Transcript - Izzit.org

Transcript - Izzit.org

Transcript - Izzit.org


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MAN: …time and energy which we ought to be spending on making the clothes we need, to exchange for<br />

food.<br />

WOMAN: There must be a better system.<br />

MAN: There must.<br />

WOMAN: Yeah…but, but what You remember last winter, when everybody was short of corn<br />

MAN: Hmm…<br />

WOMAN: Well, if you had corn you could swap it for anything. You never had to go round and round,<br />

from one person to another, collecting things you didn’t want, to swap for other things you didn’t want,<br />

till you finally got the things you did want. You just swapped everything for corn. You could even keep<br />

it till next week or next month, if nobody had what you wanted that market day.<br />

MAN: That’s all very well. You didn’t have to lug those things to market and back when you couldn’t<br />

swap them, and when harvest time came…you could hardly give the stuff away.<br />

WOMAN: Hey…but, but wait a minute! But suppose there’s something someone always wanted!<br />

Suppose there’s something we could use like we used corn last winter. Something like water, for<br />

example<br />

MAN: (Spits out water)<br />

WOMAN: What<br />

MAN: But they’ve got as much as they want of it…and if they haven’t- all they’ve got to do is drop a<br />

bucket into the river. It’s theirs for the taking.<br />

WOMAN: Hmmm…strawberries<br />

MAN: They go bad after a couple of days.<br />

WOMAN: So, it’s got to be something everybody wants, and nobody ever has enough of. It mustn’t be<br />

too heavy… and it mustn’t ever go bad.<br />

MAN: There ain’t no such thing, my dear.<br />

WOMAN: Yes, there is!<br />

MAN: What<br />

WOMAN: These! (Giggles)<br />

MAN: The colored stones I sometimes find by the river!<br />

WOMAN: Yes, everybody wants them for rings and bracelets and necklaces, and there aren’t too many<br />

around.<br />


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