FASHION CITY - Where Milan

FASHION CITY - Where Milan FASHION CITY - Where Milan
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Museums & Attractions Open Tues-Sun 10am-6pm. Full ticket price €8 (€4 on Tuesdays). Corso di Porta Ticinese, 95. T: 02 89420019. Map E7 MUSEO POLDI PEZZOLI – Formerly the aristocratic home of its founder, Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli (1822-1879), it houses a remarkable collection of Italian Renaissance masters: from Botticelli to Mantegna, from Piero della Francesca to Tiepolo. It also displays weapons, ceramics, glass, textiles, clocks, watches and jewellery. Open Mon-Sun 10am-6pm (closed on Tuesdays). Full ticket price €8. Via A. Manzoni, 12. T: 02 794889/796334. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 MUSEO TEATRALE ALLA SCALA – Founded in 1913, it recently underwent an important makeover and is dedicated to the history of the famous Milan Opera House with a vast collection of musical instruments and documents dedicated to famous musicians, including Verdi and Toscanini. Visitors can look into the theatre, provided there are no rehearsals, or admire the “machine” that gives stage directions. Open Mon-Sun (except holidays) 9am-12.30am/ 1.30pm-5.30pm. Full price ticket €5. www. Largo A. Ghiringhelli, 1 corner of Piazza della Scala. T: 02 88792473/7423. M1-M3 Duomo; M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 MUSEUM OF CRIMINOLOGY AND ANTIQUE WEAPONS – Housed in 12th century towers, in the Sant’Ambrogio area, at the old entrance to the city, this small museum is the perfect place for those who are fascinated by torture. It hosts a fine collection of weapons, armour and horrifying instruments of torture from Medieval times right up to the early nineteenth century. Open Mon-Sun 10am-1pm/3pm-7.30pm. Full SPOTLIGHT ticket price €6.20. Via G. Carducci, 41. T: 02 8053505. M2 Sant’Ambrogio. Map D5 NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – Home to valuable mineral, botanical and zoological collections. Highlights include a large fossil collection, reconstructions of extinct animals and dioramas with stuffed animals shown in their natural habitats originating both from Europe and other exotic places. It contains the only dinosaur skeleton existing in Italy. Open Tues-Sun 9am-5.30pm. Full price ticket €3 (free admission on Friday afternoon). www.comune. Corso Venezia, 55. T: 02 88463280. M1 Palestro. Map H3 PAC–CONTEMPORARY ART PAVILIONS – Completed in 1996, this 1,200 sq.m. space is the most important exhibition centre for contemporary art in Milan, boasting a garden area for sculptures, a raised floor for paintings and a balcony for photos and graphic works. Fully accessible by the disabled. Opening hours and ticket prices vary according to the exhibition on show. Via Palestro, 14. T: 02 88446359/360. M1 Palestro, M3 Turati. Map G3 PALAZZO DELLA RAGIONE – Built in the 13th century as a courthouse, the palazzo is located in one of the oldest and most picturesque squares in the city. Renovated in the Eighties, it is now a prestigious exhibition space. Opening hours and ticket prices vary according to the exhibition on show. Piazza Mercanti, 1. T: 02 875672. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5 PALAZZO REALE – Formerly the residence of all those who governed Milan, from Napoleon to the Royal House of Savoy, the Royal Palace is currently one of the most important cultural centres in the city, hosting exhibitions of international renown. Opening hours vary according to the exhibition on show. www. Piazza Duomo, 12. T: 02 875672. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5 PINACOTECA DI BRERA – The Brera Art Gallery is one of the most important museums in Milan. Its permanent collections offer a wealth of exceptionally good Italian and foreign masterpieces including Mantegna’s “Dead Christ”, Raphael’s “Marriage of the Virgin”, Caravaggio’s “Supper at Emmaus” and, for a little light relief, “The Kiss” by Hayez. Open Tues-Sun 8.30am-7.15pm. Full ticket price €11. www.brera. Via Brera, 28. T: 02 722631. M2 Lanza, M3 Montenapoleone. Map F3 RISORGIMENTO MUSEUM – Located in the Brera district, the museum depicts the Unification of the Kingdom of Italy with prints, paintings, sculptures, drawings, weapons and other memorabilia. The very first Italian flag is housed here. Open Tues-Sun 9am-1pm/2pm- 5.30pm. Full admission fee €2. Free for children under 18 and every Friday afternoon. www. Via Borgonuovo, 23. T: 02 88464177. M2 Lanza, M3 Montenapoleone. Map F3 ROTONDA DELLA BESANA – Formerly used as a cemetery and subsequently as the city’s hospital, this evocative venue is currently an exhibition centre with porticoes and gardens open to the public. Opening hours and ticket prices vary according to the exhibition on show. www. Via Besana, 15. T: 02 5455047. Map H6. M3 Crocetta. STUDIO-MUSEUM FRANCESCO MESSINA – Located in the old deconsecrated Church of S. Sisto, just a few steps from the Duomo, Francesco Messina, twentieth century Italian sculptor, chose the venue himself, considering it an ideal spot to display the works that he had donated to the city. Tues-Sat 2pm-6pm. Free admission. www.comune.milano. it. Via San Sisto, 4/A. T: 02 86453005. M1-M3 Duomo. Map E5 TRIENNALE DESIGN MUSEUM – The Triennale di Milano is one of the most vibrant, popular and important exhibition centres in the city. Featuring annually changing exhibitions of note, it also owns the most important permanent collection of design works. This fantastic museum is brimming with endless installations originating from brilliant minds all over the world. It has a superb media library on design, art and architecture. In 2006, in addition to the historic headquarters, a branch was also opened in the emerging Bovisa district. Open Tues-Sun 10.30am-8.30pm; Thurs-Fri 10.30am- 11pm. Viale E. Alemagna, 6. T: 02 724341. M1-M2 Cadorna FN. Map D3 A Lyrical Haven The world’s premier opera house built at the behest of Empress Maria Teresa of Austria and designed by Piermarini, La Scala was inaugurated in 1778 with an opera by Antonio Salieri. For more information, also see “Entertainment” (p. 64). ULRICO HOEPLI CIVIC PLANETARIUM – Planetarium activities include events, conferences and meetings on all subjects related to astronomy: guided star-watching tours for beginners, scientific lectures for experts and various events for children and young people including musical performances and plays. Open Tues-Sun 9am- 5.30pm. Full price ticket €3. www.comune. Corso Venezia, 57. T: 02 88463340. M1 Palestro. Map H3 74 W H E R E M I L A N I NO VEMBER 2010

Museums & Attractions Copyright Compass Maps Ltd. (UK). All rights reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to check the accuracy of the information in this guide, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions or the consequences thereof. No part of this map and guide may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. This map is originally designed and produced by CM Cartographics. For further details see our web Out of Town In north-western Lombardy, 55 km north of Milan, close to Malpensa Airport and only a few kilometres from the Swiss border, the town of Varese is well known as the “Garden City”, while its province is rightly defined as the “Land of lakes”, because of the seven lakes scattered throughout its territory. The A8 motorway (follow the green signals!), part of the oldest toll road system in the world, connects Varese with Milan. The town is also served by both the state-run Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) and Ferrovie Nord Milano (Le Nord). Trains run every 50 minutes and the journey to Varese takes about 45 minutes. Santa Caterina del Sasso - According to tradition, the hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso was founded in the 12th century by Alberto Besozzi, a rich local merchant who, after having survived a heavy storm while crossing Lake Maggiore, decided to give up his worldly goods and live the life of a hermit. The particular appeal of this hermitage (which contains important frescoes) is mostly due to its astonishing location, perched on a rocky overhang with a sheer drop down to the Lake. Sat-Sun and public holidays 9am-12am/2pm- 5pm. . Via Santa Caterina, 5 – Leggiuno (VA). T: 0332 647172. 75 km from Milan, 35 km from Malpensa Airport. Sacro Monte - Varese’s Sacro Monte, one of the nine religious complexes situated on the slopes of the Piedmont and Lombardy Alps and included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, is a religious itinerary dedicated to the Mysteries of the Rosary which encompasses 14 richly decorated chapels erected during Clockwise from top: VILLA PANZA An 18th century residence transformed into a contemporary art museum SANTA CATERINA deL SASSO A hermitage perched on a rocky overhang SACRO MONTE UNESCO World Heritage site CASTIGLIONE OLONA A real Renaissance town the late 16th and 17th centuries. In addition to its symbolic and spiritual meaning, this is a place of great beauty by virtue of the skill with which they have been integrated into the surrounding natural landscape of hills, forests and lakes. They also house important artistic material in the form of wall paintings and statuary. Sacro Monte has been a site of worship for centuries, with legends attributing its origins to Saint Ambrose of Milan. Santuario Santa Maria del Monte: Via dell’Assunzione, 21 - Santa Maria Del Monte (VA). T: 0332 229223. 67 km from Milan, 46 km from Malpensa Airport. Villa Panza -Surrounded by splendid grounds extending over 33,000 square metres, Villa Menafoglio Litta Panza looks out over the city of Varese from the hillside of Biumo Superiore. Over the decades, this 18th century residence changed hands several times, until finally being transformed, in the early fifties, by the Milanese industrialist Giuseppe Panza, who amassed one of the world’s largest collections of postwar American art and began filling it with his famous modern art collection, now partially distributed among leading international museums. Between 1973 and 1976, several of these works were created specially for Count Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, by the same artists. In 1996, Giuseppe Panza decided to donate the entire property to the FAI, Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano, with the intention of preserving not just his home, but also his vast art collection for posterity. Tues-Sun and public holidays 10am-6pm. www. . Piazza Litta, 1 - Varese (VA). T: 0332 283960. 58 km from Milan, 38 km from Malpensa Airport. Castiglione Olona - The village of Castiglione Olona, referred to as an “Isle of Tuscany in Lombardy”, was founded in 401 A.C by a Roman general, subsequently becoming a “castrum” or stronghold. Right up until the Middle Ages it was the site of numerous battles, only going on to achieve maximum splendor during the Renaissance period when it was transformed, with the addition of buildings and churches, by the art Patron, Cardinal Branda Castiglioni, one of the most influential people of his times. Worth particular note is a visit to the Palazzo Branda Castiglioni (today a Museum of Plastic Art with rooms featuring magnificent 15th century frescos by Lombard and Tuscan masters) and the Church, with its walls and vaults, painted entirely “al fresco” by Masolino da Panicale (1435). www. Pro Loco Castiglione Olona: Via Roma, 25 - Castiglione Olona (VA). T: 0331 850084. 59 km from Milan, 39 km from Malpensa Airport. Bellinzona Domódossola S. María Ascona Locarno S. Bartolomeo Carena Sorico Maggiore Brissago Domaso 3 I LAG 394 Béura Gravedona A2 Dongo S. Bartolomeo Colico Parco Naz. Pino Monteviasco Abbazia della Val Cannóbio Tesserete di Piona Grande Maccagno Carlazzo Dervio 13 Lugano Bellano Gandria Gerola Menággio Castello 33 Ghiffa Luino Alta Villa Táranto Villa Carlotta di Vezio Forno Ponte Tresa Tremezzo Varenna Gravellone Verbania Legno Laveno Villa Balbianello Isola Bellagio Valtorta Baveno Brínzio Morcote 36 Stresa Santa Argegno Comacina Onno Mandello d. Lago Villa Caterina del d'OrtaPallavicino Villa Lário Piani Sasso Ballaro Chiasso Villa 340 d’Este Pliniana Asso Isola San Lesa Ispra Lago di Torno Giulio Orta S. G. Angera Varese Varese Lecco 394 Cernobbio Brunate Civate Erba Pogno Arona Lago di Bizzarone L. di Valsec Como Comábbio Annone Gozzano Rocca di Angera Comábbio Castiglione 342 36 Olona Sesto Lario Galliano Calolzioco Cantù Borgomanero E62 A8/26 A8 Calende Tradate A9 Agliate 342 35 Ponte Merate Gallarate Museo del S. Pietro Gattinara 233 Biscotto Carate Ghemme Oléggio Busto Séveso Seregno Bérg Arsízio Saronno Fantasy Malpensa Palazzo Vimercate Legnano World LEGENDA Borromeo Désio Autodromo Brianza D 32 Cástano Primo Arese Luogo d’interesse 33 A8 Turbigo Villoresi Monza E64 A4 Brembo Place of Interest Rho Lambro Carugate 525 47 Castello Galliate A4 Pero MILANOCologno Gorgonzola E64 Castle Magenta Stadio Meazza Duomo Novara Gobba Trevíglio (San Siro) Melzo Escursioni a piedi Trecate Mugiano Castello Peschiera Parco de Hiking Visconteo Castello Adda No Cusago Oldofredi Aeroporto Parco Lombardo Rozzano Linate Abbiategrasso Paullo P Airport della Valle A7 A50 P 596 del Ticino Assago Melegnano S. Giuliano Parco Parco 415 L’Abbazia Ittico Park 211 Vigévano di Morimondo Pavia Paradiso 5 Omegna Cicogna Agogna Lago Maggiore Isole Borromee Lago Campione Lugano di Lago Lago di Como Lecco Adda 75

Museums & Attractions<br />

Copyright Compass Maps Ltd. (UK). All rights reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to check the accuracy of the information in this guide, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions or the consequences thereof.<br />

No part of this map and guide may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. This map is originally designed and produced by CM Cartographics. For further details see our web<br />

Out of Town<br />

In north-western Lombardy, 55 km north of <strong>Milan</strong>,<br />

close to Malpensa Airport and only a few kilometres<br />

from the Swiss border, the town of Varese is well<br />

known as the “Garden City”, while its province is<br />

rightly defined as the “Land of lakes”, because of<br />

the seven lakes scattered throughout its territory.<br />

The A8 motorway (follow the green signals!), part of<br />

the oldest toll road system in the world, connects<br />

Varese with <strong>Milan</strong>. The town is also served by both<br />

the state-run Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) and Ferrovie<br />

Nord <strong>Milan</strong>o (Le Nord). Trains run every 50 minutes<br />

and the journey to Varese takes about 45 minutes.<br />

Santa Caterina del Sasso - According to<br />

tradition, the hermitage of Santa Caterina del<br />

Sasso was founded in the 12th century by<br />

Alberto Besozzi, a rich local merchant who,<br />

after having survived a heavy storm while<br />

crossing Lake Maggiore, decided to give up<br />

his worldly goods and live the life of a hermit.<br />

The particular appeal of this hermitage (which<br />

contains important frescoes) is mostly due to<br />

its astonishing location, perched on a rocky<br />

overhang with a sheer drop down to the Lake.<br />

Sat-Sun and public holidays 9am-12am/2pm-<br />

5pm. . Via<br />

Santa Caterina, 5 – Leggiuno (VA). T: 0332 647172.<br />

75 km from <strong>Milan</strong>, 35 km from Malpensa Airport.<br />

Sacro Monte - Varese’s Sacro Monte, one of<br />

the nine religious complexes situated on the<br />

slopes of the Piedmont and Lombardy Alps and<br />

included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage<br />

Sites, is a religious itinerary dedicated to the<br />

Mysteries of the Rosary which encompasses<br />

14 richly decorated chapels erected during<br />

Clockwise from top:<br />


An 18th century residence<br />

transformed into a<br />

contemporary art museum<br />


A hermitage perched on a rocky<br />

overhang<br />


UNESCO World Heritage site<br />


A real Renaissance town<br />

the late 16th and 17th centuries. In addition to<br />

its symbolic and spiritual meaning, this is a place<br />

of great beauty by virtue of the skill with which<br />

they have been integrated into the surrounding<br />

natural landscape of hills, forests and lakes. They<br />

also house important artistic material in the form<br />

of wall paintings and statuary. Sacro Monte has<br />

been a site of worship for centuries, with legends<br />

attributing its origins to Saint Ambrose of <strong>Milan</strong>.<br /> Santuario Santa Maria<br />

del Monte: Via dell’Assunzione, 21 - Santa Maria Del<br />

Monte (VA). T: 0332 229223. 67 km from <strong>Milan</strong>, 46 km<br />

from Malpensa Airport.<br />

Villa Panza -Surrounded by splendid grounds<br />

extending over 33,000 square metres, Villa<br />

Menafoglio Litta Panza looks out over the city<br />

of Varese from the hillside of Biumo Superiore.<br />

Over the decades, this 18th century residence<br />

changed hands several times, until finally being<br />

transformed, in the early fifties, by the <strong>Milan</strong>ese<br />

industrialist Giuseppe Panza, who amassed one of<br />

the world’s largest collections of postwar American<br />

art and began filling it with his famous modern<br />

art collection, now partially distributed among<br />

leading international museums. Between 1973 and<br />

1976, several of these works were created specially<br />

for Count Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, by the same<br />

artists. In 1996, Giuseppe Panza decided to donate<br />

the entire property to the FAI, Fondo per l’Ambiente<br />

Italiano, with the intention of preserving not just his<br />

home, but also his vast art collection for posterity.<br />

Tues-Sun and public holidays 10am-6pm. www.<br /> . Piazza Litta, 1 - Varese (VA). T: 0332<br />

283960. 58 km from <strong>Milan</strong>, 38 km from Malpensa<br />

Airport.<br />

Castiglione Olona - The village of Castiglione<br />

Olona, referred to as an “Isle of Tuscany in<br />

Lombardy”, was founded in 401 A.C by a Roman<br />

general, subsequently becoming a “castrum”<br />

or stronghold. Right up until the Middle Ages<br />

it was the site of numerous battles, only going<br />

on to achieve maximum splendor during the<br />

Renaissance period when it was transformed,<br />

with the addition of buildings and churches,<br />

by the art Patron, Cardinal Branda Castiglioni,<br />

one of the most influential people of his times.<br />

Worth particular note is a visit to the Palazzo<br />

Branda Castiglioni (today a Museum of Plastic Art<br />

with rooms featuring magnificent 15th century<br />

frescos by Lombard and Tuscan masters) and the<br />

Church, with its walls and vaults, painted entirely<br />

“al fresco” by Masolino da Panicale (1435). www.<br /> Pro Loco Castiglione<br />

Olona: Via Roma, 25 - Castiglione Olona (VA).<br />

T: 0331 850084. 59 km from <strong>Milan</strong>, 39 km from<br />

Malpensa Airport.<br />

Bellinzona<br />

Domódossola S. María Ascona Locarno<br />

S. Bartolomeo<br />

Carena<br />

Sorico<br />

Maggiore Brissago<br />

Domaso 3 I LAG<br />

394<br />

Béura<br />

Gravedona<br />

A2<br />

Dongo<br />

S. Bartolomeo<br />

Colico<br />

Parco Naz.<br />

Pino Monteviasco<br />

Abbazia<br />

della Val Cannóbio<br />

Tesserete<br />

di Piona<br />

Grande<br />

Maccagno<br />

Carlazzo<br />

Dervio<br />

13<br />

Lugano<br />

Bellano<br />

Gandria<br />

Gerola<br />

Menággio Castello<br />

33<br />

Ghiffa Luino<br />

Alta<br />

Villa Táranto<br />

Villa Carlotta di Vezio<br />

Forno<br />

Ponte Tresa<br />

Tremezzo Varenna<br />

Gravellone Verbania<br />

Legno<br />

Laveno<br />

Villa<br />

Balbianello<br />

Isola Bellagio Valtorta<br />

Baveno<br />

Brínzio Morcote<br />

36<br />

Stresa Santa<br />

Argegno<br />

Comacina<br />

Onno Mandello d.<br />

Lago Villa Caterina del<br />

d'OrtaPallavicino<br />

Villa Lário Piani<br />

Sasso Ballaro Chiasso Villa 340<br />

d’Este Pliniana Asso<br />

Isola San Lesa Ispra Lago di<br />

Torno<br />

Giulio Orta S. G.<br />

Angera Varese Varese<br />

Lecco<br />

394<br />

Cernobbio<br />

Brunate Civate<br />

Erba<br />

Pogno Arona<br />

Lago di<br />

Bizzarone<br />

L. di Valsec<br />

Como<br />

Comábbio<br />

Annone<br />

Gozzano Rocca di Angera<br />

Comábbio Castiglione 342<br />

36<br />

Olona<br />

Sesto<br />

Lario Galliano<br />

Calolzioco<br />

Cantù<br />

Borgomanero E62<br />

A8/26<br />

A8<br />

Calende<br />

Tradate A9<br />

Agliate<br />

342<br />

35<br />

Ponte<br />

Merate<br />

Gallarate Museo del<br />

S. Pietro<br />

Gattinara<br />

233 Biscotto Carate<br />

Ghemme Oléggio<br />

Busto<br />

Séveso Seregno Bérg<br />

Arsízio Saronno<br />

Fantasy<br />

Malpensa<br />

Palazzo<br />

Vimercate<br />

Legnano<br />

World<br />


Borromeo Désio Autodromo<br />

Brianza<br />

D<br />

32 Cástano Primo<br />

Arese<br />

Luogo d’interesse<br />

33 A8<br />

Turbigo<br />

Villoresi Monza E64 A4 Brembo<br />

Place of Interest<br />

Rho Lambro<br />

Carugate 525<br />

47<br />

Castello<br />

Galliate<br />

A4 Pero MILANOCologno<br />

Gorgonzola<br />

E64<br />

Castle<br />

Magenta Stadio Meazza Duomo<br />

Novara<br />

Gobba Trevíglio<br />

(San Siro)<br />

Melzo<br />

Escursioni a piedi Trecate Mugiano Castello Peschiera Parco de<br />

Hiking<br />

Visconteo<br />

Castello Adda No<br />

Cusago<br />

Oldofredi<br />

Aeroporto Parco Lombardo<br />

Rozzano Linate<br />

Abbiategrasso<br />

Paullo<br />

P<br />

Airport<br />

della Valle<br />

A7 A50<br />

P<br />

596<br />

del Ticino<br />

Assago<br />

Melegnano<br />

S. Giuliano<br />

Parco<br />

Parco<br />

415<br />

L’Abbazia<br />

Ittico<br />

Park<br />

211<br />

Vigévano di Morimondo Pavia<br />

Paradiso 5<br />

Omegna<br />

Cicogna<br />

Agogna<br />

Lago Maggiore<br />

Isole Borromee<br />

Lago<br />

Campione<br />

Lugano<br />

di<br />

Lago<br />

Lago di<br />

Como<br />

Lecco<br />

Adda<br /> 75

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