Curriculum vitae Johan Eyckmans - HUBRUSSEL.net

Curriculum vitae Johan Eyckmans - HUBRUSSEL.net

Curriculum vitae Johan Eyckmans - HUBRUSSEL.net


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<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong><br />

<strong>Johan</strong> <strong>Eyckmans</strong><br />

(last update: February 2013)<br />

personal information<br />

name:<br />

<strong>Eyckmans</strong><br />

first names: <strong>Johan</strong>, Maria, Jozef<br />

sex:<br />

male<br />

nationality: Belgian<br />

date of birth: July 18, 1967<br />

place of birth: Mortsel (Belgium)<br />

civil status: married with Sara Ochelen on November 8, 1997<br />

children: Jef (June 1, 2000) and Aline (May 17, 2002)<br />

home address Weergalmlaan 2<br />

B - 3010 Kessel-Lo<br />

Belgium<br />

tel: + 32 16 35.31.53<br />

work address: Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel - HUB<br />

Center for Research on Economic Markets and their<br />

Environments CREME<br />

Warmoesberg 26<br />

B - 1000 Brussel,<br />

Belgium<br />

tel: + 32 2 609.82.59<br />

fax: + 32 2 217.64.64<br />

e-mail: johan.eyckmans@HUBrussel.be<br />

http://www.hubrussel.<strong>net</strong>/cedon/<strong>Johan</strong><strong>Eyckmans</strong><br />

University studies<br />

Kandidaat in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen,<br />

(Candidate in Applied Economic Sciences)<br />

Universitaire Faculteiten St.-Ignatius te Antwerpen (U.F.S.I.A.)<br />

Licentiaat in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen,<br />

(Licence in Applied Economic Sciences)<br />

Universitaire Faculteiten St.-Ignatius te Antwerpen (U.F.S.I.A.)<br />

Master of Arts in Economics,<br />

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven<br />

Doctor in de Economische Wetenschappen,<br />

(Ph.D. in economics), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven<br />

"On the incentives of nations to join international environmental agreements"

Current affiliation<br />

Professor at Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel HUB<br />

(hoogleraar aan de Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel HUB)<br />

[since September 2003]<br />

Associated professor (geassocieerd hoogleraar) at the Center for Economic Studies<br />

(C.E.S.) of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)<br />

[since March 2009]<br />

Teaching experience<br />

Regular teaching tasks<br />

­ Environmental Economics (milieu economie),<br />

HUB<br />

several introductory and advanced courses on environmental economics in<br />

different educational programs at master level<br />

­ Industrial Organization (industriële economie),<br />

HUB<br />

introductory course industrial organisation at bachelor level<br />

­ Micro Economics (micro economie),<br />

HUB<br />

undergraduate introductory course micro economics at bachelor level<br />

­ Managerial Economics,<br />

HUB, campus Dubai<br />

advanced micro economics within the course of managerial economics in<br />

the master program<br />

Invited teaching tasks<br />

­ Advanced environmental economics,<br />

CODE, Universtitat Autònoma de Barcelona,<br />

invited lecturer for 20 hours advanced graduate course on environmental<br />

economics for Ph.D. students<br />

­ Advanced environmental and transportation economics,<br />

KU Leuven, Department of Economics, Master of Science program<br />

replacing Prof. Dr. Stef Proost during his sabbatical leave<br />

­ Summer school “Game Theory and the Environment”,<br />

Lavagna (Italy), September 2002<br />

10 hours post graduate course on “Climate change: empirical models and<br />

simulation results”<br />

­ Inleiding tot de Economie,<br />

KU Leuven, campus Kortrijk, 1998 - 2004<br />

60 hours undergraduate introductory course general economics<br />

(microeconomics and macroeconomics) for first year law students<br />


Research interests<br />

economics of climate change, emissions trading, applications of game theory to the<br />

formation of international environmental agreements, economics of waste, resource<br />

economics, valuation of environmental externalities, cost benefit analysis, general<br />

equilibrium and integrated assessment modeling, evaluation of environmental<br />

policies, industrial organization and normative economic theory.<br />

Research projects<br />

01/10/1992-04/06/1997 Paul-Henri-Spaak Aspirant van het NFWO<br />

01/10/1998-30/09/2001 Postdoctoraat onderzoeker van het FWO-Vlaanderen<br />

01/10/2001-30/09/2004 Postdoctoraat onderzoeker van het FWO-Vlaanderen,<br />

eerste verlenging<br />

Coordinator (together with Prof. Dr. S. Proost) of the CLIMNEG 2, Climate<br />

Negotations, project<br />

financed by: Belgian Federal Science Office,<br />

Timing: 2001-2005,<br />

total budget: 215,000€ / year,<br />

partners:<br />

o Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centrum voor Economische Studiën,<br />

werkgroep Energy, Transport and Environment (Prof. Dr. S. Proost en<br />

Prof. Dr. J. <strong>Eyckmans</strong>)<br />

o Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and<br />

Econometrics (Prof. Dr. H. Tulkens, Prof. Dr. C. d’Aspremont and<br />

Prof. Dr. Thierry Bréchet)<br />

o Université catholique de Louvain, Institut d'Astronomie et de<br />

Geophysique Georges Lemaître (Prof. Dr. J.-P. van Ypersele)<br />

Subcontracting for Deloitte & Touche Management Solutions (main contractor)<br />

for the feasibility study Olympic Games 2016 in Flanders (“Haalbaarheidsstudie<br />

Olympische Spelen 2016 Vlaanderen”)<br />

financed by: Cabi<strong>net</strong> of the Flemish Minister-President, Mr. Bart Somers.<br />

timing: Februari 2004 – Juni 2004<br />

Evaluation of environmental subsidies in Flanders, (TWOL, Toegepast<br />

Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Leefmilieu, project 2003-00164: ontwikkeling van<br />

een coherent beleidskader voor de evaluatie van leefmilieugerelateerde financiele<br />

tegemoetkomingen (vooral subsidies) en toepassing van dit evaluatiekader op een<br />

aantal cases)<br />

Financed by:<br />

Ministry of the Flemish Community, AMINAL (Administratie<br />

Milieu, Natuur en Leefmilieu)<br />


timing: January 2005 – December 2005<br />

partners: EHSAL (main contractor) and Ecolas nv (subcontractor)<br />

Prospective study price and income elasticities of environmental goods and<br />

services in Flanders (“Verkennende studie naar prijs- en inkomenselasticiteiten<br />

van milieugerelateerde goederen en diensten in Vlaanderen”)<br />

Financed by: Flemish Environment Agency VMM (Vlaamse Milieu<br />

Maatschappij)<br />

timing: September 2005 – June 2006<br />

partners: Ecolas nv (main contractor), TMLeuven (subcontractor) and<br />

EHSAL (subcontractor)<br />

Partner in the CLIMNEG 3, Climate Negotiations, project<br />

financed by: Belgian Federal Science Office,<br />

Timing: 2005-2008,<br />

partners:<br />

o Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and<br />

Econometrics (Prof. Dr. Thierry Bréchet)<br />

o Université catholique de Louvain, Institut d'Astronomie et de<br />

Geophysique Georges Lemaître (Prof. Dr. J.-P. van Ypersele)<br />

o EHSAL, European University College Brussels, (Prof. Dr. J.<br />

<strong>Eyckmans</strong>)<br />

Coordinator of the ZWOP (Zwaartepuntonderzoeksprogramma) Duurzame<br />

Economie (Sustainable Economics)<br />

ZWOP Duurzame Economie is a research <strong>net</strong>work of the Associatie KU Leuven<br />

and gathers about 25 researchers in the field of environmental economics and<br />

sustainability of KU Leuven, EHSAL and VLEKHO.<br />

Timing: 2006-…<br />

Coordinator of AGORA project of the Belgian Federal Science Policy office for<br />

constructing a competition monitoring instrument for the Belgian Federal Ministry<br />

for Economic Affairs (Monitoring Markten en Sectoren MMS). Other partners<br />

from HUB (Stijn Kelchtermans and Stijn Vanormelingen) and KULeuven (Frank<br />

Verboven).<br />

Budget: 337,500 € in total of which 328,050 € for HUB to finance junior<br />

researchers (Daniel Neicy and Cherry Cheung) and subcontracting.<br />

Timing: 2009-2011<br />

Consultancy project “Second opinion on the business plan of the Closing the<br />

Circle project” for Group Machiels nv and REMO nv<br />

Partners: <strong>Johan</strong> <strong>Eyckmans</strong> (HUB) and Steven Van Passel (UHasselt)<br />

Partner in IOF-KP project SMART-PRO2 (Sustainable Materialization of Residues<br />

from Thermal Processes into Products) lead by Prof. Tom Van Gerven (KU<br />

Leuven-CIT).<br />

Budget: about 800,000 € in total of which about 200,000 to finance a PhD student<br />

(Maarten Dubois) under supervision of <strong>Johan</strong> <strong>Eyckmans</strong> (budget managed via KU<br />


Leuven – Industrieel Onderzoeksfonds IOF)<br />

Timing: 2009-2013<br />

Partner of National Bank of Belgium project Climate Change and Energy<br />

Perspectives,<br />

promoter prof. dr. Stef Proost (KU Leuven)<br />

partners: prof. dr. <strong>Johan</strong> <strong>Eyckmans</strong> and prof. dr. Guido Pepermans (HUBrussel)<br />

timing: 2009 - 2010<br />

Partner of National Bank of Belgium project Building a composite indicator to<br />

evaluate the functioning of markets in the Belgian economy,<br />

promoter prof. dr. Frank Verboven (KU Leuven)<br />

partners: prof. dr. Stijn Kelchtermans, prof. dr. <strong>Johan</strong> <strong>Eyckmans</strong>, prof. dr. Tom<br />

Van Puyenbroeck (HUBrussel)<br />

timing: April 2010 - September 2011<br />

Promoter (together with Prof. Dr. Sandra Rousseau) of PhD project (BOF<br />

KUBrussel) Complex interactions between firms and local communities: Impact<br />

on environmental valuation techniques<br />

Budget: about 200,000€ in total to finance a PhD student (Marieke Franck)<br />

Timing: 2010-2014<br />

Partner in TWOL (Toegepast Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek voor Leefmilieu)<br />

project on Tradable Certificates for Recycling financed by OVAM (Flemish waste<br />

and material agency)<br />

Promoter: VITO (Vlaams Instituut voor Technologische Ontwikkeling), Mol<br />

Timing: February 2012 – September 2012<br />

Partner in Steunpunt Duurzaam Materialenbeheer (policy support center<br />

Sustainable Management of Materials SuMMa)<br />

Promoter Prof. Karel Van Acker (KULeuven)<br />

Co-promoters HUB: <strong>Johan</strong> <strong>Eyckmans</strong> (RL 7) and Marc Craps (RL 9)<br />

Budget: about 2,500,000€ in total of which about 200,000€ for HUB to finance<br />

one PhD student with Marc Craps. <strong>Johan</strong> <strong>Eyckmans</strong> is co-promoter (together with<br />

Steven Van Passel, UHasselt) of another PhD project of which the budget is<br />

managed by UHasselt.<br />

timing: January 2012 – December 2015<br />

Expert input for project Leuven Klimaatneutraal 2030<br />

Promoters Prof. Peter Tom Jones en Han Vandevyvere (KU Leuven)<br />

timing: March 2012 – June 2013<br />

Partner in Industrieel Onderzoeksfonds IOF Kennisplatform (KU Leuven IOF-KP)<br />

Research Platform for the Advanced Recycling and Reuse of Rare Earths (RARE 3 )<br />

Budget: about 800,000 € in total of which about 200,000 to finance a PhD student<br />

for the economics and Life Cycle Analysis of recycling of rare earth elements.<br />


Promoter: Prof. Dr Koen Binnemans (KU Leuven, Chemistry Department)<br />

<strong>Johan</strong> <strong>Eyckmans</strong> is co-promotor of a PhD student (together with Prof. Dr Karel<br />

Van Acker, KU Leuven Engineering Department)<br />

Other relevant university experience<br />

Visiting research fellow at Université catholique de Louvain, Center for<br />

Operations Research and Econometrics, UcL-CORE (2002-2003)<br />

Fellow of the CESifo <strong>net</strong>work Munich, Germany<br />

(Climate Energy cluster lead by Prof. M. Hoel, University of Oslo)<br />

Fellow of the CREE, Centre for Research on Environmentally friendly Energy,<br />

Oslo, Norway<br />

Referee for Environmental and Resource Economics, Resource and Energy<br />

Economics, Environmental and Development Economics, Journal of Public<br />

Economics, Review for Economic Studies, European Economic Review, Journal of<br />

Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Spanish<br />

Economic Review, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,<br />

European Journal of Operations Research, Ecological Economics, Climate<br />

Policy, Journal of Public Economic Theory, International Environmental<br />

Agreements, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics,<br />

Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, International Tax and Public Finance,<br />

Tijdschrift Economie en Management<br />

Member of EAERE (European Association of Environmental and Resource<br />

Economists) and AERE (Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,<br />

USA)<br />

Former council member and auditor of the EAERE (European Association of<br />

Environmental and Resource Economists), 2004-2005.<br />

Vice Program Chair of the 14 th Annual EAERE Meeting (European Association of<br />

Environmental and Resource Economists), June 2005, Bremen.<br />

Member of scientific committee of the 9 th annual EAERE meeting (June 1999,<br />

Oslo), the 12 th annual EAERE meeting (June 2003, Bilbao), the 13 th annual<br />

EAERE meeting (June 2004, Budapest), the 14 th annual EAERE meeting<br />

(June 2005, Bremen), the 3 th World Conference AERE-EAERE meeting<br />

(July 2006, Kyoto), 15 th annual EAERE meeting (June 2007, Thessaloniki), 16 th<br />

annual EAERE meeting (June 2008, Gothenburg), 17 th annual EAERE meeting<br />

(June 2009, Amsterdam), the 5 th World Conference of Environmental and<br />

Resource Economists (June 2010, Montreal), 18 th annual EAERE meeting<br />

(June 2011, Rome), 19 th annual EAERE meeting (June 2012, Prague)<br />

Co-founder and organizer of BEED, the Belgian Environmental Economics Day.<br />

Project evaluator for:<br />

o European Commission, DG Research in the 6 th and 7 th Framework<br />

Program<br />


o NWO (Dutch national science council), Netherlands<br />

o SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation), Switzerland<br />

o ACRP (Austrian Climate Research Programme), Austria<br />

o Research Council KU Leuven<br />

o Research Council Economics HUBrussel<br />

o Industrial Research Fund IOF KU Leuven<br />

o Doctoral Jury of VITO (doctoraatsjury Vlaams Instituut voor<br />

Technologisch Onderzoek, Mol)<br />

Research stays abroad:<br />

o University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA,<br />

invited by Prof. C. Kolstad<br />

September 15, 1999 – November 10, 1999<br />

o Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei FEEM, Venice, Italy<br />

invited by Prof. C. Carraro<br />

April 2000<br />

o Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) at the Norwegian Academy of<br />

Science and Letters in Oslo, Norway,<br />

participation in the project “Environmental economics: policy<br />

instruments, technology development, and international cooperation”<br />

led by Prof: Dr: M. Hoel (University of Oslo),<br />

February 1, 2006 – May 1, 2006<br />

o Ragnar Frisch Center, Oslo, Norway,<br />

invited by Dr S. Kverndokk<br />

January 27, 2008 – Febuary 4, 2008<br />

o University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland<br />

invited by Prof. M. Finus<br />

May 11, 2008 – May 17, 2008<br />

o University of Exeter, UK,<br />

invited by Prof. M. Finus<br />

February 1, 2010 – February 5, 2010 & April 5 – April 11, 2011<br />

o Ragnar Frisch Center, Oslo, Norway<br />

invited by Dr S. Kverndokk<br />

September 18, 2011 – September 22, 2011<br />

o Grantham Institute for Climate Change,<br />

Imperial College & London School of Economics, London, UK<br />

invited by Prof. Samuel Fankhauser<br />

Planned for May 21, 2012 – May 25, 2012<br />

o Ragnar Frisch Center, Oslo, Norway<br />

invited by Dr S. Kverndokk<br />

November 25, 2012 – November 28, 2012<br />

Member of several doctoral supervisory committees:<br />

­ Nicolas Porteiro (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona-CODE)<br />

April 17, 2002<br />

­ Vincent van Steenberghe (Université catholique de Louvain-CORE),<br />

May 12, 2003<br />

­ Laszlo Koczy (KU Leuven, FETEW)<br />

September 2003<br />


­ Helena Kim (KU Leuven, FETEW)<br />

November 2005<br />

­ Juan Carlos Altamirrano (University of Wageningen, Netherlands)<br />

February 2007<br />

­ Tadele Ferede Agaje (University of Antwerp, Belgium)<br />

September 2010<br />

­ Jörg Leib (Imperial College London, UK)<br />

September 7, 2012 (viva)<br />

Supervisor of the doctoral work of<br />

­ Simon De Jaeger (HUB, Brussels, Belgium), defended May 13, 2011<br />

­ Maarten Dubois (KU Leuven, Belgium), expected 2013<br />

­ Marieke Franck (HUB, Brussels, Belgium), expected 2014<br />

­ New PhD student in framework of SuMMa (Steunpunt Duurzaam<br />

Materialenbeheer), expected 2015<br />

­ New PhD student in framework of RARE³ project, expected 2016.<br />

Administrative Duties<br />

Vice dean research at HUB, faculty of economics and business<br />

Chairman of Research Council Economics (Onderzoeksraad Economie) of HUB<br />

Member of Research Policy Bureau (Bureau Onderzoeksbeleid BOB) of HUB<br />

Member of Doctoral Jury of VITO (doctoraatsjury Vlaams Instituut voor<br />

Technologisch Onderzoek, Mol)<br />

Former research director of the Center Center for Research on Economic Markets<br />

and their Environments CREME of HUB [ended 08/2012]<br />

Former Member of the Permanent Educational Commission (leerlijn coördinator<br />

Economics & Finance in POC Handelsingenieur) at HUB [ended 08/2012]<br />

Former member of Research Council (Onderzoeksraad) of KU Leuven [ended<br />

08/2012]<br />

Former member of the Industrial Research Fund IOF (Industrieel<br />

Onderzoeksfonds) of KU Leuven [ended 08/2012]<br />

Publications<br />

See separate document<br />

Software<br />


Microsoft Office products (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook)<br />

Scientific editing: Latex<br />

Statistical software: Stata<br />

Optimization: GAMS, Mathematica, Maple<br />

Programing languages: C++, HTML<br />

mastery of languages<br />

verbal communication written communication<br />

Dutch (mother tongue) excellent excellent<br />

English very good very good<br />

French good good<br />

German very good good<br />

Spanish basic basic<br />


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