Guillaume Cheikbossian - Lameta

Guillaume Cheikbossian - Lameta

Guillaume Cheikbossian - Lameta


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<strong>Guillaume</strong> <strong>Cheikbossian</strong><br />

Date of birth : 08 December 1969<br />

Citizenship: French<br />

Toulouse School of Economics<br />

Manufacture des Tabacs - Bâtiment F<br />

21 Allée de Brienne<br />

31000 Toulouse - France<br />

Tel: 33 (0)5 61 63 57 82<br />

Fax: 33 (0)5 61 22 55 63<br />

E-mail: guillaume.cheikbossian@univ-tlse1.fr<br />

Professional Experiences<br />

2011- Professor of Economics, University of Montpellier 1<br />

Research fellow at LAMETA (CNRS – University Montpellier 1) and at TSE<br />

2009-11 Director of Research at CNRS, GREMAQ and TSE (Toulouse School of Economics)<br />

2003-2009 Professor of Economics, University of Montpellier 1<br />

Research fellow at LASER (EA University Montpellier 1) and at GREMAQ (University Toulouse 1)<br />

2005-2006 Visiting Professor, Université de Montréal, Canada.<br />

2000-2003 Professor of Economics, Université de Perpignan<br />

1998-2000 Assistant Professor, University de Lille2.<br />

Professor, Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique, (ENSAE).<br />

Research Fellow, DELTA (CNRS, ENS, EHESS, Paris).<br />

1999 (July) Invited Professor, University Los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia). Summer School on International<br />

trade, political economy and income distribution. In collaboration with J. Leibovich (University<br />

Los Andes) and F.Bourguignon (EHESS, Paris and World Bank).<br />

1997-1998 Lecturer, Warsaw University (Poland)/ Columbia University (US) Cooperative Program in<br />

Economics, University of Warsaw, Poland.<br />

Research Fellow, Institute of East Central Europe, Columbia University, NY, US.<br />

1994-1997 Doctoral dissertation fellowship at DELTA (ENS-CNRS, EHESS), Paris<br />

Lecturer, University Paris I.<br />

Education<br />

2000 French National Contest (Agrégation des Universités) for Full Professorship in Economics<br />

1997 Ph.D in Economics, EHESS, Paris Thesis title: Economie Politique de la Désintegration [The<br />

Political Economy of Disintegration]; Thesis committee: P. Aghion, A. Casella (Referee), H.<br />

Crémer, G. de Ménil, G. Saint-Paul (Referee), J.M. Siroen.<br />

1996 Summer School in Economic Theory on Political Economy under the supervision of K. Arrow at<br />

the Institute of Advanced Studies; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.<br />

1994 Master in Economics (DEA)<br />

(Joint EHESS, ENSAE, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ecole Polytechnique)<br />

1993 Graduate in Economic Science and Political Science, University Paris I<br />

1989 Baccalauréat C (Mathematics and Physics)<br />

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Journal Articles<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2012] “The Collective Action Problem: Within-Group Cooperation and Between-Group<br />

Competition in a Repeated Rent-Seeking Game”, Games and Economic Behavior 74, 68-82.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong> and W. Sand-Zantman, [2011], “The Incentives to Cooperate in Local Public Goods Supply:<br />

A Repeated Game with Imperfect Monitoring”, Annales d’Economie et Statistiques 101-102, 327-345.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2010], “La Coordination des Politiques Environnementales entre Deux Pays de Taille<br />

Asymétrique” [Coordination of Environmental Policies Among Two Countries of Asymmetric Size], Revue<br />

Economique 61(1), 11-30.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2008], “Rent-seeking, Spillovers and the Benefits of Decentralization”, Journal of Urban<br />

Economic 63, 217-228.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2008], "Heterogenous Groups and Rent-seeking for Public Goods," European Journal of<br />

Political Economy 24, 133-150.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2004] “Lobbying and Rent-Seeking for Public Goods in a fiscally Centralized System,”<br />

Annales d’Economie et Statistiques 75-76, pp 331-351.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2004], "(Sous)-Développement Institutionnel, anarchie, crime et trappes de pauvreté<br />

dans les Sociétés Post-Communistes" [Institutional Underdevelopment, Anarchy, Crime and Poverty Trap of<br />

in Post-Communist Societies], Cahiers d’Economie Politique 47, pp 95-110.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2003] “Property Rights, Rent-Seeking and Aggregate Outcomes”, Economic Systems, Vol<br />

27, N°3, pp 271-288.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2002],"Seigniorage, Delegation and Common Currency: Why Monetary Unions May<br />

Fail ," Public Choice, Vol 112, N°3-4, pp 305-317.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2001], "When a Monetary Union Fails: A Parable," Open Economies Review, Vol 12, N°2,<br />

pp 181-195.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2000], "Federalism, Distributive Politics and Representative Democracy”, Economics of<br />

Governance, Vol 1, N°2, pp105-122.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong> et M. Maurel, [1998], "The New Geography of Eastern European Trade," Kyklos, Vol 51, pp<br />

45-71.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, M. Maurel et D. Schumacher, [1997], "L'Intégration des Pays d'Europe Centrale et<br />

Orientale à l'Union Européenne" [The Integration of East European Countries into the European Union]<br />

Economie Rurale 240, p 1-5.<br />

Submitted Papers<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong> and N. Marceau, [2011] “Why is Law Enforcement Decentralized” Cahier 07–19, CIRPEE.<br />

• M. Cavagnac and G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2011], “Coalition Formation and Environmental Policies in International<br />

Oligopoly Markets,” Working Paper TSE.<br />

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• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2011], “Dynamique de l’Action Collective, Taille du Groupe et Degré de Rivalité de la<br />

Rente,” Document de Travail TSE.<br />

Other Articles<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2008], “La Nouvelle Economie Politique : Une Introduction,” [Political Economy : an<br />

Introduction] in Idées : La Revue de Sciences Economiques et Sociales 151, 6-9, mars 2008. Also in<br />

Problèmes Economiques N°2949, La Documentation Française, juin 2008.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2008], “L’Economie Politique de la Politique Commerciale,” [The Political Economy of<br />

Trade Policy] in Idées : La Revue de Sciences Economiques et Sociales 151, 33-39, mars 2008.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2002], "Droits de Propriété, Restructuration et Recherche de Rentes," [Property Rights,<br />

Restructuring and Rent-Seeking] in W. Andreff (ed), Analyses Economiques de la Transition Post-Socialiste,<br />

Editions La Découverte.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, et M. Maurel, [1996], "Le Coût de la Désintégration du CAEM et les Perspectives du<br />

Commerce intra-PECO", [The Cost of CMEA Disintegration and Prospects for Trade between ECE Countries]<br />

in J. Le Cacheux, (ed), Europe: la Nouvelle Vague. Perspectives Economiques de l'Elargissement, Presses de<br />

la Fondation Nationale de Sciences Politiques.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [1996], "Hyperinflation and High Inflation in Ukraine since Independence: an empirical<br />

analysis (1992-95)", Scientific Report TACIS, Soros International Economic Advisory Group, Kiev, Ukraine.<br />

Newspaper article<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2010] “Régionales : La victoire du vote par calcul” [Local Elections : The Calculus of<br />

Voting], L’Expansion, Mai 2010.<br />

Working Papers<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong> and P. Mahenc, “Collusion Against a Subsidized Monopolist”, Working Paper.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong> and P. Mahenc, [2002], “Scattering skill requirements to exploit workers: an argument à la<br />

Hotteling”, Working Paper GREMAQ.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [1998], "Voting on Tariff in a General Equilibrium Model of Customs Union”, Working<br />

Paper DELTA.<br />

Books<br />

• M. Bacache and G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, « La Nouvelle Economie Politique, » Economica. In preparation.<br />

• G. <strong>Cheikbossian</strong>, [2001], "L’économie politique de l’éclatement des unions économiques", Collection<br />

Logiques Economiques, l’Harmattan, Paris.<br />

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Conferences and Workshops<br />

2010 4th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Montréal, Canada.<br />

2009 Association Française de Sciences Economiques, Paris, (Invited presentation)<br />

2008 Econometric Society European Meeting (ESEM 2008), Milano, Italy.<br />

2007 Société Canadienne de Sciences Economiques (SCSE 2006), Québec, Canada;<br />

2006 Société Canadienne de Sciences Economiques (SCSE 2006), Montréal, Canada; Canadian Economic<br />

Association (CAE 2006), Montréal, Canada ; Econometric Society European Meeting (ESEM 2006),<br />

Vienne, Austria; European Economic Association Annual Meeting (EEA 2006), Vienne, Austria.<br />

2004 Fourth international conference of the Association for Public Economic Theory (APET), Beijing, China;<br />

Southern European Association for Economic Theory (ASSET04), Barcelona, Spain.<br />

2003 Conference « Economie et Démocratie », Université Marne-la-Vallée. (Invited presentation)<br />

2002 Workshop, Recent Advances in Political Economics, DELTA-EUREQua, Paris. (Invited presentation) ;<br />

Conference of CNRS : Théories et Méthodes de la Macroéconomie, University Evry ; Journées<br />

d’Economie Publique L.A. Gérard-Varet, IDEP-GREQAM, Marseille, (Invited presentation) ; Third<br />

international conference of the Association for Public Economic Theory (APET), Paris ; Econometric<br />

Society European Meeting, (ESEM 2002), Venice, Italy.<br />

2001 Conference CNRS : Théories et Méthodes de la Macroéconomie, University de Nice;-Econometric<br />

Society European Meeting, (ESEM 2001), Lausanne, Suisse.<br />

2000 Toulouse Seminar on Macroeconomics, Toulouse, France.<br />

1999 European Science Foundation, Research Conference "Identity, Territory and Politics, Strasbourg,<br />

France. (Invited presentation)<br />

1998 North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society (NASM98), Montreal, Canada;<br />

Econometric Society European Meeting, (ESEM 98), Berlin, Germany.<br />

1997 Conference, Chaire J. Monnet: " L'Unification Monétaire Européenne, University de Lille2 ; XV Latin<br />

American Meeting of the Econometric Society (LAMES97), Santiago, Chili ; Econometric Society<br />

European Meeting, (ESEM 97): Toulouse, France ; Twelve Congress of the European Economic<br />

Association, (EEA97), Toulouse, France.<br />

1996 Conference CNRS : Théories et Méthodes de la Macroéconomie, University Paris I ; Fifth Annual<br />

Meeting, Colloquia on Economic Research IGIER, Milan, Italy ; XIV Latin American Meeting of the<br />

Econometric Society (LAMES96), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ; Econometric Society European Meeting, (ESEM<br />

96): Istanbul, Turkey ; Eleventh Congress of the European Economic Association, (EEA96), Istanbul,<br />

Turkey ; -Société Française d'Economie Rurale (SFER), Paris, (Invited presentation) ; Southern European<br />

Association for Economic Theory (ASSET96), Alicante, Spain.<br />

1995 European Science Foundation Research Conference, The Political Economy of Economic Policy,<br />

Castelgandolfo, Italy.<br />

Research Seminars<br />

DELTA, Paris (1998, 2000, 2002), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (1998)-Ben-Gurion University,<br />

Israel (1998), Southampton University, Grande-Bretagne (1998), University Lille II, (1998), Columbia University,<br />

USA, (1998), ROSES, University Paris I (1999), University Toulouse I (2000, 2002, 2005, 2009, 2010), Université<br />

Montpellier 1, (2003, 2004), Université Paris IX Dauphine (2004), Université de Montréal, (2005), Université de<br />

Laval, Québec, (2006), Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), (2006), Université de Rennes, CREM, (2009),<br />

Université Paris X, EconomiX, (2009, 2012), Université de Savoie (2012).<br />

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Teaching<br />

Supervision of doctoral thesis: Liping XIAO: “Public Goods, Interest Groups, Mobility and Institutional System,”<br />

defended a University Montpellier 1, on September 3, 2010.<br />

Courses taught at the University of Montpellier 1 (2003-):<br />

Graduate Level (Master 2 nd year): Economics of Regulation (2007-09); Local Public Economy (2006-09); The<br />

Economics of Taxation (2003-) ; Development Economics (2003-05).<br />

Graduate Level (Master 1 st year): Microeconomic Theory (2008-); Industrial Organization (2007-) ; International<br />

Trade (2003-).<br />

Undergraduate Level (Licence, 3 rd year): International Economics (2011-); International Finance (2003-2008).<br />

Undergraduate Level (Licence, 1 st year): History of Economic Theory (2003-07).<br />

Courses taught at the University of Perpignan (2000-2003):<br />

Graduate Level: Advanced Macroeconomics (2000-03), Public Economics (2000-03), International<br />

Macroeconomics (2000-03).<br />

Undergraduate Level: Macroeconomic Analysis (2000-03)<br />

Courses taught at the University of Lille2 (1998-2000):<br />

Graduate Level : European Economy (1998-2000), Public Economics (1998-2000)<br />

Undergraduate Level : Economic Analysis (1998-2000), Economics of the Public Sector (1998-2000)<br />

Courses taught at ENSEA, Paris, (1998-2000):<br />

Master : International Macroeconomics.<br />

Courses taught at Pole Universitaire Français de Ho Chi Minh Ville (October 2010, October 2011)<br />

Undergraduate level (1 st year): Macroeconomics.<br />

Courses taught in a summer school at University Los Andes de Bogotá – Colombia - (July 1999)<br />

Master level: International trade, political economy and income distribution.<br />

Courses taught in the master of Columbia University in Warsaw (1997-1998):<br />

Master : (i) Advanced Macroeconomics; (ii) Public Economics; (iii) Time Series Analysis; (iv) Political Economy:<br />

research seminar.<br />

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Other Professional Activities<br />

Referee reports: European Economic Review, Journal of Public Economic, Regional Science and Urban<br />

Economics, Public Choice, Social Choice and Welfare, European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public<br />

Economic Theory, International Tax and Public Finance, Journal of Urban Economics, Papers in Regional<br />

Science, Labour Economics, Economic Systems, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Review<br />

of Economic Design, Canadian Journal of Economics, Annales d’Econonomie et de Statistiques, Revue<br />

Economique, Economie et Prévision, L’Actualité Economique.<br />

Thesis committee: (Referee) : Z. Benhamouche, March 2003, (Director : F. Portier, University Toulouse1); F.<br />

Pouget, January 2008, (Director: J.M. Siroën, University Paris-Dauphine); P. Boyer, September 2010, (Director:<br />

D. Martimort, EHESS); Jianye Yan, July 2011, (Director: T. Mariotti, Toulouse School of Economics).<br />

Habilitation committee: (Referee) : S. Rossignol, June 2008, (Director : H. Kempf, University Paris I).<br />

University of Paris X - Nanterre (2011):<br />

Member of the Hiring Committee in Economics: senior committee: (2011)<br />

University of Montpellier 1 (2003-):<br />

Member of the Faculty Council in Economic Science (2006-2010; 2010-)<br />

Member of the Hiring Committee in Economics : junior and senior committee: (2004-2009; 2010)<br />

Director of the first year graduate program in Economics (2006-2008)<br />

Director of the first year undergraduate program in Economics (2006-2008)<br />

Responsible of Research Papers of Research Center LASER (2006-)<br />

Organizer of the Research Seminar of Research Center LASER (2006-07)<br />

University of Perpignan (2000-03):<br />

Member of the Hiring Committee in Economic Science and Management (junior and senior committee).<br />

Member of the Hiring Committee in Sociology (junior and senior committee).<br />

Co-organizer of the research seminar of JEREM.<br />

April 2001: Participation in the European Commission TEMPUS-TACIS program in Simferapol, the Ukraine.<br />

April 1999-June 2000: Short-term expert for European Commission at the RECEP (Russian European Center for<br />

Economic Policy, Moscow). RECEP is financed by the European Union’s TACIS program and was led (until June<br />

2000) by SITE (Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics), CEPR (Center for Economic Policy Research,<br />

London) and DELTA.<br />

January 1999: Organizer of a round table at DELTA on the EURO; Speakers: M. J. Braga de Macedo (former<br />

Ministry of finance of Portugal, University of Lisbon); Me. A. Bénassy-Quéré (CEPII et University Lille2); M. D.<br />

Cohen (Ecole Normale Supérieure); M. R. Portes (London Business School and EHESS).<br />

1997-1998: Participation in the cooperative program in economics between Columbia University (New York,<br />

USA) and the University of Warsaw, (POLAND). Research fellow at the CEEERC (Central and East European<br />

Economic Center, Warsaw) and research fellow at the Institute on East Central Europe at Columbia University.<br />

April 1997: Lectures on the “Enlargement of European Union” at the ministry of finance of Romania,<br />

Bucharest.<br />

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