Chapter 3 - Red Hope @ redhope.net

Chapter 3 - Red Hope @ redhope.net

Chapter 3 - Red Hope @ redhope.net


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she waited until Cameron had the duffel and backpack in the truck. Last, she tossed the Remington<br />

shotgun onto the bench seat.<br />

Sarah back stepped once when the terminator faced her again. "Keep me posted on what happens,<br />

right"<br />

Cameron could appreciate why Sarah wanted news. She just nodded.<br />

"Alright," Sarah murmured and folded her arms. She took one step away. "Good luck." She turned and<br />

headed back for the cabin.<br />

Cameron turned to the truck but only had her right foot on the truck's black running board before she<br />

heard Sarah's voice.<br />

"Wait," Sarah called. She'd made it halfway to the front door but came back to the terminator. She<br />

reached around to her neck once she was in front of Cameron.<br />

The terminator was curious about the hidden necklace that Sarah freed and now brought to her. She<br />

wasn't sure what to say but could tell Sarah wanted her to bow her head. So she did that and nimble<br />

hands went to the back of her neck and hooked the necklace.<br />

"It's a Saint Christopher necklace," Sarah explained, "I'm not sure how religious you are, but he brings<br />

protection to those on journeys."<br />

Cameron lifted the pendent that rested on her collarbone. From the upside down position, she read the<br />

pendant's inscription that said 'Saint Christopher protect us'. She lowered it and focused back on Sarah.<br />

"It... it was my mother's, and she handed it down to me." For once, Sarah read confusion on the<br />

terminator's face, and she quietly explained, "You'll need it more than me."<br />

Cameron wanted to correct her charge and tell her that she could handle the Reese Brothers. But she<br />

concluded that such words may hurt Sarah, who was genuinely concerned for her. She softened, which<br />

caused her ice blue eyes to warm, for the first time. "Thank you."<br />

Sarah couldn't say anything back because she was surprised by her own actions. She faintly nodded<br />

then headed for the cabin again.<br />

Cameron briefly watched her charge go then she climbed into the pickup truck. She didn't understand<br />

why she disregarded her normal habit to correct somebody because she rarely cared about somebody's<br />

reactions. She just merely spoke the truth. But this time, she accepted Sarah's gift and thanked her.<br />

Cameron would have to think this out while she drove back to Los Angeles.<br />

Sarah went back to Cameron's bedroom and mindlessly stared at the magazines and gun. Distantly, she<br />

heard the Power Stroke's whistle then the diesel truck traveled away. Sarah dropped her head against<br />

the doorframe and shut her eyes. The only question she was left with was why did this all happen, to<br />

her<br />

To be continued.

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