course syllabus - Faculty & Staff, Georgia Perimeter College

course syllabus - Faculty & Staff, Georgia Perimeter College

course syllabus - Faculty & Staff, Georgia Perimeter College


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Introduction to General Psychology Syllabus - Psychology 1101<br />



Tina Stern, Ph.D.<br />

Phone: campus office (770) 274-5426<br />

Office: Dunwoody Campus, E2216<br />

Office Hours: See Daily Course Schedule<br />

Email address: tina.stern@gpc.edu<br />

Web address: http://facstaff.gpc.edu/~tstern/<br />


The Daily Course Schedule shows the exact dates that we will discuss particular topics and it includes my office hours for this<br />

semester. It also indicates all due dates and deadlines for the semester. This is posted as a separate document in i<strong>College</strong>.<br />



Welcome to Principles of Psychology. This <strong>course</strong> provides an overview of the major areas in the field of psychology. As a<br />

survey <strong>course</strong>, we will cover a variety of areas within the field. The following areas will be emphasized: major theoretical<br />

perspectives in psychology, scientific methods and ethical considerations in psychological research, the organization of the<br />

human brain, nervous system, neurons and the biological bases of behavior, principles of learning including operant and<br />

classical conditioning, motivation, development in infancy and childhood, theories of memory, major theories of personality<br />

development, social psychological factors that affect behavior, and psychological disorders. Upon completion of this <strong>course</strong>,<br />

students should be able to understand theories, terminology, principles, processes and methods in all of the above areas.<br />

REQUIRED TEXT AND SUPPLEMENT Please bring the text to class every class session<br />

1. Experience Psychology, 2 nd edition, 2013, by Laura King –ONLY this text can be used for this <strong>course</strong><br />

2. Connect – publisher’s online study system; this requires an access code. This is required; 20% of your grade is based<br />

on performance on Connect activities.<br />

3. Purchasing options for the text book and Connect:<br />

a. GPC bookstore<br />

i. The GPC bookstore has as a special reduced rate package of a loose-leaf copy of the text packaged<br />

with the Connect-plus access code. This package is only available through GPC bookstores. At a GPC<br />

bookstore, the ISBN number for the GPC package is 9781259112072.<br />

b. Text from sources other than GPC online bookstore – the loose leaf version is not available elsewhere<br />

i. The bound soft-cover text book - ISBN # is 9780078035340 (this does not include a Connect access<br />

code).<br />



1. If you are buying Connect separately, there are 2 versions of Connect. Connect Plus<br />

costs almost what a text book costs and that is because it contains the ebook of the<br />

text. If you already have the text book, then you only need to buy Connect (NOT<br />

Connect Plus).<br />

2. You can buy a Connect passcode online and get an access code for Connect immediately<br />

3. You can also get a 21 day free trial period of the text AND Connect immediately<br />

4. To purchase the passcode online or to begin the 21 day free trial follow these steps:<br />

a. Go to the student sign in page: http://connect.customer.mcgrawhill.com/student-start<br />

b. Once there, you will be provided with three user options:<br />


i. 1) Sign In (register with code)<br />

ii. 2) Purchase Access (buy code online – with or without ebook option is<br />

available)<br />

iii. 3) Start Free Trial (instant access to <strong>course</strong> work and material for a FREE<br />

21 day trial)<br />



Therefore there is no reason that you cannot begin reading and completing Connect assignments immediately!!<br />

Please be sure to have your text book by the second week of classes and bring it to every class<br />


• i<strong>College</strong>: All the material for this <strong>course</strong> is on i<strong>College</strong>. Check the i<strong>College</strong> <strong>course</strong> at least 2 times per week as I may<br />

place announcements in i<strong>College</strong>. I have also placed a variety of student study aids on the i<strong>College</strong> section of this<br />

<strong>course</strong>. It is important for you to monitor this section in i<strong>College</strong>.<br />

• My web page: You will also find a variety of support materials on my web page at http://facstaff.gpc.edu/~tstern/<br />

• E mail communications: I will respond to all email communications you send to me. If you do NOT receive a<br />

response from me, that means I did not receive your communication, and it is your responsibility to follow-up.<br />

Please communicate with me through i<strong>College</strong> email. You may also use GPC email, but I prefer i<strong>College</strong> email. If<br />

you use GPC email, please identify yourself and the <strong>course</strong> number in the subject line or I may delete it by mistake.<br />

• Submitting papers by email: To submit papers to me by email, you must get my permission and instructions. If you<br />

submit something via email without my permission, I may not accept it. Further, if you receive permission to submit<br />

work by email, you must receive a confirmation from me to insure that I received it and that I can open it. If you do<br />

not, then it is not guaranteed that I received the paper and you should follow-up. Also, if you do submit work by<br />

email, you must still submit a hard copy of your work to me at the next class.<br />



a. We will be reading nine, non-consecutive chapters in your textbook. Please note we are covering chapters<br />

1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, so be sure not to go automatically from chapter 2 to chapter 3 since we are not<br />

covering all the chapters in the book.<br />

b. Specific assignments and their due dates are in the Daily Course Schedule. Please print that out.<br />

c. Since the class will be discussing the material from the textbook, it is important that you have read the assigned<br />

material before the class discussion so you can be an active participant. For this reason all reading due dates<br />

occur before that topic is discussed in class. To encourage students to read the chapter BEFORE we discuss it in<br />

class, you will be permitted to hand in ONE, single 5 X 8, hand written (NOT typed or xeroxed) note card AT THE<br />

BEGINNING OF CLASS THE DAY THE CHAPTER IS DUE and the note card will be returned to you to use while<br />

you are taking the test on that material. No credit will be assigned for the note cards. I will NOT accept ANY<br />

cards after class begins the day the chapter reading is due (even if you were absent), though you are free to<br />

turn them in ahead of time. If you arrive late, even 5 minutes late, and I have collected the note cards, I will not<br />

accept your note card. The purpose of the note card is to encourage students to read the chapter before the<br />

class discussion and lecture and to arrive on time.<br />

2. CONNECT/LEARN SMART QUIZZES – 20% of your grade<br />

a. The text book publisher has a wonderful online program called Connect. For each chapter you are required<br />

to take a quiz available through this software, for a total of 9 quizzes. The quizzes are personalized; that is,<br />

the questions you will be asked will be based on the questions that you miss and get right. The quiz will be<br />

geared to help you address the things you do not understand. You should keep answering the questions<br />

until you get them all right. The only way to get full credit for a quiz is to answer all questions correctly<br />

regardless of how many attempts it takes to do this. You may take the quiz as often as you like and spend as<br />

much time as you need to on the quizzes. Your score on the quizzes is the number of questions you<br />


complete correctly. Your quiz average is worth 20% OF YOUR GRADE!! Please see the Daily Course Schedule<br />

for the due dates of the nine quizzes. You will need a pass code to use Connect which comes with the GPC<br />

bookstore version of the text or can be purchased separately (see above).<br />

3. TESTS – 45% of your grade<br />

a. There will be four tests covering 2 to 3 chapters each. Test dates are in the attached <strong>course</strong> outline. Tests will<br />

consist of 50 multiple choice questions. Each test is worth 15% of your grade.<br />

b. MAKE-UP EXAMS - I do not give make up exams, either before or after a regularly scheduled test date. If you<br />

should happen to have a problem or emergency on a test day, you may drop one of the 4 tests. Please do not<br />

request a make-up test since the purpose of allowing you to drop a test is to allow you to skip one in case you<br />

are unable to take it.<br />

c. The three remaining tests will be worth a total of 45 per cent of your final grade.<br />


i. There are learning objectives for each chapter in i<strong>College</strong> under the Learning Modules folder. The<br />

learning objectives are study guides for your tests. If information is on the learning objectives, it may be<br />

on the test even if it was not dicussed in class. Information not on the learning objectives won't be on<br />

the test.<br />

ii. Remember, if you have handed in your chapter note card on time you may use it while taking your test.<br />

I strongly suggest you take notes based on the learning objectives for that chapter.<br />

iii. Be sure to check out the i<strong>College</strong> Learning Modules folder for other study materials.<br />

iv. At http://www.learner.org/resources/series138.html you will find videos (on demand) that correspond<br />

to the topics we cover in class. These videos can provide supplemental information or simply allow you<br />

to hear about our topics from another source. Students have found them very useful. Once on the<br />

website you must establish a log in and password, but there is no charge for doing so.<br />

e. TEST DATES<br />

i. All test dates, including the date and time for the final exam, are listed on the daily <strong>course</strong> outline<br />

4. FINAL – 15% of your grade<br />

a. There will be a cumulative final exam held during exam period. The final will consist of 100-125 multiple-choice<br />

questions, 10-15 from each chapter. The final may NOT be selected as a test grade to drop. The final exam will<br />

be worth 15% of your <strong>course</strong> grade. A study guide for the final will be in i<strong>College</strong> prior to the final.<br />


b. LATE ARRIVALS: Students who arrive more than 15 minutes after a test has been distributed will not be<br />

permitted to take the test (unless there is a documented emergency).<br />

c. LEAVING THE ROOM DURING A TEST: Students may NOT leave the room during a test so please address any<br />

needs you have prior to entering the room to take the test.<br />

d. SCANTRON POLICY: Students must bring their own #2 pencils and GREEN Scantron sheets to all tests and the<br />

final. I will NOT have any extra Scantrons or pencils with me, so BE SURE to bring your own.<br />

e. MAKE-UP POLICY FOR QUIZZES AND TESTS AND LATE PAPER POLICY: NO make-up tests are given either<br />

before or after the designated test date. You are permitted to drop 1 test to accommodate for emergencies.<br />

Save your drop test for a true emergency as that is its purpose. Late papers lose 5 points per day including<br />

non-class days.<br />

5. CLASS PARTICIPATION – 5% of your grade<br />

a. There will be some form of class participation exercise in most classes except for days on which an exam is given.<br />

Class participation is worth 5% of your grade. If you are not present, you cannot participate. Points are awarded as<br />

follows: 0 –1 absence = 5 points, 2 absences = 4 points, 3 –4 absences = 3 points, 5 – 6 absences = 2 points, 7<br />

absences = 1 point, greater than 7 absences = 0 points. If you participate in class on a regular basis, AND if your<br />

contributions reflect that you have read and thought about the material you can earn 1 extra bonus point on your<br />

grade. I do NOT award the bonus point just for talking a lot, rather your verbal contributions in class MUST reflect<br />

preparation, effort, thought, and attempt to understand the material in the text book.<br />


6. WRITING ASSIGNMENT – 15% of your grade<br />

a. Writing activities will count for 15% of your <strong>course</strong> grade. You will not be required to write a research paper.<br />

Instead you will be writing one 3-5 page paper based on information in your text book or other sources. I will<br />

describe the writing activities in detail in class.<br />

b. Late papers - Five points will be deducted on each assignment for each day a written assignment is late; this<br />

includes weekends, holidays, and non-class days. If you chose to turn your paper in outside of class on a date<br />

other than the due date, there is a chance it could get lost.<br />

c. IN ADDITION to submitting your writing assignment to me in class, you MUST also submit it to TURNITIN. I will<br />

provide you with instructions for submitting material to turnitin.<br />

d. Papers must be submitted to me in class as a hard copy. I will only take papers by email under special<br />

circumstances and with my prior approval.<br />


3 tests = 45% 90-100 =A<br />

final = 15% 80-89 =B<br />

Connect quizzes = 20% 70-79 =C<br />

class participation = 5% 60-69 =D<br />

writing assignments = 15% Below 60 =F<br />

Total 100%<br />



Attendance Policy<br />

Students’ academic success is the major priority of the <strong>College</strong>. Because regular participation enhances the learning process,<br />

students are expected to adhere to the attendance policy set forth by the <strong>College</strong> and individual faculty members.<br />

Differences in content and teaching styles exist among <strong>course</strong>s, which can impact students’ learning. Therefore, students<br />

are strongly encouraged to attend all classes to better prepare them for assignments, tests, and other <strong>course</strong>-related<br />

activities. Students are accountable for assignments and material covered during an absence.<br />

Class participation is an important component of this class. It is worth 5% of your grade. If you are not present, you cannot<br />

participate, therefore class participation is directly linked to attendance. Points are awarded as follows: 0 –1 absence = 5<br />

points, 2 absences = 4 points, 3 –4 absences = 3 points, 5 – 6 absences = 2 points, 7 absences = 1 point, greater than 7<br />

absences = 0 points. If you participate regularly in class, AND if your contributions reflect that you have read and thought<br />

about the material you can earn 1 extra bonus point on your grade. It is the student's responsibility to keep track of how<br />

many absences they have had. If a student arrives after attendance has been taken, it is the student's responsibility to notify<br />

the instructor of their presence at the end of class. Arriving more than 1/2 hour late or leaving more than 1/2 hour early<br />

will be counted as an absence. Three late arrivals will count as an absence. Late arrivals and early departures are disruptive<br />

to me and to the class, and I strongly urge students to avoid arriving late and leaving early.<br />

Withdrawal Policy<br />

Except in the case of “no shows,” I WILL NOT and CANNOT withdraw you from this <strong>course</strong>. (A “now show” is a student<br />

who never attends class or logs in to an online class during the first week or two of the <strong>course</strong>. When students are<br />

reported as no-shows, the <strong>course</strong> is removed from their records, and any financial aid awarded on the basis of that<br />

<strong>course</strong> is returned to the lender or grantor. If you have attended the class even once or logged on to an online <strong>course</strong>,<br />

you will not be reported as a no show.) If you decide that you do not wish to continue in this <strong>course</strong>, it is your<br />

responsibility to withdraw yourself prior to the midpoint of the semester. (Exact dates for each term are posted on the<br />

GPC website under “Academic Calendar.”) Withdrawal is a formal procedss that requires you to sill out a withdrawal<br />

form and submit it to the registrar on one of our campuses. If you have Financial Aid, you may be required to repay all<br />

or part of the Financial Aid awarded to you. Therefore, a Financial Aid advisor must sign off on the withdrawal form.<br />

When you submit the form to the registrar, he or she will stamp the form with the date received and give one copy to<br />

you. You should KEEP this form in case there are ever questions as to whether you properly withdrew yourself from the<br />

<strong>course</strong>.<br />

If you are unable to come to one of our campuses to fill out and submit a withdrawal form, you may print one from<br />

online: http://www.gpc.edu/forms/withdrawal.pdf. Note that there is a second page with detailed information about<br />

the withdrawal process. If you are unable to submit your form in person, please contact the GPC Online office at 678-<br />

891-2805 for assistance in submi9tting your form. No matter how your form is submitted, it is your responsibility to<br />

ensure that it is received by <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Perimeter</strong> <strong>College</strong> no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the withdrawal deadline.<br />

Academic Honesty Statement<br />

Cheating is against <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Perimeter</strong> <strong>College</strong> policy. Cheating includes any attempt to defraud, deceive, or mislead the<br />

instructor in arriving at an honest grade assessment, and may include coptying answers from other students or using<br />

unauthorized notes during tests. Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating that involves presenting as one's own the ideas<br />

or work of another person, and may include using other people’s work as one’s own. Violations of the academic honesty<br />

policy will result in a ‘0’ for the assignment in question and may result in a failing grade for the <strong>course</strong> at the instructor’s<br />

discretion. The <strong>College</strong> Court may impose additional sanctions, including suspension, expulsion, or dismissal from the<br />

<strong>College</strong>. Students have the right to appeal a grade awarded on the basis of alleged cheating or plagiarism. See the Academic<br />

Honesty Policy in the Student Handbook for details and for a review of the appeals procedure.<br />


Americans with Disabilities Act Statement<br />

If you are a student who is defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act and requires assistance or support services,<br />

please seek assistance through the Center for Disability Services. A CDS counselor will coordinate those services.<br />

Statement of Non-Discrimination<br />

No person shall, on the basis of age, race, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin or disability, be<br />

excluded from participation in, or be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or<br />

activity of <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Perimeter</strong> <strong>College</strong>.<br />

Affirmative Action Statement<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Perimeter</strong> <strong>College</strong> adheres to affirmative action policies to promote diversity and equal opportunity for all faculty<br />

and students.<br />

MY EXPECTATIONS – The following classroom behaviors are very important to me! Read carefully!<br />

Please DO<br />

Arrive on time & stay for the entire class<br />

Turn off & put away cell phones, beepers, IPods, etc.<br />

Come to class & tests prepared- do assignments, bring all books,<br />

scantrons, pencils, paper, etc.<br />

Disagree with me & classmates respectfully<br />

Know all assignments, due dates, test dates, etc.<br />

Turn in all assignments in class when they are due<br />

Pay full attention to the class discussion – any use of technology<br />

MUST be related to the discussion<br />

Arrive on time with a pencil and scantron to all tests<br />

Please DO NOT<br />

Come late, leave early, or come & go during class<br />

Use of answer cell phones or listen to IPods<br />

Sleep in class!! Please stay home if you’re too tired<br />

Engage in private conversations<br />

Monopolize discussions-give everyone a chance<br />

Ask me to take a make-up test (either early or late)<br />

“Secretly” (or otherwise) use electronic devises<br />

during class<br />

Come late to tests or come without a pencil or<br />

scantron<br />



The following questions are intended to assist me in getting to know you better. I am interested in getting to know you<br />

because it is my belief that getting to know each other facilitates the teaching AND learning process. So while I would like<br />

you to answer all questions, it is not mandatory to do so. Please answer those question that you feel comfortable<br />

answering. Thank you.<br />

Name<br />

Address:<br />

Email address:<br />

Phone number where I have your permission to call you if I need to ____________________<br />

Are you employed yes no If yes, how many hours________<br />

Do you plan to complete you Associate’s Degree at GPC<br />

How many <strong>course</strong>s are you taking this quarter<br />

What are your goals for taking this <strong>course</strong> For example:<br />

you are considering being a psychology major<br />

Psychology interests you<br />

you need the hours<br />

other (specify)<br />

Have you declared a major If so, what is it ______________________<br />

If you know your career goals, please describe _____________________<br />

Are there specific things that interest you in the field of psychology What are you hoping we will talk about in this class<br />

How well do you expect to do in this class (circle one)<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

poor average excellent<br />

How confident do you feel about your ability to do well in college<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

very confident<br />

not at all confident<br />

If you have had learning difficulties in the past, please describe the problems you have experienced. For example<br />

concentration, comprehension, reading, self-discipline, motivation (you may use the back of this page if needed).<br />

I have read and understand the classroom policies and <strong>course</strong> outline for Psychology 1101 on the attached <strong>syllabus</strong>.<br />

Signed______________________<br />

Date_____________________<br />


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