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2069<br />

Canada begins to feel the pressure from the United States military as the US<br />

draws upon Canadian resources for the war effort. Vast stretches of<br />

timberland are destroyed, and other resources in Canada are stretched to<br />

the breaking point. Many Americans refer to Canada as Little America, and<br />

Canadian protests are unheard.<br />

2072<br />

The United States' increasing demand for Canadian resources causes<br />

protests and riots in several Canadian cities. An attempted sabotage of the<br />

Alaskan pipeline is all the military needs as an excuse to begin its<br />

annexation of Canada... which in fact, had already begun in 2067.<br />

Completed B.O.M.B. missiles are sent to different space centers around the<br />

U.S. so they can be carried into space and installed into the B.O.M.B.<br />

satellites. The process is slow, but it is being carried out fairly regularly.<br />

2073<br />

September 15: As China becomes increasingly aggressive with their use of<br />

biological weapons, the United States government felt that a<br />

countermeasure was needed. The Pan-Immunity Virion Project (PVP) is<br />

officially formed and plans are made to begin experiments at the West Tek<br />

research facility in Southern California.<br />

2074<br />

Negotiations between the US and other world powers come to a dramatic<br />

end, with the President walking out of oil talks with the other world powers.<br />

After a much heated debate, the President stormed out of the meeting and<br />

declared that the last known supply of petroleum will be used exclusively by<br />

the US and the US will not sell or trade any oil to outside parties.<br />

Contrary to their claims of seeking only to retake Alaska from the Reds,<br />

American Power Armor units, infantry, and mechanized divisions are<br />

deployed to China, but they become bogged down on the mainland, putting<br />

a further drain on American resources and supply lines.<br />

Note: This information comes from Chris Avellone's <strong>Fallout</strong> Bible timeline.<br />

According to the Sierra Depot GNN Transcript holodisk, which Avellone<br />

discards as non-canon, this happened on October 22, 2077.<br />

2075<br />

February 14: Canada, after being almost entirely taken over by US troops,<br />

finally agrees to be annexed by the U.S. The annexation is finalized almost a<br />

year later.<br />

2076<br />

January: The United States annexation of Canada is complete. Canadian<br />

protesters and rioters are shot on sight, and the Alaskan Pipeline swarms<br />

with American military units. Pictures of atrocities make their way to the<br />

United States, causing further unrest and protests.<br />

March 30: The U.S. President ordered the Pacific Fleet to the Poseidon<br />

deep sea oil derrick located at a secret location out in the Pacific.<br />

June: Power Armor prototype completed, resulting in model T51-b Power<br />

Armor. This is the pinnacle of Power Armor technology before the Great War.<br />

Many of these units are sent to China, and they begin to carve a swath<br />

through the Chinese forces. The Chinese resources are strained to the<br />

breaking point, and the supply lines from the nations China has annexed<br />

begin to break down.<br />

2077<br />

January 10: Alaska is reclaimed, and the Anchorage Front Line is again held<br />

by the Americans.<br />

January 22: The first domestic use of Power Armor within the United States<br />

for crowd and quarantine control. Units originally serving in China and the<br />

Anchorage Front Line find themselves fighting Americans at home. Food riots<br />

increase, and many civilians are killed. Several soldiers defect from the<br />

military both in Canada and the United States. They are captured, and are<br />

sent to military prisons.<br />

March: Prepared for a nuclear or biological attack from China, the president<br />

and the Enclave retreats to remote sections around the globe and make<br />

contingency plans for continuing the war.<br />

October 23: Great War: Bombs are launched; who struck first is unknown...<br />

and it is not even known if the bombs came from China or America. Air raid<br />

sirens sound, but very few people go into vaults, thinking it is a false alarm.<br />

The Vaults are sealed.<br />

Overview<br />

Chapter 2: The Brotherhood of<br />

Steel<br />

The ranks of the BOS is generally recognized as being composed of the<br />

best and the brightest, which means the BOS is a relatively small<br />

organization, at least compared to the New California Republic. They<br />

make up for this with their frightening arsenal of pre-war and post-war<br />

technology: They have laser weapons, Power Armors, surgical<br />

enhancements, combat implants, and the Brotherhood Paladins who<br />

have the ability to erase an entire town from a map without a scratch. The<br />

vast majority of BOS members are born in the Brotherhood - they very<br />

rarely accept outsiders into their ranks. Those born in the Brotherhood<br />

that want to be neither Scribes, Knights nor Paladins are free to leave -<br />

the Brotherhood does not believe in forcing anyone to serve them against<br />

their will.<br />

While they're generally not hostile to others without a good reason, unlike<br />

the legendary chivalrous knights (and very much like historical military<br />

and religious orders like the Knights Templar), members of the<br />

Brotherhood are not interested in justice for the obviously weaker and<br />

less fortunate around them. They largely focus on keeping their secrecy<br />

and preserving and developing technology, which, in many cases, they<br />

put above human life. Their motives are often unclear, and Brotherhood<br />

members are not people to be trifled with. It is safe to say, however, that if<br />

a group of Brotherhood knights appears to be helping some less fortunate<br />

people, their motives are not altruistic.<br />

The Brotherhood doesn't like to share their choicest technological bits,<br />

despite the obvious benefits their technology could bring to the<br />

wasteland. It's commonly accepted within the Brotherhood that the<br />

people of the wasteland are not responsible enough to use (and maintain)<br />

all of the technology the BOS has at their disposal. They are known for<br />

trading some of their technologies with frontier communities and NCR<br />

states in exchange for food and other resources, but they keep the more<br />

sensitive technologies to themselves.<br />

While they have great reverence for technology, most of the Brotherhood<br />

members have little regard for non-technical fields of knowledge (and<br />

even for non-combat technology). Even most of the Scribes don't care<br />

about history, and some Initiates don't even know who Roger Maxson, the<br />

founder of the Brotherhood, was.<br />

The Brotherhood's attitude towards mutants ranges from dislike (e.g. in<br />

the case of ghouls) to outright hostility (in case of super mutants). Early<br />

contact with the Master's super mutants was mostly hostile, and the BOS<br />

helped drive the majority of the mutant armies away from California.<br />

While after the Master's defeat many super mutants settled peacefully<br />

among humans, the hostility between the two groups didn't disappear.<br />

BOS contact with ghouls has been limited, but negative - it's difficult for<br />

the BOS to respect a stumbling crew of emaciated scavengers that tend<br />

to dismantle or FUBAR old world technology. BOS' anger grew even<br />

further when various salvaging operations began in the Glow, a location<br />

which the BOS came to regard highly both for their fallen comrades and<br />

the Pre-War technology there, with Dayglow ghouls at the forefront. Most<br />

BOS members see ghouls as filthy scavengers.<br />

West Coast<br />

The headquarters of the Brotherhood is the Lost Hills bunker, the seat of<br />

the BOS High Elder and the ruling council, and the place where the<br />

organization was founded. It is also the center of their research and<br />

military activities. However, by 2242, the BOS is spread across the<br />

wastes of California in small bunkers and installations hidden from the<br />

eyes of common folk, and finding them all and wiping them out would be<br />

a difficult and dangerous task. Their installations include bunkers in the<br />

Den, San Francisco and Shady Sands (capital of NCR). All Brotherhood<br />

outposts are formally subject to the Lost Hills authorities, even if they<br />

sometimes tend to act independently, especially if they're located far from<br />

California and contact with the headquarters is rare. The Lost Hills bunker<br />

is surrounded by the town of Maxson, which, while named after the<br />

founder of the Brotherhood, is officially outside BOS rule and is a member<br />

of the NCR.<br />


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