Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language


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SimplePattern ::= VariableID | _<br />

| QDataConstrID<br />

| Literal<br />

| ()<br />

| ( Pattern1 , . . . , Patternn ) (n > 1)<br />

| ( Pattern )<br />

| [ Pattern1 , . . . , Patternn ] (n � 0)<br />

VariableID ::= see lexicon<br />

LocalDefs ::= {ValueDeclaration1 ; . . . ; ValueDeclarationn } (n > 0)<br />

ValueDeclaration ::= FunctionDeclaration<br />

| PatternDeclaration<br />

| VariableID1 , . . . , VariableIDn free (n � 0)<br />

PatternDeclaration ::= Pattern = Expr [where LocalDefs]<br />

CondExprs ::= | Expr = Expr [CondExprs]<br />

Expr ::= \ SimplePattern1 . . . SimplePatternn -> Expr (n > 0)<br />

| let LocalDefs in Expr (let expression)<br />

| if Expr then Expr else Expr (conditional)<br />

| case Expr of {Alt1 ; . . . ; Altn } (case expression, n � 0)<br />

| do {Stmt1 ; . . . ; Stmtn ; Expr } (do expression, n � 0)<br />

| Expr QInfixOpID Expr (infix operator)<br />

| - Expr (unary minus)<br />

| FunctExpr<br />

FunctExpr ::= [FunctExpr] BasicExpr (function application)<br />

BasicExpr ::= QVariableID (variable)<br />

| QDataConstrID (data constructor)<br />

| QFunctionID (defined function)<br />

| ( QInfixOpID ) (operator function)<br />

| Literal<br />

| () (empty tuple)<br />

| ( Expr ) (parenthesized expression)<br />

| ( Expr1 , . . . , Exprn ) (tuple, n > 1)<br />

| [ Expr1 , . . . , Exprn ] (finite list, n � 0)<br />

| [ Expr [, Expr] .. [Expr] ] (arithmetic sequence)<br />

| [ Expr | Qual1 , . . . , Qualn ] (list comprehension, n � 1)<br />

| ( Expr QInfixOpID ) (left section)<br />

| ( QInfixOpID Expr ) (right section)<br />

Alt ::= Pattern -> Expr<br />

Qual ::= Expr<br />

| Pattern

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