Kirchhoff's Laws

Kirchhoff's Laws

Kirchhoff's Laws


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PHYS 1112L/2212L<br />

Kirchhoff’s <strong>Laws</strong><br />

Objective<br />

To practice setting up and measuring complex circuits and to practice solving<br />

circuits using Kirchhoff’s <strong>Laws</strong>.<br />

Theory in a Nutshell<br />

Sometimes you may be faced with complex circuits with multiple loops and<br />

numerous junctions. In order to find the current in various parts of the circuit, you<br />

can use Kirchhoff’s <strong>Laws</strong>, which can be stated simply this way:<br />

• The amount of current coming into a junction equals the amount of current<br />

going out of it. That is, there are no sources or sinks of current; it does not<br />

magically appear or disappear.<br />

• In going around a closed loop of a circuit, the sum of voltage changes must<br />

equal zero. That is, if you gain any voltage going across some component in a<br />

circuit, that must be offset by an equal loss somewhere else in the loop.<br />

Let us consider an example of how to apply these rules. See the circuit below.<br />

You have a DC power supply and a parallel combination of resistors R 1 and R 2 ,<br />

with currents through them equal to I 1 and I 2 , respectively. Total current I comes<br />

out of the power supply on the left and flows clockwise until it reaches the<br />

junction at the top of the circuit. We can visualize this circuit as follows:<br />

The total current I comes in from the left and splits into two branches, I 1 and I 2 .<br />

Kirchhoff’s junction rule tells us that I = I 1 + I 2 . You can draw the currents in<br />

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either direction. Be bold! The worst that can happen (assuming you do your<br />

calculations correctly) is that you will get a negative number for your current.<br />

That just means it goes opposite the direction you drew it. Take a deep breath,<br />

decide which direction each current must go, and write your equations for each<br />

junction.<br />

Now consider the closed loop consisting of the power supply and R 1 . We can<br />

think of it this way:<br />

Remember this is just one loop of the circuit. We drew the current going<br />

clockwise. Start at the lower left corner (you can start anywhere, but lower left<br />

seems like a convenient place to start).<br />

We cross the power supply from negative to positive (remember the longer line<br />

denotes the positive side of the DC supply). That means we add voltage in the<br />

amount the power supply is putting out. So we have +V. Now we continue on<br />

around the circuit, going through only wire until we reach R 1 . While we are just<br />

going through wire, these are ideal wires, so there is no resistance and no loss of<br />

voltage. So now we get to R 1 . Since we are going in the direction of the current,<br />

there is a voltage drop across the resistor, given by Ohm’s law as the product of<br />

the current and the resistance. So we have –I 1 R 1 for the change in voltage.<br />

Now we are at the bottom of the loop and there is just more wire back to the<br />

starting place, so no gain or loss of voltage. We can write Kirchhoff’s loop rule<br />

for this loop as follows: +V – I 1 R 1 = 0.<br />

If we went the other way around the circuit, the signs would change. If we went<br />

from positive to negative across the DC supply, the voltage change would be –V.<br />

If we went across the resistor opposite to the direction of the current, the voltage<br />

change would be +I 1 R 1 . In either case, you wind up with V = I 1 R 1 . You can<br />

repeat this process for the outside loop of the circuit.<br />

When solving these circuits, decide which direction you believe the currents go,<br />

and draw them. Then write the equation for each junction, where the current<br />

coming in equals the current coming out. Then look at each loop and write an<br />

equation for the loop rule. That should give you enough equations to solve even<br />

the most complex circuit. And of course, be careful with your algebra.<br />

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Worked Example (review thoroughly before coming to lab)<br />

Let’s work an example with numbers. Consider the circuit below. The emf is 6<br />

volts. R 1 = 100 ohms, and R 2 = R 3 = 50 ohms. What is the current through each<br />

resistor<br />

We notice that the current that flows through the emf (let’s call it I 1 ) flows around<br />

to the junction at a, and then splits into two parts (call them I 2 and I 3 ). They flow<br />

down through their respective resistors and then rejoin at junction b. The<br />

combined current (I 1 ) flows through R 1 and then back through the emf.<br />

From the junction rule, you can write I 1 = I 2 + I 3 . That’s one equation. We need<br />

two more.<br />

Consider the loop that runs through the emf, around through a, down through R 2 ,<br />

through b, then through R 1 . The sum of voltage gains and drops must equal zero.<br />

If we begin at the lower left corner of the circuit, and work clockwise, first we<br />

pass through the emf from negative to positive. This adds 6 V. Then we move<br />

along until we get to R 2 . We drew the current I 2 going down, so the voltage will<br />

drop by an amount equal to I 2 R 2 . Now we move through R 1 , and again, since we<br />

drew the current going to the left, the voltage will drop by I 1 R 1 . So the equation<br />

reads:<br />

+6 V – I 2 R 2 – I 1 R 1 = 0<br />

That’s two equations. We need one more.<br />

Consider the loop that runs through the emf, around through a, down through R 3 ,<br />

through b, then through R 1 . The sum of voltage gains and drops must equal zero.<br />

If we begin at the lower left corner of the circuit, and work clockwise, first we<br />

pass through the emf from negative to positive. This adds 6 V. Then we move<br />

along until we get to R 3 . We drew the current I 3 going down, so the voltage will<br />

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drop by an amount equal to I 3 R 3 . Now we move through R 1 , and again, since we<br />

drew the current going to the left, the voltage will drop by I 1 R 1 . So the equation<br />

reads:<br />

+6 V – I 3 R 3 – I 1 R 1 = 0<br />

That’s three equations in three unknowns. You can solve it any way that makes<br />

sense to you, but here’s one way. Subtract the two loop equations.<br />

+6 V – I 2 R 2 – I 1 R 1 = 0<br />

+6 V – I 3 R 3 – I 1 R 1 = 0<br />

0 V - I 2 R 2 – (-I 3 R 3 ) – I 1 R 1 – (-I 1 R 1 ) = 0<br />

-I 2 R 2 + I 3 R 3 = 0 so I 2 R 2 = I 3 R 3<br />

Now, since in this case, R 2 = R 3 , you can also say that I 2 = I 3 .<br />

Back to the junction rule, I 1 = I 2 + I 3 . Since I 2 = I 3 , then I 1 = 2I 2 .<br />

Go back to the first loop equation and rewrite in terms of I 2 .<br />

+6 V – I 2 R 2 – 2I 2 R 1 = 0<br />

Substitute in the values of R 1 and R 2 that you were given in the problem.<br />

+6 – I 2 (50) – 2I 2 (100) = 0<br />

Simplify: +6 – 50I 2 – 200I 2 = +6 – 250I 2 = 0<br />

+6 = 250I 2 I 2 = 6/250, or 0.024 amp = I 3<br />

I 1 = 2I 2 = 0.048 amp<br />

Are those correct How would we check One way is to review the circuit. With<br />

your extensive knowledge of series and parallel circuits, you could calculate the<br />

net resistance in the circuit. 100 ohms in series with a parallel combination of two<br />

50 ohms equals 100 plus 1/(1/50 + 1/50) = 100 + 25 = 125Ω. So the current<br />

flowing through the emf = I 1 = 6V/125Ω = 0.048A. And since R 2 = R 3 , then I 2 =<br />

I 3 , so each must be one-half of 0.048, or 0.024. Bingo.<br />

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You should attempt to solve each of the circuits below before coming to lab class.<br />

Follow the same general procedure:<br />

• Identify all junctions.<br />

• Label all emfs, resistors, and currents. Use subscripts wisely to keep<br />

everything straight.<br />

• Decide and draw how you think the current will flow in each part of the<br />

circuit.<br />

• Write the junction rule equation for each junction.<br />

• Write the loop rule equation for each loop.<br />

• Do the best algebra you have ever done in your life.<br />

Equipment<br />

Power supplies<br />

Resistors<br />

Multimeters<br />

Wires, clips, etc.<br />

Procedure<br />

In this lab you will do three circuits. In each case, before you set up the circuit,<br />

calculate the current in each loop using Kirchhoff’s <strong>Laws</strong> (this is sometimes called<br />

solving the circuit). Then set up the circuit and measure each current. If you get a<br />

substantial difference, you have an issue either with your calculations or with your<br />

circuit; work at it until you resolve the issue. Show all work to receive credit for<br />

this lab. Note whether currents are positive or negative, and explain why.<br />

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Circuit #1 – one emf<br />

R 1 = 2000 Ω<br />

R 2 = R 4 = 1000 Ω<br />

R 3 = 1500 Ω<br />

Once you have solved the circuit, set it up and measure the current in each loop.<br />

Calculate percent errors for your measured values.<br />

Circuit #2 – two emfs<br />

R 1 = 1000 Ω<br />

R 2 = 2000 Ω<br />

R 3 = 3000 Ω<br />

Once you have solved the circuit, set it up and measure the current in each loop.<br />

Pay particular attention to positive and negative values, and explain each.<br />

Calculate percent errors for your measured values.<br />

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Circuit #3 = three emfs<br />

ε 1 = 8 V<br />

ε 2 = ε 3 = 4 V<br />

R 1 = 1000 Ω<br />

R 2 = 2000 Ω<br />

R 3 = 6000 Ω<br />

Once you have solved the circuit, set it up and measure the current in each loop.<br />

Pay particular attention to positive and negative values, and explain each.<br />

Calculate percent errors for your measured values.<br />

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Questions<br />

1. Kirchhoff’s laws – the loop rule and the junction rule – are each based on a<br />

fundamental conservation principle in physics. For each rule, explain in your own<br />

words what conservation principle is involved and how it leads logically to the<br />

rule.<br />

2. Are your measured currents generally larger or smaller than the theoretical<br />

values you calculated<br />

3. We have done this lab assuming negligible resistance for these three things:<br />

• The power supply<br />

• The ammeter<br />

• The wires<br />

If any or all of these have non-negligible resistance, explain qualitatively<br />

how that might affect your measured currents. Would each of these make<br />

the current larger, or smaller<br />

4. Extra credit: find a documented estimate (such as from the manufacturer)<br />

for the resistances of the three components listed above, and show quantitatively<br />

how large an error, if any, such resistances would cause in your results. Your<br />

instructor will provide you the information on where the components are<br />

purchased if you need that. Show all work.<br />

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