Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language

Curry: An Integrated Functional Logic Language


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❀ {x=1,y=3}<br />

(The empty constraint is omitted in the final answer.)<br />

4 Types<br />

4.1 Built-in Types<br />

This section describes the types that are predefined in <strong>Curry</strong>. For each type, some important<br />

operations are discussed. The complete definition of all operations can be found in the standard<br />

prelude (see Appendix B).<br />

4.1.1 Boolean Values<br />

Boolean values are predefined by the datatype declaration<br />

data Bool = True | False<br />

The (sequential) conjunction is predefined as the left-associative infix operator &&:<br />

(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool<br />

True && x = x<br />

False && x = False<br />

Similarly, the (sequential) disjunction || and the negation not are defined as usual (see Appendix<br />

B). Furthermore, the function otherwise is predefined as True to write rules with multiple<br />

guards more nicely.<br />

Boolean values are mainly used in conditionals, i.e., the conditional function if_then_else is<br />

predefined as<br />

if_then_else :: Bool -> a -> a -> a<br />

if True then x else y = x<br />

if False then x else y = y<br />

where “if b then x else y” is syntactic sugar for the application (if_then_else b x y).<br />

A function with result type Bool is often called a predicate (in contrast to constraints which<br />

have result type Success, see below). 7 There are a number of built-in predicates for comparing<br />

objects, like the predicate “

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