Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language


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collect [g] = [g]<br />

collect (g1:g2:gs) = concat (map solveAll (g1:g2:gs))<br />

(concat concatenates a list of lists to a single list). For instance, if append is the list concatenation,<br />

then the expression<br />

solveAll \l -> append l [1] =:= [0,1]<br />

reduces to [\l->l=:=[0]].<br />

The value computed for the search variable in a search goal can be easily accessed by applying<br />

it to a free variable. For instance, the evaluation of the applicative expression<br />

(solveAll \l->append l [1] =:= [0,1]) =:= [g] & g x<br />

binds the variable g to the search goal [\l->l=:=[0]] and the variable x to the value [0] (due to<br />

solving the constraint x=:=[0]). Based on this idea, there is a predefined function<br />

findall :: (a->Success) -> [a]<br />

which takes a search goal and collects all solutions (computed by a depth-first search like solveAll)<br />

for the search variable into a list.<br />

Due to the laziness of the language, search goals with infinitely many solutions cause no problems<br />

if one is interested only in finitely many solutions. For instance, a function which computes only<br />

the first solution w.r.t. a depth-first search strategy can be defined by<br />

first g = head (findall g)<br />

Note that first is a partial function, i.e., it is undefined if g has no solution.<br />

8.2 Local Variables<br />

Some care is necessary if free variables occur in the search goal, like in the goal<br />

\l2 -> append l1 l2 =:= [0,1]<br />

Here, only the variable l2 is abstracted in the search goal but l1 is free. Since non-deterministic<br />

bindings cannot be performed during encapsulated search, free variables are never bound inside encapsulated<br />

search. Thus, if it is necessary to bind a free variable in order to proceed an encapsulated<br />

search operation, the computation suspends. For instance, the expression<br />

first \l2 -> append l1 l2 =:= [0,1]<br />

cannot be evaluated and will be suspended until the variable l1 is bound by another part of the<br />

computation. Thus, the constraint<br />

s =:= (first \l2->append l1 l2 =:= [0,1]) & l1 =:= [0]<br />

can be evaluated since the free variable l1 in the search goal is bound to [0], i.e., this constraint<br />

reduces to the answer<br />

{l1=[0], s=[1]}<br />

In some cases it is reasonable to have unbound variables in search goals, but these variables should<br />

be treated as local, i.e., they might have different bindings in different branches of the search. For<br />


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