Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language


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A.6 Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming<br />

The following example shows a simple method to program in a concurrent object-oriented style in<br />

<strong>Curry</strong>. For this purpose, an object is a process waiting for incoming messages. The local state is a<br />

parameter of this process. Thus, a process is a function of type<br />

State -> [Message] -> Success<br />

In the subsequent example, we implement a bank account as an object waiting for messages of the<br />

form Deposit i, Withdraw i, or Balance i. Thus, the bank account can be defined as follows:<br />

data Message = Deposit Int | Withdraw Int | Balance Int<br />

account :: Int -> [Message] -> Success<br />

account eval rigid -- account is a consumer<br />

account _ [] = success<br />

account n (Deposit a : ms) = account (n+a) ms<br />

account n (Withdraw a : ms) = account (n-a) ms<br />

account n (Balance b : ms) = b=:=n & account n ms<br />

-- Install an initial account with message stream s:<br />

make_account s = account 0 s<br />

A new account object is created by the constraint make_account s where s is a free variable.<br />

When s is instantiated with messages, the account process starts processing these messages. The<br />

following concurrent conjunction of constraints creates an account and sends messages:<br />

make_account s & s=:=[Deposit 200, Deposit 50, Balance b]<br />

After this goal is solved, the free variable b has been bound to 250 representing the balance after<br />

the two deposits.<br />

To show a client-server interaction, we define a client of a bank account who is finished if his<br />

account is 50, buys things for 30 if his account is greater than 50, and works for an income of<br />

70 if his account is less than 50. In order to get the client program independent of the account<br />

processing, the client sends messages to his account. Therefore, the client is implemented as follows:<br />

-- Send a message to an object identified by its message stream obj:<br />

sendMsg :: [msg] -> msg -> [msg]<br />

sendMsg msg obj | obj =:= msg:obj1 = obj1 where obj1 free<br />

-- Client process of an bank account<br />

client s | s1 =:= sendMsg (Balance b) s =<br />

if b==50 then s1=:=[] -- stop<br />

else if b>50 then client (sendMsg (Withdraw 30) s1) -- buy<br />

else client (sendMsg (Deposit 70) s1) -- work<br />

where s1,b free<br />


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