classifying spaces for proper actions of locally finite groups

classifying spaces for proper actions of locally finite groups

classifying spaces for proper actions of locally finite groups


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Warren Dicks, Peter H. Kropholler, Ian J. Leary and Simon Thomas<br />

April 16, 2002<br />

For each <strong>finite</strong> ordinal n, and each <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong> group G <strong>of</strong> cardinality ℵ n ,weconstruct<br />

an (n + 1)-dimensional, contractible CW-complex on which G acts with <strong>finite</strong><br />

stabilizers. We use the complex to obtain in<strong>for</strong>mation about cohomology with induced<br />

coefficients. Our techniques also give in<strong>for</strong>mation about the location <strong>of</strong> some<br />

large free abelian <strong>groups</strong> in the hierarchy H .<br />

Throughout, let G be a group, and let A be a Z-module with trivial G-action.<br />

We let AG denote the induced ZG-module ZG ⊗ Z A. Ring-<strong>actions</strong> on modules<br />

and group-<strong>actions</strong> on sets are tacitly understood to be on the left, if not specified<br />

otherwise.<br />

1. Holt’s Conjectures<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this section is to describe our main algebraic results, Theorems<br />

3.10 and 5.4, and place them in the context <strong>of</strong> prior work.<br />

1.1 Notation. Let rank(G) denote the smallest cardinal κ such that there exists<br />

some set <strong>of</strong> generators <strong>of</strong> G <strong>of</strong> cardinality κ.<br />

If G is not <strong>finite</strong>ly generated, then rank(G) =|G|, and we define ℵ-rank(G) tobe<br />

the ordinal α such that rank(G) =ℵ α ;ifG is <strong>finite</strong>ly generated, then rank(G) < |G|,<br />

and we set ℵ-rank(G) =−1.<br />

Recall that, <strong>for</strong> each ordinal α, ω α denotes the least ordinal <strong>of</strong> cardinality ℵ α .<br />

We find it convenient to set ℵ −1 =1.<br />

Throughout this section, let n ∈ N (= ω 0 ). □<br />

D. F. Holt proposed the following description <strong>of</strong> the cohomology with induced<br />

coefficients, <strong>for</strong> <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong> <strong>groups</strong>.<br />

1.2 Conjecture (Holt [6]). If G is <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong>, then<br />

| H n (G, AG)| = |A| ℵ n−1<br />

if n = ℵ-rank(G)+1,<br />

H n (G, AG) =0 if n ≠ ℵ-rank(G)+1.<br />

Commentary. In Examples 3.3 we recall that, <strong>for</strong> any group G,<br />

{ A if G is <strong>finite</strong> and n =0,<br />

(1.3) H n (G, AG) =<br />

0 if G is <strong>finite</strong> or n = 0, but not both.<br />

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 20F50; Secondary 20J06, 20K20, 57M07.<br />



Thus the conjecture really concerns the cases where n ≥ 1andG is in<strong>finite</strong>, and<br />

the notation has been artificially contrived to embrace the trivial marginal cases.<br />

For any in<strong>finite</strong> group G, theset<strong>of</strong>cocycles<strong>for</strong>G with coefficients in AG is <strong>of</strong><br />

cardinality |A| |G| ,so1≤|H n (G, AG)| ≤|A| |G| . If G is in<strong>finite</strong> and <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong>,<br />

then the conjecture implies that only the extreme values can be achieved. □<br />

We now briefly state the cases which are known, including those obtained in this<br />

paper.<br />

1.4 Notation. We say that G has the <strong>finite</strong> extension <strong>proper</strong>ty <strong>for</strong> <strong>proper</strong> sub<strong>groups</strong><br />

if each <strong>proper</strong> subgroup <strong>of</strong> G is a <strong>proper</strong> subgroup <strong>of</strong> <strong>finite</strong> index in some subgroup<br />

<strong>of</strong> G. For example, abelian torsion <strong>groups</strong> have this <strong>proper</strong>ty.<br />

Let us say that A is o(G)-inverting if, <strong>for</strong> every <strong>finite</strong> subgroup H <strong>of</strong> G, multiplication<br />

by |H| gives an automorphism <strong>of</strong> A; equivalently, <strong>for</strong> each g ∈ G whose<br />

order o(g) is <strong>finite</strong>, multiplication by o(g) gives an automorphism <strong>of</strong> A.<br />

If R is a ring (associative, with 1), then R is o(G)-inverting, as Z-module, if and<br />

only if the order <strong>of</strong> each <strong>finite</strong> subgroup <strong>of</strong> G is a unit in R. If R is not o(G)-inverting,<br />

then it is easy to show that cd R G, the cohomological dimension <strong>of</strong> G with<br />

respect to R, is∞, a value which we shall think <strong>of</strong> as ω 0 = ℵ 0 . □<br />

1.5 Known cases <strong>of</strong> Conjecture 1.2. Let G be a <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong> group.<br />

(1) H n (G, AG) =0if n>ℵ-rank(G)+1.<br />

(2) If G has the <strong>finite</strong> extension <strong>proper</strong>ty <strong>for</strong> <strong>proper</strong> sub<strong>groups</strong>, then<br />

H n (G, AG) =0if n ≠ ℵ-rank(G)+1.<br />

(3) For n ∈{0, 1}, H n (G, AG) =0if n ≠ ℵ-rank(G)+1.<br />

(4) For n ∈{0, 1, 2}, | H n (G, AG)| = |A| ℵ n−1<br />

if n = ℵ-rank(G)+1.<br />

(5) It is consistent with ZFC that<br />

| H n (G, AG)| ≥2 ℵ n−1<br />

if n = ℵ-rank(G)+1 and A is nonzero.<br />

Hence, it is consistent with ZFC that<br />

| H n (G, AG)| = |A| ℵ n−1<br />

if n = ℵ-rank(G)+1 and |A| ≤ℵ n−1 .<br />

Commentary. (1), the “easy” part <strong>of</strong> Conjecture 1.2, is proved in Theorem 3.10. It<br />

was proved in [11] <strong>for</strong> the case where A is o(G)-inverting, and, be<strong>for</strong>e that, in [4], [5]<br />

<strong>for</strong> the case where A is o(G)-inverting and torsion.<br />

(2) was proved by Holt [5]. We give another pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the abelian case in Corollary<br />

6.10.<br />

(3). By (1.3), this holds <strong>for</strong> n = 0. It was proved by Holt [6] <strong>for</strong> n = 1;<br />

see Theorem 6.4.<br />

(4). By (1.3), this holds <strong>for</strong> n =0. Itiswellknown<strong>for</strong>n = 1; see Theorem 4.5.<br />

In Theorem 5.4, we prove it <strong>for</strong> n = 2; Holt [6] had previously shown this was<br />

consistent with ZFC, see [14, Section 1].<br />

(5). Suppose that n = ℵ-rank(G)+1andthatA is nonzero.<br />

We shall now see that it is consistent with ZFC that | H n (G, AG)| ≥2 ℵ n−1<br />

.<br />

For each prime p, wewriteZ(p ∞ ) :=<br />

lim<br />

m→∞ Z/pm Z,where,<strong>for</strong>m ∈ N, themap<br />

Z/p m Z → Z/p m+1 Z is given by multiplication by p.<br />

We claim that there exists a Z-module k, andaZ-submodule A ′ <strong>of</strong> A, such that<br />

the quotient A/A ′ is isomorphic to k, and either k = Q, or there exists a prime p<br />

such that k = Z/pZ or k = Z(p ∞ ).


Consider first the case where A is not divisible, so there exists a prime p such<br />

that A/pA is nonzero. But A/pA is a direct sum <strong>of</strong> Z-submodules each <strong>of</strong> which is<br />

isomorphic to Z/pZ. Hence A/pA projects onto any such summand.<br />

If A is divisible, then A is a direct sum <strong>of</strong> Z-submodules each <strong>of</strong> which is isomorphic<br />

to Q or to Z(p ∞ )<strong>for</strong>someprimep; see, <strong>for</strong> example, [3, Theorem IV.23.1].<br />

Hence A projects onto any such summand.<br />

In all cases, we can find A ′ , k as claimed.<br />

Now there is a long exact sequence in cohomology which contains the subsequence<br />

H n (G, AG) → H n (G, kG) → H n+1 (G, A ′ G).<br />

By (1), H n+1 (G, A ′ G)=0,so| H n (G, AG)| ≥|H n (G, kG)|.<br />

Thus, <strong>for</strong> the first part, it remains to show that it is consistent with ZFC that<br />

| H n (G, kG)| ≥2 ℵ n−1<br />

.<br />

It is proved in [11] that, if k is an o(G)-inverting prime field, then it is consistent<br />

with ZFC that | H n (G, kG)| ≥2 ℵ n−1<br />

. However on carefully reading that pro<strong>of</strong>,<br />

one sees that all applications <strong>of</strong> the o(G)-inverting hypothesis can be replaced with<br />

applications <strong>of</strong> (1), so, in fact, it is proved that it is consistent with ZFC that if k<br />

is a prime field then | H n (G, kG)| ≥2 ℵ n−1<br />

.<br />

It remains to consider the case where k = Z(p ∞ )<strong>for</strong>someprimep. Again,<br />

it is not difficult to show that the argument in [11] can be further modified to<br />

cover this case by interpreting dim k m := m <strong>for</strong> all m ∈ N. If M is a <strong>finite</strong>ly<br />

generated (free) Z-submodule <strong>of</strong> ZG, andkM denotes the image <strong>of</strong> the natural<br />

map k ⊗ Z M → k ⊗ Z ZG = kG, then one can show dim kM =rankM, sincek is<br />

divisible. Moreover, if M ′ is a Z-submodule <strong>of</strong> M, thendimkM ′ ≤ dim kM, and,<br />

if equality holds, then kM ′ = kM, sincek is divisible. Using these observations,<br />

one can verify that the argument in [11] applies with k = Z(p ∞ ).<br />

It follows that, in all cases, it is consistent with ZFC that | H n (G, kG)| ≥2 ℵ n−1<br />

.<br />

Now suppose that |A| ≤ℵ n−1 . Hence |A| ℵ n−1<br />

=2 ℵ n−1<br />

; see [7, p.49] <strong>for</strong> the case<br />

where n ≥ 1. Thus, it is consistent with ZFC that | H n (G, AG)| ≥|A| ℵ n−1<br />

.<br />

We previously observed that | H n (G, AG)| ≤|A| ℵ n−1<br />

, so it is consistent with<br />

ZFC that | H n (G, AG)| = |A| ℵ n−1<br />

.<br />

This proves (5). It had previously been proved by Holt [5] in the case where G<br />

has the <strong>finite</strong> extension <strong>proper</strong>ty <strong>for</strong> <strong>proper</strong> sub<strong>groups</strong>; see [14, Section 1]. □<br />

We wish to refine part <strong>of</strong> Conjecture 1.2.<br />

1.6 Conjecture. If G is <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong>, and n = ℵ-rank(G) +1,thenH n (G, AG)<br />

contains a Z-submodule isomorphic to A ℵ n−1<br />

, and hence | H n (G, AG)| = |A| ℵ n−1<br />

.<br />

Commentary. By (1.3), this holds <strong>for</strong> n = 0. It is probably well known <strong>for</strong> n =1;<br />

see Theorem 4.5. In Theorem 5.4, we prove it <strong>for</strong> n =2. □<br />

Conjecture 1.2 was preceded by, and motivated by, an earlier proposal, concerning<br />

the cohomological dimension <strong>of</strong> <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong> <strong>groups</strong>.


1.7 Conjecture. If G is a <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong> group, and R is a nonzero, o(G)-inverting<br />

ring, then cd R G =min{ℵ-rank(G)+1, ∞}.<br />

Commentary. Holt [4] proposed this conjecture with the additional hypothesis that<br />

R is a field <strong>of</strong> prime order, and, in [11], the additional hypothesis was weakened to<br />

R being commutative.<br />

Notice that min{ℵ-rank(G)+1, ∞} can be expressed as inf{n ∈ N |ℵ n > |G|},<br />

where the infimum <strong>of</strong> the empty set is taken to be ∞.<br />

The inequality cd R G ≤ℵ-rank(G) + 1 follows from a classic result <strong>of</strong> Auslander<br />

[1, Proposition 3]; see [12, Lemma 3.7] or Theorem 3.10 below.<br />

Cohomological dimension cannot increase on passing to a subgroup, so we may<br />

assume that ℵ-rank(G)


We let F denote the class <strong>of</strong> <strong>finite</strong> <strong>groups</strong>. Notice that F ∩ sub(G) is a subgroup-closed<br />

G-family. A space <strong>of</strong> type E(G, F) is called an EG. (It is also called a<br />

<strong>classifying</strong> space <strong>for</strong> <strong>proper</strong> G-<strong>actions</strong>, that is, G-<strong>actions</strong> with <strong>finite</strong> stabilizers.) □<br />

The following is well known.<br />

2.2 Proposition. If X is a subgroup-closed G-family, then there exists a space <strong>of</strong><br />

type E(G, X), andanyG-map between two <strong>spaces</strong> <strong>of</strong> type E(G, X) is a G-homotopy<br />

equivalence.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. The first part can be seen by Milnor’s construction. Thus, let ∆ be any<br />

G-set such that X is precisely the set <strong>of</strong> sub<strong>groups</strong> <strong>of</strong> G which fix at least one point<br />

<strong>of</strong> ∆. Let X =∆∗ ∆ ∗ ∆ ∗···, the union <strong>of</strong> iterated joins <strong>of</strong> ∆. Then X is a space<br />

<strong>of</strong> type E(G, X).<br />

For the second part, see, <strong>for</strong> example, [15, Proposition II.2.7]. □<br />

2.3 Corollary. If X 1 ⊆ X 2 are subgroup-closed G-families, and X 1 (resp. X 2 )<br />

is a space <strong>of</strong> type E(G, X 1 )(resp. E(G, X 2 )), then there exists a cellular G-map<br />

X 1 → X 2 .<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. The join X 1 ∗ X 2 is a space <strong>of</strong> type E(G, X 2 ), and the inclusions<br />

ι 1 : X 1 → X 1 ∗ X 2 , ι 2 : X 2 → X 1 ∗ X 2<br />

are G-maps. By Proposition 2.2, ι 2 is a G-homotopy equivalence, and the homotopy<br />

inverse X 1 ∗ X 2 → X 2 composed with ι 1 gives a G-map X 1 → X 2 . This<br />

is then G-homotopic to a cellular G-map X 1 → X 2 ; see, <strong>for</strong> example, [15, Theorem<br />

II.2.1]. □<br />

One could give a dual pro<strong>of</strong>, using the projection maps from the Cartesian product<br />

X 1 × X 2 , which is a space <strong>of</strong> type E(G, X 1 ).<br />

The following is a topological analogue <strong>of</strong> a classic result <strong>of</strong> Auslander [1, Proposition<br />

3].<br />

2.4 Theorem. Let β be a limit ordinal, let (G α | α ≤ β) be a continuous chain <strong>of</strong><br />

sub<strong>groups</strong> <strong>of</strong> G, andlet(X α | α ≤ β) be a continuous chain <strong>of</strong> subsets <strong>of</strong> sub(G)<br />

such that, <strong>for</strong> each α ≤ β, X α is a subgroup-closed G α -family.<br />

Let n ∈ N, and suppose that, <strong>for</strong> each α


By Proposition 2.2, since X α and Y α are <strong>of</strong> type E(G α , X α ) there exists a cellular<br />

G α -map Y α → X α , and hence a cellular G α+1 -map G α+1 × Gα Y α → G α+1 × Gα X α .<br />

Take X α+1 to be the identification space, or pushout,<br />

G α+1 × Gα Y α −−−−→ M α<br />

⏐<br />

⏐<br />

↓<br />

↓<br />

G α+1 × Gα X α −−−−→ X α+1 .<br />

Notice that dim X α+1 = n +1, since dimY α = n, dimM α = n +1, and<br />

dim X α ≤ n + 1. It is not difficult to check that X α+1 is <strong>of</strong> type E(G α+1 , X α+1 ).<br />

This completes the pro<strong>of</strong>. □<br />

2.5 Remark. For n =0andβ = ω 0 , the construction in the above pro<strong>of</strong> gives the<br />

Bass-Serre tree <strong>of</strong> the graph <strong>of</strong> <strong>groups</strong> corresponding to the countable ascending<br />

chain (G α | α


2.8 Theorem. If n ∈ N, andℵ-rank(G)


3.3 Examples. Let G be a <strong>finite</strong> group.<br />

Here, AG = A[[G]], so induced ZG-modules are co-induced, and hence G-acyclic.<br />

Suppose that M is an o(G)-inverting ZG-module. Then the multiplication map<br />

M[[G]] → M,<br />

∑<br />

g∈G<br />

m g .g ↦→ ∑ g∈G<br />

gm g ,<br />

is ZG-split with right inverse m ↦→ 1 ∑<br />

g −1 m.g. Here, M is a ZG-summand <strong>of</strong><br />

|G|<br />

g∈G<br />

an induced ZG-module, so M is G-acyclic. □<br />

In the following, G acts on tensor products over Z via the diagonal action.<br />

3.4 Lemma. Let M be a ZG-module.<br />

(1) The functor Hom ZG (−⊗ Z ZG, M) carries Z-split exact sequences <strong>of</strong> ZG-modules<br />

to exact sequences.<br />

(2) Let H be a subgroup <strong>of</strong> G. IfM is H-acyclic, then the functor<br />

Hom ZG (Z[G/H] ⊗ Z −,M)<br />

carries augmented ZG-projective resolutions <strong>of</strong> Z to exact sequences.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. (2). Let L be a ZG-module. There is a natural identification <strong>of</strong> ZG-modules,<br />

with gH ⊗ l corresponding to g ⊗ g −1 l.<br />

It follows that we can identify<br />

Z[G/H] ⊗ Z L = ZG ⊗ ZH L,<br />

Hom ZG (Z[G/H] ⊗ Z −,M)=Hom ZG (ZG ⊗ ZH −,M)=Hom ZH (−,M)<br />

as functors on ZG-modules. Since M is H-acyclic, this functor carries augmented<br />

ZG-projective resolutions <strong>of</strong> Z to exact sequences.<br />

(1) is proved similarly. □<br />

3.5 Notation. Let X be a G-complex.<br />

We shall treat X as the G-set whose elements are the open cells <strong>of</strong> X. The cellular<br />

chain complex <strong>of</strong> X is then the permutation module ZX, with the structure <strong>of</strong> a<br />

differential graded ZG-module, with differential ∂ <strong>of</strong> degree −1. Here the grading<br />

is that determined by the dimensions <strong>of</strong> the cells, so the nth component C n (ZX)<br />

has as Z-basis the cells <strong>of</strong> dimension n.<br />

We let η: X × X → Z denote the function such that ∂x = ∑ η(x, y).y <strong>for</strong> each<br />

x ∈ X. Thus,ifx is an n-cell, then η(x, y) = 0 unless y is one <strong>of</strong> the <strong>finite</strong>ly many<br />

(n − 1)-cells incident to x. □<br />

The following is a degenerate case <strong>of</strong> the equivariant cohomology spectral sequence;<br />

see, <strong>for</strong> example, [2, VII.7.10(7.10)].<br />



3.6 Theorem. Let X be an acyclic G-complex. If M is a ZG-module which is<br />

G x -acyclic <strong>for</strong> each x ∈ X, then H ∗ (Hom ZG (ZX, M)) ≃ H ∗ (G, M), as graded<br />

abelian <strong>groups</strong>.<br />

Recall that Hom ZG (ZX, M) denotes the differential graded abelian group with<br />

nth component C n (Hom ZG (ZX, M)) = Hom ZG (C n (ZX),M).<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. The homology <strong>of</strong> (ZX, ∂) isZ, concentrated in degree zero.<br />

We choose a free ZG-resolution <strong>of</strong> Z, andwriteitas(ZY,∂) <strong>for</strong>someG-free<br />

G-set Y ; <strong>for</strong> example, we could take Y to be an E G, andZY its cellular chain<br />

complex. Then Hom ZG (ZY,M) is an additive abelian differential graded group,<br />

and its cohomology is H ∗ (G, M).<br />

We consider the double complex ZX ⊗ Z ZY with diagonal G-action, and the<br />

double complex Hom ZG (ZX ⊗ Z ZY,M). We get a fourth-quadrant commuting<br />

diagram which can be schematically represented as<br />

0<br />

⏐<br />

↓<br />

(3.7)<br />

Hom ZG (ZX, M)<br />

⏐<br />

↓<br />

0 −−−−→ Hom ZG (ZY,M) −−−−→ Hom ZG (ZX ⊗ Z ZY,M).<br />

To show that the cohomology group <strong>of</strong> the outer row, Hom ZG (ZX, M), is isomorphic<br />

to the cohomology group <strong>of</strong> the outer column, Hom ZG (ZY,M), it suffices<br />

to show that the remaining, or inner, rows and columns <strong>of</strong> (3.7) are exact. Each<br />

inner column is exact because Hom ZG (ZX ⊗ Z −,M) is exact on augmented projective<br />

ZG-resolutions <strong>of</strong> Z, by Lemma 3.4(2). Similarly, each inner row is exact<br />

because Hom ZG (−⊗ Z ZY,M) isexactonZ-split exact sequences <strong>of</strong> ZG-modules,<br />

by Lemma 3.4(1). □<br />

3.8 Corollary. Let M be a ZG-module, and let X be a <strong>finite</strong>-dimensional acyclic<br />

G-complex. If M is G x -acyclic <strong>for</strong> each x ∈ X, then H n (G, M) = 0 <strong>for</strong> all<br />

n>dim X. □<br />

We record the case <strong>of</strong> <strong>finite</strong> stabilizers.<br />

3.9 Corollary. Let M be a ZG-module, and suppose that M is H-acyclic <strong>for</strong><br />

each <strong>finite</strong> subgroup H <strong>of</strong> G; <strong>for</strong> example, this holds if M = AG, or if M is<br />

o(G)-inverting. Let X be an acyclic G-complex with <strong>finite</strong> stabilizers; <strong>for</strong> example,<br />

this holds if X is an EG. ThenH n (G, M) =0<strong>for</strong> all n>dim X. □<br />

Here we can apply Theorem 2.6.<br />

3.10 Theorem. Let G be a <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong> group, and M a ZG-module which is<br />

H-acyclic <strong>for</strong> each <strong>finite</strong> subgroup H <strong>of</strong> G; <strong>for</strong> example, this holds if M = AG, or<br />

if M is o(G)-inverting. Then H n (G, M) =0<strong>for</strong> all n>ℵ-rank(G)+1. □<br />

3.11 Remark. Theorem 3.10 can also be proved using the argument <strong>of</strong> the first<br />

paragraph <strong>of</strong> [11, Section 1]. □


4. Locally <strong>finite</strong> <strong>groups</strong> <strong>of</strong> cardinality ℵ 0<br />

In this section, we recall how H ∗ (G, AG) can be computed using an EG, and<br />

apply the method in the one-dimensional case.<br />

4.1 Definitions. Let X be an EG, or, more generally, any acyclic G-complex in<br />

which all cell stabilizers are <strong>finite</strong>, and let Notation 3.5 apply.<br />

We have natural identifications<br />

(4.2) A[[X]] = A X =Hom Z (ZX, A).<br />

For simplicity, let us suppose that X is <strong>finite</strong> dimensional.<br />

Then A[[X]] has the structure <strong>of</strong> a differential graded ZG-module, in which the<br />

differential ∂ ∗ has degree +1, and is given by<br />

∂ ∗ ( ∑ a x .x) = ∑ ( ∑ η(x, y)a y ).x.<br />

x∈X<br />

x∈X y∈X<br />

The cohomology <strong>of</strong> (A[[X]],∂ ∗ )isA concentrated in degree zero.<br />

Let<br />

A G [[X]] := { ∑ x∈X<br />

a x .x ∈ A[[X]] |{g ∈ G | a gx ≠0} is <strong>finite</strong>, <strong>for</strong> all x ∈ X}.<br />

Since G-stabilizers are <strong>finite</strong>, we see that A G [[X]] consists <strong>of</strong> all functions from<br />

X to A with <strong>finite</strong> support in each G-orbit.<br />

It is straight<strong>for</strong>ward to check that A G [[X]] is a differential graded ZG-submodule<br />

<strong>of</strong> A[[X]].<br />

We write C n (A G [[X]]), B n (A G [[X]]), and Z n (A G [[X]]) <strong>for</strong> the n-cochains, n-coboundaries,<br />

and n-cocycles, respectively. □<br />

Sometimes the notation Hom c (Z[X],A)isusedtodenoteA G [[X]]; see, <strong>for</strong> example,<br />

[2, Lemma VIII.7.4].<br />

The following is a variation on the usual “compact supports” cohomology; see,<br />

<strong>for</strong> example, [2, Proposition VIII.7.5]. It is particularly useful in the study <strong>of</strong> ends<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>groups</strong>.<br />

4.3 Theorem. If X is a <strong>finite</strong>-dimensional acyclic G-complex with <strong>finite</strong> stabilizers,<br />

then there is a natural isomorphism H ∗ (A G [[X]]) ≃ H ∗ (G, AG) <strong>of</strong> graded<br />

abelian <strong>groups</strong>.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. There is a natural identification <strong>of</strong> Hom ZG (ZX, A[[G]]) with Hom Z (ZX, A);<br />

see (3.2). There is also a natural identification <strong>of</strong> Hom Z (ZX, A) with A[[X]];<br />

see (4.2). It is easy to show that under these identifications, Hom ZG (ZX, AG)<br />

corresponds to A G [[X]]. Hence H ∗ (A G [[X]]) ≃ H ∗ (Hom ZG (ZX, AG)). Finally,<br />

H ∗ (Hom ZG (ZX, AG)) ≃ H ∗ (G, AG), by Theorem 3.6. □<br />

There is a natural right G-action on H ∗ (G, AG), arising from the ZG-bimodule<br />

structure on AG. This agrees with the natural right G-action on A G [[X]] which we<br />

have trans<strong>for</strong>med into a left G-action.<br />

Let us illustrate how Theorem 4.3 can be used to study H ∗ (G, AG) whenG is<br />

<strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong> <strong>of</strong> cardinality ℵ 0 . To do this we now construct a standardized EG, as<br />

in Remark 2.5.


4.4 Definition. Let G be a <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong> group <strong>of</strong> cardinality ℵ 0 .<br />

Index the elements <strong>of</strong> G with ω 0 ,soG = {h α | α


Hence φ(p) = 0, which is a contradiction.<br />

This proves that the composition<br />

A P → A[[Q]] → H 1 (A G [[X]]) = H 1 (G, AG)<br />

is injective. Since |P| = ℵ 0 , A ℵ 0<br />

embeds in H 1 (G, AG). □<br />

5. Locally <strong>finite</strong> <strong>groups</strong> <strong>of</strong> cardinality ℵ 1<br />

In this section we study H ∗ (G, AG) whenG is <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong> with ℵ-rank(G) =1,<br />

topologizing and refining results <strong>of</strong> D. F. Holt.<br />

We begin by constructing a standardized EG.<br />

5.1 Definitions. Let G be a <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong> group <strong>of</strong> cardinality ℵ 1 .<br />

Let ω 1 ′ denote the set <strong>of</strong> limit ordinals less than ω 1.<br />

As in Definition 4.4, we start by indexing the elements <strong>of</strong> G, G = {h α | α


For α


Let Y be the subgraph <strong>of</strong> X obtained by deleting the vertices H and K and all<br />

their incident edges. It suffices to show that Y is a connected graph. Since X is<br />

connected, it suffices to show that each X-neighbour <strong>of</strong> H is Y -connected to each<br />

X-neighbour <strong>of</strong> K. Thus,leth ∈ H − K, andk ∈ K − H; it suffices to show that<br />

the vertices hK and kH are Y -connected.<br />

Let L = 〈hk −1 〉 = 〈kh −1 〉.SinceG is periodic, L is <strong>finite</strong>.<br />

We consider the action <strong>of</strong> L on X. Letm and n denote the orders <strong>of</strong> the L-orbits<br />

<strong>of</strong> the vertices H and K, respectively. By symmetry, we may assume that m ≥ n.<br />

Notice that L is not contained in K, son ≥ 2.<br />

Let g = kh −1 . In X, there is an edge H ∩ K joining H to K, and an edge<br />

k(H ∩ K) joining kH = gH to kK = K. Applying powers <strong>of</strong> g to these, we get a<br />

path in X with vertices<br />

H, K, gH, gK, g 2 H, g 2 K,... ,g n−1 H, g n−1 K.<br />

By the definition <strong>of</strong> m and n, these2n vertices are all distinct, so, on deleting the<br />

first two, we get a path in Y connecting gH = kH to g n−1 K = g −1 K = hK. □<br />

5.3 Theorem (Holt [6]). If G is <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong>, and |G| = ℵ 1 ,thenH 1 (G, AG) =0.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let X be as in Definitions 5.1.<br />

Consider any φ ∈ Z 1 (A G [[X]]). Thus supp(φ) is a collection <strong>of</strong> edges <strong>of</strong> X,<br />

with only <strong>finite</strong>ly many in each G-orbit. A subset <strong>of</strong> X which meets (that is,<br />

has nonempty intersection with) supp(φ) issaidtobebroken by φ. Since φ is a<br />

1-cocycle, we get 0 if we sum, in A, theφ-labels, with the appropriate signs, around<br />

any face, or along any closed path in the 1-skeleton, since X is simply connected.<br />

Thus there is a well-defined φ-sum from any vertex to any other vertex.<br />

Consider any α ∈ ω 1 ′ such that φ respects α as in the last paragraph <strong>of</strong> Definitions<br />

5.1.<br />

From Definitions 5.1, there is a cellular G α+1 -map M α → X, soφ induces an<br />

element φ α+1 ∈ A[[M α ]]. Since the G-stabilizers <strong>for</strong> X are <strong>finite</strong>, φ α+1 lies in<br />

A Gα+1 [[M α ]], Moreover, φ α+1 respects α in the obvious sense, since Y α is mapped<br />

to X α ,byconstruction.<br />

There exists n 0


H − ∩ K − . It follows that deleting g −1 K − p n from Y leaves a connected space<br />

containing G α+1,n0 v 1,0 .<br />

Suppose g ∉ G α+1,n0 ,sog ∈ G α+1,n −G α+1,n0 . Then supp(φ α+1 )∩gY ⊆ K − p n .<br />

Hence, on deleting supp(φ α+1 ) from the 1-skeleton <strong>of</strong> M α , one <strong>of</strong> the resulting<br />

components contains gG α+1,n0 v 1,0 .<br />

Next, we apply Lemma 5.2 to the graph Z ′ obtained by taking H = G α+1,n0<br />

and K = G α,n ,so〈H, K〉 = G α+1,n . We conclude that<br />

Z ′ − ({H}∪{K}∪(H ∪ K)/(H ∩ K))<br />

is a connected graph.<br />

Let Z be the G α+1,n -subspace <strong>of</strong> M α generated by e · p n , and consider the map<br />

<strong>of</strong> G α+1,n -<strong>spaces</strong> from Z to Z ′ which assigns v 1,0 to H, v 0,n to K, ande · p n to<br />

H ∩ K. There is induced a surjective map<br />

Z − ({v 1,0 }∪{v 0,n }∪(H ∪ K)(e · p n )) → Z ′ − ({H}∪{K}∪(H ∪ K)/(H ∩ K)).<br />

Notice that φ α+1 breaks only edges <strong>of</strong> Z which lie in He ∪ Kp n ,sothereisa<br />

map from Z − ({v 1,0 }∪{v 0,n }∪(H ∪ K)(e · p n )) to the set <strong>of</strong> components <strong>of</strong> the<br />

1-skeleton <strong>of</strong> M α − supp(φ α+1 ). Moreover, we have seen that each subset gHv 1,0<br />

maps to a component <strong>of</strong> the 1-skeleton <strong>of</strong> M α − supp(φ α+1 ). Thus the map factors<br />

through Z ′ − ({H}∪{K}∪(H ∪ K)/(H ∩ K)), which is connected, so maps to a<br />

single component. Hence some component X ′ <strong>of</strong> the 1-skeleton <strong>of</strong> M α −supp(φ α+1 )<br />

contains (〈H, K〉−H)v 1,0 ,thatis,(G α+1,n − G α+1,n0 )v 1,0 .<br />

Since n>n 0 was arbitrary, all <strong>of</strong> (G α+1 −G α+1,n0 )v 1,0 is contained in X ′ .Thus,<br />

<strong>for</strong> any path between any two elements <strong>of</strong> (G α+1 −G α+1,n0 )v 1,0 ,theφ α+1 -sum, and<br />

hence the φ-sum, is 0.<br />

Let ψ α+1 ∈ C 0 (A[[X α+1 ]]) be defined on each vertex v as the φ-sum along any<br />

path from any vertex <strong>of</strong> (G α+1 −G α+1,n0 )v 1,0 to v. Thenψ α+1 ∈ C 0 (A Gα+1 [[X α+1 ]])<br />

and φ| Xα+1 = ∂ ∗ (ψ α+1 ).<br />

The α


We have a cellular G α -map Y α → X α , and, similarly, by Corollary 2.3, we can<br />

construct a cellular G 0 -map Y α • → Y 0 between <strong>spaces</strong> <strong>of</strong> type EG 0 .Thesetwomaps<br />

can be extended to a G α -map M α ′ → X α.<br />

Notice that Y α is contained in both M α and M α,andthemapY ′ α → X α has<br />

been extended to M α → X α+1 and to M α ′ → X α.<br />

For each n


Hence<br />

∂(h α,n (1 − g)<br />

n∑<br />

f −1,i )=h α,n (1 − g)(x −1,0 +<br />

i=0<br />

n∑<br />

(y 0,i − y −1,i )).<br />

We can view ψ α as an additive map Z[EM α ] → A, and apply it to the <strong>for</strong>egoing<br />

equation, to get<br />

φ α (h α,n (1 − g)<br />

n∑<br />

f −1,i )<br />

i=0<br />

=ψ α (h α,n (1 − g)(x −1,0 +<br />

i=0<br />

n∑<br />

(y 0,i − y −1,i ))).<br />

Notice that h α,n G λα,n ∩ G λα,n = ∅.<br />

Since h α,n ,h α,n g ∉ G λ<br />

′<br />

α,i<br />

,<strong>for</strong>0≤ i ≤ n, weseeφ α (h α,n (1 − g) n ∑<br />

Also, h α,n ,h α,n g/∈ G µ ,soψ α (h α,n (1 − g)y −1,i )=0.<br />

Also, h α,n ,h α,n g/∈ G κ ,soψ α (h α,n (1 − g)x −1,0 )=0.<br />

∑<br />

It follows that ψ α (h α,n (1 − g) n y 0,i )=0.<br />

i=0<br />

∑<br />

But h α,n ,h α,n g/∈ G ν ,so(ψ α − ξ)(h α,n (1 − g) n y 0,i )=0. Hence<br />

ξ(<br />

i=0<br />

i=0<br />

n∑<br />

h α,n (1 − g)y 0,i )=0.<br />

i=0<br />

i=0<br />

f −1,i )=0.<br />

Now ξ(h α,n y 0,n ) = −φ(p), and ξ vanishes on all other summands because<br />

h α,n G 0 ∩ G λα,i +1 = ∅ <strong>for</strong> 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, and gy 0,n ≠ y 0,n . Hence φ(p) =0,<br />

which is a contradiction.<br />

Since |P| = ℵ 1 , we have an embedding <strong>of</strong> A ℵ 1<br />

in H 2 (G, AG). □<br />

6. Cohomology <strong>of</strong> directed unions<br />

In this section, we recall some known results about cohomology <strong>for</strong> well-ordered<br />

directed unions, with special emphasis on abelian <strong>groups</strong>.<br />

6.1 Notation. We let (P(G),∂) denote the bar resolution <strong>for</strong> G, andletP n (G)<br />

denote its nth component, <strong>for</strong> each n ∈ Z. Thus(P(G),∂)isafreeZG-resolution <strong>of</strong><br />

Z, and, <strong>for</strong> n ≥ 0, P n (G) has as Z-basis the Cartesian power G n+1 ,withG acting<br />

by left multiplication on the first coordinate, and, <strong>for</strong> n ≥ 1,<br />

∂ n (g 0 ,... ,g n ):=<br />

n−1<br />

∑<br />

(−1) i (g 0 ,... ,g i−1 ,g i g i+1 ,g i+2 ,... ,g n )+(−1) n (g 0 ,... ,g n−1 ).<br />

i=0<br />

As usual, if n ≤−1, P n (G) = 0, and, if n ≤ 0, ∂ n =0.<br />

The following is a degenerate case <strong>of</strong> the cohomology spectral sequence <strong>for</strong><br />

well-ordered directed unions; see, <strong>for</strong> example [13, Section 3].<br />


6.2 Lemma (Robinson [13, Proposition 1]). Let n ∈ N, letM be a ZG-module,<br />

let β be a limit ordinal, and let (G α | α ≤ β) be a continuous chain <strong>of</strong> sub<strong>groups</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

G. IfH n−1 (G α ,M)=0<strong>for</strong> all α


≠ 6.4 Theorem (Holt [6]). If G is <strong>locally</strong> <strong>finite</strong>, and ℵ-rank(G) 0, then<br />

H 1 (G, AG) =0.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. By (1.3), we may assume that ℵ-rank(G) ≥ 1, and we proceed by induction<br />

on ℵ-rank(G). If ℵ-rank(G) = 1, the assertion holds by Theorem 5.3. Thus we may<br />

assume that ℵ-rank(G) ≥ 2 and the result holds <strong>for</strong> smaller <strong>groups</strong>. There exists<br />

an ordinal β and a continuous chain (G α | α ≤ β) <strong>of</strong> sub<strong>groups</strong> <strong>of</strong> G with G β = G,<br />

and 1 ≤ℵ-rank(G α ) < ℵ-rank(G) <strong>for</strong> all α


6.8 Theorem. Let G be an abelian group, λ an ordinal, and ∆ a G-set with<br />

stabilizers <strong>of</strong> ℵ-rank strictly less than λ.<br />

(1) For each n ∈ N, ifℵ-rank(G) ≥ λ + n then H n (G, A∆) = 0.<br />

(2) If ℵ-rank(G) ≥ λ + ω 0 then H ∗ (G, A∆) = 0.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. (1). We argue by induction on n.<br />

If n =0,thenallG-stabilizers <strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> ∆ have in<strong>finite</strong> index in G, so∆<br />

has no <strong>finite</strong> G-orbits. Thus (A∆) G =0,thatis,H 0 (G, A∆) = 0.<br />

Now suppose that n ≥ 1, and that the result holds <strong>for</strong> smaller n. Let β denote<br />

the least ordinal <strong>of</strong> cardinality rank(G), so β is a limit ordinal. Moreover, there<br />

exists a continuous chain <strong>of</strong> sub<strong>groups</strong> (G α | α ≤ β) such that G β = G, and, <strong>for</strong><br />

each α


7. Cardinals, free abelian <strong>groups</strong>, and H F<br />

We now recall the hierarchies introduced in [9]; see [10] <strong>for</strong> more details.<br />

7.1 Notation. Let X denote a class <strong>of</strong> <strong>groups</strong>.<br />

All the classes <strong>of</strong> <strong>groups</strong> that we consider are closed under isomorphism, <strong>for</strong><br />

example, the class F <strong>of</strong> all <strong>finite</strong> <strong>groups</strong>.<br />

We let L X denote the class <strong>of</strong> <strong>groups</strong> whose <strong>finite</strong>ly generated sub<strong>groups</strong> all lie<br />

in X. For example, if X contains all <strong>finite</strong>ly generated abelian <strong>groups</strong>, then L X<br />

contains all abelian <strong>groups</strong>.<br />

We let H1 X denote the class <strong>of</strong> all <strong>groups</strong> G <strong>for</strong> which there exists a <strong>finite</strong>-dimensional<br />

contractible G-complex with all stabilizers lying in X. For example, H1 F<br />

contains all <strong>finite</strong>ly generated abelian <strong>groups</strong>, since, if G is <strong>finite</strong>ly generated and<br />

abelian, then G has a <strong>finite</strong> subgroup N such that G/N is isomorphic to Z n <strong>for</strong><br />

some n ∈ N, and thus G/N acts freely on R n preserving a CW-structure.<br />

If H1 X = X, thenX is said to be H1-closed.<br />

We let H X denote the smallest H1-closed class <strong>of</strong> <strong>groups</strong> which contains X. This<br />

class has a hierarchy indexed by the ordinals, where <strong>for</strong> each ordinal β, we define<br />

Hβ X recursively, by setting<br />

H0 X :=X,<br />

Hβ X :=H1 Hβ−1 X if β is a successor ordinal,<br />

Hβ X := ⋃<br />

Hα X if β is a limit ordinal. □<br />



7.3 Lemma. Let n ∈ N, letR be a ring, let<br />

0 → M n → M n−1 →···→M 1 → M 0 → M −1 → 0<br />

be an exact sequence <strong>of</strong> R-modules, and let L be an R-module.<br />

Suppose that Ext i R(L, M i )=0<strong>for</strong> i =0,... ,n.ThenExt 0 R(L, M −1 )=0.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. Clearly the result holds <strong>for</strong> n = 0. Thus we may assume that n ≥ 1, and<br />

that the result holds with n − 1inplace<strong>of</strong>n.<br />

Let M ′ n−1 denote the cokernel <strong>of</strong> the map M n → M n−1 ,sowehaveexactsequences<br />

(7.4)<br />

(7.5)<br />

0 → M n → M n−1 →M n−1 ′ → 0<br />

0 →M n−1 ′ → M n−2 →···→M 0 → M −1 → 0<br />

Now (7.4) gives rise to a long exact sequence which contains the segment<br />

Ext n−1<br />

R<br />

(L, M n−1) → Ext n−1<br />

R<br />

(L, M n−1 ′ ) → Extn R (L, M n).<br />

Here the outer terms are zero, by hypothesis, so the inner term is zero. The<br />

induction hypothesis can now be applied to (7.5), and we see that Ext 0 R (L, M −1) =<br />

0.<br />

The result follows. □<br />

We record the contrapositive <strong>of</strong> the case where R = ZG, andM −1 = L = Z with<br />

trivial G-action.<br />

7.6 Corollary. If n ∈ N, and<br />

0 → M n → M n−1 →···→M 1 → M 0 → Z → 0<br />

is an exact sequence <strong>of</strong> ZG-modules, then there exists i such that 0 ≤ i ≤ n and<br />

H i (G, M i ) ≠0. □<br />

7.7 Proposition. If X is a class <strong>of</strong> <strong>groups</strong>, and H ∗ (G, Z∆) = 0 <strong>for</strong> every G-set ∆<br />

<strong>for</strong> which all stabilizers lie in X, thenG ∉ H1 X.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. Suppose that G ∈ H1 X, so there exists a <strong>finite</strong>-dimensional, contractible<br />

CW-complex X on which G acts with all stabilizers lying in X. Let n denote the<br />

dimension <strong>of</strong> X. The augmented cellular chain complex <strong>of</strong> X,<br />

0 → C n (X) → C n−1 (X) →···→C 1 (X) → C 0 (X) → Z → 0,<br />

is an exact sequence <strong>of</strong> ZG-modules, so, by Corollary 7.6, there exists i such that<br />

0 ≤ i ≤ n and H i (G, C i (X)) ≠0. ThusH ∗ (G, C i (X)) ≠0. Butwecanwrite<br />

C i (X) =Z∆, where ∆ is the set <strong>of</strong> i-dimensional open cells <strong>of</strong> X, soisaG-set with<br />

all stabilizers in X. This contradicts the hypothesis. □<br />

Combining Theorem 6.8(2) and Proposition 7.7, we get the following.<br />

7.8 Corollary. Let X be a class <strong>of</strong> <strong>groups</strong> and λ be an ordinal. Suppose that G is<br />

an abelian group in H1 X such that every subgroup <strong>of</strong> G which lies in X has ℵ-rank<br />

strictly less than λ. Thenℵ-rank(G)


7.9 Theorem. If β is any ordinal, then every abelian group in Hβ F has ℵ-rank<br />

strictly less than ω 0 β.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. We argue by induction on β.<br />

The result holds <strong>for</strong> β = 0 by definition <strong>of</strong> F.<br />

Thus we may assume that β>0, and that the result holds <strong>for</strong> smaller ordinals.<br />

Considerthecasewhereβ is a limit ordinal. Here, each abelian group in Hβ F<br />

lies in Hα F <strong>for</strong> some α


7.11 Remark. Theorem 7.10 gives an interesting new pro<strong>of</strong> that<br />

H0 F ≠ H1 F ≠ H2 F ≠ H3 F.<br />

□<br />

7.12 Conjecture. A ℵω0 +1 ∉ H 3 F; equivalently,A ℵω0 +1 ∉ H F. □<br />

7.13 Conjecture. H3 F ≠ H F. □<br />

7.14 Conjecture. There exists an ordinal α such that Hα F = H F. □<br />

Acknowledgments. W. Dicks was partially supported by the DGES and the DGI<br />

through grants PB96-1152 and BFM2000-0354, respectively. I. Leary was partially<br />

supported by the EPSRC. S. Thomas was partially supported by NSF grants.<br />

I. Leary and P. Kropholler thank the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Institut d’Estudis Catalans <strong>for</strong> the hospitality they received, and S. Thomas thanks<br />

the Departament de Matemàtiques <strong>of</strong> the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona <strong>for</strong><br />

its hospitality.<br />

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E-mail address: dicks@mat.uab.es<br />




E-mail address: P.H.Kropholler@qmw.ac.uk<br />


½Â¸ ÍÒØ ÃÒÓÑ<br />

E-mail address: I.J.Leary@maths.soton.ac.uk<br />

ÔÖØÑÒØ Ó ÅØÑØ׸ ÊÙØÖ× ÍÒÚÖ×Øݸ ÆÛ ÖÙÒ×Û¸ ƺ º ¼¼¿¸<br />

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E-mail address: sthomas@math.rutgers.edu

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