kontinuita - Komunálna Poisťovňa

kontinuita - Komunálna Poisťovňa kontinuita - Komunálna Poisťovňa


NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Movements in the deferred tax asset and liability during the year, without offsetting balances within the same tax jurisdiction, are as follows: Deferred tax asset: Commissions Amortization of the discount / premium IBNR provisions Losses from revaluation to fair value Valuation allowances Other Total At 1 January 2007 1,409 839 - – - - 3,290 Posted to equity - - - 2,300 - - 2,300 Debited/credited to the income statement 3,500 -512 - - 7,137 9 9,128 At 31 December 2007 4,909 327 - 2,300 7,137 9 14,718 Posted to equity - - - 18,401 - - 18,401 Debited/credited to the income statement 3,166 - 682 – 1,924 1,120 6,892 At 31 December 2008 8,075 327 682 20,701 9,097 1,129 40,011 Deferred tax liability: Depreciation of non-current tangible assets Gains from revaluation to fair Contractual fines and penalties value At 1 January 2007 1,373 544 53 132 2,102 Debited/credited to the income statement 658 -23 – -24 611 At 31 December 2007 2,031 521 53 108 2,713 Debited/credited to the income statement 456 188 – -76 532 At 31 December 2008 2,487 709 53 32 3,245 Other Total KONTINUITA ANNUAL REPORT 161

POZNÁMKY K ÚČTOVNEJ ZÁVIERKE 17. Čisté predpísané poistné 2008 2007 Dlhodobé poistné zmluvy - predpísané poistné 2 718 512 2 421 237 - zmena rezervy na poistné budúcich období -61 2 357 Krátkodobé poistné zmluvy - predpísané poistné 3 949 6 089 - zmena rezervy na poistné budúcich období -32 -61 Poistné z uzatvoren˘ch poistn˘ch zmlúv 2 722 368 2 429 622 Dlhodobé zaistné zmluvy - poistné postúpené zaisÈovateºom 46 458 46 151 - zmena rezervy na poistné budúcich období -34 1 548 Krátkodobé zaistné zmluvy - poistné postúpené zaisÈovateºom 111 115 - zmena rezervy na poistné budúcich období -1 -2 Poistné postúpené zaisÈovateºom z uzatvoren˘ch poistn˘ch zmlúv 46 534 47 812 âisté predpísané poistné 2 675 834 2 381 810 18. Výnosy z finančných investícií 2008 2007 Úrokové v˘nosy z finanãn˘ch investícií drÏan˘ch do splatnosti 86 076 84 285 Úrokové v˘nosy z finanãn˘ch investícií urãen˘ch na predaj 60 084 41 821 Úrokové v˘nosy z peÀaÏn˘ch prostriedkov a peÀaÏn˘ch ekvivalentov 4 368 9 657 Kurzové rozdiely 6 482 5 530 Spolu 157 010 141 293 19. Čisté realizované zisky z aktív na predaj 2008 2007 Realizované zisky z finanãn˘ch aktív urãen˘ch na predaj - majetkové cenné papiere 157 511 38 279 - dlhové cenné papiere 164 899 9 762 Reálna hodnota vloÏeného derivátu -19 930 -28 410 Realizované straty z finanãn˘ch aktív urãen˘ch na predaj - majetkové cenné papiere -337 166 -50 638 - dlhové cenné papiere -195 358 -521 - opravné položky -74 958 - Kurzové rozdiely -1 047 -842 Spolu -306 049 -32 370 162 KONTINUITA VÝROâNÁ SPRÁVA

NOTES TO<br />



Movements in the deferred tax asset and liability during the year, without offsetting balances within the same tax jurisdiction,<br />

are as follows:<br />

Deferred tax asset:<br />

Commissions<br />

Amortization<br />

of the discount<br />

/ premium<br />

IBNR provisions<br />

Losses from<br />

revaluation to<br />

fair value<br />

Valuation allowances<br />

Other Total<br />

At 1 January 2007 1,409 839 - – - - 3,290<br />

Posted to equity - - - 2,300 - - 2,300<br />

Debited/credited to the income<br />

statement<br />

3,500 -512 - - 7,137 9 9,128<br />

At 31 December 2007 4,909 327 - 2,300 7,137 9 14,718<br />

Posted to equity - - - 18,401 - - 18,401<br />

Debited/credited to the income<br />

statement<br />

3,166 - 682 – 1,924 1,120 6,892<br />

At 31 December 2008 8,075 327 682 20,701 9,097 1,129 40,011<br />

Deferred tax liability:<br />

Depreciation of<br />

non-current tangible<br />

assets<br />

Gains from revaluation<br />

to fair<br />

Contractual fines<br />

and penalties<br />

value<br />

At 1 January 2007 1,373 544 53 132 2,102<br />

Debited/credited to the income<br />

statement<br />

658 -23 – -24 611<br />

At 31 December 2007 2,031 521 53 108 2,713<br />

Debited/credited to the income<br />

statement<br />

456 188 – -76 532<br />

At 31 December 2008 2,487 709 53 32 3,245<br />

Other<br />

Total<br />


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