kontinuita - Komunálna Poisťovňa

kontinuita - Komunálna Poisťovňa kontinuita - Komunálna Poisťovňa


NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS if, in rare circumstances, the asset is no longer held for the purpose of selling or repurchasing it in the near term; and (b) to reclassify an available-for-sale asset or an asset held for trading to the loans and receivables category, if the entity has the intention and ability to hold the financial asset for the foreseeable future or until maturity (subject to the asset otherwise meeting the definition of loans and receivables). The amendments are applicable with retrospective effect from 1 July 2008 for any reclassifications made before 1 November 2008; the reclassifications allowed by the amendments may not be applied before 1 July 2008. Any reclassification of a financial asset made in periods beginning on or after 1 November 2008 takes effect only from the date when the reclassification is made. The Group has not elected to make any of the optional reclassifications of financial assets during the current accounting period. New or revised standards and interpretations that are mandatory for the Company’s accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009 and which the Company has not early adopted IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements (revised in September 2007; effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009). The main change in IAS 1 is the replacement of the income statement by a statement of comprehensive income which will also include all non-owner changes in equity, such as the revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets. Alternatively, entities will be allowed to present two statements: a separate income statement and a statement of comprehensive income. The revised IAS 1 also introduces a requirement to present a statement of financial position (balance sheet) at the beginning of the earliest comparative period whenever the entity restates comparatives due to reclassifications, changes in accounting policies, or corrections of errors. The Company expects the revised IAS 1 to affect the presentation of its separate financial statements but to have no impact on the recognition or measurement of specific transactions and balances. This amendment has been adopted by the EU. IAS 23, Borrowing Costs (revised in March 2007; effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009). The main change to IAS 23 is the removal of the option of immediately recognizing as an expense borrowing costs that relate to assets that take a substantial period of time to get ready for use or sale. The Company will be required to capitalize such borrowing costs as part of the cost of the asset. The revised standard applies prospectively to borrowing costs relating to qualifying assets for which the commencement date for capitalization is on or after 1 January 2009. The Company does not expect the amendment to the standard to have a material effect on its separate financial statements. This amendment has been adopted by the EU. IAS 27, Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements (revised in January 2008; effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009). The revised IAS 27 will require an entity to attribute total comprehensive income to the owners of the parent company and to the non-controlling interests (previously ‘minority interests’) even if this results in the non-controlling interests having a deficit balance (the current standard requires the excess losses to be allocated to the owners of the parent in most cases). The revised standard specifies that changes in a parent’s ownership interest in a subsidiary that do not result in the loss of control must be accounted for as equity transactions. It also specifies how an entity should measure any gain or loss arising on the loss of control of a subsidiary. At the date when control is lost, any investment retained in the former subsidiary will have to be measured at its fair value. The Company is currently assessing the impact of the revised standard on its separate financial statements. The amendment has not yet been adopted by the EU. Puttable Financial Instruments and Obligations Arising on Liquidation – Amendment to IAS 32, Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation, and to IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009). The amendment requires classification as equity of some financial instruments that meet the definition of KONTINUITA ANNUAL REPORT 95

POZNÁMKY K ÚČTOVNEJ ZÁVIERKE Kvalifikované položky hedgingu – novela IAS 39, Finančné nástroje: Vykazovanie a oceňovanie (účinná s retrospektívnou aplikáciou pre účtovné obdobia začínajúce po 1. júli 2009, s povolenou predčasnou aplikáciou). Novela objasňuje, ako sa majú v konkrétnych situáciách aplikovať princípy, ktoré určujú, či zabezpečované riziko alebo časť peňažných tokov spÍňa podmienky na to, aby boli označené za zabezpečené. Novela nebude mať dopad na individuálnu účtovnú závierku Spoločnosti. Novela ešte nebola schválená v EÚ. IFRS 1, Prvá aplikácia Medzinárodných štandardov finančného výkazníctva (účinná pre prvú účtovnú závierku zostavenú v súlade s IFRS za obdobie začínajúce dňa 1. júla 2009 alebo neskôr). Novelizovaný štandard IFRS 1 zachoval obsah predchádzajúcej verzie pri zmenenej forme a štruktúre jeho prezentácie s cieľom zlepšiť jeho zrozumiteľnosť a adaptovateľnosť na budúce zmeny. Novelizovaný štandard nemá vplyv na konsolidovanú účtovnú závierku Skupiny. Náklady na investíciu v dcérskej spoločnosti, spoločnom podniku alebo pridruženej spoločnosti –novela IFRS 1 a IAS 27 (vydaná v máji 2008; účinná pre účtovné obdobia začínajúce po 1. januári 2009). Novela umožňuje účtovným jednotkám, ktoré uplatňujú IFRS po prvýkrát, aby svoje investície v dcérskych spoločnostiach, spoločných podnikoch alebo pridružených spoločnostiach ocenili v individuálnej účtovnej závierke buď v reálnej hodnote alebo v účtovnej hodnote vykázanej podľa predchádzajúcich účtovných štandardov. Novela taktiež vyžaduje, aby sa výplata predakvizičného čistého imania príjemcov investície vykázala vo výkaze ziskov a strát, a nie ako navrátenie investície. Novela nebude mať dopad na individuálnu účtovnú závierku Spoločnosti. Novela bola schválená v EÚ. Podmienky vzniku nároku a zrušenia – Novela IFRS 2, Platby na báze podielov (vydaná v januári 2008; účinná pre účtovné obdobia začínajúce po 1. januári 2009). Novela objasňuje, že iba podmienky služby a podmienky výkonu predstavujú podmienky vzniku nároku na platby na báze podielov. Ostatné podmienky pre platby na báze podielov sa nepovažujú za podmienky nároku. Novela špecifikuje, že všetky zrušenia, či už zo strany spoločnosti alebo iných strán, musia byť posudzované z účtovného hľadiska rovnako. Novela nemá dopad na individuálnu účtovnú závierku Spoločnosti. Novela bola schválená v EÚ. IFRS 3, Podnikové kombinácie (štandard novelizovaný v januári 2008; novela účinná pre podnikové kombinácie, u ktorých je dátum akvizície na alebo po začiatku prvého účtovného obdobia, ktoré začína po 1. júli 2009). Novelizovaný štandard IFRS 3 umožní spoločnosti zvoliť si spôsob oceňovania podielov vlastníkov bez kontrolného vplyvu buď podľa doterajšieho znenia IFRS 3 (pomerným podielom na identifikovateľnom čistom majetku nadobúdanej účtovnej jednotky) alebo v reálnej hodnote. Uvádza podrobnejšie inštrukcie k aplikovaniu metódy kúpy v prípade podnikových kombinácií. Bola zrušená požiadavka, aby sa pri výpočte príslušnej časti goodwillu oceňovala v jednotlivých krokoch postupnej akvizície každá položka majetku a záväzkov v ich reálnej hodnote. Namiesto toho sa goodwill k dátumu obstarania ocení vo výške rozdielu medzi reálnou hodnotou investície v podniku ku dňu akvizície, kúpnej ceny a nadobudnutých čistých aktív. Náklady súvisiace s akvizíciou sa budú účtovať oddelene od podnikovej kombinácie, a preto sa vykážu ako náklad, a nie ako súčasť goodwillu. Nadobúdateľ bude musieť k dátumu akvizície zaúčtovať podmienený záväzok z obstarania iného podniku. Zmeny hodnoty tohto záväzku po dátume nadobudnutia sa vykážu v súlade s ostatnými platnými IFRS štandardmi, a nie ako úprava goodwillu. Novelizovaný IFRS 3 sa bude vzťahovať aj na podnikové kombinácie, týkajúce sa svojpomocných družstiev, a podnikové kombinácie dosiahnuté výlučne na základe zmluvného vzťahu. Spoločnosť v súčasnosti posudzuje, aký dopad bude mať novelizovaný štandard na jej individuálnu účtovnú závierku. Novela ešte nebola schválená v EÚ. IFRS 8, Prevádzkové segmenty (účinný pre účtovné obdobia začínajúce po 1. januári 2009). Štandard sa týka spoločností, ktorých dlhové alebo majetkové cenné pa- 96 KONTINUITA VÝROâNÁ SPRÁVA

NOTES TO<br />



if, in rare circumstances, the asset is no longer held for<br />

the purpose of selling or repurchasing it in the near term;<br />

and (b) to reclassify an available-for-sale asset or an<br />

asset held for trading to the loans and receivables category,<br />

if the entity has the intention and ability to hold the<br />

financial asset for the foreseeable future or until maturity<br />

(subject to the asset otherwise meeting the definition of<br />

loans and receivables). The amendments are applicable<br />

with retrospective effect from 1 July 2008 for any reclassifications<br />

made before 1 November 2008; the reclassifications<br />

allowed by the amendments may not be applied<br />

before 1 July 2008. Any reclassification of a financial asset<br />

made in periods beginning on or after 1 November 2008<br />

takes effect only from the date when the reclassification<br />

is made. The Group has not elected to make any of the<br />

optional reclassifications of financial assets during the<br />

current accounting period.<br />

New or revised standards and interpretations that<br />

are mandatory for the Company’s accounting periods<br />

beginning on or after 1 January 2009 and which the<br />

Company has not early adopted<br />

IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements (revised in<br />

September 2007; effective for annual periods beginning<br />

on or after 1 January 2009). The main change in<br />

IAS 1 is the replacement of the income statement by a<br />

statement of comprehensive income which will also include<br />

all non-owner changes in equity, such as the<br />

revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets. Alternatively,<br />

entities will be allowed to present two<br />

statements: a separate income statement and a statement<br />

of comprehensive income. The revised IAS 1 also<br />

introduces a requirement to present a statement of financial<br />

position (balance sheet) at the beginning of the<br />

earliest comparative period whenever the entity restates<br />

comparatives due to reclassifications, changes<br />

in accounting policies, or corrections of errors. The<br />

Company expects the revised IAS 1 to affect the presentation<br />

of its separate financial statements but to<br />

have no impact on the recognition or measurement of<br />

specific transactions and balances. This amendment<br />

has been adopted by the EU.<br />

IAS 23, Borrowing Costs (revised in March 2007; effective<br />

for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January<br />

2009). The main change to IAS 23 is the removal of the<br />

option of immediately recognizing as an expense borrowing<br />

costs that relate to assets that take a substantial<br />

period of time to get ready for use or sale. The Company<br />

will be required to capitalize such borrowing costs as<br />

part of the cost of the asset. The revised standard applies<br />

prospectively to borrowing costs relating to qualifying<br />

assets for which the commencement date for<br />

capitalization is on or after 1 January 2009. The Company<br />

does not expect the amendment to the standard to<br />

have a material effect on its separate financial statements.<br />

This amendment has been adopted by the EU.<br />

IAS 27, Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements<br />

(revised in January 2008; effective for annual periods beginning<br />

on or after 1 July 2009). The revised IAS 27 will<br />

require an entity to attribute total comprehensive income<br />

to the owners of the parent company and to the non-controlling<br />

interests (previously ‘minority interests’) even if<br />

this results in the non-controlling interests having a<br />

deficit balance (the current standard requires the excess<br />

losses to be allocated to the owners of the parent in most<br />

cases). The revised standard specifies that changes in a<br />

parent’s ownership interest in a subsidiary that do not<br />

result in the loss of control must be accounted for as equity<br />

transactions. It also specifies how an entity should<br />

measure any gain or loss arising on the loss of control of<br />

a subsidiary. At the date when control is lost, any investment<br />

retained in the former subsidiary will have to be<br />

measured at its fair value. The Company is currently assessing<br />

the impact of the revised standard on its separate<br />

financial statements. The amendment has not yet<br />

been adopted by the EU.<br />

Puttable Financial Instruments and Obligations Arising<br />

on Liquidation – Amendment to IAS 32, Financial<br />

Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation, and to IAS<br />

1, Presentation of Financial Statements (effective for<br />

annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009).<br />

The amendment requires classification as equity of<br />

some financial instruments that meet the definition of<br />


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