Chapter 3 - Red Hope @ redhope.net

Chapter 3 - Red Hope @ redhope.net

Chapter 3 - Red Hope @ redhope.net


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Disclaimer & Notices<br />

Copyright: The Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles characters and concept belong to James<br />

Cameron and Josh Friedman. However, I own the plot and other characters.<br />

Notices: This story contains violence and sexual content.<br />

Summary: It's a regular Friday night after work for the young college student, Sarah Connor, who is<br />

traveling back to her apartment. On the fated night, her beliefs and outlooks are forever changed after a<br />

near kidnapping and a choice between life or death given by an estranged police officer.<br />

Feedback: <strong>redhope</strong>@<strong>redhope</strong>.<strong>net</strong><br />

Homepage: http://www.<strong>redhope</strong>.<strong>net</strong><br />

Write a Review: http://www.<strong>redhope</strong>.<strong>net</strong>/tscc/review/series2form.html<br />

List: http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/<strong>redhope</strong>/<br />

Started: April 14, 2009<br />

Series 2: No Fate, Story #1<br />

I, Terminator<br />

by <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

<strong>Chapter</strong> 3 – Simple, Not Easy<br />

Sarah was curled up on her left side in the center of the queen bed. She had slept hard throughout the<br />

night and was never disturbed, not even by her dreams. She hadn't noticed the slight depression in the<br />

bed when the terminator sat down next to her.<br />

Cameron was seated on the bed's edge and merely watched Sarah for the past five minutes. She<br />

lowered her head to one side and very curiously studied how Sarah rested fitfully. She then noted the<br />

time on the alarm clock, which read sixteen minutes after nine. Originally she wanted Sarah up earlier<br />

but decided against it because of last night's excitement. She suspected the college student truly needed<br />

the sleep.<br />

Sarah shifted out of her dream but became briefly confused before she saw Cameron seated next to her.<br />

She sharply sat up with a gasp. "Jesus... don't do that." She had her left hand up but dropped it to her<br />

lap. "That freaks me out." She ran her fingers through her hair. "My mom does that exact same thing."<br />

Cameron slightly bowed her head but offered, "I apologize." She stood up. "You must get ready,<br />

quickly. I will prepare breakfast." Then she was gone from the bedroom.<br />

Sarah felt her eyebrows nearly touch at news of breakfast. "A killer and a cook... charming." She huffed<br />

then swung her feet out of bed after a hefty sigh. She decided to get a fast shower to help wake her up<br />

and afterwards, she smelled a cooked meal wafting from the kitchen into her bedroom. Her stomach<br />

rumbled in agreement. After she put on her clean tank top, she grabbed her sterling silver necklace and<br />

tucked it under her top. It was the only piece of jewelry that Sarah wore on a regular basis.<br />

Cameron just finished sliding the scrambled eggs onto a plate that had toast. She put the plate on the<br />

bar to the right. She glanced at the master bedroom when Sarah padded out.<br />

The college student ran her fingers through her damp hair a few times. She saw the waiting meal and<br />

took a stool at the counter. She hadn't expected it but was more than happy to have a hot breakfast. She

arely ever ate hot morning meals.<br />

Cameron had disposed of the used pan and picked up another that already had oil on it. She briefly<br />

teetered the oiled pan back and forth to get the whole pan's surface well coated. She then warmed it up<br />

on the stove and collected a bowl of prepped pancake mix.<br />

Sarah grew wide eye once she realized she'd have a few pancakes to eat too. She shook her head and<br />

wondered if the terminator wasn't trying to kill her via a full stomach.<br />

"How did you sleep" Cameron inquired.<br />

Sarah was caught with a full mouth but swallowed it down before any response. "Good." She saw<br />

Cameron nod so she asked, "How about you"<br />

The terminator looked away from the partially cooked pancakes. "I didn't sleep." She picked up the<br />

spatula and flipped the two cakes.<br />

Sarah picked up a piece of buttered, white toast and thoughtfully chewed on it. "Too busy worrying<br />

about the Reese Brothers"<br />

Cameron stayed quiet for a moment and stared at the almost ready pancakes. "Somewhat." She worked<br />

the spatula under the first pancake, picked it up, and put it on Sarah's plate. She repeated the process<br />

with the second pancake. She then went to the refrigerator and pulled out a syrup bottle.<br />

Sarah had a brief glimpse of the fridge, which was well stocked. She didn't comment about it and<br />

instead accepted the syrup. When she finally tried the pancakes, she grew curious about a certain<br />

ingredient in it. "Is there vanilla in this"<br />

The terminator was now cleaning the dishes. "Yes." She regarded her charge and checked, "Do you like<br />

it"<br />

Sarah shook her head in disbelief. How did she end up here, near Big Bear City, with some stranger and<br />

enjoying vanilla pancakes This had to be the most ludicrous thing in her life, yet. However, she peered<br />

up at the terminator and revealed a small smile. "Yeah... it’s really good."<br />

Cameron nodded then focused on the dirty dishes, which didn't take her very long. She also took<br />

Sarah's plate after she was done.<br />

Sarah crossed her arms on the counter and curiously checked, "Did you eat"<br />

The terminator put the cleaned plate onto the dryer rack. "I'm fine." She dried her hands on the dish<br />

towel then turned to the college student. "There are a few things we must do before I go."<br />

Sarah gradually arched her right eyebrow at this news. "Where are you going"<br />

"I must complete my mission."<br />

"Right," Sarah murmured. She become suspicious and challenged, "You mean to kill the Reese<br />

Brothers"<br />

Cameron held Sarah's hard stare and calmly replied, "Yes." She folded her muscular arms and waited to<br />

see if Sarah had any more questions.

For a moment, Sarah ran her tongue along her molars then lowered her head. She quietly asked, "What<br />

we have to do" She peered up through hooded eyes.<br />

"You must be trained," the terminator informed.<br />

At this news, Sarah raised her head and became tense. "Trained Trained to do what"<br />

Cameron cocked her head to the left. "To defend yourself."<br />

"I do... I can do Jujutsu." But Sarah sensed that wasn't exactly what Cameron had in mind. "You... you<br />

want me to learn how to use a gun"<br />

"Yes."<br />

Sarah straightened up and shook her head a few times. "No, no. Anybody that picks up a gun becomes<br />

a target... you have to be ready to kill."<br />

The terminator approached the counter that separated her and Sarah. "You can use a gun without killing<br />

somebody. But you must learn how to defend yourself."<br />

"From what" Sarah snapped. "From my college professors" She hotly glared at her would-be<br />

protector. "I'm not some terminator, like you."<br />

Cameron sighed because she didn't expect this to be an argument from Sarah. She uncrossed her arms<br />

and explained, "In case I fail, and they come for you."<br />

Sarah lost her slight ire at Cameron's statement. She lowered her gaze to the wood counter. "I rather<br />

call the police."<br />

"They may not be able to help you," Cameron informed. "This is only a precaution and a last resort."<br />

Sarah kept her head down, and she toyed with her damp hair. She let out a deep sigh that shook her<br />

frame. "Alright," she murmured in a defeated tone.<br />

The terminator stretched out her hand and tilted Sarah's head up again. She held Sarah's uncertain gaze<br />

and softly promised, "I do not intend to fail though."<br />

Sarah worriedly chewed on the inside of her mouth because she wasn't sure how she felt about any of<br />

it. She just backed off the stool and broke the physical contact.<br />

Cameron decided to get started, and she went to her bedroom. She collected a handgun and a few bullet<br />

magazines too. She brushed past Sarah in the living room and went to the fridge. She pulled out an<br />

apple and tossed it to Sarah.<br />

Hastily Sarah caught it before it hit the floor. She then caught a second one, barely. She furrowed her<br />

eyebrows and wondered what Cameron had in mind for them.<br />

"This way," the terminator ordered. She shoved the magazines into her back pockets on the way to the<br />

back door. She slid it open and stepped out onto the deck.<br />

Sarah caught sight of the hot tub and slightly smirked. "So, use the hot tub much"

Cameron glanced from the tub to her charge. "No." She went to the handrail on the opposite side of the<br />

deck. "Toss me an apple." She neatly caught it when Sarah threw it. She placed it on the rail, which was<br />

about an inch and half wide. She then came over to her charge.<br />

Sarah toyed with the other apple. She became serious though when Cameron lifted up the black<br />

handgun by the muzzle. She stared at the gun held out to her. She nervously took it but gave the apple<br />

to Cameron.<br />

The terminator stood to the younger woman's side and inquired, "Do you know what kind of gun this<br />

is" She went to the hot tub and placed the second apple there.<br />

Sarah shrugged and replied, "A handgun."<br />

"It is a seventeen-round Glock nine millimeter semi-automatic."<br />

Sarah faintly nodded and tried to get accustom to the feel of it in her hand.<br />

"It has a safe action trigger system and can take a seventeen, ni<strong>net</strong>een, or thirty-three bullet magazine."<br />

Cameron reached to her back pocket and produced an example magazine. "This is a standard seventeen<br />

bullet capacity magazine for a Glock."<br />

Sarah licked her lips and gingerly took the magazine. She turned it over then handed it back to her new<br />

teacher. "How much does this weigh" She tried to gauge it herself.<br />

"Unloaded it is twenty-two point zero four ounces. If it's loaded then it weighs thirty-one point ni<strong>net</strong>yone<br />

ounces." Cameron took back the Glock and educated Sarah on how to unload the magazine, load it,<br />

how the safety worked, and to rack the gun. She returned it to Sarah and ordered her to unload, reload,<br />

and rack the gun.<br />

Sarah demonstrated her ability to quickly learn and dropped out the magazine. She easily caught it but<br />

promptly rammed it back in the handle grip. She then was racking the first bullet by pulling back the<br />

slider.<br />

"Good," Cameron approved. "Now, you must learn how to hold it properly. Turn off the safety, first."<br />

Sarah switched it then noted that Cameron went behind her. She had the Glock down at her side until<br />

Cameron told her to raise it. She did so and idly eyed the distant apple on the rail.<br />

"There is a proper, formal stance," Cameron prompted. She grabbed Sarah's hips. "Move your right foot<br />

back further." She waited until Sarah had it just right then she used her boot tip and kicked Sarah's foot<br />

back a few inches until it was horizontal. "Your left foot's heel should be aligned with her right's heel."<br />

Sarah looked down at her feet and adjusted her left. But again, Cameron carefully nudged Sarah's left<br />

foot into a diagonal. "This is a front stance."<br />

"Yes." Cameron was pleased that her pupil knew the stance now. "Next, you must properly grip the<br />

gun." She edged closer to her student then stretched out her right arm. "Loosen your grip some."<br />

Sarah sensed the terminator's warm body brush against her back, but she eased her grip on the handle.<br />

She trailed her eyes to the gun and watched Cameron make a few adjustments. She softly cleared her<br />

throat then asked, "Is there a name for this grip"

"Yes." Cameron lowered her hand but didn't move away from Sarah. "This is called a high hand grip."<br />

She now indicated Sarah's hand just behind the grip tang. "It's indicated by the small ripple of flesh<br />

here." She then made another adjustment to Sarah's grip. "This grip is called a hard grip." She dropped<br />

her hand away again but explained, "Today's guns are considered hard-kicking, and you will always<br />

feel a resulting tremor from firing one. The key factor is that you must keep the sights straight in line. If<br />

you do and your hand quivers, then the sight will quiver in the center of the target."<br />

Sarah digested this information and kept it in her memory for later. "Alright."<br />

"You must apply pressure during your hold," Cameron further instructed, "or else the gun may be<br />

knocked or snatched from your hand." She now shifted a bit behind Sarah. "Next is your sight." She<br />

pointed out the Glock's sight then helped Sarah line it up with the apple. "There is a front sight and rear<br />

sight, but it is humanly impossible to focus on both the sights and the target. You must utilize the front<br />

sight on your target, lock on it, and fire. You must always watch the front sight."<br />

Sarah took a deep breath and nodded. She slightly tensed when Cameron's front body fully pressed into<br />

her back. She noted Cameron's outstretched right hand held hers and shifted her targeting on the apple.<br />

"When you pull the trigger," Cameron started, "you must do it in a way that the muzzle doesn't go off<br />

target." She tilted her head to the right and studied Sarah's stern features. "You do not want to press or<br />

squeeze the trigger. You want to roll the trigger so that it's a smooth pull with uniformed pressure. This<br />

is something that takes experience."<br />

Sarah just nodded and kept her focus on the sight and apple.<br />

Cameron calculated that Sarah pretty well had her sight lined with the target. She briefly pressed her<br />

palm into Sarah's grip and detected it was a well pressured grip. "Go ahead and roll the trigger."<br />

Sarah told her index finger to roll the trigger, as her teacher instructed her. She tried to apply the even<br />

pressure and pulled back. The first shot rang in her ears, and she was amazed that she hit the apple dead<br />

center. She lowered the gun to her side.<br />

The terminator had a thin smile and was pleased, but she knew the next apple would be tougher. She<br />

moved away from Sarah and went over to the rail. She brushed off the tidbits from the prior apple and<br />

positioned the new one. She came back to Sarah but stood off to the side.<br />

Sarah glanced at Cameron, who nodded at her to go ahead. She sighed and raised the gun at the second<br />

apple. She lined up her front sight with her target then fired the Glock. This time, she clearly missed<br />

her mark. She bit the inside of her bottom lip.<br />

Cameron folded her arms and just merely waited to see how Sarah would do with the rest of the<br />

magazine.<br />

Sarah adjusted her front sight on her target and fired the gun, but missed a second time. She thought<br />

maybe it was her grip so she shifted the gun a little. She fired a third round yet still missed her target.<br />

After a check on her stance, Sarah did a fourth shot and didn't hit her target.<br />

Cameron had idly watched her charge's form and already knew the issue. But she waited to see if Sarah<br />

could figure it out.<br />

Sarah lowered her handgun and took a mental breather. She glanced once at Cameron, who stood rather

passive. At least Cameron didn't have an amused smirk, Sarah chided. She raised the Glock and made<br />

the necessary adjustments that she could find and fired the next bullet. She softly growled when the<br />

apple remained intact.<br />

"What am I doing wrong" Sarah asked in a short tone.<br />

Cameron came to her student's side and merely replied, "Milking."<br />

Sarah furrowed her brow and repeated, "Milking"<br />

"Yes." Cameron was behind her student and pulled Sarah's hand back in closer. She pointed at Sarah's<br />

trigger finger. "When your index finger rolls the trigger, you systematically close your other fingers on<br />

the grip too."<br />

"There by pulling the sights off target," Sarah concluded.<br />

The terminator shifted her focus to her student and the corner of her lip curled up into a faint smile. She<br />

was obviously proud of the fact that Sarah understood why.<br />

Sarah caught the ghost of a smile, and she quirked a grin. "I is a college student." She chuckled at how<br />

Cameron slotted her eyes and that lithe smile actually grew. She cleared her throat and went back to the<br />

gun. "So, how do I fix this"<br />

Cameron also went back to the task. She informed, "When your other fingers close with your index it is<br />

called interlimb response." She now took the gun from Sarah, traded it to her left, and took Sarah's<br />

right into hers. "There's a simple way to retrain your natural tendency. First, relax your hand and<br />

pretend to hold a gun."<br />

Sarah did so and carefully listened to her teacher.<br />

"Now pull your index finger repeatedly in rapid succession." Cameron observed her charge do this, and<br />

she mentioned, "You see how your other fingers close too" At Sarah's nod, she now lifted her hand<br />

and closed her hand around Sarah's three fingers then positioned the thumb over them. "You keep all<br />

these fingers closed tightly as possible but your index open. When you roll the trigger now, you'll feel<br />

your tendons try to tighten, but they can't grasp any tighter."<br />

Sarah indeed noticed this and mentioned, "The tighter, closed grip has hyperflexed the other fingers,<br />

right"<br />

"Yes," Cameron agreed. She imagined that Sarah's training in Jujutsu helped her understand the concept<br />

better. "That is why a strong grip on the handle is important." She returned the gun to Sarah and<br />

watched how Sarah made the correction.<br />

"Is it better to roll the trigger with the pad of my finger" Sarah queried.<br />

The terminator hadn't advised this part. She carefully explained, "A Glock has a heavy pull for the<br />

trigger therefore it's best to roll the trigger at the power crease." Cameron showed Sarah that the power<br />

crease was actually the distal joint on Sarah's index finger.<br />

"Alright." Sarah felt comfortable that she had better control and understanding now.

Cameron backed away and observed Sarah’s practice on the apple again.<br />

Sarah aligned her front sight and checked her grip to be correct. She fired at the apple, but she still<br />

missed despite her learning. She became rather frustrated and lowered the gun to her side. She took<br />

another moment and calmed her temper before it threw off her focus, completely. After a deep breath,<br />

she lifted the Glock.<br />

Cameron backed up more and leaned against the handrail behind her. She casually mentioned, "It is<br />

simple, but just not easy."<br />

Sarah's eyes flickered over to the terminator then back on her front sight. She tenderly bit her lower lip<br />

and did a mental inventory on everything Cameron had taught her. She felt her grip, stance, sight, and<br />

posture were accurate so she fired the next bullet.<br />

Cameron's full lips tugged with a smile when the holey apple rolled off the handrail. "From here, it just<br />

requires shooting, shooting, and more shooting." She pushed off the handrail. "I'll get a few more<br />

apples." She passed Sarah to get to the sliding door.<br />

"You have that many apples" But Sarah didn't receive a response. She shook her head then looked<br />

down at the handgun with slight worry. She never expected to learn how to use a gun, and it made her<br />

feel different, for some reason. In Jujutsu, she would be expected to learn a few weapons like the<br />

quarterstaff but this was very different.<br />

Cameron came back out and setup six red and green apples on the handrail. She alternated colors on the<br />

rail and spaced them out about a foot apart. She moved away from rail and neared her charge. "Go from<br />

left to right."<br />

Sarah continued her practice as instructed, apple by apple. She required three fires to get the first apple,<br />

but the second apple required four shots. She continued down the line but eventually requested a new<br />

magazine from Cameron. She finally came down to the last two apples.<br />

The terminator moved away from her spot and came behind her charge. She stood a few feet behind<br />

Sarah and curiously watched how Sarah functioned now.<br />

Sarah missed five times on the second to last apple, but she hit it by the sixth bullet. She became<br />

annoyed and muttered, "I'm getting worse."<br />

Cameron tilted her head and considered this statement, but she didn't believe it.<br />

Sarah licked her dry lips and lined her front sight on the last, red apple. She slightly lowered the gun<br />

when the boards behind her creaked because Cameron was closer to her. She swallowed and returned<br />

her attention to her practice. She aligned the front sight, yet again.<br />

The terminator curiously watched the shot that didn't hit its mark. She moved closer to Sarah's back and<br />

waited to see what she'd do now.<br />

Sarah was clearly frustrated and lowered the gun. She twisted her head to one side and snapped, "Can<br />

you back off"<br />

Cameron didn't have a smirk, but her blue eyes clearly had some life in them for once. She took two<br />

steps backwards and folded her arms.

Sarah was relieved and raised her gun to her target. She had more focus, yet she kept sensing Cameron<br />

at her back. She tried to ignore it and fired another missed shot. She softly cursed then turned her<br />

temper onto the terminator. "Can you go stand over there again" She pointed to the side.<br />

Cameron now had a hidden smirk that played at the corner of her lips. She knew what Sarah's problem<br />

was but wouldn't say it aloud. She did as told and went over to the side but kept close to Sarah.<br />

The college student returned to her front stance, raised her gun, and made any corrections until she was<br />

ready. But for some reason, she took her eyes off the front sight and looked at Cameron just as she fired<br />

the Glock.<br />

"Shit!" Sarah yelled and walked away from her position. She came to the deck's opposite handrail,<br />

turned, and focused her temper on the terminator. "You're not helping here."<br />

Cameron cocked her head and calmly informed, "You're not getting worse, you're distracted."<br />

"Yes, by you!" Sarah gave a dark glare to her teacher.<br />

Cameron nodded once then curiously checked, "Do you expect the world to go still and let you calmly<br />

fire a gun"<br />

Sarah's face just became darker at what seemed like a smartass question. She huffed and went back to<br />

her shooting position. "Fine." She aligned herself correctly and straightened her aim out.<br />

Cameron came over again and went behind Sarah. She decided to encourage it worse by standing about<br />

an inch behind her student.<br />

Sarah initially became annoyed, but she set it aside and focused on her target. She had to agree that in<br />

real life there would be multiple distractions. Finally, she rolled the trigger then a smirk appeared on<br />

her face.<br />

Cameron watched the red apple spin then fall to the ground behind the deck. She trailed her eyes to her<br />

student's proud features. "Good." She now started for the sliding glass door. "That's sufficient."<br />

Sarah realized her lesson and practice were done. She switched on the safety and followed her wouldbe<br />

protector into the cabin. She slid the door shut behind her.<br />

Cameron came back out of her bedroom with several items in her hand. "Sit down," she told her<br />

charge.<br />

The college student took a seat on the left side of the sofa while Cameron took the right. She set the<br />

gun down on the glass coffee table then noticed the items in Cameron's hands. She gawked when she<br />

saw a wad of hundred dollar bills.<br />

Cameron placed the items in the small space between her and Sarah. She seriously looked at Sarah,<br />

who was obviously confused and worried now. "Not every plan is full proof," she honestly mentioned.<br />

"I have a contingency plan if I do not return from my mission."<br />

Sarah took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Alright."<br />

"If I complete my mission successfully then I will come back for you and return to you to your

university." Cameron watched Sarah's slow nod then she continued her explanation. "If I do not<br />

complete my mission, then you have two options. First, you may return to Los Angeles and hope that<br />

the Reese Brothers do not obtain you. Perhaps the police can do something, but I would not stake my<br />

future on it."<br />

"Alright... what's my other option" Sarah studied the passport, cash, and some paperwork.<br />

"You start over." Cameron picked up the passport and handed it to Sarah. "You must go into hiding so<br />

the Reese Brothers do not find you."<br />

Sarah flipped open the passport and looked at her photo. She read that her name was actually Sarah<br />

Baum.<br />

"This is ten thousand dollars in cash," Cameron informed. She held up the rubber band hundreds. She<br />

dropped it back down. She now grabbed each item as she verbally listed them. "Driver's license, social<br />

security card, passport, and birth certificate."<br />

Sarah couldn't fathom all this and why Cameron went to so much trouble. What was special about her<br />

that made Cameron go through all this work She peered up at the terminator with constricted features.<br />

"If I fail then another terminator may follow to clean up my failure." Cameron rested her hands on her<br />

knees in a formal manner. "I cannot be sure another will follow me if I fail, so I made the necessary<br />

precautions to see that you hide and live from danger."<br />

Sarah stared down at the items then started to shake her head. She met Cameron's curious gaze. "I just<br />

don't understand why." She saw how the terminator didn't want to offer why. "What's so important<br />

about me that you have to do all this"<br />

"It is complicated," Cameron could only offer.<br />

But this time, Sarah was desperate for any answer. She grabbed Cameron's nearby wrist and urged,<br />

"What is it"<br />

Cameron held the younger woman's worried stare and knew she had to offer more than the usual. She<br />

let down some of her guard and whispered, "Your future is important to many... some want you dead<br />

for it and others need you to live on."<br />

Sarah was lost even more but tried, "What about my future I'm just some college student."<br />

The terminator lowered her head to the side and knew there was little she could do to comfort Sarah<br />

without corrupting her mission. She gently promised, "Someday you will come to understand, but for<br />

now you must understand that it's important you survive."<br />

Sarah pulled her hand away and dropped her shoulders. She shook her head once.<br />

Cameron wouldn't pursue the topic any longer. She instead reached into her pockets and wiggled out<br />

two identical cell phones that were fairly simple. She handed one to Sarah, who looked it over a bit.<br />

"I've programmed my number into yours. I will call you when I come back for you."<br />

"How long will it take you" Sarah looked up from the phone.

"I suspect no longer than two days." The terminator nodded at the kitchen area. "There's enough food<br />

for a week." She then indicated the phone again. "If I fail my mission, then you may either call 911 to<br />

get out of here or you can call Chola."<br />

"Chola" Sarah pulled up the address book and saw the second name in the book below Cameron's.<br />

"Who is she"<br />

"She is your second option," Cameron informed. "She will come here, pick you up, and take you away<br />

from this area so you can go into hiding."<br />

Sarah lowered the phone to her lap. "You trust her"<br />

The terminator hadn't expected for Sarah to ask this, but she liked the question. "Yes, and she's been<br />

well paid to do this too." She tilted her head and added, "If you do go back to Los Angeles, and you<br />

find later that the Reese Brothers are after you then you can still contact Chola. She has this cell phone<br />

number so she'll know it's you."<br />

Slowly Sarah nodded her head now that she realized she was well covered by the terminator's plans.<br />

She took a deep breath and seriously asked, "Do you think you could fail"<br />

Cameron clenched her jaw but tried to gauge how to reply. "It is difficult to say. I am far better...<br />

trained than the Reese Brothers." She saw that Sarah caught her own hesitation. "However, they could<br />

be expecting me."<br />

"And have something setup," Sarah muttered. She combed her hair back and frowned. "So, I just sit<br />

here and wait"<br />

"Yes."<br />

The college student swallowed and exchanged a look with the terminator. But her stare traveled over to<br />

the Glock on the coffee table.<br />

Cameron followed her gaze to the handgun too. "I will give you another Glock and several magazines.<br />

You must keep one handgun on you at all times until this is finished."<br />

Sarah just nodded.<br />

The terminator knew this was difficult for her charge, but she had gone through a lot of work to prepare<br />

for this moment. She reached out and gingerly turned Sarah's head to her. "You must promise me that<br />

you will remain here."<br />

Sarah dropped her eye contact.<br />

"You must promise," Cameron emphasized again. "I cannot properly perform my mission if I'm under<br />

the impression you're not safe."<br />

Sarah closed her eyes and murmured, "You went through a lot of trouble for this."<br />

The terminator carefully regarded Sarah then softly confessed, "Yes." She found green eyes on her<br />

again.<br />

"Alright," Sarah murmured, "I promise."

Cameron nodded then lowered her hand. "I must go." She stood up, quickly and headed to her<br />

bedroom. She put her cell phone in her right pocket.<br />

Sarah's gaze was fixed on the Glock, but after a moment she picked it up. She stood and hesitantly<br />

maneuvered the gun into the front of her waistband. She wandered into Cameron's open bedroom and<br />

leaned against the doorframe.<br />

The terminator had set six magazines and a Glock on the bed for Sarah. She finished zipping her duffel<br />

bag then looked at her charge. "If for some reason trouble arises here, then call me." She picked up the<br />

filled bag from the bed and neared Sarah. "Your safety is my priority above anything else."<br />

Sarah swallowed and moved her head in understanding. She backed out of the way and watched<br />

Cameron put the duffel near the front sliding door.<br />

Cameron went to the coffee table and picked up the documents plus cash. She took them to her former<br />

bedroom and placed them by the Glock and magazines. She then grabbed her book bag that rested on<br />

the bed. She put it over her shoulders then lastly grabbed her Remington that waited near the bedroom<br />

door.<br />

Sarah waited by the sofa, her body slightly leaned against the back of it. She watched Cameron.<br />

"Pack all those items in your bag," Cameron suggested. She approached the college student and<br />

reached to her back pocket. She produced the last magazine that was left from practice earlier, and she<br />

held it out to Sarah.<br />

The young woman took the last magazine and stared at it in her hand. "Will you be okay" She didn't<br />

like this and her eyes shined with worry when she looked at Cameron.<br />

"Yes." Cameron tilted her head and argued, "Do not be concerned about me."<br />

Sarah huffed and murmured, "Easier said than done."<br />

Cameron considered her charge's words then explained, "I was designed for this."<br />

"To kill"<br />

"No," Cameron corrected, "I terminate threats and sometimes that may include killing." She left it there<br />

but promised, "I will return." She headed for the door.<br />

Sarah followed her would-be protector, and she grabbed the duffel bag before Cameron had it. She<br />

nearly collapsed at the weight in it.<br />

The terminator swiftly took the bag before Sarah dropped it. She carried it with such ease.<br />

Sarah arched an eyebrow and joked, "What's your workout regiment like" She slid the door open for<br />

Cameron. "Or you just eat your Wheaties every day"<br />

The terminator passed through the door and seriously replied, "I do not work out or eat... Wheaties."<br />

She had no idea what that food item was but decided it was irrelevant too.<br />

Sarah couldn't imagine then how Cameron had become so strong if she didn't work out. She decided it<br />

was best just not to press the topic. She didn't know why she followed Cameron out to the F-350, but

she waited until Cameron had the duffel and backpack in the truck. Last, she tossed the Remington<br />

shotgun onto the bench seat.<br />

Sarah back stepped once when the terminator faced her again. "Keep me posted on what happens,<br />

right"<br />

Cameron could appreciate why Sarah wanted news. She just nodded.<br />

"Alright," Sarah murmured and folded her arms. She took one step away. "Good luck." She turned and<br />

headed back for the cabin.<br />

Cameron turned to the truck but only had her right foot on the truck's black running board before she<br />

heard Sarah's voice.<br />

"Wait," Sarah called. She'd made it halfway to the front door but came back to the terminator. She<br />

reached around to her neck once she was in front of Cameron.<br />

The terminator was curious about the hidden necklace that Sarah freed and now brought to her. She<br />

wasn't sure what to say but could tell Sarah wanted her to bow her head. So she did that and nimble<br />

hands went to the back of her neck and hooked the necklace.<br />

"It's a Saint Christopher necklace," Sarah explained, "I'm not sure how religious you are, but he brings<br />

protection to those on journeys."<br />

Cameron lifted the pendent that rested on her collarbone. From the upside down position, she read the<br />

pendant's inscription that said 'Saint Christopher protect us'. She lowered it and focused back on Sarah.<br />

"It... it was my mother's, and she handed it down to me." For once, Sarah read confusion on the<br />

terminator's face, and she quietly explained, "You'll need it more than me."<br />

Cameron wanted to correct her charge and tell her that she could handle the Reese Brothers. But she<br />

concluded that such words may hurt Sarah, who was genuinely concerned for her. She softened, which<br />

caused her ice blue eyes to warm, for the first time. "Thank you."<br />

Sarah couldn't say anything back because she was surprised by her own actions. She faintly nodded<br />

then headed for the cabin again.<br />

Cameron briefly watched her charge go then she climbed into the pickup truck. She didn't understand<br />

why she disregarded her normal habit to correct somebody because she rarely cared about somebody's<br />

reactions. She just merely spoke the truth. But this time, she accepted Sarah's gift and thanked her.<br />

Cameron would have to think this out while she drove back to Los Angeles.<br />

Sarah went back to Cameron's bedroom and mindlessly stared at the magazines and gun. Distantly, she<br />

heard the Power Stroke's whistle then the diesel truck traveled away. Sarah dropped her head against<br />

the doorframe and shut her eyes. The only question she was left with was why did this all happen, to<br />

her<br />

To be continued.

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