Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language


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the set of demanded positions of a call pattern π w.r.t. a set of rules R. For instance, the demanded<br />

positions of the call pattern leq(x,y) w.r.t. the rules for the predicate leq (see Section 17, page 65)<br />

are {1, 2} referring to the pattern variables x and y. Furthermore, we define by<br />

IP (π, R) = {o ∈ DP (π, R) | root(l|o) ∈ C for all l = r ∈ R}<br />

the set of inductive positions of a call pattern π w.r.t. a set of rules R. Thus, the inductive<br />

positions are those demanded positions where a constructor occurs in all left-hand sides defining<br />

this function. For instance, the set of inductive positions of the call pattern leq(x,y) w.r.t. the<br />

rules for the predicate leq is {1}.<br />

The generation of a definitional tree for a call pattern π and a set of rules R (where l is<br />

an instance of π for each l = r ∈ R) is described by the function gt(π, m, R) (m ∈ {flex, rigid}<br />

determines the mode annotation in the generated branch nodes). We distinguish the following<br />

cases for gt:<br />

1. If the position o is leftmost in IP (π, R), {root(l|o) | l = r ∈ R} = {c1, . . . , ck} where c1, . . . , ck<br />

are different constructors with arities n1, . . . , nk, and Ri = {l = r ∈ R | root(l|o) = ci}, then<br />

gt(π, m, R) = branch(π, o, m, gt(π[c1(x11, . . . , x1n1 )]o, m, R1),<br />

. . . ,<br />

gt(π[ck(xk1, . . . , xknk )]o, m, Rk))<br />

where xij are fresh variables. I.e., we generate a branch node for the leftmost inductive<br />

position (provided that there exists such a position).<br />

2. If IP (π, R) = ∅, let o be the leftmost position in DP (π, R) and R ′ = {l = r ∈ R | root(l|o) ∈<br />

C}. Then<br />

gt(π, m, R) = or(gt(π, m, R ′ ), gt(π, m, R − R ′ ))<br />

I.e., we generate an or node if the leftmost demanded position of the call pattern is not<br />

demanded by the left-hand sides of all rules.<br />

3. If DP (π, R) = ∅ and l = r variant of some rule in R with l = π, then<br />

gt(π, m, R) = rule(l = r)<br />

Note that all rules in R are variants of each other if there is no demanded position (this<br />

follows from the weak orthogonality of the rewrite system). For non-weakly orthogonal rewrite<br />

systems, which may occur in the presence of non-deterministic functions [18] or conditional<br />

rules, the rules in R may not be variants. In this case we simply connect the different rules<br />

by or nodes.<br />

If R is the set of all rules defining the n-ary function f, then a definitional tree for f is generated by<br />

computing gt(f(x1, . . . , xn), m, R), where m = rigid if the type of f has the form · · ·->IO ..., i.e.,<br />

if f denotes an IO action, and m = flex otherwise (this default can be changed by the evaluation<br />

annotation “eval rigid”, see Section 3).<br />


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