August - California Gymkhana Association

August - California Gymkhana Association August - California Gymkhana Association
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Elsa Hellsten/Vegas 2nd FC Hrs 14-35 - SBL 27.528 Madeline Irvin/Sierra 1st FC Hrs 14-35 - Big T 25.993 Julia Jackman/Hershey 1st FC Hrs 13/un - KH 17.508 Jesse Jaureguito/Molly 1st A Hrs - P I 16.115 Jesse Jaureguito/Crackers 2nd SD1 Pony - F8F 30.684 2nd SD1 Pony - P I 17.529 2nd SD1 Pony - SBL 11.280 Sandy Kennedy/Peppy 2nd SD1 Hrs 36/+ - BAR 23.895 2nd SD1 Hrs 36/+ - KH 12.719 2nd SD1 Hrs 36/+ - P I 16.317 1st SD1 Hrs 36/+ - SBL 12.814 2nd SD1 Hrs 36/+ - Big T 23.211 Sean Kennedy/Magic 1st SD1 Hrs 36/+ - F8F 26.490 Page 8 Amanda Larson/Lola 1st AA Hrs - BAR 20.558 2nd A Hrs - KH 12.893 1st AAA Hrs - SBL 8.433 2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 10.034 1st AA Hrs - Big T 17.465 Jeff Larson/Gunner 2nd AA Hrs - P I 13.817 2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.447 Jeff Larson/Magic 2nd A Hrs - P I 16.327 2nd FC Hrs 14-35 - SSR 14.520 1st A Hrs - Big T 20.859 Maddie Mcclay/Scarlet N 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - KH 17.754 1st FC Hrs 13/un - SBL 18.662 Alyssa Morgan/Bit Of Love 2nd AA Hrs - BAR 20.671 1st AA Hrs - KH 9.521 1st AAA Hrs - P I 11.301 2nd AA Hrs - SBL 9.147 1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.350 1st AAA Hrs - Big T 16.100 DISTRICT 7 "LUCKY SEVEN" CLEMENTS AREA By Timmi Lemen Nita Ohlhauser/Jackson 2nd FC Hrs 14-35 - KH 24.890 2nd FC Hrs 14-35 - P I 22.692 1st FC Hrs 14-35 - SBL 21.314 Shelby Ohlhauser/Shelby 1st LL Pony - KH 29.885 1st LL Pony - P I 27.854 1st LL Pony - SBL 39.861 1st LL Pony - SSR 37.049 Faith Osborn/Rusty Rocket 1st FC Hrs 13/un - P I 21.366 Tara Park/Leter Boom 2nd A Hrs - BAR 23.843 2nd AAA Hrs - P I 12.778 1st AAA Hrs - SSR 9.700 Marissa Silva/Snoppy 1st AAA Hrs - BAR 20.037 2nd A Hrs - SBL 12.575 2nd A Hrs - Big T 20.886 Sarah Szymkiewicz/Ty 2nd AA Hrs - F8F 17.792 2nd AA Hrs - Big T 17.761 Briana Tellier/Jazz 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - P I 24.656 I hope everyone had a successful State Show and a great time. District 7 is gearing up to start a new season and looking forward to more good times and fun. Our June show was blessed with beautiful weather and plenty of help. Thanks to everyone who stepped up and volunteered. Thank you’s to Barry and Shannon Rahn for the fantabulous ground, Craig and Stephanie Miller, Trish Kelly, Gere Azevedo and Britney Mann for your tireless efforts. SOB catering provided us with scrumptious food throught the weekend. I love the smoothies! The highlight of the weekend was the final HOF run by Sierra Madrigal Sunday morning. We had Big T set up for her early Sunday so that if she needed she could load up and drive to another district and try again. Not necessary, she completed her plus time in Big T and was dunked in the mud, according to tradition. Her entourage was there to witness the accomplishment, such a small girl on a huge horse. Congratulations Sierra! District 7 looks forward to the new season. Come on over and ride with us, we are happy to see you! Volunteers are always welcomed, we would be happy to train you! Clements has free dry camping, and stalls available for a small fee. Any questions, check out our website. Winners June 19th show: Lisa Bradley/Her Terms 1st AAA Hrs - BAR 19.350 1st AAA Hrs - SSR 9.759 Nicole Cook/Sunshine 2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 19.461 3rd AAA Hrs - SBR 10.523 2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 9.807 Dallas Cooper/Redrum 2nd Pony - BAR 24.784 2nd Pony - BR 16.644 1st Pony - P I 14.319 2nd Pony - SBR 12.466 1st Pony - SSR 11.031 Jennifer Cooper/Buffy 1st Pony - BAR 20.854 1st Pony - BR 16.148 1st Pony - SBR 11.636 2nd Pony - SSR 11.150 Lea Ntigny Demontigny/ Galbriaths Gold Whiz 1st AAA+ Hrs - BR 13.690 1st AAA+ Hrs - SBR 9.796 Jeanne Dudak/Tekee 5th AAA Hrs - BR 15.078 4th AA Hrs - P I 15.176 2nd AA Hrs - SBR 10.999 1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.468 Carole Lindstrom/Jet 3rd AA Hrs - BR 17.087 1st AA Hrs - P I 14.055 3rd AA Hrs - SSR 11.010 Dee Loesch/Premo 1st A Hrs - BAR 27.685 1st A Hrs - P I 16.446 1st A Hrs - SBL 14.970 1st A Hrs - SBR 14.257 Matthew Mazza/Casper 3rd AA Hrs - SBL 10.750 Kayla Mitchell/Sheza Dusty Whistle 1st AAA Hrs - BR 14.393 4th AAA Hrs - SSR 9.908 Winners June 20th show: Ashley Banks/Rabbit 2nd AA Hrs - F8S 12.717 3rd AA Hrs - HS 13.183 Ashley Banks/Rooster 1st Pony - F8F 21.155 2nd Pony - F8S 21.242 1st Pony - HS 16.967 2nd Pony - KH 12.644 1st Pony - P II 28.631 2nd Pony - QR 23.893 1st Pony - Big T 18.866 John Banks/Lilly 2nd Pony - F8F 26.748 1st Pony - F8S 13.080 2nd Pony - HS 23.385 1st Pony - KH 9.769 2nd Pony - P II 29.849 1st Pony - QR 23.528 2nd Pony - Big T 18.997 John Banks/Rebel 5th AA Hrs - HS 14.019 Claire Brucker/Claire 4th LL Hrs - QR 47.933 Nicole Brucker/Brodie 1st FC Hrs - F8S 18.163 1st A Hrs - P II 31.897 1st A Hrs - QR 25.568 Nicole Cook/Sunshine 1st AAA Hrs - F8S 11.587 1st AAA Hrs - HS 10.524 2nd AAA Hrs - QR 20.793 2nd AAA Hrs - Big T 16.153 Lea Ntigny Demontigny/ Galbriaths Gold Whiz 1st AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.968 1st AAA+ Hrs - HS 9.796 1st AAA+ Hrs - QR 19.174 1st AAA+ Hrs - Big T 14.796 Rhonda Nunaly/Copper 3rd AAA Hrs - BAR 20.114 2nd AA Hrs - BR 15.854 1st AAA Hrs - P I 12.031 3rd AA Hrs - SBR 11.190 2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.528 Shannon Rahn/Docs Salt N Peppylee 4th AAA Hrs - BR 14.705 2nd AAA Hrs - SBR 10.216 Ezekiel Sonnenberg/Honky Tonk 1st LL Hrs - BAR 112.757 1st LL Hrs - BR 92.751 1st LL Hrs - P I 93.930 1st LL Hrs - SBR 78.054 1st LL Hrs - SSR 71.000 Joyce Driggers/Reeboc 1st A Hrs - F8F 29.999 1st A Hrs - F8S 13.638 4th AA Hrs - HS 13.818 2nd A Hrs - QR 26.979 2nd A Hrs - Big T 22.802 Rachel Fingerle/Nic Goldstein 2nd AAA Hrs - P II 23.330 3rd AAA Hrs - Big T 16.760 Sienna Kelly/Roxy 2nd AAA Hrs - F8S 11.690 1st AA Hrs - HS 11.863 1st AAA Hrs - KH 8.232 4th AA Hrs - Big T 18.837 Isabelle Mahurin/Donnabelle 2nd LL Hrs - F8S 24.457 2nd LL Hrs - P II 54.187 5th LL Hrs - QR 52.487 1st LL Hrs - Big T 30.998 Jessica Mahurin/Lady 2nd A Hrs - F8S 14.615 3rd AA Hrs - KH 11.274 1st A Hrs - Big T 21.708 Brittany Mann/Reba 4th AA Hrs - F8S 13.314 2nd AA Hrs - QR 24.158 1st AA Hrs - Big T 17.763 Susan Mann/Vinnie 1st AAA Hrs - F8F 13.463 4th AAA Hrs - F8S 12.156 1st AAA Hrs - QR 20.496 Matthew Mazza/Casper 1st AA Hrs - F8F 20.180 3rd AA Hrs - F8S 13.057 2nd AA Hrs - P II 27.343 3rd AA Hrs - Big T 18.812 Christina Tamantini/Tiger 2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.354 3rd AAA Hrs - BR 14.687 2nd AA Hrs - P I 14.268 1st AA Hrs - SBL 10.362 1st AAA Hrs - SBR 10.202 5th AAA Hrs - SSR 9.938 Diane Williamson/Whiskey 1st AAA+ Hrs - BAR 18.627 1st AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.332 Alejandra Wistos/Tonka 1st FC Hrs - BAR 54.449 1st FC Hrs - BR 40.148 1st FC Hrs - P I 32.055 Alex Wood/Kooler 1st AA Hrs - BAR 20.600 1st AA Hrs - BR 15.584 3rd AA Hrs - P I 15.099 1st AA Hrs - SBR 10.998 Rhonda Nunaly/Copper 3rd AAA Hrs - F8S 11.966 2nd AA Hrs - HS 12.712 1st AA Hrs - KH 9.462 1st AAA Hrs - P II 23.114 3rd AAA Hrs - QR 21.073 1st AAA Hrs - Big T 15.912 Kyllie Remus/Kyllie 5th LL Hrs - F8S 26.844 3rd LL Hrs - P II 54.508 3rd LL Hrs - QR 44.737 4th LL Hrs - Big T 34.599 Mia Remus/Mia 1st LL Hrs - F8S 24.057 1st LL Hrs - P II 45.365 1st LL Hrs - QR 40.690 Sydney Remus/Sydney 4th LL Hrs - F8S 25.733 4th LL Hrs - P II 55.264 2nd LL Hrs - QR 43.417 3rd LL Hrs - Big T 33.129 Jenna Speth/Cowboy 1st AA Hrs - F8S 12.311 2nd AA Hrs - KH 10.726 1st AA Hrs - P II 25.624 1st AA Hrs - QR 22.337 2nd AA Hrs - Big T 17.945 Anna Weigel/Donnabelle 3rd LL Hrs - F8S 25.120 5th LL Hrs - P II 65.621 2nd LL Hrs - Big T 32.429 Morgan Weigel/Poles 5th AA Hrs - F8S 13.452 3rd AA Hrs - P II 28.503 3rd A Hrs - QR 30.362 Diane Williamson/Whiskey 1st AAA+ Hrs - KH 7.200

Winners June 21st show: Nicole Cook/Sunshine 1st AAA Hrs - BAR 19.456 1st AAA Hrs - F8S 11.487 1st AAA Hrs - HS 10.189 1st AAA Hrs - SBL 7.829 1st AAA Hrs - SSR 10.076 Becky Graham/Taylor 1st FC Hrs - BAR 40.046 1st A Hrs - F8F 29.850 1st FC Hrs - F8S 25.676 2nd FC Hrs - P I 24.585 1st FC Hrs - SBL 17.945 1st FC Hrs - SSR 26.897 Renessa Jensen/Pawnee 2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.323 3rd AA Hrs - F8S 13.115 2nd AA Hrs - P I 14.702 2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.697 Timmi Lemen/Jake 2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 20.078 Carole Lindstrom/Jet 3rd AA Hrs - BAR 21.943 2nd AA Hrs - HS 12.285 1st AA Hrs - SBL 9.711 Jessica Mahurin/Lady 2nd A Hrs - F8S 14.381 Darrin Mann/Samantha 2nd FC Hrs - BAR 63.431 2nd FC Hrs - F8S 31.695 3rd FC Hrs - P I 35.931 2nd FC Hrs - SSR 34.904 Susan Mann/Vinnie 3rd AAA Hrs - BAR 20.114 1st AAA Hrs - P I 11.559 Amanda Martin/Super Ricochet 1st Pony - BAR 20.257 1st Pony - F8S 11.816 1st Pony - HS 12.497 2nd Pony - P I 15.634 1st Pony - SBL 7.733 2nd Pony - SSR 59.538 Rhonda Nunaly/Copper 1st AA Hrs - BAR 21.021 1st AA Hrs - F8F 16.663 2nd AAA Hrs - F8S 12.200 2nd AAA Hrs - P I 11.583 2nd AA Hrs - SBL 9.712 1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.337 Shannon Rahn/Docs Salt N Peppylee 2nd AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.982 Starla Smith/Caspian 3rd A Hrs - BAR 27.040 4th A Hrs - F8S 16.719 1st FC Hrs - P I 24.458 2nd A Hrs - SSR 12.638 Kasey Stevens/Nitro 2nd Pony - BAR 34.678 1st Pony - F8F 21.584 2nd Pony - F8S 14.819 2nd Pony - HS 16.596 1st Pony - P I 13.607 1st Pony - SSR 10.324 Amy Tracy/Ruby Red Valentine 3rd AAA Hrs - P I 12.112 2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 10.154 Amy Tracy/Sunday Shooting Star 1st AA Hrs - F8S 12.389 1st AA Hrs - HS 11.946 4th AAA Hrs - P I 12.756 Roger Ward/Jake 2nd A Hrs - BAR 25.989 3rd A Hrs - F8S 16.191 1st A Hrs - P I 16.973 Morgan Weigel/Poles 1st A Hrs - BAR 24.815 1st A Hrs - F8S 13.947 2nd A Hrs - P I 19.742 1st A Hrs - SSR 11.811 Paula Williams/Blondie 2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.323 2nd AA Hrs - F8S 12.822 3rd AA Hrs - HS 13.707 1st AA Hrs - P I 13.358 Diane Williamson/Whiskey 1st AAA+ Hrs - BAR 18.206 1st AAA+ Hrs - F8F 11.082 1st AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.592 1st AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.155 Holly Zeller/Russell 4th AA Hrs - F8S 13.371 DISTRICT 8 TRI-COUNTY RIDERS - SALINAS AREA By: District Board The 4th Annual Firecracker Frenzy is in the history books and we have lots of people to thank for making it one of the best! We have a long list of sponsors that we have to acknowledge, without them the show would not be possible: Arabia’s Overkill Kasavan Architects Clark’s Construction Bar X One Water Tender Steinbeck Country Equine Clinic Casa de Familia California Rodeo PIzza Factory C & N Tractors 2G Roses Monterey County Sheriff’s Posse Grounds Royal Oaks Feed and Tack O H Kruse Grain and Milling Beisker’s Auto Power’s Equipment Inc Martinelli’s Cutting Horse Steakhouse Bradleywear Painted Pony Rene’s Custom Embroidery Rockin B Leather Nutrena L A Hearne Prunedale Hatano Family 2G Snowcones Jennifer Galindo Watsonville Coast Produce Upton Photography Quilts by Sheila Boot Barn L A Hearne Driscoll’s Laurel Inn Cowboy Magic Hands on Reins Rancher’s Feed Desktop Designs Ray’s Radiator and Glass Sweet Thangs Mary Sullivan-White Chris and CJ Jones Deb and Billy Armendariz Thanks to Skip Hofman and his crew which included Vern Simmons and Billy Armendariz, the riders loved the ground. As far as we could tell it was amazing!!!!! Thanks to Sheri and Rodger for judging more than their fair share of events. Lea Legnon, Jack Jiracek, Dennis Cole wow you guys have a lot of go, thanks for spending so many hours in the arena! Chris Rowles thanks for finding a way to ride and get right back into the arena. Bev Hampton, Diana Malley, Lisa Bradley, and CJ Jones thanks for stepping up and judging or working events. There are a few people that the booth would like to acknowledge, Deb Simmons and Emily Feenan, without you Noemi would have lost her mind. Thanks for being there and helping her stay organized and keep the times correct. Raffle queens Shannon Hatano and Mary Sullivan-White thank you for doing such a great job with the raffle. Special thanks to Dora Clark and Yvonne Lee for doing such a great job squeezing in as many ponies and horses into the stalls as possible. Christine Jones, thanks for doing all of the forms and stepping in wherever needed. Kim Moore thanks for jumping in wherever needed. Announcers, wow what can we say, Jeff and Nathan you guys are simply the best. Way to keep the show going and keeping us entertained. The banter between the two of you, awesome, you might consider taking the show on the road! The rest of the workers, it’s hard to name you all, there were so many, So a blanket thank you from the riders and show management, without you guys picking up obstacles, opening and closing gates the show would not be possible. So to all of the unsung worker’s thank you! Finally the riders, what a great group of riders that made their way to Salinas for the 4th. It is truly a privelage to host the show for you. We believe that is our responsibility to give back to the rider we hope that we were able too. We managed to place down to 12th place, which was exciting for us, on top of the 12 placings, that’s 84 awards we were able to send each rider home with a little something, which we were suprised to be able to do. The winners are as follows: AAA+ Highpoint Diana Williamson on Whiskey Reserve Sierrah Madrigal on Bubba 3rd Jamie Tsuji on Awesome Possum 4th Ashley Hofman on Lee’s Terminator 5th Cecilie Garcia on Smokin’ Baby 5th Rene Ledesma on Eternal Poco Bar AAA Highpoint Mandelyna Fendley on Harley Reserve Julia Newcomb on Sonny 3rd Brandi Mount on Rusty 4th Lisa Bradley on Her Terms 5th Marietta Sullivan on Taz 6th Christopher Rowles on Copper Penny 7th Janne Dudak on Tekee 8th Tricia Kash on Roxy 9th Jessica Howes on Blondie 10th Rhonda Nunaly on Copper 11th Timmi Lemen on Jake 12th Caroline Kimsey on Go Maverick Go AA Highpoint Tiffany Scharton on Truly Miss Cody Reserve Bonnie Sullivan on Amber B Fly’n 3rd Sierra Thompson on Fiddie With Me 4th Mary Thomas on Belle 5th Demelza Perez on Gracie 6th Jennifer Galindo on Rio 7th Jessica Stamm on Stella Lolita Page 9

Winners June 21st show:<br />

Nicole Cook/Sunshine<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BAR 19.456<br />

1st AAA Hrs - F8S 11.487<br />

1st AAA Hrs - HS 10.189<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBL 7.829<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SSR 10.076<br />

Becky Graham/Taylor<br />

1st FC Hrs - BAR 40.046<br />

1st A Hrs - F8F 29.850<br />

1st FC Hrs - F8S 25.676<br />

2nd FC Hrs - P I 24.585<br />

1st FC Hrs - SBL 17.945<br />

1st FC Hrs - SSR 26.897<br />

Renessa Jensen/Pawnee<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.323<br />

3rd AA Hrs - F8S 13.115<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P I 14.702<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.697<br />

Timmi Lemen/Jake<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 20.078<br />

Carole Lindstrom/Jet<br />

3rd AA Hrs - BAR 21.943<br />

2nd AA Hrs - HS 12.285<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBL 9.711<br />

Jessica Mahurin/Lady<br />

2nd A Hrs - F8S 14.381<br />

Darrin Mann/Samantha<br />

2nd FC Hrs - BAR 63.431<br />

2nd FC Hrs - F8S 31.695<br />

3rd FC Hrs - P I 35.931<br />

2nd FC Hrs - SSR 34.904<br />

Susan Mann/Vinnie<br />

3rd AAA Hrs - BAR 20.114<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P I 11.559<br />

Amanda Martin/Super Ricochet<br />

1st Pony - BAR 20.257<br />

1st Pony - F8S 11.816<br />

1st Pony - HS 12.497<br />

2nd Pony - P I 15.634<br />

1st Pony - SBL 7.733<br />

2nd Pony - SSR 59.538<br />

Rhonda Nunaly/Copper<br />

1st AA Hrs - BAR 21.021<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8F 16.663<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - F8S 12.200<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P I 11.583<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBL 9.712<br />

1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.337<br />

Shannon Rahn/Docs Salt N<br />

Peppylee<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.982<br />

Starla Smith/Caspian<br />

3rd A Hrs - BAR 27.040<br />

4th A Hrs - F8S 16.719<br />

1st FC Hrs - P I 24.458<br />

2nd A Hrs - SSR 12.638<br />

Kasey Stevens/Nitro<br />

2nd Pony - BAR 34.678<br />

1st Pony - F8F 21.584<br />

2nd Pony - F8S 14.819<br />

2nd Pony - HS 16.596<br />

1st Pony - P I 13.607<br />

1st Pony - SSR 10.324<br />

Amy Tracy/Ruby Red Valentine<br />

3rd AAA Hrs - P I 12.112<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 10.154<br />

Amy Tracy/Sunday Shooting<br />

Star<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8S 12.389<br />

1st AA Hrs - HS 11.946<br />

4th AAA Hrs - P I 12.756<br />

Roger Ward/Jake<br />

2nd A Hrs - BAR 25.989<br />

3rd A Hrs - F8S 16.191<br />

1st A Hrs - P I 16.973<br />

Morgan Weigel/Poles<br />

1st A Hrs - BAR 24.815<br />

1st A Hrs - F8S 13.947<br />

2nd A Hrs - P I 19.742<br />

1st A Hrs - SSR 11.811<br />

Paula Williams/Blondie<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.323<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8S 12.822<br />

3rd AA Hrs - HS 13.707<br />

1st AA Hrs - P I 13.358<br />

Diane Williamson/Whiskey<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - BAR 18.206<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - F8F 11.082<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.592<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.155<br />

Holly Zeller/Russell<br />

4th AA Hrs - F8S 13.371<br />

DISTRICT 8<br />


By: District Board<br />

The 4th Annual Firecracker Frenzy is in the history books and we have lots of people<br />

to thank for making it one of the best!<br />

We have a long list of sponsors that we have to acknowledge, without them the show<br />

would not be possible:<br />

Arabia’s Overkill Kasavan Architects Clark’s Construction<br />

Bar X One Water Tender Steinbeck Country Equine Clinic<br />

Casa de Familia <strong>California</strong> Rodeo<br />

PIzza Factory<br />

C & N Tractors<br />

2G Roses<br />

Monterey County Sheriff’s Posse Grounds<br />

Royal Oaks Feed and Tack O H Kruse Grain and Milling<br />

Beisker’s Auto<br />

Power’s Equipment Inc<br />

Martinelli’s<br />

Cutting Horse Steakhouse<br />

Bradleywear<br />

Painted Pony<br />

Rene’s Custom Embroidery Rockin B Leather<br />

Nutrena<br />

L A Hearne Prunedale<br />

Hatano Family<br />

2G Snowcones<br />

Jennifer Galindo Watsonville Coast Produce<br />

Upton Photography Quilts by Sheila<br />

Boot Barn<br />

L A Hearne<br />

Driscoll’s<br />

Laurel Inn<br />

Cowboy Magic Hands on Reins<br />

Rancher’s Feed Desktop Designs<br />

Ray’s Radiator and Glass Sweet Thangs<br />

Mary Sullivan-White<br />

Chris and CJ Jones<br />

Deb and Billy Armendariz<br />

Thanks to Skip Hofman and his crew which included Vern Simmons and Billy<br />

Armendariz, the riders loved the ground. As far as we could tell it was amazing!!!!!<br />

Thanks to Sheri and Rodger for judging more than their fair share of events. Lea<br />

Legnon, Jack Jiracek, Dennis Cole wow you guys have a lot of go, thanks for spending<br />

so many hours in the arena! Chris Rowles thanks for finding a way to ride and get<br />

right back into the arena. Bev Hampton, Diana Malley, Lisa Bradley, and CJ Jones<br />

thanks for stepping up and judging or working events.<br />

There are a few people that the booth would like to acknowledge, Deb Simmons and<br />

Emily Feenan, without you Noemi would have lost her mind. Thanks for being there<br />

and helping her stay organized and keep the times correct.<br />

Raffle queens Shannon Hatano and Mary Sullivan-White thank you for doing such a<br />

great job with the raffle.<br />

Special thanks to Dora Clark and Yvonne Lee for doing such a great job squeezing in<br />

as many ponies and horses into the stalls as possible.<br />

Christine Jones, thanks for doing all of the forms and stepping in wherever needed.<br />

Kim Moore thanks for jumping in wherever needed.<br />

Announcers, wow what can we say, Jeff and Nathan you guys are simply the best.<br />

Way to keep the show going and keeping us entertained. The banter between the two<br />

of you, awesome, you might consider taking the show on the road!<br />

The rest of the workers, it’s hard to name you all, there were so many, So a blanket<br />

thank you from the riders and show management, without you guys picking up<br />

obstacles, opening and closing gates the show would not be possible. So to all of the<br />

unsung worker’s thank you!<br />

Finally the riders, what a great group of riders that made their way to Salinas for the<br />

4th. It is truly a privelage to host the show for you. We believe that is our responsibility<br />

to give back to the rider we hope that we were able too.<br />

We managed to place down to 12th place, which was exciting for us, on top of the 12<br />

placings, that’s 84 awards we were able to send each rider home with a little something,<br />

which we were suprised to be able to do.<br />

The winners are as follows:<br />

AAA+ Highpoint Diana Williamson on Whiskey<br />

Reserve Sierrah Madrigal on Bubba<br />

3rd Jamie Tsuji on Awesome Possum<br />

4th Ashley Hofman on Lee’s Terminator<br />

5th Cecilie Garcia on Smokin’ Baby<br />

5th Rene Ledesma on Eternal Poco Bar<br />

AAA Highpoint Mandelyna Fendley on Harley<br />

Reserve Julia Newcomb on Sonny<br />

3rd Brandi Mount on Rusty<br />

4th Lisa Bradley on Her Terms<br />

5th Marietta Sullivan on Taz<br />

6th Christopher Rowles on Copper Penny<br />

7th Janne Dudak on Tekee<br />

8th Tricia Kash on Roxy<br />

9th Jessica Howes on Blondie<br />

10th Rhonda Nunaly on Copper<br />

11th Timmi Lemen on Jake<br />

12th Caroline Kimsey on Go Maverick Go<br />

AA<br />

Highpoint Tiffany Scharton on Truly Miss Cody<br />

Reserve Bonnie Sullivan on Amber B Fly’n<br />

3rd Sierra Thompson on Fiddie With Me<br />

4th Mary Thomas on Belle<br />

5th Demelza Perez on Gracie<br />

6th Jennifer Galindo on Rio<br />

7th Jessica Stamm on Stella Lolita<br />

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