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Super mutant threat<br />

Several years later, the Brotherhood were to face an enemy far greater<br />

than any band of raiders. In October 2161, a Brotherhood of Steel patrol<br />

came across a dead super mutant in the badlands. They took the corpse<br />

back to the Scribes, and Head Scribe Vree began to study it. After several<br />

long examinations, it was shown to be completely sterile.<br />

In February 2162, a man known as the Vault Dweller came to the Lost Hills<br />

bunker, wanting to join the Brotherhood. Not taken seriously, he is told to<br />

go to the ruins of the West Tek facility, which was now called the Glow,<br />

after being hit by a nuclear bomb during the Great War. When, after some<br />

time, he returned alive, and brought with himself a holodisk with the record<br />

of a lost expedition of several Brotherhood Paladins to the Glow, he was<br />

the first outsider in a very long time to be accepted as a member of the<br />

Brotherhood of Steel, even though some prominent members of the BOS<br />

resisted his joining the organization.<br />

It was from the Vault Dweller that the Brotherhood learned about the<br />

Master's army and his plans to turn everyone into a super mutant. With the<br />

support of John Maxson, he managed to convince the Council of Elders to<br />

send a squad of paladins to the Mariposa Base (which had been,<br />

ironically, where the BOS originally came from, although by that time even<br />

John Maxson didn't remember it), where the Master's FEV vats were<br />

located. With the help of the Brotherhood, the Vault Dweller eventually<br />

managed to defeat the Master, and was never seen again in the Lost Hills<br />

bunker.<br />

Aftermath<br />

After the death of Maxson, Rhombus, head of the Paladins, became the<br />

new High Elder. After the death of the Master, the Brotherhood of Steel<br />

helped the other human outposts drive the mutant armies away with<br />

minimal loss of life on both sides of the conflict. Without the ability to<br />

create more mutants and enforce their harsh brand of justice, the majority<br />

of the mutant armies fled to the east, beyond the no-man's land.<br />

A much smaller faction, under the leadership of Attis, tried to recreate the<br />

mutant army in Texas, but was eventually defeated by the Brotherhood.<br />

Midwestern Brotherhood<br />

The Brotherhood found themselves at odds with their need for new blood<br />

versus their code of technological secrecy. The debate went lightly. Finally,<br />

the elders ruled against sharing the technology with outsiders, convinced<br />

that they would endure what they had before. Further discussion was<br />

discouraged and the elders ordered the minority on a mission across the<br />

wastes. The Brotherhood constructed airships and dispatched the minority<br />

East, to track down and assess to the extent of the remaining super mutant<br />

threat. However, a great storm broke the main airship and flung it far from<br />

its course. The mighty airship was badly damaged. The smaller sections<br />

were torn from the main craft and never to be seen again. Many of the<br />

expedition leaders were lost to the winds. The fraction of the crew that still<br />

survived, struggled to keep their ship aloft before finally crashing on the<br />

outskirts of the ruins of Chicago. The survivors eventually formed an<br />

organization called the Midwestern Brotherhood, which diverged greatly<br />

from the ideals of the old Brotherhood. In time, they established a harsh<br />

rule over the towns and villages in that area.<br />

After long fights with countless raider bands, a warlike technological cult<br />

known as the Reavers, and a super mutant army led by mad Paladin<br />

Latham, a survivor of one of the other BOS airships, in 2198 the<br />

Brotherhood eventually faced their greatest enemy - a robotic army<br />

commanded by the Calculator, mad AI of Vault 0. Eventually, the robots<br />

were defeated, but in the course of the war, the Midwestern Brotherhood<br />

lost many of its men, and territory. As of 2242, the splinter faction has yet to<br />

meet the original, West Coast Brotherhood again.<br />

Decline<br />

After the defeat of the Master, the Brotherhood had become a shadow of its<br />

former self. No longer the sole custodian of advanced technology in the<br />

wasteland, the Brotherhood was struggling to find a new identity. After they<br />

first encountered the Enclave, they started to raise small bunkers in various<br />

cities throughout Northern California, and in 2242 they eventually came<br />

across the Chosen One, the granchild of the Vault Dweller who, with<br />

Brotherhood's help, destroyed the Master in 2162. They sent him to<br />

Navarro to retrieve the vertibird plans for them, but it is not known if they<br />

eventually got them.<br />

War with the NCR<br />

In 2250s, the BoS leadership, led by Jeremy Maxson, favored a return to<br />

power by wresting all advanced tech from the hands of "lesser people" by<br />

any means necessary. This attitude didn't win them any friends, and<br />

because many in the Brotherhood disagree with such brutal methods, the<br />

whole organization was on the verge of civil war.<br />

In the year 2242, Jeremy Maxson renamed Peterson's bunker, found by<br />

Andrea Brixley's expedition in 2231, after his famous ancestor, Roger<br />

Maxson. He then sent a full compliment of troops for occupation. Brixley<br />

was promoted to Elder, given the rank of General, and placed in charge.<br />

The remainder of her exploratory team was given the title of Elder as well.<br />

It was not long afterward that the war with the New California Republic<br />

was announced.<br />

For years the war waged on and was considered a victory for the<br />

Brotherhood of Steel. However, no matter how many troops fell to the<br />

Brotherhood's superior technology, the NCR always seemed to have more<br />

replacements available. The Brotherhood, however, was not so fortunate.<br />

Being an elitist group, replacements were short in arriving. It soon became<br />

obvious that the Brotherhood was doomed to lose the war to the NCR's<br />

greater numbers. Morale at the bunker began to falter as the war seemed<br />

more and more hopeless. Eventually the inevitable happened. Lower<br />

ranking members of the Brotherhood began to desert their posts.<br />

In an effort to end the war once and for all, the Brotherhood began to use<br />

newly discovered subversive technology known as StealthBoys. These<br />

devices could create a field of energy that would bend light around the<br />

user, thus making him virtually invisible to sight. This allowed Brotherhood<br />

operatives to penetrate deep into NCR territory for the gathering of<br />

intelligence. However, it was soon discovered that the devices had severe<br />

side effects. Paranoia, delusions, and eventual schizophrenia were the<br />

major ones. The Brotherhood disallowed the use of StealthBoys and once<br />

again fell behind in their war effort.<br />

Now the Brotherhood of Steel is facing yet another problem. The side<br />

effects of the StealthBoys were not discovered until the team using them<br />

had already begun to feel their effect. When the team was disbanded,<br />

paranoia over the reason began to set in and the team plotted against<br />

their leaders. They stole the StealthBoys, fled the bunker as deserters,<br />

and formed a covert group known as the Circle of Steel. The goal of the<br />

COS is to recover lost technology and rebuild the glory of the Brotherhood<br />

at any cost.<br />

Capital Wasteland<br />

The Brotherhood's ruling council decided to send a contingent of soldiers<br />

to the East Coast, to recover any and all advanced technology from<br />

Washington, DC and to investigate the reports of super mutant activity in<br />

the area. When the group reached the East Coast, they found the<br />

Pentagon largely destroyed, but they found there a technological marvel<br />

that, if restored, could help the Brotherhood rebuild a strength and<br />

reputation that had been declining steadily for years. After the discovery,<br />

Paladin Owyn Lyons, the leader of the expedition, was promoted to Elder.<br />

A permanent base known as the Citadel was built into and beneath the<br />

ruins of the Pentagon. Lyons and his soldiers also found the super<br />

mutants in the urban ruins of downtown D.C. and helped stop the mutant<br />

tide from overtaking the entire region, by at least keeping them at bay.<br />

Eventually, Lyons decided to make protection of innocent inhabitants of<br />

Capital Wasteland from super mutants his main priority. In response, the<br />

Lost Hills elders cut off all support to the East Coast faction, while still<br />

recognizing him as a leader of the Brotherhood of Steel, and the Citadel<br />

as their D.C. headquarters. However, some members of the Capital<br />

Wasteland Brotherhood believed that by abandoning the Brotherhood of<br />

Steel’s primary mission of acquiring new technologies, Elder Lyons had<br />

abandoned the very values that defined the order itself. One night, the<br />

dissenters departed from the Citadel, absconding with weapons, Power<br />

Armor, and other pieces of technology and equipment. Lyons branded the<br />

dissenters “Outcasts,” traitors to the Brotherhood of Steel – it was a name<br />

they would ultimately wear like a badge of honor, proud of the distance it<br />

put between themselves and Lyons’ “soldier sycophants.” Without<br />

reinforcements from the West Coast, Lyons was forced to recruit locally.<br />


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