kontinuita - Komunálna Poisťovňa

kontinuita - Komunálna Poisťovňa kontinuita - Komunálna Poisťovňa


REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON ECONOMIC RESULTS, BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND COMPANY´S ASSETS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 Communication and advertising Communication during 2008 was in line with the established communication approach, goal of which is to communicate the company as a life insurance specialist. In April we have conducted campaign in print media to support the launch of new product called Secured future MAX, which is combining the advantages of capital, accident and investment life insurance and it is a combination of the best products from KONTINUITA portfolio – Family Garant, Kontiinvest, Zlatá Ochrana, Penzia Garant a OPÚ MAX. Secured future MAX was presented as a product with 4-fold guarantee of comprehensive insurance and attractive appreciation of investments in the future. In October 2008 KONTINUITA launched a new investment life insurance product Global Kontiinvest, combining advantages of life insurance and saving in the form of investment in funds managed by international group HSBC. In addition to the main product benefits the campaigns were highlighting also the possibility to invest in funds managed by top and world-renowned partners such as LFC Rotschild and Fidelity International and HSBC Global Asset Management. In our communication we present the company not only as the life insurance specialist and a reliable partner, but also as a member of a strong international VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP. For employees and regional co-workers KONTINUITA poisťovňa, a. s. Vienna Insurance Group publishes quarterly information magazine “Žijeme s Vami” (We live with you). Claims Total insurance claims payouts as of 31.12.2008, in comparison with the same period previous year, has increased from 1,573,000,000 Sk to 2,031,156,000 Sk (by 458,156,000 Sk), i.e., by 29.1%. Total life insurance claims payouts have increased from 1,569,344,000 Sk to 2,027,054,000 Sk (by 457,710,000 Sk), i.e., by 29.2%, as well as in accident insurance from 3,656,000 Sk to 4,102,000 Sk (by 446,000 Sk), i.e., by 12.2 %. Reinsurance The company reinsurance programme in 2008 consisted of the following reinsurance contracts: Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft - death coverage reinsurance for policies with inception date before 31.12.2003. This contract is used also to continue coverage of older insurance policies until their natural expiry. Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft - reinsurance of accident insurance and accident riders. This contract is used only to service out claims from previous years. The contract was replaced by reinsurance contract with Wiener Städtische: Wiener Städtische Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft - death coverage reinsurance for policies with inception date after 1.1.2004 Wiener Städtische Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft - accident and accident riders reinsurance. Based on these above mentioned reinsurance contracts a compulsory reinsurance was effected for all insurance policies, with sums insured below the reinsurers limit. KONTINUITA ANNUAL REPORT 51

SPRÁVA PREDSTAVENSTVA O VÝSLEDKOCH HOSPODÁRENIA, PODNIKATEĽSKEJ ČINNOSTI A STAVU MAJETKU SPOLOČNOSTI K 31.12. 2008 Hospodársky výsledok Spoločnosť KONTINUITA poisťovňa, a.s. Vienna Insurance Group dosiahla v roku 2008 hospodársky výsledok po zdanení vo výške -72 061 tis. Sk Návrh na krytie hospodárskeho výsledku za rok 2008 Predstavenstvo spoločnosti KONTINUITA poisťovňa, a.s. Vienna Insurance Group navrhuje valnému zhromaždeniu tento hospodársky výsledok použiť nasledovne: previesť na neuhradenú stratu minulých období. Finančné umiestnenie Finančné aktíva v roku 2008 medziročne narástli o 15%. Alokácii aktív dominujú aj naďalej cenné papiere, ale vplyvom finančnej krízy sa výrazne zvýšil podiel termínovaných vkladov vzhľadom na obozretnosť pri investovaní. Nehnuteľnosti sa znížili ako následok odpisov. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Termínované vklady 36,1% 7,6% 17,3% 6,7% 2,5% 16,0% Nehnuteľnosti 5,3% 4,6% 3,5% 2,5% 2,2% 1,9% CP s pevným výnosom 58,3% 87,5% 78,8% 90,4% 94,9% 81,7% Pôžičky poisteným 0,3% 0,3% 0,4% 0,4% 0,4% 0,4% Pôžiãky poisteným 0,4% 0,4% 0,4% 0,4% 0,3% 0,3% CP s pevným výnosom 58,3% 81,7% 94,9% 90,4% 78,8% 87,5% Nehnuteºnosti 1,9% 2,2% 2,5% 3,5% 4,6% 5,3% Termínované vklady 2,5% 6,7% 7,6% 16,0% 17,3% 36,1% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 52 KONTINUITA VÝROâNÁ SPRÁVA





AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008<br />

Communication and advertising<br />

Communication during 2008 was in line with the established<br />

communication approach, goal of which is to<br />

communicate the company as a life insurance specialist.<br />

In April we have conducted campaign in print media to<br />

support the launch of new product called Secured future<br />

MAX, which is combining the advantages of capital,<br />

accident and investment life insurance and it is a<br />

combination of the best products from KONTINUITA<br />

portfolio – Family Garant, Kontiinvest, Zlatá Ochrana,<br />

Penzia Garant a OPÚ MAX. Secured future MAX was<br />

presented as a product with 4-fold guarantee of comprehensive<br />

insurance and attractive appreciation of investments<br />

in the future.<br />

In October 2008 KONTINUITA launched a new investment<br />

life insurance product Global Kontiinvest, combining<br />

advantages of life insurance and saving in the<br />

form of investment in funds managed by international<br />

group HSBC.<br />

In addition to the main product benefits the campaigns<br />

were highlighting also the possibility to invest in funds<br />

managed by top and world-renowned partners such as<br />

LFC Rotschild and Fidelity International and HSBC Global<br />

Asset Management.<br />

In our communication we present the company not<br />

only as the life insurance specialist and a reliable partner,<br />

but also as a member of a strong international<br />


For employees and regional co-workers KONTINUITA<br />

poisťovňa, a. s. Vienna Insurance Group publishes<br />

quarterly information magazine “Žijeme s Vami” (We<br />

live with you).<br />

Claims<br />

Total insurance claims payouts as of 31.12.2008, in<br />

comparison with the same period previous year, has<br />

increased from 1,573,000,000 Sk to 2,031,156,000 Sk<br />

(by 458,156,000 Sk), i.e., by 29.1%.<br />

Total life insurance claims payouts have increased<br />

from 1,569,344,000 Sk to 2,027,054,000 Sk (by<br />

457,710,000 Sk), i.e., by 29.2%, as well as in accident<br />

insurance from 3,656,000 Sk to 4,102,000 Sk<br />

(by 446,000 Sk), i.e., by 12.2 %.<br />

Reinsurance<br />

The company reinsurance programme in 2008 consisted<br />

of the following reinsurance contracts:<br />

Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft - death<br />

coverage reinsurance for policies with inception date<br />

before 31.12.2003. This contract is used also to continue<br />

coverage of older insurance policies until their natural<br />

expiry.<br />

Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft - reinsurance<br />

of accident insurance and accident riders. This<br />

contract is used only to service out claims from previous<br />

years. The contract was replaced by reinsurance<br />

contract with Wiener Städtische:<br />

Wiener Städtische Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft<br />

- death coverage reinsurance for policies<br />

with inception date after 1.1.2004<br />

Wiener Städtische Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft<br />

- accident and accident riders reinsurance.<br />

Based on these above mentioned reinsurance contracts<br />

a compulsory reinsurance was effected for all<br />

insurance policies, with sums insured below the reinsurers<br />

limit.<br />


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