 1 y 1 x 1 ; A 3,0 ) centralizes α 1 , and,<br />

hence, each element of Stab(x 1 y 1 x 1 ; A 3,0 )η conjugates α 1 into α 3 . Notice that<br />

Stab(x 1 y 1 x 1 ; A 3,0 )η is the set of elements of A 3,0 with x 1 y 1 x 1 ↦→ y 3 .<br />

One can compute<br />

x 1 y 1 x 1<br />

β 1<br />

↦→ x 1 y 1<br />

γ 2<br />

↦→ x 1 x 2 y 2 x 2<br />

β 2<br />

↦→ x 1 x 2 y 2<br />

α 2<br />

↦→ x 1 x 2 =<br />

x 1 x 2<br />

γ 3<br />

↦→ x 1 x 2 y 2 x 3 y 3 x 3<br />

β 3<br />

↦→ x 1 x 2 y 2 x 3 y 3<br />

β 2<br />

↦→ x 1 y 2 x 3 y 3<br />

γ 3<br />

↦→ x 1 x 3 =<br />

x 1 x 3<br />

γ 2<br />

↦→ x 1 y 1 x 2 y 2 x 2 x 3<br />

β 2<br />

↦→ x 1 y 1 x 2 y 2 x 3<br />

β 1<br />

↦→ y 1 x 2 y 2 x 3<br />

γ 2<br />

↦→ x 2 x 3 =<br />

x 2 x 3<br />

α 2<br />

↦→ x 2 y 2 x 3<br />

β 2<br />

↦→ y 2 x 3<br />

γ 3<br />

↦→ x 3 y 3<br />

β 3<br />

↦→ y 3 ;<br />

this is the algebraic translation of [12, Figure 2]. We then see that, as in [12],<br />

α β 1γ 2 β 2 α 2 γ 3 β 3 β 2 γ 3 γ 2 β 2 β 1 γ 2 α 2 β 2 γ 3 β 3<br />

1 = α 3 . By shifting the indices upward, we<br />

see that α [3↑g] can be removed from the ADL set and still leave a generating set.<br />

Alternatively, it would also suffice to prove the relation (R5) of [13, Theorem 3.1]<br />

which says that α 3 = (α 1 β 1 γ 2 β 2 γ 3 α 2 ) 5 (α 1 β 1 γ 2 β 2 γ 3 ) −6 ; notice that this expression<br />

is longer and does not involve β 3 .<br />

□<br />

We have now completed our objective. For completeness, we conclu<strong>de</strong> the article<br />

with an elementary review of some classic results.<br />

)<br />

.<br />


5. Some background on mapping-class groups<br />

5.1. Notation. Let us <strong>de</strong>fine F g,p−1 := 〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] 〉.<br />

Then F g,p = 〈 t [1↑(p+1)] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | Πt [(p+1)↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] 〉, and we still<br />

have F g,p = 〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | 〉 and here t p+1 = Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] . □<br />

5.2. Definitions. We construct an orientable surface S g,1,p , of genus g with<br />

p punctures and one boundary component, as follows. We start with a vertex<br />

which will be the basepoint. We attach a set of 2g+p+1 oriented edges<br />

t [1↑(p+1)] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] . We attach a (4g+p+1)-gon with counter-clockwise<br />

boundary label Πt [(p+1)↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] ∈ 〈 t [1↑(p+1)] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | 〉. For each<br />

j ∈ [1↑p], we attach a punctured disk with counterclockwise boundary label t j .<br />

This completes the <strong>de</strong>finition of S g,1,p . Notice that the boundary of S g,1,p is the<br />

edge labelled t p+1 .<br />

We may i<strong>de</strong>ntify π 1 (S g,1,p ) = F g,p . We call Stab([t] [1↑p] ∪ {t p+1 }; Aut F g,p ) the<br />

algebraic mapping-class group of S g,1,p . This is our group A g,p . (In [9], A g,p is <strong>de</strong>noted<br />

Aut + , and, in [9, Proposition 7.1(v)], the latter group is shown to be isomorphic<br />

to what is there called the orientation-preserving algebraic mapping-class<br />

g,0,p⊥ˆ1<br />

group of S g,1,p , <strong>de</strong>noted Out + g,1,p .)<br />

Let Aut S g,1,p <strong>de</strong>note the group of self-homeomorphisms of S g,1,p which stabilize<br />

each point on the boundary. The quotient of Aut S g,1,p modulo the group of elements<br />

of Aut S g,1,p which are isotopic to the i<strong>de</strong>ntity map through a boundary-fixing<br />

isotopy is called the (topological) mapping-class group of S g,1,p , <strong>de</strong>noted M top<br />

g,1,p .<br />

Then Aut S g,1,p acts on F g,p stabilizing [t] [1↑p] ∪ {t p+1 }, and we have a homomorphism<br />

M top<br />

g,1,p → A g,p .<br />

□<br />

5.3. Definitions. Let S g,0,p <strong>de</strong>note the quotient space obtained from S g,1,p by<br />

collapsing the boundary to a point. Then S g,0,p is an orientable surface of genus g<br />

with p punctures.<br />

We may i<strong>de</strong>ntify π 1 (S g,0,p ) = F g,p−1 . We <strong>de</strong>fine the algebraic mapping-class<br />

group of S g,0,p as M alg<br />

g,0,p := Stab([t] [1↑p]∪[t] [1↑p] ; Out F g,p−1 ). (In [9], if (g, p) ≠ (0, 0),<br />

(0, 1), then M alg<br />

g,0,p is <strong>de</strong>noted Out g,0,p.)<br />

Let Aut S g,0,p <strong>de</strong>note the group of self-homeomorphisms of S g,0,p . The quotient<br />

of Aut S g,0,p modulo the group of elements which are isotopic to the i<strong>de</strong>ntity map<br />

is called the (topological) mapping-class group of S g,0,p , <strong>de</strong>noted M top<br />

g,0,p .<br />

Then Aut S g,0,p acts on F g,p−1 /∼ stabilizing [t] [1↑p] ∪ [t] [1↑p] . This action factors<br />

through a natural homomorphism Aut S g,0,p → Out F g,p−1 , and we have a<br />

homomorphism M top<br />

g,0,p → Malg g,0,p .<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>r the simply-connected case, that is, F g,p−1 = 1. Then, (g, p) is either<br />

(0, 0) or (0, 1), corresponding to the sphere S 0,0,0 and the open disk S 0,0,1 . Here,<br />

M alg<br />

g,0,p<br />

is trivial, while Mtop g,0,p<br />

the reflections.<br />

has or<strong>de</strong>r two, with one mapping class consisting of<br />

□<br />

It has been the work of many years to show that M top<br />

g,1,p = A g,p and to show<br />

that both are generated by the ADLH set. Also, if (g, p) ≠ (0, 0), (0, 1), then<br />

M top<br />

g,0,p = Malg g,0,p , and their orientation-preserving subgroups are generated by the<br />

ADLH set. The proofs <strong>de</strong>veloped in stages, roughly as follows, although we are<br />

omitting many important results.<br />

• In 1917, Nielsen [17] proved that if (g, p) = (1, 0) then the ADL set generates<br />

A g,p .<br />

• In 1925, Artin [1] introduced braid twists, and proved that if g = 0 then<br />

the ADL set generates A g,p and M top<br />

g,1,p = A g,p.

16<br />


• In 1927, Nielsen [19] presented unpublished results of Dehn and proved<br />

that if p = 0 then M top<br />

g,1,p maps onto A g,p, and that if p 1 then M top<br />

g,0,p<br />

maps onto M alg<br />

g,0,p .<br />

• In 1928, Baer [4] proved that if p = 0 then M top<br />

g,0,p<br />

embeds in Malg g,0,p for all<br />

g 2.<br />

• In 1934, Magnus [15] proved that if g = 1 then M top<br />

g,1,p = A g,p and<br />

M top<br />

g,0,p = Malg g,0,p .<br />

• In 1939, Dehn [6] introduced what are now called Dehn twists, and proved,<br />

among other results, that a finite number of Dehn twists generate the<br />

orientation-preserving subgroup of M top<br />

g,0,p .; see [6, Section 10.3.c].<br />

• In 1964, Lickorish [14] rediscovered and refined Dehn’s 1939 methods and<br />

proved that if p = 0 then the ADL set generates the orientation-preserving<br />

subgroup of M top<br />

g,0,p .<br />

• In 1966, Epstein [11] refined Baer’s 1928 methods and proved that M top<br />

g,1,p<br />

embeds in A g,p and that, if (g, p) ≠ (0, 0), (0, 1), then M top<br />

g,0,p embeds in<br />

M alg<br />

g,0,p .<br />

• In 1966, Zieschang [26, Satz 4], [28, Theorem 5.7.1] proved that M top<br />

g,1,p =A g,p<br />

and that, for (g, p) ≠ (0, 0), (0, 1), M top<br />

g,0,p = Malg g,0,p , and called these results<br />

the Baer-Dehn-Nielsen Theorem.<br />

• In 1979, Humphries[12] showed that the ADHL set generates the same<br />

group as the ADL set.<br />

• In 2001, Labruère and Paris [13, Proposition 2.10(ii) with r = 0] used<br />

some of the foregoing results and a theorem of Birman [5] to prove that<br />

the ADLH set generates M top<br />

g,1,p .<br />

6. The topological source of the ADL set<br />

In this section, we shall recall the <strong>de</strong>finitions of Dehn twists and braid twists<br />

and see that the ADL set lies in M top<br />

g,1,p . The diagram [13, Figure 12] illustrates the<br />

elements of the ADLH set acting on S g,1,p .<br />

6.1. Definitions. Let A := [0, 1] × (R/Z), a closed annulus. Let z <strong>de</strong>note the<br />

oriented boundary component {1} × (R/Z) with basepoint (1, Z). Let z ′ <strong>de</strong>note the<br />

oriented boundary component {0} × (R/Z) with basepoint (0, Z). Let e <strong>de</strong>note the<br />

edge [0, 1] × {Z} oriented from (1, Z) to (0, Z).<br />

The mo<strong>de</strong>l Dehn twist is the self-homeomorphism τ of A = [0, 1] × (R/Z) given<br />

by (x, y + Z) ↦→ (x, −x + y + Z). Notice that τ fixes every point of z ′ ∪z, and τ acts<br />

on e as (x, Z) ↦→ (x, 1 − x + Z). Thus e τ e z bounds a triangle; hence e τ is homotopic<br />

to ze.<br />

Suppose now that we have an embedding of A in a surface S. Then the image<br />

of z is an oriented simple closed curve c, and τ induces a self-homeomorphism of S<br />

which is the i<strong>de</strong>ntity outsi<strong>de</strong> the copy of A. We call the resulting map of S a (left)<br />

Dehn twist about c; see [6].<br />

□<br />

Recall the construction of S g,1,p in Definitions 5.2.<br />

6.2. Examples. Let i ∈ [1↑g].<br />

Recall that x i y i x i is a subword of the boundary label of the (4g+p+1)-gon used<br />

in the construction of S g,1,p . We place the annulus A on S g,1,p with the image of z<br />

along the boundary edge labelled y i . The image of z ′ enters the (4g+p+1)-gon near<br />

the end of the boundary edge labelled x i , travels near z = y i , and exits near the<br />

beginning of x i , completing the cycle. The only oriented edge of the one-skeleton<br />

of S g,1,p that crosses A from right to left is x i , near its beginning. Inci<strong>de</strong>nt to


the basepoint of z are, in clockwise or<strong>de</strong>r, the end of z, the beginning of x i , and<br />

the beginning of z. The Dehn twist about y i induces ( x i<br />

)<br />

y i x i on π1 (S g,1,p ) = F g,p .<br />

Hence α i ∈ M top<br />

g,1,p .<br />

Recall that y i x i y i is a subword of the boundary label of the (4g+p+1)-gon used<br />

in the construction of S g,1,p . We place the annulus A on S g,1,p with the image of z<br />

along the boundary edge labelled x i . The image of z ′ enters the (4g+p+1)-gon near<br />

the end of the boundary edge labelled y i , travels near z = x i , and exits near the<br />

beginning of y i , completing the cycle. The only oriented edge of the one-skeleton<br />

of S g,1,p that crosses A from right to left is y i , near its beginning. Inci<strong>de</strong>nt to the<br />

basepoint of z are, in clockwise or<strong>de</strong>r, the end of z, the beginning of y i , and the<br />

beginning of z. The Dehn twist about x i induces ( y i<br />

x iy i<br />

) on π 1 (S g,1,p ) = F g,p . Hence<br />

β i ∈ M top<br />

g,1,p .<br />

□<br />

6.3. Example. Let i ∈ [2↑g]. Recall that x i−1 y i−1 x i−1 y i−1 x i y i x i is a subword of<br />

the boundary label of the (4g+p+1)-gon used in the construction of S g,1,p . We place<br />

the annulus A on S g,1,p with the image of z marking out, in the (4g+p+1)-gon, a<br />

pentagon with boundary label y i−1 x i y i x i z. The image of z ′<br />

• enters (the (4g+p+1)-gon) near the end of (the boundary edge labelled)<br />

y i−1 , travels counter-clockwise near the basepoint, exits near the beginning<br />

of x i−1 ,<br />

• enters near the end of x i−1 , travels counter-clockwise near the basepoint,<br />

exits near the beginning of y i−1 ,<br />

• enters near the end of y i−1 , travels counter-clockwise near the basepoint,<br />

exits near the beginning of x i ,<br />

• enters near the end of x i , travels near z, passing y i , x i , exits near the<br />

beginning of y i−1 ,<br />

completing the cycle. The entrances correspond to y i−1 x i−1 y i−1 x i in the<br />

exten<strong>de</strong>d Whitehead graph. The oriented edges of the one-skeleton of S g,1,p that<br />

cross A from right to left are the exits: x i−1 near its beginning, y i−1 near its<br />

beginning, x i near its beginning, and y i−1 near its beginning. Inci<strong>de</strong>nt to the<br />

basepoint of z are, in clockwise or<strong>de</strong>r, the end of z, and the beginnings of y i−1 ,<br />

x i−1 , y i−1 , x i , and z. Let w i := y i−1 x i y i x i . The Dehn twist about w i induces<br />

( x i−1 y i−1 x i )<br />

on π1 (S xiwi g,1,p ) = F g,p . Hence γ i ∈ M top<br />

□<br />

w ix i−1<br />

y w i<br />

i−1<br />

g,1,p .<br />

6.4. Example. Suppose that min(g, p, 1) = 1. Recall that t 1 x 1 y 1 x 1 is a subword<br />

of the boundary label of the (4g+p+1)-gon used in the construction of S g,1,p and<br />

that t 1 is the boundary label of the t 1 -disk. We place the annulus A on S g,1,p with<br />

z marking out, in the (4g+p+1)-gon, a pentagon with boundary label t 1 x 1 y 1 x 1 z.<br />

The image of z ′<br />

• enters the t 1 -disk near the end of t 1 , travels counter-clockwise near the<br />

basepoint, exits near the beginning of t 1 ,<br />

• enters the (4g+p+1)-gon near the end of t 1 , travels counter-clockwise<br />

near the basepoint, exits near the beginning of x 1 ,<br />

• enters the (4g+p+1)-gon near the end of x 1 , travels near z passing y 1 , x 1 ,<br />

exits near the beginning of t 1 ,<br />

completing the cycle. The entrances correspond to t 1 t 1 x 1 in the exten<strong>de</strong>d<br />

Whitehead graph. The oriented edges of the one-skeleton of S g,1,p that cross A<br />

from right to left are the exits: t 1 near its beginning, x 1 near its beginning, and t 1<br />

near its beginning. Inci<strong>de</strong>nt to the basepoint of z are, in clockwise or<strong>de</strong>r, the end<br />

of z, and the beginnings of t 1 , t 1 , x 1 , and z. Let w 1 := t 1 x 1 y 1 x 1 . The Dehn twist<br />

about w 1 induces ( t 1 x 1<br />

)<br />

t w 1<br />

1 x 1 w 1 on π1 (S g,1,p ) = F g,p . Hence γ 1 ∈ M top<br />

g,1,p . □

18<br />


6.5. Definitions. Recall the annulus A = [0, 1] × (R/Z) of Definitions 6.1. Let D<br />

<strong>de</strong>note the space that is obtained from A by <strong>de</strong>leting the two points p 2 := ( 1 2<br />

, Z) and<br />

p 1 := ( 1 2 , 1 2 +Z) and collapsing to a point the boundary component z′ = {0}×(R/Z).<br />

We take p 0 := (1, Z) as the basepoint of D.<br />

Thus D is a closed disk with two punctures, and the mo<strong>de</strong>l Dehn twist τ has an<br />

induced action on D, called the mo<strong>de</strong>l braid twist. We now <strong>de</strong>termine the induced<br />

action on π 1 (D).<br />

Let z 2 <strong>de</strong>note an infinitesimal clockwise circle around p 2 , and let z 1 := z2 τ , an<br />

infinitesimal clockwise circle around p 1 . Then τ interchanges z 2 and z 1 . Let e 2<br />

<strong>de</strong>note the oriented subedge of e from z 2 to p 0 starting at a point p ′ 2 on z 2 . Let<br />

e 1 := e τ 2, an oriented subedge of e τ from z 1 to p 0 starting at p ′ 1<br />

:= p′τ 2 on z 1 . Then<br />

τ interchanges p ′ 1 and p ′ 2, and acts on e 1 as (x, 1 − x + Z) ↦→ (x, 2 − 2x + Z). Here,<br />

e τ 1 is an oriented edge from p ′ 2 to p 0 such that e τ 1ze 2 bounds a triangle; hence, e τ 1 is<br />

homotopic to e 2 z.<br />

We view z e 2<br />

2 and ze 1<br />

1 as closed paths, and then ze 2<br />

2 ze 1<br />

1 z bounds a disk in D. Now<br />

π 1 (D) = 〈 z e2<br />

2 , ze1 1 , z | ze2 2 ze1 1 z 〉 = 〈 ze2 2 , ze1 1 | 〉, and the induced action of τ on<br />

π 1 (D) is given by z e 2<br />

2 ↦→ ze 1<br />

1 and z e 1<br />

1 ↦→ ze 2 z<br />

2 = z e 2 z e 2<br />

2 ze 1<br />

1<br />

2 = (z e 1<br />

2<br />

2 )ze 1 .<br />

Suppose that we have an embedding of D in a surface S which carries punctures<br />

to punctures. Then τ induces a self-homeomorphism of S which is the i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

outsi<strong>de</strong> the copy of D. The resulting map of S is called a braid twist; see [1]. □<br />

6.6. Example. Let j ∈ [2↑p]. We place the twice-punctured disk D on S g,1,p with<br />

the image of z marking out, in the (4g+p+1)-gon, a triangle with boundary label<br />

t j t j−1 z. This is possible since z now bounds a twice-punctured disk in S g,1,p . Here<br />

t j is homotopic to z e 2<br />

2 and t j−1 is homotopic to z e 1<br />

1 . The resulting braid twist of<br />

S g,1,p induces ( t j t j−1 )<br />

. Hence σj ∈ M top<br />

g,1,p .<br />

□<br />

t j−1<br />

t t j−1<br />

j<br />

We now see that the ADL set lies in M top<br />

g,1,p . By Theorem 4.1, the homomorphism<br />

M top<br />

g,1,p → A g,p is surjective; that is, by using Zieschang’s proof, we have recovered<br />

Zieschang’s result [26, Satz 4], [28, Theorem 5.7.1]. Assuming Epstein’s result [11],<br />

we now have M top<br />

g,1,p = A g,p, and both are generated by the ADLH set.<br />

7. Collapsing the boundary<br />

In this section we review Zieschang’s algebraic proof of a result of Nielsen. We<br />

then <strong>de</strong>scribe a generating set for M alg<br />

g,0,p which lies in the image of Mtop g,0,p .<br />

7.1. Definitions. Recall F g,p−1 = 〈 t [1↑p] ∪ x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] | Πt [p↓1 ] Π[x, y] [1↑g ] 〉.<br />

Let ζ ∈ Aut F g,p−1 be <strong>de</strong>fined by<br />

∀i ∈ [1↑g] x ζ i := y g+1−i, y ζ i := x g+1−i, ∀j ∈ [1↑p] t ζ j := t p+1−j.<br />

We then have the outer automorphism ˘ζ ∈ M alg<br />

g,0,p .<br />

7.2. Theorem. For g, p ∈ [0↑∞[ , M alg<br />

g,0,p is generated by the natural image of A g,p<br />

together with ˘ζ. Hence, M alg<br />

g,0,p is generated by the image of the ADLH set together<br />

with ˘ζ.<br />

Steve Humphries has pointed out to us that there are some cases where it is<br />

known that an element can be omitted from the resulting generating set of M alg<br />

g,0,p .<br />

For g 1, the relations (R9a), (R9b) in [13, Theorem 3.2] show that if p = 1, then<br />

˘γ 1 can be omitted, while if p 2 and p = 2g−2±1, then ᾰ 1 can be omitted.<br />

Sketched proof of Theorem 7.2. For p 1, this is a straightforward exercise which<br />

we leave to the rea<strong>de</strong>r. Thus we may assume that p = 0. We may further assume<br />


that g 1. The remaining case is now a result of Nielsen [19] for which Zieschang<br />

has given an algebraic proof [28, Theorem 5.6.1] <strong>de</strong>veloped from [23, 24, 25] along<br />

the following lines.<br />

Let ϕ ∈ Aut F g,−1 . We wish to show that the element ˘ϕ ∈ Out F g,−1 = M alg<br />

g,0,0<br />

lies in the subgroup generated by the image of A g,0 = Stab(t 1 , Aut F g,0 ) together<br />

with ˘ζ. It is clear that ϕ lifts back to an endomorphism ˜ϕ of F g,0 such that t ˜ϕ 1 lies<br />

in the normal closure of t 1 .<br />

Now H 2 (F g,−1 , Z) ≃ Z; see, for example, [7, Theorem V.4.9]. The image of ϕ<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the natural map Aut F g,−1 → Aut H 2 (F g,−1 , Z) ≃ {1, −1} is <strong>de</strong>noted <strong>de</strong>g(ϕ).<br />

By a cohomology calculation, if we express t ˜ϕ 1 as a product of n + conjugates of t 1<br />

and n − conjugates of t 1 , then n + − n − = <strong>de</strong>g(ϕ) = ±1. By using van Kampen<br />

diagrams on a surface, one can alter ˜ϕ and arrange that n − = 0 or n + = 0; this<br />

was also done in [10, Theorem 4.9]. Thus t ˜ϕ 1 is now a conjugate of t 1 or t 1 . By<br />

composing ˜ϕ with an inner automorphism of F g,0 , we may assume that t ˜ϕ 1 is t 1<br />

or t 1 .<br />

Notice that ζ lifts back to ˜ζ ∈ Aut F g,0 where, for each i ∈ [1↑g], x˜ζ<br />

i := y g+1−i<br />

and y ˜ζ<br />

i<br />

:= x g+1−i . Then t˜ζ<br />

1 = (Π[x, y] [1↑g ] )˜ζ = Π[y, x] [g↓1 ] = t 1 . By replacing ϕ<br />

with ϕζ if necessary, we may now assume that t ˜ϕ 1 = t 1.<br />

We next prove a result, due to Nielsen [17] for g = 1, and Zieschang [22] for<br />

g 1, that t ˜ϕ 1 = t 1 implies that ˜ϕ is an automorphism of F g,0 .<br />

We shall show first that ˜ϕ is surjective, by an argument of Formanek [7, Theorem<br />

V.4.11]. Let w be an element of the basis x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] of F g,0 . The map of<br />

sets x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] → GL 2 (ZF g,0 ), v ↦→ ( v 0<br />

δ v,w 1<br />

)<br />

(where δv,w equals 1 if v = w and<br />

equals 0 if v ≠ w) extends uniquely to a group homomorphism<br />

F g,0 → GL 2 (ZF g,0 ), v ↦→ ( )<br />

v 0<br />

v ∂w 1 .<br />

The map ∂ w : F g,0 → ZF g,0 , called the Fox <strong>de</strong>rivative with respect to w, satisfies,<br />

for all u, v ∈ F g,0 , (uv) ∂ w<br />

= (u ∂w )v + v ∂ w<br />

. On applying ∂ w to uu = 1, we see<br />

that u ∂ w<br />

= −u ∂w u. For each i ∈ [1↑g], let X i := x ˜ϕ i and Y i := y ˜ϕ i . Since ˜ϕ fixes<br />

t 1 = Π[x, y] [1↑g ] , we have Π[X, Y ] [1↑g ] = Π[x, y] [1↑g ] . On applying ∂ w , we obtain<br />

(<br />

g∑ ( )<br />

)<br />

X ∂w<br />

i · Y i · (1 − Y X iY i<br />

i ) + Y ∂w<br />

i · (1 − X Yi<br />

i ) · Π[X, Y ] [(i+1)↑g ]<br />

i=1<br />

(<br />

∑<br />

= g (<br />

x ∂ w<br />

i=1<br />

i<br />

)<br />

· y i · (1 − y x iy i<br />

i ) + y ∂ w<br />

i · (1 − x y i<br />

i ) · Π[x, y] [(i+1)↑g ]<br />

On applying the natural left ZF g,0 -linear map ZF g,0 → Z[F g,0 /F ˜ϕ g,0 ], <strong>de</strong>noted<br />

f↦→fF ˜ϕ g,0 , we obtain<br />

(<br />

∑<br />

0 = g ( )<br />

)<br />

(1) x ∂ w<br />

i · y i · (1 − y x iy i<br />

i ) + y ∂ w<br />

i · (1 − x y i<br />

i ) · Π[x, y] [(i+1)↑g ] F ˜ϕ g,0 .<br />

i=1<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>r any i ∈ [1↑g] such that x [(i+1)↑g] ∪ y [(i+1)↑g] ⊆ F ˜ϕ g,0 . By taking w = y i<br />

)<br />

.<br />

in (1), we obtain<br />

0 = (1 − x y i<br />

i ) · Π[x, y] [(i+1)↑g ]F ˜ϕ g,0 = (1 − xy i<br />

i )F ˜ϕ g,0 .<br />

Hence x yi<br />

i ∈ F ϕ g,0 , that is, xxiyi i ∈ F ϕ g,0 . By taking w = x i in (1) and left multiplying<br />

by y i , we obtain<br />

0 = (1 − y x iy i<br />

i ) · Π[x, y] [(i+1)↑g ] F ˜ϕ g,0 = (1 − yx iy i<br />

i )F ˜ϕ g,0 .<br />

Hence, y xiyi<br />

i ∈ Fg,p. ϕ It follows that x i , y i ∈ F ˜ϕ g,0 .<br />

By induction, x [1↑g] ∪ y [1↑g] ⊆ F ˜ϕ g,0 . Thus ˜ϕ is surjective.

20<br />


By Consequence 2.9, ˜ϕ is an automorphism, as <strong>de</strong>sired.<br />

Recall that S g,0,p was constructed in Definitions 5.3 as the quotient space obtained<br />

from S g,1,p by collapsing the boundary component to a point. We then<br />

have a natural embedding of Aut S g,1,p in Aut S g,0,p . Thus the Dehn twists and<br />

braid twists of S g,1,p constructed in Section 6 induce Dehn twists and braid twists<br />

of S g,0,p . It follows that the image of the ADL set in M alg<br />

g,0,p lies in Mtop g,0,p . Also,<br />

˘ζ lies in M top<br />

g,0,p , since ˘ζ is easily seen to arise from a reflection of S g,0,p . We now<br />

see, in the manner proposed by Magnus, Karrass and Solitar [16, p.175], that the<br />

homomorphism M top<br />

g,0,p → Malg g,0,p is surjective, by Theorem 7.2. Assuming Epstein’s<br />

result [11], if (g, p) ≠ (0, 0), (0, 1), then M top<br />

g,0,p equals Malg g,0,p , and both are generated<br />

by the image of the ADLH set together with ˘ζ; see [13, Corollary 2.11(ii)].<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

The research of both authors was jointly fun<strong>de</strong>d by Spain’s Ministerio <strong>de</strong> Ciencia<br />

e Innovación through Projects MTM2006-13544 and MTM2008-01550.<br />

We are greatly in<strong>de</strong>bted to Steve Humphries, Gilbert Levitt, Jim McCool, and<br />

Luis Paris for very useful remarks in correspon<strong>de</strong>nce and conversations.<br />

□<br />

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Lluís Bacardit, <strong>Departament</strong> <strong>de</strong> Matemàtiques, Universitat Autònoma<br />

<strong>de</strong> Barcelona, E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain<br />

E-mail address: lluisbc@mat.uab.cat<br />

Warren Dicks, <strong>Departament</strong> <strong>de</strong> Matemàtiques, Universitat Autònoma<br />

<strong>de</strong> Barcelona, E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain<br />

E-mail address: dicks@mat.uab.cat<br />

URL: http://mat.uab.cat/~dicks/

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