Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language


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to the suspension of e1 is instantiated, the left expression e1 will be evaluated in the subsequent<br />

step. Thus, we obtain a concurrent behavior with an interleaving semantics. However, a sophisticated<br />

implementation should provide a fair selection of threads, e.g., as done in a Java-based<br />

implementation of <strong>Curry</strong> [25].<br />

A computation step for an expression e attempts to apply a reduction step to an outermost<br />

operation-rooted subterm in e by evaluating this subterm with the definitional tree for the function<br />

symbol at the root of this subterm. Although it is unspecified which outermost subterm is evaluated<br />

(compare second inference rule in Figure 2 for constructor-rooted expressions), we assume that a<br />

single (e.g., leftmost) outermost subterm is always selected. The evaluation of an operation-rooted<br />

term is defined by a case distinction on the definitional tree. If it is a rule node, this rule is applied.<br />

<strong>An</strong> or node produces a disjunction where the different alternatives are combined. Note that this<br />

definition requires that the entire disjunction suspends if one disjunct suspends. This can be relaxed<br />

in concrete implementations by continuing the evaluation in one or branch even if the other branch<br />

is suspended. However, to ensure completeness, it is not allowed to omit a suspended or branch<br />

and continue with the other non-suspended or branch [23]. For a similar reason, we cannot commit<br />

to a disjunct which does not bind variables but we have to consider both alternatives (see [5] for a<br />

counter-example).<br />

The most interesting case is a branch node. Here we have to branch on the value of the<br />

top-level symbol at the selected position. If the symbol is a constructor, we proceed with the<br />

appropriate definitional subtree, if possible. If it is a function symbol, we proceed by evaluating<br />

this subexpression. If it is a variable and the branch is flexible, we instantiate the variable to<br />

the different constructors, otherwise (if the branch is rigid) we cannot proceed and suspend. The<br />

auxiliary function replace puts a possibly disjunctive expression into a subterm:<br />

replace(e, p, {σ1 e1, . . . , σn en}) = {σ1 σ1(e)[e1]p, . . . , σn σn(e)[en]p} (n ≥ 0)<br />

The overall computation strategy on disjunctive expressions takes a disjunct σ e not in solved<br />

form and evaluates e. If the evaluation does not suspend and yields a disjunctive expression, we<br />

substitute it for σ e composed with the old answer substitution.<br />

Soundness and completeness results for the operational semantics can be found in [23]. Note<br />

that the evaluation of expressions is completely deterministic if the concurrent conjunction of<br />

constraints does not occur.<br />

Conditional rules. Note that the operational semantics specified in Figure 2 handles only unconditional<br />

rules. Conditional rules are treated by the rules in Figure 3. If a conditional rules<br />

is applied, the condition and the right-hand side are joined into a guarded expression, i.e., a pair<br />

of the form c|r. Due to the additional evaluation rules, a guarded expression is evaluated by an<br />

attempt to solve its condition. If the condition is solvable (i.e., reducible to success), the guarded<br />

expression is replaced by its right-hand side. If the condition is not solvable and does not suspend,<br />

the disjunct containing this guarded expression will be deleted by the definition of computation<br />

steps, i.e., the application of the conditional rule fails and does not contribute to the final result.<br />

Sharing and graph rewriting. For the sake of simplicity, this description of the operational<br />

semantics is based on term rewriting and does not take into account that common subterms are<br />

shared (see Section 2.3.1). We only note here that several occurrences of the same variable are<br />


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