kontinuita - Komunálna Poisťovňa

kontinuita - Komunálna Poisťovňa kontinuita - Komunálna Poisťovňa


NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 20. Insurance benefits and claims Long-term insurance contracts 2008 2007 Gross Reinsurance Net Gross Reinsurance Net Insurance benefits and claim settlement expenses paid in the 2,027,054 14,000 2,013,054 1,568,905 10,872 1,558,033 current year Change in technical provisions 210,494 -5,336 215,830 704,421 985 703,436 Short-term insurance contracts Insurance benefits and claim settlement expenses paid in the 4,102 1,338 2,764 4,096 28 4,068 current year Change in technical provisions -1,456 -697 -759 -136 17 -153 Total 2,240,194 9,305 2,230,889 2,277,286 11,902 2,265,384 21. Other expenses by destination a) Expenses for the acquisition of insurance contracts 2008 2007 Deferred acquisition costs -45,190 -105,967 Costs incurred for the acquisition of insurance contracts and expensed in the current year 352,892 289,981 Total expenses for the acquisition of insurance contracts 307,702 184,014 b) Marketing and administrative expenses 2008 2007 Marketing and administrative expenses 70,812 62,973 Depreciation of non-current tangible assets (Note 5) 6,329 6,013 Amortization of intangible assets (Note 6) 4,523 3,637 Total marketing and administrative expenses 81,664 72,623 22. Expenses by nature 2008 2007 Commissions to intermediaries 168,267 85,236 Depreciation and amortization (Notes 5 and 6) 10,852 9,650 Employee benefit expense (Note 23) 94,077 96,248 Purchase of goods and services 32,425 52,651 Purchase of software 13,078 1,282 Audit 1,115 1,000 Bank charges 4,910 3,628 Valuation allowances 58,362 -4,647 Receivables written off 4,918 -399 Other expenses 1,362 13,704 Total expenses 389,366 258,353 KONTINUITA ANNUAL REPORT 165

POZNÁMKY K ÚČTOVNEJ ZÁVIERKE 23. Náklady na odmeňovanie zamestnancov 2008 2007 Platy, mzdy a náklady na odstupné 76 833 77 633 Náklady na sociálne a zdravotné poistenie 8 506 9 803 Dôchodkové náklady – program s vopred stanoven˘mi príspevkami 8 738 8 812 Spolu 94 077 96 248 24. Daň z príjmov 2008 2007 Splatná daÀ 19 470 1 924 OdloÏená daÀ (Poznámka 16) -6 360 -8 517 Spolu 13 110 -6 593 Daň Spoločnosti zo zisku pred zdanením sa líši od teoretickej sumy, ktorá vznikne použitím sadzby dane aplikovateľnej na zisky Spoločnosti nasledovne: 2008 2007 Zisk pred zdanením -58 951 643 DaÀ z príjmov vypoãítaná sadzbou dane (19 %) -11 201 122 DaÀovo neuznateºné náklady 24 457 1 298 V˘nosy nepodliehajúce dani -146 - Dopad zmeny legislatívy -8 013 Ostatné – - DaÀov˘ náklad/v˘nos 13 110 -6 593 Sadzba dane bola v roku 19% (2007: 19%). Z dôvodu legislatívnej zmeny a novely č. 621/2007 Z.z., ktorou sa s účinnosťou od 1. 1. 2008 doplnil zákon č. 595/2000 Z.z. o dani z príjmov v znení neskorších predpisov, sa významne zmenilo posudzovanie daňovej uznateľnosti tvorby opravných položiek k pohľadávkam. Rovnako ako iné podnikateľské (nefinančné) subjekty môžu aj poisťovne posudzovať ako daňovo uznateľné opravné položky na pohľadávky v závislosti od času, ktorý uplynul od ich splatnosti. Táto legislatívna zmena bola dôvodom pre výpočet odloženej daňovej pohľadávky z titulu daňovej uznateľnosti tvorby opravných položiek na pohľadávky a ich prípadného následného daňového odpisu v roku 2007. 166 KONTINUITA VÝROâNÁ SPRÁVA

NOTES TO<br />



20. Insurance benefits and claims<br />

Long-term insurance contracts<br />

2008 2007<br />

Gross Reinsurance Net Gross Reinsurance Net<br />

Insurance benefits and claim<br />

settlement expenses paid in the 2,027,054 14,000 2,013,054 1,568,905 10,872 1,558,033<br />

current year<br />

Change in technical provisions 210,494 -5,336 215,830 704,421 985 703,436<br />

Short-term insurance contracts<br />

Insurance benefits and claim<br />

settlement expenses paid in the 4,102 1,338 2,764 4,096 28 4,068<br />

current year<br />

Change in technical provisions -1,456 -697 -759 -136 17 -153<br />

Total 2,240,194 9,305 2,230,889 2,277,286 11,902 2,265,384<br />

21. Other expenses by destination<br />

a) Expenses for the acquisition of insurance contracts<br />

2008 2007<br />

Deferred acquisition costs -45,190 -105,967<br />

Costs incurred for the acquisition of insurance contracts and expensed in the<br />

current year<br />

352,892 289,981<br />

Total expenses for the acquisition of insurance contracts 307,702 184,014<br />

b) Marketing and administrative expenses<br />

2008 2007<br />

Marketing and administrative expenses 70,812 62,973<br />

Depreciation of non-current tangible assets (Note 5) 6,329 6,013<br />

Amortization of intangible assets (Note 6) 4,523 3,637<br />

Total marketing and administrative expenses 81,664 72,623<br />

22. Expenses by nature<br />

2008 2007<br />

Commissions to intermediaries 168,267 85,236<br />

Depreciation and amortization (Notes 5 and 6) 10,852 9,650<br />

Employee benefit expense (Note 23) 94,077 96,248<br />

Purchase of goods and services 32,425 52,651<br />

Purchase of software 13,078 1,282<br />

Audit 1,115 1,000<br />

Bank charges 4,910 3,628<br />

Valuation allowances 58,362 -4,647<br />

Receivables written off 4,918 -399<br />

Other expenses 1,362 13,704<br />

Total expenses 389,366 258,353<br />


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