Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language


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Now the names f, m1.f, and m2.f refer to the identical entity, namely the function f defined<br />

in module m. Note that there is no need to qualify f in the module main since this name is<br />

unambiguously resolved to the function f defined in module m, although it is imported via two<br />

different paths.<br />

Qualified names are treated syntactically like unqualified names. In particular, a qualified infix<br />

operator like Complex.+ has the same fixity as the definition of + in the module Complex, i.e., the<br />

expression “x Complex.+ y” is syntactically valid. To distinguish between a function composition<br />

like “f . g”, where “.” is an infix operator (see Section 14, page 46), and a module qualification,<br />

spaces are not allowed in the module qualification while there must be at least one space before<br />

the “.” if it is used as an infix operator. Thus, “f . g” is interpreted as the composition of f and<br />

g whereas “f.g” is interpreted as the object g imported from module f.<br />

The import dependencies between modules must be non-circular, i.e., it is not allowed that<br />

module m1 imports module m2 and module m2 also imports (directly or indirectly) module m1.<br />

7 Input/Output<br />

<strong>Curry</strong> provides a declarative model of I/O by considering I/O operations as transformations on<br />

the outside world. In order to avoid dealing with different versions of the outside world, it must<br />

be ensured that at each point of a computation only one version of the world is accessible. This is<br />

guaranteed by using the monadic I/O approach [42] of Haskell and by requiring that I/O operations<br />

are not allowed in program parts where non-deterministic search is possible.<br />

7.1 Monadic I/O<br />

In the monadic I/O approach, the outside “world” is not directly accessible but only through actions<br />

which change the world. Thus, the world is encapsulated in an abstract datatype which provides<br />

actions to change the world. The type of such actions is IO t which is an abbreviation for<br />

World -> (t,World)<br />

where World denotes the type of all states of the outside world. If an action of type IO t is applied<br />

to a particular world, it yields a value of type t and a new (changed) world. For instance, getChar<br />

is an action which reads a character from the standard input when it is executed, i.e., applied to<br />

a world. Therefore, getChar has the type IO Char. The important point is that values of type<br />

World are not accessible for the programmer — she/he can only create and compose actions on<br />

the world. Thus, a program intended to perform I/O operations has a sequence of actions as the<br />

result. These actions are computed and executed when the program is connected to the world by<br />

executing it. For instance,<br />

getChar :: IO Char<br />

getLine :: IO String<br />

are actions which read the next character or the next line from the standard input. The functions<br />

putChar :: Char -> IO ()<br />

putStr :: String -> IO ()<br />

putStrLn :: String -> IO ()<br />


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