August - California Gymkhana Association

August - California Gymkhana Association August - California Gymkhana Association
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CGA OFFICE & NEWSPAPER General Manager/Editor Phyllis Odom Phone 831-623-9026 Fax: 831-623-9027 Email THE WORLD OF GYMKHANA PO Box 1746 Gilroy, CA 95021 Deadline for ads or articles is the 10th of the month preceding the issue month. DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: 1 time 6 times 12 times Full Page $200 $175/mo $150/mo 3/4 Page 175 150/mo 125/mo 1/2 Page 150 125/mo 100/mo 1/4 Page 80 70/mo 60/mo 1/8 Page 35 33/mo 30/mo AD SIZES: (Approx.) Full Page........... 9 1/2" x 13" 3/4 Page............ 9 1/2" x 9 1/2" 1/2 Page............ 6 1/2" x 9 1/2" 1/4 Page............ 4 1/2" x 6 1/2" 1/8 Page........... 2 1/4" x 3 1/4" Business Card Ads: $20.00 per month Commercial Classified Ads: $5.00 for the first 10 words, 25 cents for each additional word. Letters to the Editor The World of Gymkhana is starting a new feature - A "Letters to the Editor" section. We are soliciting your letters, stories, comments and ideas which we will print in the World of Gymkhana. All letters must be signed and we will edit for content and space. Send in your letter on or before the 10th of the month to get into the next issue. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ATTENTION CGA MEMBERS Personal (noncommercial) advertisements are FREE to all CGA members. 50 words or less; 3 ads maximum per member per issue For Sale: Riverbend Lass, Sorrel Arabian Mare, 17 years old, 14.2 hands. Riverbend has been used for western lessons, show, gymkhana, endurance and racing during her tenure at Robison Ranch. She consistently places in endurance and brings home the blue in gymkhana. She has remained sound and healthy many years and needs an owner to show her off. Riverbend does a 10 second single stake, 8 second keyhole and runs solid AA times. Will advance to AAA times immediately with an experienced rider. $1,750.00 Contact Leslie Graham 760-382-5017 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ GYMKHANA HORSES FOR SALE From the FOR INFORMATION: CALL DALE / JOANNE GALBRAITH PHONE (661) 845-3013 FAX (661) 845-3043 “END OF THE ROAD RANCH” PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Hello CGA, I hope everyone enjoyed themselves at State show this year. More about state show in the September issue. State show is over now and the new riding season has officially started. I wish everyone good luck this season. Ride hard, and wear those helmets. Skip • Cow Horses and Reining Horses • Top Horses for Sale- Most of the Time • Registered Q Horses • Pole Bases 9010 Hermosa Rd., Bakersfield, Cal. 93307 Horse & Stock Page 2

CGA SHOW DISTRICT NEWS Attention District Scribes Columns are due by the 10th of the month because the newspaper MUST be READY for submission to the printer by the 3rd Monday of the month. If your news is not in this issue, it was not received at the CGA Office in time for it to be processed. Please provide typed copy for the CGA Newspaper. Please mail your typed copy to us. Please do not fax your copy. The quality of faxed copy is too poor to be scanned in most cases. Districts on the computer may request that the CGA State Office include their winner's list in the column. It is automatically available on the disk you sent in with your show. Your typed copy can be Emailed to> < Do not format Email copy. Do not create columns for any copy sent to the office. We will format the copy when it arrives. Please send all news articles to: CGA, PO Box 1746, Gilroy, CA 95021 by the 10th of the month. Increase the reader appeal of our newspaper by sending or emailing photographs. Photos will be returned to your District Leader. DISTRICT 1 - BAY AREA TIME BUSTERS SAN JOSE/GILROY By Sheri Herchkorn Hello from D1. Our Aloha show June 13-14 was a huge success! We had wonderful weather and a great turn out. It all started Friday afternoon with set-ups and it was Ashley Hofman’s 18th birthday, and Skip and Lesa had the “Taco Man” out from Watsonville, who cooked up dinner for all those present... it was delicious, thank you Skip and Lesa! On Saturday, the riders and family members received flower leis to start the show. The sign up booth, snack shack and announcers booth were decorated in a tropical theme. The show started promptly at 9 am. We ran 7 events. During the day, the board of D1 had put together baskets for a silent auction with the proceeds going to our state show sponsorship program. The silent action raised $1,587.00 !! with one of the baskets holding a $100.00 bill!! Our board members out did themselves and the baskets were a big hit. Thank you to Phyllis and Rodger Odom, Ben and Pam Novinsky, Roberta and Jack Jiracek, Edie and Mike Behning, Mindi Sullivan and Dymond Wafler, Danna Herchkorn, Farrell and CJ Rand for doing such awesome baskets. (hope I didn’t forget anyone, if I did let me know and I will put you in the next article) The highest bid baskets were donated by Mindi Sullivan and were for a one week vacation at her Pine Mountain Lake cabin. There was a bidding war going on for the basket between Amy Odom and Dean Hood, so Mindi graciously donated a second week, so they both won !! At this time our sponsorship program is for younger D1 members who would like to go to state show but whose families can’t afford too. They must write in to tell the board why they would like to go to state show and what it would mean to them. D1 is proud to be sponsoring 3 young members this year. We hope to expand the program for next year. Anna Hernandez/Sam 1st AA Hrs - SBR 10.980 Ashley Hofman/Lee’s Terminator 1st AAA Hrs - SBR 9.898 2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 9.529 Kassidi Hofman/Carr’s Cruiser 1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.277 Stefani Hofman/Dial Me A Ratchett 2nd AAA Hrs - P II 23.190 2nd AAA Hrs - SBR 9.964 1st AAA Hrs - SSR 9.481 John Kresha/Dude 1st FC Hrs 35-99 - BR 23.162 2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - SSR 16.620 1st FC Hrs 35-99 - Big T 26.376 Renee Ledesma/Poco Bar 2nd AAA Hrs - BR 14.244 1st AAA+ Hrs - Big T 14.799 Yvonne Lee/Tillie 1st A Hrs - F8F 21.834 2nd A Hrs - KH 11.945 Jordan Leier/Athena 2nd AA Hrs - BR 15.596 Timmi Lemen/Jake 1st AAA+ Hrs - KH 7.383 Roquel Merrick/Fanci 1st AAA Hrs - F8F 11.732 2nd AAA Hrs - KH 7.961 1st AAA+ Hrs - P II 21.861 Mandy Mondiel/Rockstar 2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - KH 19.734 Sami Mount/Pokey 1st FC Hrs 10/un - KH 16.361 1st FC Hrs 10/un - SSR 13.740 Julia Newcomb/Sonny 1st AA Hrs - P II 25.612 Pamela Novinsky/Pistol 1st FC Hrs 35-99 - KH 17.916 1st FC Hrs 35-99 - P II 40.678 2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - SBR 19.978 2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - Big T 26.383 Adrianna Ojeda/Fanny 1st FC Hrs 11-34 - BR 22.386 2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - F8F 37.826 1st FC Hrs 11-34 - KH 19.035 2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - SBR 17.115 Taylor Pennings/Zippo 1st FC Hrs 11-34 - F8F 30.092 1st FC Hrs 11-34 - P II 37.270 2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - SBR 17.115 Tammy Pigao/Sir Lance Aluke 1st AA Hrs - F8F 15.778 Christopher Rowles/Copper Penny 1st AAA Hrs - BR 14.167 2nd AAA Hrs - F8F 12.231 Nathan Rowles/Ace 2nd AAA+ Hrs - P II 21.970 1st AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.357 Tiffany Scharton/Truly Miss Cody 2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.291 Allison Shiffrar/Saintly Pepper 2nd AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.413 Amanda Shores/Flame 2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - BR 23.214 2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - P II 37.954 Sami Simmons/Earny 2nd FC Hrs 10/un - KH 16.489 Diane Stadel/Dolly 1st FC Hrs 35-99 - F8F 34.942 Anissa Stanton/Montana 1st AA Hrs - Big T 17.323 Caitlin Sullivan/Ginger 2nd AA Hrs - F8F 16.200 Marietta Sullivan/Taz 2nd AA Hrs - Big T 17.414 Winners Saturday’s events: Austin Arabia/Ransom 2nd FC Hrs 10/un - P II 40.621 1st FC Hrs 10/un - SBR 16.238 Pam Arabia/Ty 2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - F8F 41.940 Paula Baldwin/Mouse 1st A Hrs - KH 11.818 Lisa Lynn Bellangero/Jewels 2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - BR 25.513 1st FC Hrs 35-99 - SSR 14.293 Emily Bidou/Sierra 1st AA Hrs - KH 8.977 Christina Bless/Princess 2nd A Hrs - P II 30.638 1st A Hrs - Big T 20.812 Kayla Chavez/Cinnamon Roles 2nd AAA Hrs - Big T 15.463 Balee Coffey/Silver Mist 1st FC Hrs 10/un - Big T 30.934 Larry Conte/Dash 2nd AA Hrs - SBR 10.995 Rebekah Crill/Sebastian 1st AA Hrs - BR 15.578 Courtney Curtis/Dainein 2nd AA Hrs - P II 25.693 Lauren Doyle/Hershey 2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - SSR 14.798 1st FC Hrs 11-34 - Big T 26.051 Kristine Garbini/Ben 1st FC Hrs 35-99 - SBR 19.778 Kristine Garbini/Ocho 2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - KH 22.331 2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - Big T 30.896 Violet Hackett/Cindy 1st A Hrs - BR 17.667 1st A Hrs - P II 30.166 Douglas Hatano/Rio 2nd A Hrs - Big T 20.886 Alley Lewis/Silver 1st AAA Hrs - Big T 15.461 Audrey Liddle/Miss Painted Lady 2nd FC Hrs 10/un - BR 25.489 2nd FC Hrs 10/un - F8F 32.337 2nd FC Hrs 10/un - SBR 16.974 Brittney Mann/Reba 2nd AA Hrs - KH 9.058 Ashley Mcdonough/Vanna 2nd FC Hrs 10/un - Big T 31.008 Shelly Mcdonough/Farah 2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - P II 40.870 Mia Prichard/Clyde 1st FC Hrs 10/un - BR 22.308 1st FC Hrs 10/un - F8F 32.130 1st FC Hrs 10/un - P II 37.340 2nd FC Hrs 10/un - SSR 14.918 Taylor Prichard/Ace Of Spades 1st A Hrs - SBR 12.604 1st A Hrs - SSR 11.312 Shannon Rahn/Doc’s Saltnpeppy Lee 1st AAA+ Hrs - BR 13.980 Mckenna Rose/Sissy 1st AAA Hrs - KH 7.726 Mindy Sullivan/Koi 2nd A Hrs - BR 17.670 2nd A Hrs - SSR 11.332 Jamie Tsuji/Awesome Possum 1st AAA+ Hrs - SBR 9.783 2nd AAA+ Hrs - Big T 14.859 Cierra Valdez/Hopscotch 2nd A Hrs - F8F 22.252 1st FC Hrs 11-34 - SBR 16.338 1st FC Hrs 11-34 - SSR 13.637 Jeanette Veino/Charley Bay Lena 1st AAA Hrs - P II 23.104 Dymond Wafler/Beauty 2nd A Hrs - SBR 12.975 Page 3


Attention District Scribes<br />

Columns are due by the 10th of the month because the newspaper MUST be READY for submission to the printer by the 3rd Monday of the month. If your news is not in this issue,<br />

it was not received at the CGA Office in time for it to be processed. Please provide typed copy for the CGA Newspaper. Please mail your typed copy to us. Please do not fax your<br />

copy. The quality of faxed copy is too poor to be scanned in most cases. Districts on the computer may request that the CGA State Office include their winner's list in the column.<br />

It is automatically available on the disk you sent in with your show. Your typed copy can be Emailed to> < Do not format Email copy. Do not create columns<br />

for any copy sent to the office. We will format the copy when it arrives. Please send all news articles to: CGA, PO Box 1746, Gilroy, CA 95021 by the 10th of the month.<br />

Increase the reader appeal of our newspaper by sending or emailing photographs. Photos will be returned to your District Leader.<br />


SAN JOSE/GILROY<br /><br />

By Sheri Herchkorn<br />

Hello from D1. Our Aloha show June 13-14 was a huge success! We had wonderful<br />

weather and a great turn out.<br />

It all started Friday afternoon with set-ups and it was Ashley Hofman’s 18th birthday,<br />

and Skip and Lesa had the “Taco Man” out from Watsonville, who cooked up dinner<br />

for all those present... it was delicious, thank you Skip and Lesa!<br />

On Saturday, the riders and family members received flower leis to start the show.<br />

The sign up booth, snack shack and announcers booth were decorated in a tropical<br />

theme. The show started promptly at 9 am. We ran 7 events. During the day, the<br />

board of D1 had put together baskets for a silent auction with the proceeds going to<br />

our state show sponsorship program. The silent action raised $1,587.00 !! with one of<br />

the baskets holding a $100.00 bill!!<br />

Our board members out did themselves and the baskets were a big hit. Thank you to<br />

Phyllis and Rodger Odom, Ben and Pam Novinsky, Roberta and Jack Jiracek, Edie<br />

and Mike Behning, Mindi Sullivan and Dymond Wafler, Danna Herchkorn, Farrell<br />

and CJ Rand for doing such awesome baskets. (hope I didn’t forget anyone, if I did let<br />

me know and I will put you in the next article) The highest bid baskets were donated<br />

by Mindi Sullivan and were for a one week vacation at her Pine Mountain Lake cabin.<br />

There was a bidding war going on for the basket between Amy Odom and Dean Hood,<br />

so Mindi graciously donated a second week, so they both won !!<br />

At this time our sponsorship program is for younger D1 members who would like to<br />

go to state show but whose families can’t afford too. They must write in to tell the<br />

board why they would like to go to state show and what it would mean to them. D1 is<br />

proud to be sponsoring 3 young members this year. We hope to expand the program<br />

for next year.<br />

Anna Hernandez/Sam<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBR 10.980<br />

Ashley Hofman/Lee’s Terminator<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBR 9.898<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 9.529<br />

Kassidi Hofman/Carr’s Cruiser<br />

1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.277<br />

Stefani Hofman/Dial Me A<br />

Ratchett<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P II 23.190<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SBR 9.964<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SSR 9.481<br />

John Kresha/Dude<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - BR 23.162<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - SSR 16.620<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - Big T 26.376<br />

Renee Ledesma/Poco Bar<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BR 14.244<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - Big T 14.799<br />

Yvonne Lee/Tillie<br />

1st A Hrs - F8F 21.834<br />

2nd A Hrs - KH 11.945<br />

Jordan Leier/Athena<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BR 15.596<br />

Timmi Lemen/Jake<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - KH 7.383<br />

Roquel Merrick/Fanci<br />

1st AAA Hrs - F8F 11.732<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - KH 7.961<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - P II 21.861<br />

Mandy Mondiel/Rockstar<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - KH 19.734<br />

Sami Mount/Pokey<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - KH 16.361<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - SSR 13.740<br />

Julia Newcomb/Sonny<br />

1st AA Hrs - P II 25.612<br />

Pamela Novinsky/Pistol<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - KH 17.916<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - P II 40.678<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - SBR 19.978<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - Big T 26.383<br />

Adrianna Ojeda/Fanny<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - BR 22.386<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - F8F 37.826<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - KH 19.035<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - SBR 17.115<br />

Taylor Pennings/Zippo<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - F8F 30.092<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - P II 37.270<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - SBR 17.115<br />

Tammy Pigao/Sir Lance Aluke<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8F 15.778<br />

Christopher Rowles/Copper<br />

Penny<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BR 14.167<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - F8F 12.231<br />

Nathan Rowles/Ace<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - P II 21.970<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.357<br />

Tiffany Scharton/Truly Miss<br />

Cody<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.291<br />

Allison Shiffrar/Saintly Pepper<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - SSR 9.413<br />

Amanda Shores/Flame<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - BR 23.214<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - P II 37.954<br />

Sami Simmons/Earny<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - KH 16.489<br />

Diane Stadel/Dolly<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - F8F 34.942<br />

Anissa Stanton/Montana<br />

1st AA Hrs - Big T 17.323<br />

Caitlin Sullivan/Ginger<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8F 16.200<br />

Marietta Sullivan/Taz<br />

2nd AA Hrs - Big T 17.414<br />

Winners Saturday’s events:<br />

Austin Arabia/Ransom<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - P II 40.621<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - SBR 16.238<br />

Pam Arabia/Ty<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - F8F 41.940<br />

Paula Baldwin/Mouse<br />

1st A Hrs - KH 11.818<br />

Lisa Lynn Bellangero/Jewels<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - BR 25.513<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - SSR 14.293<br />

Emily Bidou/Sierra<br />

1st AA Hrs - KH 8.977<br />

Christina Bless/Princess<br />

2nd A Hrs - P II 30.638<br />

1st A Hrs - Big T 20.812<br />

Kayla Chavez/Cinnamon Roles<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - Big T 15.463<br />

Balee Coffey/Silver Mist<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - Big T 30.934<br />

Larry Conte/Dash<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBR 10.995<br />

Rebekah Crill/Sebastian<br />

1st AA Hrs - BR 15.578<br />

Courtney Curtis/Dainein<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P II 25.693<br />

Lauren Doyle/Hershey<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - SSR 14.798<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - Big T 26.051<br />

Kristine Garbini/Ben<br />

1st FC Hrs 35-99 - SBR 19.778<br />

Kristine Garbini/Ocho<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - KH 22.331<br />

2nd FC Hrs 11-34 - Big T 30.896<br />

Violet Hackett/Cindy<br />

1st A Hrs - BR 17.667<br />

1st A Hrs - P II 30.166<br />

Douglas Hatano/Rio<br />

2nd A Hrs - Big T 20.886<br />

Alley Lewis/Silver<br />

1st AAA Hrs - Big T 15.461<br />

Audrey Liddle/Miss Painted<br />

Lady<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - BR 25.489<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - F8F 32.337<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - SBR 16.974<br />

Brittney Mann/Reba<br />

2nd AA Hrs - KH 9.058<br />

Ashley Mcdonough/Vanna<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - Big T 31.008<br />

Shelly Mcdonough/Farah<br />

2nd FC Hrs 35-99 - P II 40.870<br />

Mia Prichard/Clyde<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - BR 22.308<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - F8F 32.130<br />

1st FC Hrs 10/un - P II 37.340<br />

2nd FC Hrs 10/un - SSR 14.918<br />

Taylor Prichard/Ace Of Spades<br />

1st A Hrs - SBR 12.604<br />

1st A Hrs - SSR 11.312<br />

Shannon Rahn/Doc’s Saltnpeppy<br />

Lee<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - BR 13.980<br />

Mckenna Rose/Sissy<br />

1st AAA Hrs - KH 7.726<br />

Mindy Sullivan/Koi<br />

2nd A Hrs - BR 17.670<br />

2nd A Hrs - SSR 11.332<br />

Jamie Tsuji/Awesome Possum<br />

1st AAA+ Hrs - SBR 9.783<br />

2nd AAA+ Hrs - Big T 14.859<br />

Cierra Valdez/Hopscotch<br />

2nd A Hrs - F8F 22.252<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - SBR 16.338<br />

1st FC Hrs 11-34 - SSR 13.637<br />

Jeanette Veino/Charley Bay Lena<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P II 23.104<br />

Dymond Wafler/Beauty<br />

2nd A Hrs - SBR 12.975<br />

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