64 m kj izns'k jktf"kZ V.Mu eqDr fo'ofo|ky;] bykgkckn

64 m kj izns'k jktf"kZ V.Mu eqDr fo'ofo|ky;] bykgkckn 64 m kj izns'k jktf"kZ V.Mu eqDr fo'ofo|ky;] bykgkckn


196 103 m kj izns’k jktf"kZ V.Mu eqDr fo’ofo|ky;] bykgkckn vf/kU;kl (Assignment) 2012-2013 Lukrd foKku dk;ZØe ¼ch0,l0lh0½ Bachlor of Science Programme (B.Sc) (ii) Possion distribution with parameter q [k.M & c Section B vf/kdre vad % 12 Max. Marks:12 fo’k; % la[;dh Subject : Statistics dkslZ “kh’kZd % Subject Title : Advanced Stahncal Inference fo’k; dksM% ;w0th0,l0Vh0,0Vh0 Subject Code : UGSTAT dkslZ dksM % ,e0,0,l0Vh0,0Vh0&08 Course Code : UGSTAT-8 uksV % ykq mRrjh; iz”uA vius iz”uksa ds mRrj 200 ls 300 “kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz”u vfuok;Z gSA Note : Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. Answer all questions. Section - A [k.M & v vf/kdre vad % 30 Maximum Marks:30 vf/kdre vad % 18 Max. Marks:18 uksV % nhkZ mRrjh; iz”uA vius iz”uksa ds mRrj 800 ls 1000 “kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz”u vfuok;Z gSA Note : Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Answer all questions. 1- Explain the significance of Rao Blackwell theorem. 6 4- What do you mean by shortest length confidence interval. Illustrate with an example. 3 5- Describe likelihood ratio test giving at least one example. Is the likelihood ratio test unbiased test 3 6- Giving necessary argument prove that sequential probability Ratio Test terminates with probability one. 3 7- What do you mean by Best Linear unbiased estimator Is Best linear unbiased estimator unique 3 2- How can you find the uniformly minimum varance Unbaised estimator of an unknown parameter using Rao Blackwell Lehmann Scheffe Theorem 6 3- Define one parameters exponential family of distribution and its completeness. Are the following family of probability density function/ probability mass function complete. 6 (i) Normal distribution with mean q and variance unity.



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