Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language


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C x1 . . . xn == D y1 . . . ym = False % for all different constructors C and D<br />

This implements a test for strict equality (cf. Section 2.6). For instance, the test “[0]==[0]”<br />

reduces to True, whereas the test “1==0” reduces to False. <strong>An</strong> equality test with a free variable in<br />

one side is delayed in order to avoid an infinite set of solutions for insufficiently instantiated tests<br />

like x==y. Usually, strict equality is only defined on data terms, i.e., == is not really polymorphic<br />

but an overloaded function symbol. This could be more precisely expressed using type classes which<br />

will be considered in a future version.<br />

Note that e1==e2 only tests the identity of e1 and e2 but never binds one side to the other if it<br />

is a free variable. This is in contrast to solving the equational constraint e1=:=e2 which is checked<br />

for satisfiability and propagates new variable bindings in order to solve this constraint. Thus, in<br />

terms of concurrent constraint programming languages [44], == and =:= correspond to ask and tell<br />

equality constraints, respectively.<br />

4.1.2 Constraints<br />

The type Success is the result type of expressions used in conditions of defining rules. Since<br />

conditions must be successfully evaluated in order to apply the rule, the type Success can be also<br />

interpreted as the type of successful evaluations. A function with result type Success is also called<br />

a constraint.<br />

Constraints are different from Boolean-valued functions: a Boolean expression reduces to True<br />

or False whereas a constraint is checked for satisfiability. A constraint is applied (i.e., solved) in a<br />

condition of a conditional equation. The equational constraint e1=:=e2 is an elementary constraint<br />

which is solvable if the expressions e1 and e2 are evaluable to unifiable data terms. success denotes<br />

an always solvable constraint.<br />

Constraints can be combined into a conjunction of the form c1 & c2 & . . . & cn by applying the<br />

concurrent conjunction operator &. In this case, all constraints in the conjunction are evaluated<br />

concurrently. Constraints can also be evaluated in a sequential order by the sequential conjunction<br />

operator &>, i.e., the combined constraint c1 &> c2 will be evaluated by first completely evaluating<br />

c1 and then c2.<br />

Constraints can be passed as parameters or results of functions like any other data object. For<br />

instance, the following function takes a list of constraints as input and produces a single constraint,<br />

the concurrent conjunction of all constraints of the input list:<br />

conj :: [Success] -> Success<br />

conj [] = success<br />

conj (c:cs) = c & conj cs<br />

The trivial constraint success is usually not shown in answers to a constraint expression. For<br />

instance, the constraint x*x=:=y & x=:=2 is evaluated to the answer<br />

{x=2, y=4}<br />


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