my beamer presentation - Departament de matemàtiques

my beamer presentation - Departament de matemàtiques

my beamer presentation - Departament de matemàtiques


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Outline<br />

Definitions and examples<br />

Homological properties of kC-mod<br />

An example<br />

A closed symmetric monoidal category<br />

Adjoint functors and a spectral sequence<br />

Two categorical constructions<br />

Hochschild cohomology<br />

Standard tools<br />

Let θ : D → C be a functor between two finite categories. It<br />

induces a natural functor, the restriction along θ,<br />

Res θ : kC-mod → kD-mod.<br />

This functor comes with two adjoints, the left and right Kan<br />

extensions<br />

LK θ , RK θ : kD-mod → kC-mod.<br />

When C = G is a group, D = H is a subgroup and θ is the<br />

inclusion, we have Res θ<br />

∼ =↓<br />

G<br />

H and LK θ<br />

∼ =↑<br />

G<br />

H<br />

∼ =⇑<br />

G<br />

H<br />

∼ = RKθ .<br />

For any N ∈ kD-mod, there is a (multiplicative) cohomology<br />

Grothendieck spectral sequence<br />

H i (C; H j (\θ; N)) ⇒ H i+j (D; N).<br />

Fei Xu<br />

Finite category algebras

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