COMP 132 Practice Midterm Exam I Solution 75 points name: 1. (12 ...

COMP 132 Practice Midterm Exam I Solution 75 points name: 1. (12 ... COMP 132 Practice Midterm Exam I Solution 75 points name: 1. (12 ...
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name: COMP 132 Practice Midterm Exam I Solution 75 points 1. (12 points) Find and clearly explain at least three errors in the following program. The errors could be compile time or runtime errors. Answers are at the top of the next page. public interface Tasty { int flavorLevel(); boolean tastierThan(Tasty t); } public class Pizza implements Tasty { private boolean extraCheese; public Pizza(boolean ec) { extraCheese = ec; } public int flavorLevel() { if (extraCheese) { return 10; } else { return 5; } } } public boolean hasExtra() { return extraCheese; } public class Anchovy { private int salt; public Anchovy(int initSalt) { salt = initSalt; } public int flavorLevel() { return salt + 5; } public int saltiness() { return salt; } } public boolean tastierThan(Tasty t) { return salt > t.saltiness(); } public class Salad implements Tasty { private String dressing; } public Salad(String initDressing) { dressing = initDressing; } public int flavorLevel() { return dressing.length(); } public boolean tastierThan(Tasty t) { return this.flavorLevel() > t.flavorLevel(); } public static void main(String [] args) { Tasty s = new Salad("Peppercorn Ranch"); Anchovy a = new Anchovy(30); System.out.println(s.tastierThan(a)); Pizza p = (Pizza) s; System.out.println(p.hasExtra()); } 1

<strong>name</strong>:<br />

<strong>COMP</strong> <strong>132</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> <strong>Midterm</strong> <strong>Exam</strong> I <strong>Solution</strong><br />

<strong>75</strong> <strong>points</strong><br />

<strong>1.</strong> (<strong>12</strong> <strong>points</strong>) Find and clearly explain at least three errors in the following program. The errors could<br />

be compile time or runtime errors. Answers are at the top of the next page.<br />

public interface Tasty {<br />

int flavorLevel();<br />

boolean tastierThan(Tasty t);<br />

}<br />

public class Pizza implements Tasty {<br />

private boolean extraCheese;<br />

public Pizza(boolean ec) { extraCheese = ec; }<br />

public int flavorLevel() {<br />

if (extraCheese) { return 10; } else { return 5; }<br />

}<br />

}<br />

public boolean hasExtra() { return extraCheese; }<br />

public class Anchovy {<br />

private int salt;<br />

public Anchovy(int initSalt) { salt = initSalt; }<br />

public int flavorLevel() { return salt + 5; }<br />

public int saltiness() { return salt; }<br />

}<br />

public boolean tastierThan(Tasty t) { return salt > t.saltiness(); }<br />

public class Salad implements Tasty {<br />

private String dressing;<br />

}<br />

public Salad(String initDressing) { dressing = initDressing; }<br />

public int flavorLevel() { return dressing.length(); }<br />

public boolean tastierThan(Tasty t) { return this.flavorLevel() > t.flavorLevel(); }<br />

public static void main(String [] args) {<br />

Tasty s = new Salad("Peppercorn Ranch");<br />

Anchovy a = new Anchovy(30);<br />

System.out.println(s.tastierThan(a));<br />

Pizza p = (Pizza) s;<br />

System.out.println(p.hasExtra());<br />

}<br />


The Pizza class does not implement the tastierThan method, even though it implements the Tasty<br />

interface.<br />

In main, an instance of Anchovy is passed as a parameter to the tastierThan method, but Anchovy<br />

does not implement the Tasty interface.<br />

In main, an instance of Salad is cast to Pizza - this would cause a ClassCastException at runtime.<br />

2. (5 <strong>points</strong>) Was the Minesweeper lab a good example of the Model-View-Controller design pattern If<br />

so, which parts of the code were the model and which parts were the view If not, why not<br />

Yes. The model is the MineSweeperBoard class because it maintains the state of the application and<br />

does all computation. The view is the MineSweeper class because it defines the GUI for the application.<br />

3. Suppose that class <strong>Exam</strong>pleClass in package comp<strong>132</strong>.exam1 declares a field as follows:<br />

public static final int TWO = 2;<br />

State whether or not each of the following method definitions would compile (your answer for each<br />

should just be yes or no):<br />

(a) (2 <strong>points</strong>) Assume this method is in class <strong>Exam</strong>pleClass in package comp<strong>132</strong>.exam<strong>1.</strong><br />

public void printFour() { System.out.println(TWO + 2); } Yes<br />

(b) (2 <strong>points</strong>) Assume this method is in class <strong>Exam</strong>pleClass in package comp<strong>132</strong>.exam<strong>1.</strong><br />

public void addTwo() { TWO = TWO + 2; } No<br />

(c) (2 <strong>points</strong>) Assume this method is in class SampleClass in package comp<strong>132</strong>.examples.<br />

public void printTwo() { System.out.println(comp<strong>132</strong>.exam<strong>1.</strong><strong>Exam</strong>pleClass.TWO); }Yes<br />

4. (8 <strong>points</strong>) What output is displayed by the following code snippet<br />

int [] [] mat = new int [4][4];<br />

for (int i = 0; i < mat.length; i++) {<br />

for (int j = 0; j < mat[0].length; j++) {<br />

mat[i][j] = (i + 1) * (j + 1);<br />

}<br />

}<br />

int j = mat[0].length - 1;<br />

for (int i = 0; i < mat.length; i++) {<br />

System.out.println(mat[i][j]);<br />

j = j - 1;<br />

}<br />

5. (5 <strong>points</strong>) Suppose that a program crashes because a method is called when its precondition is not<br />

satisfied. Is this the fault of the programmer who wrote the method, or of the programmer who wrote<br />

the code that called the method Why<br />

The programmer who wrote the code that called the method. The precondition is a contract between the<br />

method and calling code, and a method is only guaranteed to work correctly when its precondition is<br />

satisfied. Hence, the second programmer broke the contract by calling the method when its precondition<br />

was not satisfied.<br />

4<br />

6<br />

6<br />

4<br />


6. (39 <strong>points</strong>) The following definition of class Employee will be used for storing information about the<br />

employees of a large company. Complete the definition of the equals method according to the given<br />

javadoc specification.<br />

public class Employee {<br />

private String <strong>name</strong>;<br />

private int yearHired;<br />

private int salary;<br />

public String getName() { return <strong>name</strong>; }<br />

public int getYearHired() { return yearHired; }<br />

public int getSalary() { return salary; }<br />

public Employee(String initName, int initYear, int initSalary) {<br />

<strong>name</strong> = initName;<br />

yearHired = initYear;<br />

salary = initSalary;<br />

}<br />

public void giveRaise(int amount) {<br />

salary = salary + amount;<br />

/** @return whether or not obj is an employee with the same <strong>name</strong>, year hired and<br />

salary as the calling object */<br />

public boolean equals(Object obj) {<br />

if (obj instanceof Employee) {<br />

Employee emp = (Employee) obj;<br />

return <strong>name</strong>.equals(emp.<strong>name</strong>) && salary == emp.salary<br />

&& yearHired == emp.yearHired;<br />

} else {<br />

return false;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />

On the next page, complete the definition of the constructor and equals method for the Manager<br />

class, which represents managers who work for the company. The constructor must initialize all fields<br />

(includingthoseinheritedfromEmployee),andyouarenotallowedtoaddanymethodstotheEmployee<br />

class.<br />


public class Manager extends Employee {<br />

private int numManagees; // the number of employees managed by this manager<br />

public int getNumManaged() { return numManagees; }<br />

/** initialize all fields of the manager with the specified parameters */<br />

public Manager (String initName, int initYear, int initSalary, int numManaged) {<br />

}<br />

super(initName, initYear, initSalary);<br />

numManagees = numManaged;<br />

/** @return whether or not obj is a Manager with the same <strong>name</strong>, year hired, salary<br />

and number of managees as the calling object. For full credit, do not use any<br />

of the accessors from the Employee class (getName, getYearHired, getSalary in<br />

your solution. */<br />

public boolean equals(Object obj) {<br />

if (super.equals(obj)) {<br />

return obj instanceof Manager && ((Manager) obj).numManagees == numManagees;<br />

} else {<br />

return false;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />

Finally, complete the definitions of the hireEmployee, giveEmployeesRaise and managementReport<br />

methods of the Payroll class (on the next page) according to the given javadoc specifications. Note<br />

that the signature of the hireEmployee method is not given - you must provide the parameters and<br />

return type for this method. If you need more space, you can use the back of the page as long as you<br />

indicate that you have done so.<br />

import java.util.ArrayList;<br />

public class Payroll {<br />

private ArrayList allEmployees;<br />

public Payroll() {<br />

allEmployees = new ArrayList();<br />

}<br />


** the hireEmployee method can add both regular employees and Managers to the<br />

payroll - define it here */<br />

public void hireEmployee(Employee e) {<br />

allEmployees.add(e);<br />

}<br />

/** increase the salary of all employees who are not managers by the<br />

specified amount */<br />

public void giveEmployeesRaise(int amount) {<br />

}<br />

for (Employee e : allEmployees) {<br />

if (!(e instanceof Manager)) {<br />

e.giveRaise(amount);<br />

}<br />

}<br />

/** print the <strong>name</strong> of each manager and the number of employees that person manages */<br />

public void managementReport() {<br />

for (Employee e : allEmployees) {<br />

if (e instanceof Manager) {<br />

System.out.print(e.getName() + ": " + ((Manager) e).getNumManaged());<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />


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