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<strong>INFORMATIVE</strong> <strong>SPEECH</strong> <strong>WITH</strong> <strong>VISUAL</strong> <strong>AID</strong> <strong>ASSIGNMENT</strong> Ducharme<br />

SPEAKING <strong>ASSIGNMENT</strong>: Each speaker will present a five minute speech to inform, using<br />

at least one visual aid. Your purpose is to share information/material and to obtain audience<br />

comprehension and understanding. The speech may be:<br />

1. to inform the audience on a topic of your choice with the use of a visual aid, OR..<br />

2. to demonstrate a process, using visuals to show how to do or how to make something.<br />

TIME: Four to six minutes. Timing is part of prior organization. Remember to time carefully<br />

during rehearsals. Point deductions will be taken for speeches that do not adhere to the time<br />

requirements, maximum or minimum.<br />

NOTECARDS: Two 4" x 6" notecards (written on one side) may be used as speaker's notes.<br />

Your outline should consist of key words and phrases. Label your notecards and turn them in<br />

to the instructor immediately following your speech. Other than visual aids, no other materials<br />

are to be used during the speech.<br />

RESEARCH: Two research sources are required for this speech. These are in addition to<br />

your own knowledge and experience on the subject. These sources may be publications,<br />

electronic media, or interview sources. (You may use the research sources available in the<br />

Learning Resource Center). Write them up for the annotated bibliography.<br />

WRITTEN <strong>ASSIGNMENT</strong>: (25 points) A sentence outline with an annotated bibliography will<br />

be due on a specified date prior to the first speaking date. (See semester schedule for the<br />

specific date). Since the outline is an indication of prior organization of the speech, late<br />

outlines will not be accepted after your speech<br />

• Your complete Sentence Outline will consist of the following parts: Heading;<br />

Title (1 pt); Specific Speech Purpose (1 pt); Introduction in outline form (4 pts);<br />

Body in outline form - main points and two levels of sub-points (10 pts); and<br />

Conclusion in outline form (3 pts). {Include transition sentences within parentheses,<br />

and cite full research sources}. Use the sample outline handout as a guide.<br />

• The last page is the Annotated Bibliography - your research sources with<br />

paragraph summaries (6 pts). Plan on two to three pages for the entire assignment.<br />

Note: Points will be deducted for errors in format, spelling, sentence structure,<br />

grammar, and for omissions.<br />


• Content of speech - material and visual aid/s<br />

• Organization - Introduction, Body, Conclusion<br />

• Delivery of speech – posture, eye contact & use of notecards, projection, etc.<br />

• Timing - part of prior organization<br />

(See COMM 1201 Critique sheet for criteria)<br />

Suggestion: When preparing this assignment, carefully review the appropriate chapters in<br />

the textbook on informative speaking and visual aids, as well as the sample speech to inform.<br />

See also Guidelines for Written Work for details. Other materials will be available in class.

SUGGESTIONS FOR THE <strong>INFORMATIVE</strong> <strong>SPEECH</strong> <strong>ASSIGNMENT</strong><br />


Select your own subject, keeping in mind the purpose of the speech, the interests of the audience, and<br />

your own interests. A list of suggested topics will be available in class. Some possibilities might be:<br />

Special experience: Travel, a summer job, living in a foreign country, military experience, a pet.<br />

Hobbies and interests: An arts or craft project, yoga, scuba diving, karate, rock climbing, camping,<br />

cooking, fishing, violin, a collection. These often make interesting demonstration speeches.<br />

Subject that you are familiar with: This may involve a place, job, machine, project, organization, or<br />

special training that you have had<br />

Subject that you would like to know more about: Iridology, Tae kwon do, astrology, cryonics,<br />

karma, acupuncture, Buddhism, Loch Ness<br />

Life of an outstanding individual: For example, Joan of Arc, Mark Twain, Dr. Albert Schweitzer,<br />

Madame Curie, Dr. George Washington Carver<br />

Topic of health, social, political or cultural interest : Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, diet, a<br />

certain disease, Big Brothers, Coca Cola, chiropractic, voting, drinking water, the stock market.<br />

Topic of local, national, or international interest: MARTA, road rage, El Nino, foreign adoption<br />

Also: See text chapters for more suggestions and ideas.<br />


• Do not select a subject that is too broad for a 4 to 6 minute speech. For example, the<br />

supernatural or U.S. presidents would be too much to handle within the time limitations.<br />

• Narrow or limit your topic appropriately. Since you cannot tell everything about your subject,<br />

you will have to be selective in the material that you present.<br />

• Do not select a controversial subject for a speech to inform. You may likely end up convincing<br />

instead of informing. Consider reserving such a topic for your persuasive speech instead.<br />

• Approach ordinary subjects from a personal perspective. Perhaps you have helpful ideas<br />

about familiar topics such as moving, sororities, time management, job interviews, handling stress.<br />

• Organize your material in a logical sequence. This will make it easier for you to present and for<br />

the audience to follow you. Demonstration speeches should have visual aids to display for each<br />

essential step of the process. See your instructor for special guidelines for a demonstration speech.<br />

• Cite your sources completely. It is necessary to tell the sources that you researched for your<br />

information. This credits them properly, and enhances your credibility.<br />

• Rehearse carefully. If possible, record your speech and listen to or watch the tape. Present to it<br />

others for practice. Welcome constructive criticism and positive feedback.<br />

• Practice with the materials that you will actually use during your presentation. Using the visual<br />

aids and finished notecards will help you feel more comfortable. Know your materials well enough<br />

so that you become less dependent upon your notes. This will help you to improve both your eye<br />

contact and your sincere communication with the audience.<br />

• Time your speech carefully during rehearsal. Timing is part of prior planning & organization.<br />

Adjust according to the results.<br />

• Be confident! Remember that you most likely know more about this subject than your audience.<br />

Approach your presentation with the idea of sharing this information with us.<br />


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